FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #20

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Hard to say but if Dale needed her she was a phone call away. I seriously doubt she would want to tell him anything about her personal life such as stuff concerning her new BF.

I agree. But according to her sister she was going home to nap before her work shift that night. So why wouldn't she just tell him she was heading home? Especially since he had the twins with him.
There has always been a few questions about Michelle's schedule that day that IIRC have never known. It's seems that she didn't have too much to do that day other than drop the kids off and go to work later in the evening. She had coffee with her BF in the morning I believe. She was going to get her hair done but changed her mind. She went to KFC around 12:30. So why did she drop the kids of at Dale's when she did? Also, did her son always come home to an empty house or was this day an exception? Also, was this day a scheduled visitation day for Dale?
I have no idea what lies he has told to the police and if any. I have no idea whether is guilty or innocent, I am aware of no evidence that points to his guilt other then second or third or fourth or fifth hand accounts about stuff never confirmed or denied by the authorities, general hearsay, and opinions of all kinds and colors.

I do not like Dale anymore then you do, truth be told I suspect he probably did have something to do with Michelle Parker disappearance giving his history of violence and criminality, however accusing somebody, even Dale of murder, without tangible evidence strikes me as an exercise in futility and downright embarrassing for me should it turn out he's innocent as innocent he might very well be.

I do lots of research in my field and I check my facts one time, then I recheck them again, then I ask somebody else why they think I am wrong, and then I recheck my facts yet one more time. That is why people trust me and respect me (I think!). Facts and evidence are my bread and butter and I will never trade them for speculations and guesses period. Sometimes there is also a place for speculation and guesses, but they can only serve as a starting point for an hypothesis, an idea if you will, but never as an end onto themselves.

In other words, it is ok to speculate whether he did it or not (hypothesis) but one needs evidence to make a conclusion (opinion). It is counterproductive to have first a conclusion (opinion) then to look for corroborating evidence (hypothesis) to fit that conclusion That is generally the equivalent of putting the cart before the horse. It would never work and I would get nowhere.

Fact, no one saw Michelle come out of Dale's condo alive. Fact, Dale has a history of violent behavior and Dv against Michelle. Fact, Dale had reason, on the very day Michelle went to his condo and was never seen again, to feel violent rage toward her. Fact, despite agreeing to allow grandma to see the kids, the only possible witnesses, Dale has never allowed her to. Fact: Michelle's vehicle and cell phone were found in locations that indicate a straight line from Dales condo to his parents home.

These facts are evidence. LE may think this circumstantial evidence is not enough to secure a conviction. But that does not mean there is no probable cause for an arrest, nor does it mean, as you suggest, that there are not enough facts to come to a conclusion. My profession is also about facts and evidence. And the facts and evidence in this case lead me to conclude that Dale murdered his ex wife and hid the body.
Fact, no one saw Michelle come out of Dale's condo alive. How do you know this? Fact, Dale has a history of violent behavior and Dv against Michelle. Fact, Dale had reason, on the very day Michelle went go his condo and was never seen again, to feel violent rage toward her. I think that's more of your opinion than a fact. Fact, despite agreeing to allow grandma to see the kids, the only possible witnesses, Dale has never allowed her to. Pretty sure she has seen them at least twice, could be wrong. Fact: Michelle's vehicle and cell phone were found in locations that indicate a straight line from Dales condo to his parents home.

These facts are evidence. LE may think this circumstantial evidence is not enough to secure a conviction. But that does not mean there is no probable cause for an arrest, nor does it mean, as you suggest, that there are not enough facts to come to a conclusion. My profession is also about facts and evidence. And the facts and evidence in this case lead me to conclude that Dale murdered his ex wife and hid the body.

See bold
There has always been a few questions about Michelle's schedule that day that IIRC have never known. It's seems that she didn't have too much to do that day other than drop the kids off and go to work later in the evening. She had coffee with her BF in the morning I believe. She was going to get her hair done but changed her mind. She went to KFC around 12:30. So why did she drop the kids of at Dale's when she did? Also, did her son always come home to an empty house or was this day an exception? Also, was this day a scheduled visitation day for Dale?

Great questions, and I wish I knew all of those answers.

IIRC, she planned to have her hair conditioned with hot oil that morning, but she went shoe shopping with her mom, and did not have enough time to do both. So she texted her sis and decided to just pick up the oil treatment and do it herself at home later. And while she was at the hair salon, she told her sister that she was very tired, and that after she picked up the twins from school, and dropped them at Dale's, she was going to go home and take a quick nap. Before meeting her BF for a quick dinner before her work shift.

I think she dropped them off at Dale's when she did because their babysitting day was ending. Usually you pay for a certain amount of set hours.

From what her sister said in an interview, the older son had recently started a new school, and so he was now walking home from the bus stop every day. So they got him the cell so he could keep in touch with his mom since he walked home alone. He sometimes came home to an empty home, but the sister said that Michelle always kept in communication with him to tell him what time she was coming back. And it was usually close to the same time he arrived from school.

I have never heard an answer to the question of whether the kids being at Dale's was planned in advance or a usual schedule or not. I really am curious though.
Great questions, and I wish I knew all of those answers.

IIRC, she planned to have her hair conditioned with hot oil that morning, but she went shoe shopping with her mom, and did not have enough time to do both. So she texted her sis and decided to just pick up the oil treatment and do it herself at home later. And while she was at the hair salon, she told her sister that she was very tired, and that after she picked up the twins from school, and dropped them at Dale's, she was going to go home and take a quick nap. Before meeting her BF for a quick dinner before her work shift.

I think she dropped them off at Dale's when she did because their babysitting day was ending. Usually you pay for a certain amount of set hours.

From what her sister said in an interview, the older son had recently started a new school, and so he was now walking home from the bus stop every day. So they got him the cell so he could keep in touch with his mom since he walked home alone. He sometimes came home to an empty home, but the sister said that Michelle always kept in communication with him to tell him what time she was coming back. And it was usually close to the same time he arrived from school.

I have never heard an answer to the question of whether the kids being at Dale's was planned in advance or a usual schedule or not. I really am curious though.

Thank you! OK so Michelle was going home to take a nap which I had heard before and if IRC she worked at around 7? Would she have had enough time to do all that? I mean What time would she have gotten home to take a nap, how long would she have napped for, how long would it then take her to get ready for dinner and how much time would she have had to eat with her BF before she had to get to work? Did she maybe plan to eat dinner where she worked, I doubt it. Actually I mean I doubt she was going to eat where she worked.
Thank you! OK so Michelle was going home to take a nap which I had heard before and if IRC she worked at around 7? Would she have had enough time to do all that? I mean What time would she have gotten home to take a nap, how long would she have napped for, how long would it then take her to get ready for dinner and how much time would she have had to eat with her BF before she had to get to work? Did she maybe plan to eat dinner where she worked, I doubt it.

I think she had time. She dropped her kids off at 3:45ish. Let's say she is planning to be home by 4:15 or 4:30 or so. She has time to hang with her 12 yr old a bit, see how his day went. Lay down for an hour or so. Take a quick shower and meet the bf for a very quick bite to eat.[ My 24 yr old meets his gf before work sometimes and they just get quick Chinese or Thai food or Pizza somewhere on a work night. ]

It would be rushed, but it makes even less sense that she planned to go shopping. That would have made it totally impossible.
Just in case I missed it.... What has Dale done to help the twins find their mommy? Was it the fb page for supporters of Dale Smith? Oh wait no that was about him....hmmmm I'm drawing a blank. Can anyone steer me in the right direction or refresh my memory?
(CBS/WKMG) ORLANDO, Fla. - Police in Orlando say a team of 45 people are taking a "fresh approach" in the investigation of missing mother Michelle Parker. She is the woman who vanished after appearing on the television show "The People's Court" in November in 2011.

The so-called "dream team," which consists of detectives, lawyers, crime lab technicians and volunteers, met at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Orlando Thursday for an hour to discuss the case. CBS affiliate WKMG reports that Parker's mother attended the forum and addressed the room.
Detectives recovered Parker's phone and car, but nothing else.
Homicide Detective Michael Bailey from the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office says forums like the one on Thursday help shed light on the case and possibly catch something police may have missed. "They're looking for any way to move the case forward," Bailey told WKMG. "When you have very limited information or limited evidence, it's a very good thing to do."

The station did not report what was discussed during the Thursday meeting, but the team plans to meet again in the future.

(CBS/WKMG) ORLANDO, Fla. - Police in Orlando say a team of 45 people are taking a "fresh approach" in the investigation of missing mother Michelle Parker. She is the woman who vanished after appearing on the television show "The People's Court" in November in 2011.

The so-called "dream team," which consists of detectives, lawyers, crime lab technicians and volunteers, met at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement in Orlando Thursday for an hour to discuss the case. CBS affiliate WKMG reports that Parker's mother attended the forum and addressed the room.
Detectives recovered Parker's phone and car, but nothing else.

Homicide Detective Michael Bailey from the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office says forums like the one on Thursday help shed light on the case and possibly catch something police may have missed. "They're looking for any way to move the case forward," Bailey told WKMG. "When you have very limited information or limited evidence, it's a very good thing to do."

The station did not report what was discussed during the Thursday meeting, but the team plans to meet again in the future.


I hope Dale reads this article and gets a little shivery. <gulp>
Ok, you got me ... Dale Smith is guilty.

I agree with you 100% but until LE arrests Dale...and he sits before a jury of his peers and is CONVICTED we must press on to find Michelle and the TRUTH. I find it interesting that RIGHT NOW based SOLEY on what has been released IMO I put the odds of a GUILTY verdict at about 50/50. If you add in the evidence that HAS NOT been released the odds go up. That would SCARE me to death if I were Dale (gross thought)....Still the DA probably wants the odds 90-10 in his favor. We shall get there soon enough! JMO
Do you really want to know what it means, that he told the 'going shopping' story? Some people think it means he was trying to 'misdirect' people. He wanted people to think she drove over to the shopping center, which is near where the car was found abandoned. That way, LE would think it made sense that her car was parked around there. Since she was 'going shopping' and all.

As for your second question, about us KNOWING she was killed without a weapon---not at all.

But you had said HOW could he have gotten rid of her without leaving any evidence behind---so we gave some possible scenarios. And he did not need to kill her in that condo. All he had to do is get her tied up and hidden away for a little while---the rest could be done later, away from his property.

Great points! I have seen this logic by MANY posters:
"Dale didn't have enough time to pull this off so....he MUST be innocent."

When in reality...all the time needed for Dale was LESS than 40 minutes.....Incapacitate or kill her then temporarily hide her vehicle then drive to his parents for an alibi....Correct me if I am wrong but we have no witnesses that can account for Dale's whereabouts from 4:30 to say 8pm that don't share the Smith last name (not reliable witnesses MOO). So he only needs 40 minutes for the initial part of his crime and has at least 3.5 hours to clean up the evidence of his crime. That certainly provides ample time for him to carry this crime out alone. Yet the phone pings IMO tell me had help. So with two or more people involved time is NOT an issue at all....Thus the logic that he didn't have ENOUGH time is a VERY weak argument IMO putting MUCH of the defense strategy laid out publicly by MN in jeopardy. MN's "72 minute window" never carried much weight in my book...
I agree with you 100% but until LE arrests Dale...and he sits before a jury of his peers and is CONVICTED we must press on to find Michelle and the TRUTH. I find it interesting that RIGHT NOW based SOLEY on what has been released IMO I put the odds of a GUILTY verdict at about 50/50. If you add in the evidence that HAS NOT been released the odds go up. That would SCARE me to death if I were Dale (gross thought)....Still the DA probably wants the odds 90-10 in his favor. We shall get there soon enough! JMO

BBM. I have to disagree with the odds. The only credible piece of evidence that has been publicly released is the video of Michelle arriving at DS II's condo at 3:18pm. Everything else that has been released is ambiguous at best. Even if you consider the other circumstantial evidence and assume that it is credible and accurate, a competent defense attorney would have no problem convincing a jury that some one else could have been responsible for Michelle's disappearance or that DS II couldn't have been responsible.

The defense doesn't have to prove that DS II is innocent, they only have to prove that the prosecution wasn't able to present a case that eliminates any reasonable doubt.
Good morning everyone.

Quick question: Did Michelle actually enter Dale's condo? Could she have just pulled up, knocked on the door (or Dale heard her pull up so he met her at his door) & handed her kids over? I don't remember if she went inside or not...but I think I remember Dale saying something like she stayed for 10 minutes talking about the show. Problem is I don't remember if Dale actually said that or if it's something that just came up in conversation here.
Do you really want to know what it means, that he told the 'going shopping' story? Some people think it means he was trying to 'misdirect' people. He wanted people to think she drove over to the shopping center, which is near where the car was found abandoned. That way, LE would think it made sense that her car was parked around there. Since she was 'going shopping' and all.

As for your second question, about us KNOWING she was killed without a weapon---not at all.

But you had said HOW could he have gotten rid of her without leaving any evidence behind---so we gave some possible scenarios. And he did not need to kill her in that condo. All he had to do is get her tied up and hidden away for a little while---the rest could be done later, away from his property.

BBM. The problem with assuming that DS II lied about what Michelle said is that it can't be proven. We don't know what Michelle actually said to him. Given the nature of their relationship, we can't assume that Michelle would tell him what her plans were. She may not have been honest with him about what she was doing that afternoon. Also, if the story about her going shopping was made up as a cover, why not leave the Hummer at the mall?

The other thing that continues to bug me is that we have never heard anything about the regular visitation schedule. Was this a "normal" day and time for Michelle to have dropped off the twins? We know about Michelle's normal habits in relation to her 11 year old, but why has no one given any details about her habits in relation to dropping off the twins? Did Michelle make special arrangements for this particular drop off?
I agree with you 100% but until LE arrests Dale...and he sits before a jury of his peers and is CONVICTED we must press on to find Michelle and the TRUTH. I find it interesting that RIGHT NOW based SOLEY on what has been released IMO I put the odds of a GUILTY verdict at about 50/50. If you add in the evidence that HAS NOT been released the odds go up. That would SCARE me to death if I were Dale (gross thought)....Still the DA probably wants the odds 90-10 in his favor. We shall get there soon enough! JMO

While Dale may be guilty as hell, he could conversely be purely innocent. I'd never ever feel comfortable going with any kind of "odds" that are less than 99% in a death penalty state, especially in a case where the suspected perp has a past, bc the state will more than likely put the dp on the table in that case & the suspected perp might not have even done it. Florida has the highest death penalty overturned cases in our nation. Alot of the evidence in those cases were contrived due to corruption to make their case work, to secure a guilty verdict bc le needed a closed case. Some of those exonerated have died in prison but their families & loved ones fought for their innocence bc they believed in them. I used to be very pro dp, now in my mind I can only judge if the odds are completely overwhelming & the evidence is 100% factual, not contrived.

Nobody knows if Dale did this or not. Nobody.

There could be 500 of us on here that see the "evidence" released thus far and have different opinions & points of view. Knowing how media can get things wrong, bc let's face it they're a business & how they word things generates revenue, I personally can't say Dale's factually guilty. I don't feel comfortable doing that. It doesn't mean I'm a crony of his or anything like that, it doesn't even mean I'm in his corner or one of his "forces", it simply means that I can't judge without the facts.

Again, death penalty state with a suspected perp that has a criminal past. Think the dp or lwop won't be on the table? I do. That's why I need waaay more "proof" than what's been released so far.
Wow! There was a lot to read this morning, which IMO, is a good thing. Reading all the banter back and forth sure did seem like a little mock trial to a degree, and solidified for me why I believe DSJR is guilty.

I do have one statement and/or question about the text Michelle's brother received and the lack of contact with her son. I don't know if it was ever stated what time her son arrived home, but most of the middle school students around here are walking in the door BEFORE 4:30. Why would she answer her brothers text, but not her son who she talked to every single day at the same time? As a mother, I find no logic in losing track of time and not answering her son, but answering her brother. JMO
While Dale may be guilty as hell, he could conversely be purely innocent. I'd never ever feel comfortable going with any kind of "odds" that are less than 99% in a death penalty state, especially in a case where the suspected perp has a past, bc the state will more than likely put the dp on the table in that case & the suspected perp might not have even done it. Florida has the highest death penalty overturned cases in our nation. Alot of the evidence in those cases were contrived due to corruption to make their case work, to secure a guilty verdict bc le needed a closed case. Some of those exonerated have died in prison but their families & loved ones fought for their innocence bc they believed in them. I used to be very pro dp, now in my mind I can only judge if the odds are completely overwhelming & the evidence is 100% factual, not contrived.

Nobody knows if Dale did this or not. Nobody.

There could be 500 of us on here that see the "evidence" released thus far and have different opinions & points of view. Knowing how media can get things wrong, bc let's face it they're a business & how they word things generates revenue, I personally can't say Dale's factually guilty. I don't feel comfortable doing that. It doesn't mean I'm a crony of his or anything like that, it doesn't even mean I'm in his corner or one of his "forces", it simply means that I can't judge without the facts.
Again, death penalty state with a suspected perp that has a criminal past. Think the dp or lwop won't be on the table? I do. That's why I need waaay more "proof" than what's been released so far.

agree 100% with this entire post! Especially the bolded!
Thank you! I couldnt have put it better!
Fact, no one saw Michelle come out of Dale's condo alive. Fact, Dale has a history of violent behavior and Dv against Michelle. Fact, Dale had reason, on the very day Michelle went to his condo and was never seen again, to feel violent rage toward her. Fact, despite agreeing to allow grandma to see the kids, the only possible witnesses, Dale has never allowed her to. Fact: Michelle's vehicle and cell phone were found in locations that indicate a straight line from Dales condo to his parents home.

These facts are evidence. LE may think this circumstantial evidence is not enough to secure a conviction. But that does not mean there is no probable cause for an arrest, nor does it mean, as you suggest, that there are not enough facts to come to a conclusion. My profession is also about facts and evidence. And the facts and evidence in this case lead me to conclude that Dale murdered his ex wife and hid the body.

BBM....I dont think i have ever seen anything released stating michelle as a FACT never left dale's condo alive.

Michelles mom just this week saying she HAS seen the twins 3 times since dale has had them and michelle went missing. I will try to find a link for what i saw. I believe gail parker michelles step mom has said on michelles missing facebook page (in the comments to this weeks posts) that they have only seen the twins once since dale has had them.

If i recall correctly, the phone was the only item found in a location that indicates a straight line from dales condo to his parents house, and the hummer was found in a different direction.

Please PROVIDE a link for these FACTS as you state them, because when you state things as FACT when in reality they havent been released by LE as FACT then you cause confusion and wrong thinking for others here believing they are infact, Factual when they are not. :twocents: :seeya:
BBM. I have to disagree with the odds. The only credible piece of evidence that has been publicly released is the video of Michelle arriving at DS II's condo at 3:18pm. Everything else that has been released is ambiguous at best. Even if you consider the other circumstantial evidence and assume that it is credible and accurate, a competent defense attorney would have no problem convincing a jury that some one else could have been responsible for Michelle's disappearance or that DS II couldn't have been responsible.

The defense doesn't have to prove that DS II is innocent, they only have to prove that the prosecution wasn't able to present a case that eliminates any reasonable doubt.

Agree 100% Thank you!
And this is why i believe there has been NO arrest of DSjr thus far in the case!
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