FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

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What if Michelle drove straight to the apartment complex? What if Michelle got out of her car and went to visit someone there and never got the chance to get back in her car? If she was going to make a quick stop for whatever reason what would she bring in with her? Would she bring her purse or maybe leave it in the car. Was the door to the Hummer locked? I'm sure she would have locked the doors upon leaving the car. What if this is much more simple than meets the eye? So that question is did Michelle know anyone in that complex?

Where are the twins in this scenario? Locked in the car alone?
bumping ???

AlwaysWright who is a member here and has gone in to take pictures posted a while back how they got in. One way he/she said was a neighbor was having a yard sale and the "Pin Number" was posted on line to gain access to the sale.

So, I'm assuming it is a key pad. IIRC it was 4 digits. HTH
Where are the twins in this scenario? Locked in the car alone?

Not Tag but he was referring to where the car was found, there is apartments there and someone stated they had seen the hummer there before. It was way in the beginning of the case. We thought she may have been doing "tanning" apts there. This would be AFTER she dropped off the kids at Dale's.
AlwaysWright who is a member here and has gone in to take pictures posted a while back how they got in. One way he/she said was a neighbor was having a yard sale and the "Pin Number" was posted on line to gain access to the sale.

So, I'm assuming it is a key pad. IIRC it was 4 digits. HTH

That helps, thanks. I would hope that would be something LE could use to see who came in that day and what pin was used. Dale or anyone there could given out a pin number for someone to enter there then. If a resident let a person in that day, I would hope they let LE know.
I don't want to start another theory until we eliminate Dale in this one, but it is possible that she met up with someone at that complex. This person may have delayed her 20 minutes or so and then she continued over to Dales to drop off the kids. I know we have the 3:30 check in with A. but he could have left her a message he was off the bus and home. He didn't hear back, but according to the first reports by family, he called to report her MIA about 6:30.

What if Michelle drove straight to the apartment complex? What if Michelle got out of her car and went to visit someone there and never got the chance to get back in her car? If she was going to make a quick stop for whatever reason what would she bring in with her? Would she bring her purse or maybe leave it in the car. Was the door to the Hummer locked? I'm sure she would have locked the doors upon leaving the car. What if this is much more simple than meets the eye? So that question is did Michelle know anyone in that complex?

BBM - Guess I misunderstood. The statement was made off of the other quote, so I thought it was riding off that theory.
AlwaysWright who is a member here and has gone in to take pictures posted a while back how they got in. One way he/she said was a neighbor was having a yard sale and the "Pin Number" was posted on line to gain access to the sale.

So, I'm assuming it is a key pad. IIRC it was 4 digits. HTH

SimpleLifeThat (I believe) mentioned they live in or visted Dale in Carter Glen. Simple said you wouldn't even need a pin if you want to get in...you just need to follow someone else in. IMO if Dale had planned this disappearance in advance he could have had someone waiting for Michelle to arrive. This could have eliminated the need to call someone and avoid phone communications. Just a possibility...
SimpleLifeThat (I believe) mentioned they live in or visted Dale in Carter Glen. Simple said you wouldn't even need a pin if you want to get in...you just need to follow someone else in. IMO if Dale had planned this disappearance in advance he could have had someone waiting for Michelle to arrive. This could have eliminated the need to call someone and avoid phone communications. Just a possibility...

Oh so sorry I missed that, but now that I think about it...I think AlwaysWright did the same thing before they found the pin on line. I know he/she went to the garage sale and IIRC talked to the neighbor about Michelle. They also took lots of pics while they were in there.
The thing about renting in a complex is you don't know who you are living next too. If the person that has the lease, allows a sex offender or killer to room with them, you won't know about it. People let people move in with them all the time, and they could be dealing drugs and letting other druggies in to buy the stuff. So the possibilities are endless in this case. She lived there, so maybe someone spotted her, flagged her down, she said she was dropping off the twins and this guy waits around back for her. She had a schedule everyone said, so people how have a schedule are easy to target. You read in "tips for safety" to change up your routine. That is why. She was pretty and out going and lots of guys saw her. She dealt with strangers with the tanning business also, someone could have set up an apt. after she left Dale's and that is how she went missing. I really don't think Dale had the time to do this in the time allowed. JMO

Hope Michelle comes home.
Michelle was supposed to be going back home after dropping off the twins before going to work later in the evening and possibly meeting up with her boyfriend for a bite to eat before work. Her oldest son was waiting there for her. There is no way she just walked away from him, the twins or her new boyfriend whom she appeared to be totally enamoured with judging by the last text she was able to send to him. And there was no way she was secretly meeting people for tanning or any other reason. If she was, she would have told her family she was going to be somewhere else, not telling them she was going to drop the kids off and go home to have a nap. Her phone was tracked pinging in the totally opposite direction from her home, heading west on Hoffner near Semoran according to her mother in a media report released around the time of her birthday. And yet no one on that busy roadway witnessed seeing the Hummer with the GLOW decals travelling that route during the afternoon rush hour when DSJr claimed she had left the condo. And we know that the phone was eventually found in a lake separated from both Michelle and the Hummer tossed under a bridge off Hoffner in Belle Isle after powering down around 8pm.

So how did Michelle get separated from her phone and why was it travelling in the wrong direction from where she was supposed to be going? And you know that LE know when that phone was pinging there, 2.3 miles away from DSJr's condo heading towards his parents home and they have named DSJr as the prime suspect. There is a reason, and he knows it. But he refuses to speak to them to clear anything up and answer about the discrepancies in his story. That just screams guilty and if he isn’t, he is selfishly trying to protect his interests at the expense of hindering the investigation into finding Michelle. Compassionate, helpful people just don’t behave that way. Unless they have something to hide IMO.

Why would we be dragging the possibility of neighbours and other likely innocent people into this equation when the prime suspect can't be bothered to clear his name? I would think that would be priority number one so that he can prove LE wrong in naming him and so that he can move on with his life and get off public assistance. If anyone has information about neighbours that Michelle may have known while living with him in that complex it would be him. And since he supposedly left right after her, you'd think he would have seen her stopped to talk to someone.

I'm a little disturbed at the undertones here that Michelle was a pretty girl and therefore she probably comanded quite a bit of attention from the opposite sex because she was so "outgoing". There are a lot of pretty girls in Orlando and many of them work in the hospitality business. Attracting unwanted male attention is part of the job. And they know how to be cautious about leaving work very late at night and keeping an eye on their surroundings. This didn't happen very late at night. This didn't happen near her home or her work. This happened 25-35 miles away from her usual areas of travel. Why would a bar patron be following her for that distance all day while she stopped for KFC and to pick up and drop off her kids? Not a regular daily occurance that I'm aware of. And again, why would they bother when they knew where she would be very late that night? Ironically, the only people she knew in the area where she went missing was her violent ex boyfriend and maybe a few neighbours. I'm sure all the neighbours who knew her have been interviewed and so has the ex boyfriend. And after that interview he was found to have been lying and was asked to clear things up with a lie detector. Which he refused. And then he got a lawyer and clammed up. He has said nothing else to LE since then, and he certainly has done nothing to help with the investigation.

It has been stated by the family that she was very cautious about the tanning business and did not go to the homes of strangers. If she had an appointment with anyone for tanning, she would have mentioned it to her family when she left the salon. Or marked it in an appt schedule that she likely kept in her phone. Again I am a little disturbed by the undertone that she would have lied to her family about what she was doing and where she was so that she could go meet up with some strange man for a "tanning" appt. 25 miles away from where she was supposed to be.

Michelle was supposed to be going back home after dropping off the twins before going to work later in the evening and possibly meeting up with her boyfriend for a bite to eat before work. Her oldest son was waiting there for her. There is no way she just walked away from him, the twins or her new boyfriend whom she appeared to be totally enamoured with judging by the last text she was able to send to him. And there was no way she was secretly meeting people for tanning or any other reason. If she was, she would have told her family she was going to be somewhere else, not telling them she was going to drop the kids off and go home to have a nap. Her phone was tracked pinging in the totally opposite direction from her home, heading west on Hoffner near Semoran according to her mother in a media report released around the time of her birthday. And yet no one on that busy roadway witnessed seeing the Hummer with the GLOW decals travelling that route during the afternoon rush hour when DSJr claimed she had left the condo. And we know that the phone was eventually found in a lake separated from both Michelle and the Hummer tossed under a bridge off Hoffner in Belle Isle after powering down around 8pm.

So how did Michelle get separated from her phone and why was it travelling in the wrong direction from where she was supposed to be going? And you know that LE know when that phone was pinging there, 2.3 miles away from DSJr's condo heading towards his parents home and they have named DSJr as the prime suspect. There is a reason, and he knows it. But he refuses to speak to them to clear anything up and answer about the discrepancies in his story. That just screams guilty and if he isn’t, he is selfishly trying to protect his interests at the expense of hindering the investigation into finding Michelle. Compassionate, helpful people just don’t behave that way. Unless they have something to hide IMO.

Why would we be dragging the possibility of neighbours and other likely innocent people into this equation when the prime suspect can't be bothered to clear his name? I would think that would be priority number one so that he can prove LE wrong in naming him and so that he can move on with his life and get off public assistance. If anyone has information about neighbours that Michelle may have known while living with him in that complex it would be him. And since he supposedly left right after her, you'd think he would have seen her stopped to talk to someone.

I'm a little disturbed at the undertones here that Michelle was a pretty girl and therefore she probably comanded quite a bit of attention from the opposite sex because she was so "outgoing". There are a lot of pretty girls in Orlando and many of them work in the hospitality business. Attracting unwanted male attention is part of the job. And they know how to be cautious about leaving work very late at night and keeping an eye on their surroundings. This didn't happen very late at night. This didn't happen near her home or her work. This happened 25-35 miles away from her usual areas of travel. Why would a bar patron be following her for that distance all day while she stopped for KFC and to pick up and drop off her kids? Not a regular daily occurance that I'm aware of. And again, why would they bother when they knew where she would be very late that night? Ironically, the only people she knew in the area where she went missing was her violent ex boyfriend and maybe a few neighbours. I'm sure all the neighbours who knew her have been interviewed and so has the ex boyfriend. And after that interview he was found to have been lying and was asked to clear things up with a lie detector. Which he refused. And then he got a lawyer and clammed up. He has said nothing else to LE since then, and he certainly has done nothing to help with the investigation.

It has been stated by the family that she was very cautious about the tanning business and did not go to the homes of strangers. If she had an appointment with anyone for tanning, she would have mentioned it to her family when she left the salon. Or marked it in an appt schedule that she likely kept in her phone. Again I am a little disturbed by the undertone that she would have lied to her family about what she was doing and where she was so that she could go meet up with some strange man for a "tanning" appt. 25 miles away from where she was supposed to be.


Very well said Kamille (as always). IMO all roads lead back to Dale. Until he can be eliminated we can all try to think up EVERY other odd ball possibility and try to eliminate Dale from the equation. Why do that though when we have SO many unanswered questions FROM HIM - the MAIN SUSPECT? JMO We have NO clues that lead us to someone other than Dale and PLENTY of clues that lead to him?

As Kamille said ONLY HE can clear his name. Yes...it's LE's job to prove Dale did this....But any caring, decent human being who cares about his children and ex-finance would go to hell and back to prove their innocence and find someone they once loved. Dale can't even bother to be truthful and help in the investigation. Those are the BASICS that any law abiding citizen would follow. But with Jr's track record, we can see he's not one of those either...
Michelle was supposed to be going back home after dropping off the twins before going to work later in the evening and possibly meeting up with her boyfriend for a bite to eat before work. Her oldest son was waiting there for her. There is no way she just walked away from him, the twins or her new boyfriend whom she appeared to be totally enamoured with judging by the last text she was able to send to him. And there was no way she was secretly meeting people for tanning or any other reason. If she was, she would have told her family she was going to be somewhere else, not telling them she was going to drop the kids off and go home to have a nap. Her phone was tracked pinging in the totally opposite direction from her home, heading west on Hoffner near Semoran according to her mother in a media report released around the time of her birthday. And yet no one on that busy roadway witnessed seeing the Hummer with the GLOW decals travelling that route during the afternoon rush hour when DSJr claimed she had left the condo. And we know that the phone was eventually found in a lake separated from both Michelle and the Hummer tossed under a bridge off Hoffner in Belle Isle after powering down around 8pm.

So how did Michelle get separated from her phone and why was it travelling in the wrong direction from where she was supposed to be going? And you know that LE know when that phone was pinging there, 2.3 miles away from DSJr's condo heading towards his parents home and they have named DSJr as the prime suspect. There is a reason, and he knows it. But he refuses to speak to them to clear anything up and answer about the discrepancies in his story. That just screams guilty and if he isn’t, he is selfishly trying to protect his interests at the expense of hindering the investigation into finding Michelle. Compassionate, helpful people just don’t behave that way. Unless they have something to hide IMO.

Why would we be dragging the possibility of neighbours and other likely innocent people into this equation when the prime suspect can't be bothered to clear his name? I would think that would be priority number one so that he can prove LE wrong in naming him and so that he can move on with his life and get off public assistance. If anyone has information about neighbours that Michelle may have known while living with him in that complex it would be him. And since he supposedly left right after her, you'd think he would have seen her stopped to talk to someone.

I'm a little disturbed at the undertones here that Michelle was a pretty girl and therefore she probably comanded quite a bit of attention from the opposite sex because she was so "outgoing". There are a lot of pretty girls in Orlando and many of them work in the hospitality business. Attracting unwanted male attention is part of the job. And they know how to be cautious about leaving work very late at night and keeping an eye on their surroundings. This didn't happen very late at night. This didn't happen near her home or her work. This happened 25-35 miles away from her usual areas of travel. Why would a bar patron be following her for that distance all day while she stopped for KFC and to pick up and drop off her kids? Not a regular daily occurance that I'm aware of. And again, why would they bother when they knew where she would be very late that night? Ironically, the only people she knew in the area where she went missing was her violent ex boyfriend and maybe a few neighbours. I'm sure all the neighbours who knew her have been interviewed and so has the ex boyfriend. And after that interview he was found to have been lying and was asked to clear things up with a lie detector. Which he refused. And then he got a lawyer and clammed up. He has said nothing else to LE since then, and he certainly has done nothing to help with the investigation.

It has been stated by the family that she was very cautious about the tanning business and did not go to the homes of strangers. If she had an appointment with anyone for tanning, she would have mentioned it to her family when she left the salon. Or marked it in an appt schedule that she likely kept in her phone. Again I am a little disturbed by the undertone that she would have lied to her family about what she was doing and where she was so that she could go meet up with some strange man for a "tanning" appt. 25 miles away from where she was supposed to be.


Are you quoting me? I didn't post undertones. I posted fact. Pretty girls get noticed way more than others. Men notice them, that is a fact. If you tend bar or work as you say in the hospitality business, you pretty much have to be out going. Your tips rely on being happy and friendly, ask any one in the hospitality business. If this disturbs you, going to court is really disturbing. Every thing you ever did comes out, look at some of the trials we cover here. If you were in a hot body contest, it comes out. If you did drugs, it comes out. It is disturbing to say the least. Everything that Dale has done has been posted on this board, it all comes out.
Sounds like they are coming to an agreement as far as seeing the twins. Great to hear.

Funny, I didn't take her comments regarding seeing the twins as very positive. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I feel she was being diplomatic by sounding like seeing the twins 2 times in over months with "hopes" to see them again was something she was satisfied with. I realize she certainly didn't complain about Dale keeping them from her & Michelle's family, but seriously? Two times in over 4 months??? I believe not coming across as upset with the situation was strategic on her part, but that is JMO!! :)

I'm just happy to hear her say that the she believes the case is still very much alive.

all MOO
Funny, I didn't take her comments regarding seeing the twins as very positive. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I feel she was being diplomatic by sounding like seeing the twins 2 times in over months with "hopes" to see them again was something she was satisfied with. I realize she certainly didn't complain about Dale keeping them from her & Michelle's family, but seriously? Two times in over 4 months??? I believe not coming across as upset with the situation was strategic on her part, but that is JMO!! :)

I'm just happy to hear her say that the she believes the case is still very much alive.

all MOO

I agree with your take Sandina!....IMO she was being VERY diplomatic. Dale agreed to a very LIBERAL visitation policy...if allowing YS to see the kids twice in 4 months is liberal I'd hate to see when he tries to keep the kids from seeing the grandparents altogether....I wonder if GP and BP (Michelle's step mom and dad) have had an opportunity to see the kids AT ALL? Also wonder if her older son (A) has seen his brother and sister this year? IMO what a mess Dale has made...tearing all kinds of families apart because of his selfish desire to not want to pay child support and see Michelle move on. JMO
Funny, I didn't take her comments regarding seeing the twins as very positive. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I feel she was being diplomatic by sounding like seeing the twins 2 times in over months with "hopes" to see them again was something she was satisfied with. I realize she certainly didn't complain about Dale keeping them from her & Michelle's family, but seriously? Two times in over 4 months??? I believe not coming across as upset with the situation was strategic on her part, but that is JMO!! :)

I'm just happy to hear her say that the she believes the case is still very much alive.

all MOO

IMHO Yes Yes she was being so diplomatic and I could just hear the the pain in her voice and see it in her body language. She has to be incredibly diplomatic just to see her grandchildren occasionally. What a horrible situation for her. I did not see her words about seeing the children as anything positive, just spin for Dale.
Funny, I didn't take her comments regarding seeing the twins as very positive. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I feel she was being diplomatic by sounding like seeing the twins 2 times in over months with "hopes" to see them again was something she was satisfied with. I realize she certainly didn't complain about Dale keeping them from her & Michelle's family, but seriously? Two times in over 4 months??? I believe not coming across as upset with the situation was strategic on her part, but that is JMO!! :)

I'm just happy to hear her say that the she believes the case is still very much alive.

all MOO

She made a comment about things looking up as far as seeing the twins more often. Is that a bad thing?
Are you quoting me? I didn't post undertones. I posted fact. Pretty girls get noticed way more than others. Men notice them, that is a fact. If you tend bar or work as you say in the hospitality business, you pretty much have to be out going. Your tips rely on being happy and friendly, ask any one in the hospitality business. If this disturbs you, going to court is really disturbing. Every thing you ever did comes out, look at some of the trials we cover here. If you were in a hot body contest, it comes out. If you did drugs, it comes out. It is disturbing to say the least. Everything that Dale has done has been posted on this board, it all comes out.

Funny how almost all the of the girls who go missing a pretty. Add to that working at a place that has hundreds of guys looking for sex. Nope, no risk there. If Dale ever does get arrested this thing will turn into a huge fiasco. Certain people on here think Dale is guilty and no biggy as everyone has a right to think what they want. What I find odd is, here you have a guy who has been accused of murder on national TV and hires a lawyer and some people think that the fact he hired a lawyer means he's guilty? Some think that Dale should being trying to prove himself innocent. Even if he wanted to I guarantee you his lawyer is telling him what to do and not to do. If I was Dale I would be moving out of state and not tell anyone other than my lawyer where I was going.
I know when we look at Dale's past some want to play "devil's advocate" which is healthy in our discussions (IMO defending Dale fits that saying like a glove. lol). As they say there are three sides to every story - yours, mine, and the truth...

When I examine the endless pages of public record with Dale's name on them, it is quite alarming! I doubt Michelle and her family knew HALF the story of the kind of man he REALLY IS versus the one he pretended to be. JMO

Many have tried to downplay Dale's past and say it's not important or has no relevance...Oh he ONLY slammed her head against the railing? He couldn't possibly be trying to kill her...Oh he ONLY has been arrested 4-5 times and ONLY hit 3-4 women? Oh he was ONLY late paying child support 3 times? Etc, etc! Life choices have consequences. His past shows patterns of repeated behaviors! Yes I agree...we can't automatically assume Dale's the guy because of his past....but they certainly don't help his case either.

To me, his past is the icing on the case....If he had no priors, had a history of being a great dad and boyfriend, never killed anyone before, didn't spend so much time taking people to and being brought to court, and had a perfect squeaky clean record, I would STILL think he was the guy!

MOO is based on his actions LEADING UP TO Michelle's disappearance, what he did ON the day of, and "MOST CERTAINLY" what he did and didn't do AFTER she went missing. None of these actions IMO would that be of an INNOCENT person...
Funny how almost all the of the girls who go missing a pretty. Add to that working at a place that has hundreds of guys looking for sex. Nope, no risk there. If Dale ever does get arrested this thing will turn into a huge fiasco. Certain people on here think Dale is guilty and no biggy as everyone has a right to think what they want. What I find odd is, here you have a guy who has been accused of murder on national TV and hires a lawyer and some people think that the fact he hired a lawyer means he's guilty? Some think that Dale should being trying to prove himself innocent. Even if he wanted to I guarantee you his lawyer is telling him what to do and not to do. If I was Dale I would be moving out of state and not tell anyone other than my lawyer where I was going.

Actually there are several in surrounding counties near me that are not what one would call pretty, and there is no coverage about them, no fund raising, no media on them until someone make a fuss. Linda Losaciano 49 out of Pasco county, missing since April 14. She has a 5 yr old and hubby just shot himself in the head. Her family is from out of state, so they took the 5 yr old. I first heard of her missing 3 days ago. There are more, but some of the woman do drugs, they are missing and it is about 99% sure that the bf or husband did it, but no coverage. Some cases just get more coverage than others.

As far as Dale is concerned, he is innocent until proven guilty. He is the POI, but they still have to get something on him that will hold up in court. I think Dale was offended when YS stated the kids looked dirty in the interview and that may be why he decided not to give any more visitation. He may have been disturbed by the comment.
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