FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #23

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Well yes but for the majority of posters on this board, who are not local and there "on the ground" so to speak, our only contribution to this and other cases can be theorizing and speculating hoping that perhaps someone who is close to the case or at least local to the area, may read something that sparks a thought about something or makes them remember something that they may have either seen or heard that might prompt a tip to LE to help solve the case.

And when LE actually names a prime suspect, which is EXTREMELY rare in these cases, it only stands to reason that most of the theories, motive and speculation will revolve around that person. It is my belief that people other than DSJr know something about the events of that evening, whether they realize it or not. I hope that someone either stumbles on this board and a lightbulb goes off, or someone else has a sudden attack of conscience and tells what they know. LE have a lot more evidence than we do. LE seem to believe that DSJr is primarily responsible for this crime. They don't appear to be looking at other alternatives any more. They have stated, I believe, that they just need one more piece of the puzzle to bring this all together.

So it is discouraging to consistently be told that ideas, speculation and opinion, based on over a year and half of researching and following this case are useless unless you can find tangible proof or evidence of your theories. We are not LE and therefore are not privy to everything that they know or have as evidence in this case. Nor are we detectives in the field capable of finding "proof". We have forwarded tips wherever possible based on our discussions and every speculation and theory has been based on exhaustive internet research. So I don't think we have a "problem" here at all.


Ok Kamille, I take your point on what we can and cannot do as armchairs detectives, but then again I never was one of those because I like to analyze a dissect evidence that are in front of me since I have zero investigative powers and I'm not clear as to who stops anyone here from having all kinds of theories, (I've some of my own as well) and who finds no value to those theories? I do for one. There's room for everything and everyone, this is not a zero sum game, the problem here I've found sometimes when opinions become indistinguishable from real evidence and not by chance but by design, the unanimous verdicts, and so on which have no relationship to either finding Michelle or finding her killer(s) but that is something we've discussed before and as early as a few posts behind this one and I don't have the stamina to go back to it at this time.

Ultimately though it's evidence or lack thereof that is going to dictate what happens or not happens next, and where you get them, whether here, by the police, by a anonymous tip, because of this or that it's inconsequential to that central premise.

Tony Stark: You're missing the point! There's no throne, there is no version of this where you come out on top.

Okay, I'm thinking that if Michelle and Dale got into an argument and Michelle was assaulted in some way, making Michelle disappear might have been preferable to allowing her to live and call LE because Dale was probably fully aware of the Three Strikes law. An assault conviction might have meant an automatic 5 years in prison or more. He'd spent time previously in military prison for assault and drugs, iirc. I can't remember how long he was in military prison but it's back here in the threads and easily googled.

Perhaps murder was preferable to Michelle filing charges and being subject to the Three Strikes law. If she were unconscious or incapacitated in some way from an assault it might be a simple thing to dump her, even alive (no forensic evidence), into any one of Florida's alligator infested waters, perhaps bound and gagged and/or weighted.

This is a major reason I keep visiting the Buck Lake/bridge area, among others, both online and off and driving between Dale's (former) condo and these areas, tracking times and routes, noting brush and bodies of water and bridges for possibilities. Michelle has gotta be out there somewhere! And I believe that someday she'll be found. NGU!

All JMO, of course.

I can certainly see how the three strikes rule in this case might have made a difference between calling an ambulance and calling a close friend or relative to deal with a "situation".

I can certainly see how the three strikes rule in this case might have made a difference between calling an ambulance and calling a close friend or relative to deal with a "situation".


One of my theories precisely.

Willing to consider other theories too. Anyone?

One of my theories precisely.

Willing to consider other theories too. Anyone?


What'sThatClue, the Three Strike Law angle only goes to motive, it's not a theory of the crime as it might have unfolded at the time. If the premise is that Dale killed Michelle either at the condo or anytime thereafter, then the trigger is very much beside the point, unless one is considering premeditation as well of course.

I think one must suspend coherent thought to think that Dale would have planned Michelle's demise at that time of day,when Michelle is to show up with the kids and at his condo of all places, he would have had to basically believe himself to be clairvoyant and therefore be able to anticipate and prepare for the many ways that kind of plan could have gone south in a hurry for him and the other genius accomplice of his, and to top it all, he would have had to willingly and with premeditation positioned himself to be suspect #1 by being demonstrably the last person to have seen Michelle alive .... nah.

And here lie the problems I've been having with all kinds of scenarios where Michelle is killed/abducted at the condo.

First, not having any real evidence to work with since the police have released none, and therefore having the freedom to simply make up a scenario from scratch with very modest restraints, one can therefore fairly easy construct any scenario to fit any conclusion, but that in itself doesn't mean that it wasn't precisely at the condo that Michelle got killed, so let's assume that she did and understanding that such theories by their nature cannot be disproved presently, then let's concentrate of what must be true for any and all of these theories to be possible.

1. The two children must not have heard anything or at least nothing incriminating that they could have related to the police. So how is that the case? Michelle arrives and enters the condo having left the children in the Hummer? Why? Are the Children inside the condo? So they hear no altercation? How?

2. The accomplice. Surely it's all but impossible for Dale to pull this off on his own yes? I mean killing Michelle, drive the kids to his parent's, go back to the condo, get rid of the Hummer and Michelle, all by his lonesome, ... nah, he needs help, so because this is not premeditated, he's got to get an accomplice "on the fly" yes? Ok so, he just killed Michelle, he needs to contact someone to help get rid of the body, the hummer and any evidence laying around, so it stands to reason he must convince someone and because this is not the "hey, you wanna go grab some pizza" type of a thing, this is impeding a police investigation, willfully aiding and abetting the commission of a crime, conspiracy to hide a cadaver and so on ... what's that ... 10 or 15 years ... so how easy must have been for Dale to find an accomplice?

3 . The forensic evidence. Because surely, killing, transporting, getting rid of a cadaver, getting rid of a vehicle especially a hummer, does require a bit of handling yes? Imagine the many chances for all kinds of evidence that can potentially be left behind at every stage of this process, a drop of blood, a piece of fabric containing DNA, fingerprints, all kinds of bodily fluids, and so on ... but ... nothing or nothing damming either at the condo or in Dale's van, the hummer is "clean", so what happened to the evidence?

4. The eyewitness. Well, no one. No one sees the hummer leaving the condo, no one hears an altercation, no one sees anything suspicious, no one notices anything that it's out of the ordinary. Nothing.

And I could go on but I'm getting tired of writing and I haven't finished yet ... so we have to go to the conclusion of this exercise ...

It's certainly possible that Dale killed Michelle at the condo as just about anything is possible, surely Dale fits the guilty profile, he looks like the butler when the butler did it, judging solely from his record, he's a cad with a history of violence and a criminal record, and understanding that about 84% of abductions are by people that know their victim (I seem to recall), you couldn't find a better suspect and a likely culprit then one Dale Smith if you'd tried, however one must also admit that if he did it at the condo he surely was unbelievably lucky here yes? As far as I'm concerned I will start believing it when I actually see evidence to support any of the above but not before, besides sometimes the butler didn't do it after all.

Getting back from a knitting convention. How is everyone?
Getting back from a knitting convention. How is everyone?

Welcome back! :). I'm just great, thanks! Hope you are doing well too. I've been busy reviewing the early threads in this case, along with posted timelines. Refreshing my memory, so to speak. There is so much info in early threads!
But we don't see constant references to Dale's Deadbeat-dad status. It's like that isn't as bad as playing Star Wars.

(Speaking of such, I just got the new Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game for my iPad. I'm a 39-year old female teacher with a Master's degree, but goodness it's fun! Geez, I'm such a loser!)

Well I think it has ALREADY been proven...he is a dead beat Dad. There is documented evidence he didn't make child support payments and abused the children via the physical abuse they witnessed. As for the childish Star Wars hobby...that is just some of our opinions that Dale needs to grow up. I hope more of his oddities come up in the civil case so we can see the full picture. All JMO
Welcome back! :). I'm just great, thanks! Hope you are doing well too. I've been busy reviewing the early threads in this case, along with posted timelines. Refreshing my memory, so to speak. There is so much info in early threads!

Yes the early threads showed Dale's fake person Buck Fuddy and some very interesting online activity. There is also a lot of discussion on early developments in the case. Each week our knitting group reviews some of these tidbits. I pray Michelle is found soon so we can begin the prosecution of Dale. He deserves to pay for what he did...
Yes the early threads showed Dale's fake person Buck Fuddy and some very interesting online activity. There is also a lot of discussion on early developments in the case. Each week our knitting group reviews some of these tidbits. I pray Michelle is found soon so we can begin the prosecution of Dale. He deserves to pay for what he did...

What interesting online activity?
Well I think it has ALREADY been proven...he is a dead beat Dad. There is documented evidence he didn't make child support payments and abused the children via the physical abuse they witnessed. As for the childish Star Wars hobby...that is just some of our opinions that Dale needs to grow up. I hope more of his oddities come up in the civil case so we can see the full picture. All JMO

How many payments did Dale fall behind? What were the circumstances? Did he pay what was owed to Michelle? How does any of that compare to similar circumstances by other non-custodial parents? How much did Dale pay of child's support? Why did a judge who had access to all evidence and heard all testimonies award Dale custody of the twins if he was such a bad and/or irresponsible father? And isn't it true that actually Dale had been characterized by Michelle's family as a good father? Isn't true that as of today Dale has a job and is supporting his children? Isn't it true that as of today there are no allegation of abuse toward the children? Isn't true that as of today there are no legal appeals to his custodial rights? What's the definition of a dead-beat Dad here?
What interesting online activity?

It's all way back there in the earlier threads. I started at the first thread and am almost halfway through again. Very interesting! Especially to go back and read again, which not only refreshes the mind but gives new insights. :)
To me, that is. :)

Jmo, of course
How many payments did Dale fall behind? What were the circumstances? Did he pay what was owed to Michelle? How does any of that compare to similar circumstances by other non-custodial parents? How much did Dale pay of child's support? Why did a judge who had access to all evidence and heard all testimonies award Dale custody of the twins if he was such a bad and/or irresponsible father? And isn't it true that actually Dale had been characterized by Michelle's family as a good father? Isn't true that as of today Dale has a job and is supporting his children? Isn't it true that as of today there are no allegation of abuse toward the children? Isn't true that as of today there are no legal appeals to his custodial rights? What's the definition of a dead-beat Dad here?

I don't have all the answers. Wish I did. But I do know the case is still listed as open on the Orange County Clerk's website. That was the case that was reopened by Child Protective Services. And as far as I can recall, Dale had moved to have his back child support payments waived because Michelle wasn't here anymore. I forget the amount and can't look it up right now because I'm on my iPad and it won't allow me to access that site (too many redirects) but that's all over at the Orange County Clerk's office too. Just click on view all cases, then input his name and look on the right side of each of his particular cases marked open. Then click on that case for the particulars
Iirc, no one knows if Dale has a job and is supporting his children with pay from that job. I don't think that was addressed in the media, but maybe I just didn't see it.

Eta: he was apparently paying $800 per month to the State Trust for that purpose. Here's an old article from when, just three months after Michelle went missing, he filed to get support back from those couple months she'd been missing.


As for him owing back support, that's back in the threads here and also on the OC Clerk website
Under Look Up Cases.
Jmo, of course
How many payments did Dale fall behind? What were the circumstances? Did he pay what was owed to Michelle? How does any of that compare to similar circumstances by other non-custodial parents? How much did Dale pay of child's support? Why did a judge who had access to all evidence and heard all testimonies award Dale custody of the twins if he was such a bad and/or irresponsible father? And isn't it true that actually Dale had been characterized by Michelle's family as a good father? Isn't true that as of today Dale has a job and is supporting his children? Isn't it true that as of today there are no allegation of abuse toward the children? Isn't true that as of today there are no legal appeals to his custodial rights? What's the definition of a dead-beat Dad here?

Well we know Michelle had to constantly take Dale to court to pay child support. I mean what kind of dad doesn't provide money for the kids while he is out at his Star Wars parties? You guessed a DEAD BEAT dad. He also threatened to kidnap the kids and broke a car window in front of the kids. They also witnessed Dale physically abusing Michelle. This all adds up to a dead beat dad. Just because the court overlooked these parental failures hardly makes him fit to have those twinners. They deserve to be with BP, GP, and YS. All jmo
What'sThatClue, the Three Strike Law angle only goes to motive, it's not a theory of the crime as it might have unfolded at the time. If the premise is that Dale killed Michelle either at the condo or anytime thereafter, then the trigger is very much beside the point, unless one is considering premeditation as well of course.

I think one must suspend coherent thought to think that Dale would have planned Michelle's demise at that time of day,when Michelle is to show up with the kids and at his condo of all places, he would have had to basically believe himself to be clairvoyant and therefore be able to anticipate and prepare for the many ways that kind of plan could have gone south in a hurry for him and the other genius accomplice of his, and to top it all, he would have had to willingly and with premeditation positioned himself to be suspect #1 by being demonstrably the last person to have seen Michelle alive .... nah.

And here lie the problems I've been having with all kinds of scenarios where Michelle is killed/abducted at the condo.

First, not having any real evidence to work with since the police have released none, and therefore having the freedom to simply make up a scenario from scratch with very modest restraints, one can therefore fairly easy construct any scenario to fit any conclusion, but that in itself doesn't mean that it wasn't precisely at the condo that Michelle got killed, so let's assume that she did and understanding that such theories by their nature cannot be disproved presently, then let's concentrate of what must be true for any and all of these theories to be possible.

1. The two children must not have heard anything or at least nothing incriminating that they could have related to the police. So how is that the case? Michelle arrives and enters the condo having left the children in the Hummer? Why? Are the Children inside the condo? So they hear no altercation? How?

2. The accomplice. Surely it's all but impossible for Dale to pull this off on his own yes? I mean killing Michelle, drive the kids to his parent's, go back to the condo, get rid of the Hummer and Michelle, all by his lonesome, ... nah, he needs help, so because this is not premeditated, he's got to get an accomplice "on the fly" yes? Ok so, he just killed Michelle, he needs to contact someone to help get rid of the body, the hummer and any evidence laying around, so it stands to reason he must convince someone and because this is not the "hey, you wanna go grab some pizza" type of a thing, this is impeding a police investigation, willfully aiding and abetting the commission of a crime, conspiracy to hide a cadaver and so on ... what's that ... 10 or 15 years ... so how easy must have been for Dale to find an accomplice?

3 . The forensic evidence. Because surely, killing, transporting, getting rid of a cadaver, getting rid of a vehicle especially a hummer, does require a bit of handling yes? Imagine the many chances for all kinds of evidence that can potentially be left behind at every stage of this process, a drop of blood, a piece of fabric containing DNA, fingerprints, all kinds of bodily fluids, and so on ... but ... nothing or nothing damming either at the condo or in Dale's van, the hummer is "clean", so what happened to the evidence?

4. The eyewitness. Well, no one. No one sees the hummer leaving the condo, no one hears an altercation, no one sees anything suspicious, no one notices anything that it's out of the ordinary. Nothing.

And I could go on but I'm getting tired of writing and I haven't finished yet ... so we have to go to the conclusion of this exercise ...

It's certainly possible that Dale killed Michelle at the condo as just about anything is possible, surely Dale fits the guilty profile, he looks like the butler when the butler did it, judging solely from his record, he's a cad with a history of violence and a criminal record, and understanding that about 84% of abductions are by people that know their victim (I seem to recall), you couldn't find a better suspect and a likely culprit then one Dale Smith if you'd tried, however one must also admit that if he did it at the condo he surely was unbelievably lucky here yes? As far as I'm concerned I will start believing it when I actually see evidence to support any of the above but not before, besides sometimes the butler didn't do it after all.

# 1 Dad and son most likely planned this in advance. Sr was following crime cases and took interest in the Josh Powell case. Sr could've been at the condo with Jr and took kids to his house.

#2 Good ole Dad is a willing and easy to find accomplice. I would bet he helped get rid of Shannon as well.

#3 If planned in advance they could've abducted and killed Michelle in an area where there are no ways to tie the crime to jr or sr or easy to find evidence.

#4 If dad was at the condo, It would have been very easy to tie her up and take her to a secluded area to kill her without anyone seeing.

But I think you may have totally missed the point...Which was if this was a spontaneous assault, brought on by an argument that day, then what do you think he'd do knowing that if Michelle were to live then he'd spend at least 5 years in jail due to the 3 strikes law and probably lose the children forever?

It really isn't just about premeditation. That may or may not be the case. The TRIGGER or motive of why Michelle died that day is VERY IMPORTANT IMO. It is the whole point. Figure out the motive, figure out the sequence of events. If it was premeditated the motive is obvious. He wanted her out of his life for good and wanted those children for himself. Or revenge...for ditching him and moving on. She could do MUCH better than him and he KNEW it.

Either way...motive on premeditation is easy. But in that case...with advance planning...finding the body is way more difficult. It's the motive on something spontaneous that's a little trickier...the children were allegedly there and if it was spontaneous, where did it happen so that they didn't see or hear anything?

And of course why did it happen? Was he drunk or high again? Maybe angry before she got there? Ready for a confrontation based on the PC episode? Or something else they'd already argued about prior to that day? But if it was spontaneous, it would be a little more hurried and panicked to hide the body. So you'd think something would have surfaced by now so I STILL lean toward a plan of some kind that was thought up ahead of time. We know senior was following the Powell case in sept as evidenced by his own FB so this could easily have been a father/son bonding experiencing of getting rid of a "problem". No more child support payments and the kids/grand kids all to themselves.

All jmo of course...
Well we know Michelle had to constantly take Dale to court to pay child support. I mean what kind of dad doesn't provide money for the kids while he is out at his Star Wars parties? You guessed a DEAD BEAT dad. He also threatened to kidnap the kids and broke a car window in front of the kids. They also witnessed Dale physically abusing Michelle. This all adds up to a dead beat dad. Just because the court overlooked these parental failures hardly makes him fit to have those twinners. They deserve to be with BP, GP, and YS. All jmo

Respectfully you're throwing all kinds of accusations but I don't see the record here, it's basically impossible to keep up with your assertions when you're not giving any specifics. It's also impossible to distinguish what are personal opinions and facts, because many assertions made here cannot possibly be a matter of opinion but of public record or lack thereof and that is notwithstanding any JMO, MOO, IMHO etc ... etc ... at the end of the post, for example a specific official criminal charge/record is not a matter of opinion, it's either true or not true as reflected in the public records and cannot be invented because one mere believes it so or that it must have occurred as a matter of personal conviction.

IMO it'd be practical impossible for Dale to be awarded custody of his children if the record was even a fraction of what he's been accused of or even not accused of by the police or any other officials... if one can believe that.

Shouldn't be the case that when one makes specific accusations that seem to be part of a specific record that one substantiate it with specifics? We're entitled to our opinions but not our own facts, therefore:

"Well we know Michelle had to constantly take Dale to court to pay child support"

How many times did Michelle take Dale to court and what are the specifics? Was it about one payment? Two? Several? Did he eventually pay what was owed? Can you include any facts that substantiate your claim that Michelle "constantly" took Dale to court?

"... while he is out at his Star Wars parties"

You knit, Dale goes to Star Wars conventions, I'm into scuba diving, others collect stamps etc ... and we are what we are notwithstanding of our personal hobbies.

"... He also threatened to kidnap the kids and broke a car window in front of the kids ..."

Is that an allegation or is it proven? I'm not sure here but are you referring to allegations that were dismissed in court because of lack of evidence? Or something else altogether that Dale was arrested for or convicted of?

"... they also witnessed Dale physically abusing Michelle ..."

Who are they? When? Was a police report filed? Were charges filed? What are the particulars of it.

"... Just because the court overlooked these parental failures hardly makes him fit to have those twinners."

One doesn't need to be Dale Smith to suffer from parental failures, I'm a divorced parent and I know a thing or two about parental failures myself and IMO so do practically every other parent to a degree or another, we're not perfect human beings and sometimes not even ideal ones, but like it or not a court has found that Dale Smith is fit to parent and has awarded custody of the children to him, and that is a real ruling by a real court that has looked at real evidence, and it's even more significant that said ruling has not been subsequently appealed and/or contested by anyone, has it?
# 1 Dad and son most likely planned this in advance. Sr was following crime cases and took interest in the Josh Powell case. Sr could've been at the condo with Jr and took kids to his house.

#2 Good ole Dad is a willing and easy to find accomplice. I would bet he helped get rid of Shannon as well.

#3 If planned in advance they could've abducted and killed Michelle in an area where there are no ways to tie the crime to jr or sr or easy to find evidence.

#4 If dad was at the condo, It would have been very easy to tie her up and take her to a secluded area to kill her without anyone seeing.

But I think you may have totally missed the point...Which was if this was a spontaneous assault, brought on by an argument that day, then what do you think he'd do knowing that if Michelle were to live then he'd spend at least 5 years in jail due to the 3 strikes law and probably lose the children forever?

It really isn't just about premeditation. That may or may not be the case. The TRIGGER or motive of why Michelle died that day is VERY IMPORTANT IMO. It is the whole point. Figure out the motive, figure out the sequence of events. If it was premeditated the motive is obvious. He wanted her out of his life for good and wanted those children for himself. Or revenge...for ditching him and moving on. She could do MUCH better than him and he KNEW it.

Either way...motive on premeditation is easy. But in that case...with advance planning...finding the body is way more difficult. It's the motive on something spontaneous that's a little trickier...the children were allegedly there and if it was spontaneous, where did it happen so that they didn't see or hear anything?

And of course why did it happen? Was he drunk or high again? Maybe angry before she got there? Ready for a confrontation based on the PC episode? Or something else they'd already argued about prior to that day? But if it was spontaneous, it would be a little more hurried and panicked to hide the body. So you'd think something would have surfaced by now so I STILL lean toward a plan of some kind that was thought up ahead of time. We know senior was following the Powell case in sept as evidenced by his own FB so this could easily have been a father/son bonding experiencing of getting rid of a "problem". No more child support payments and the kids/grand kids all to themselves.

All jmo of course...

"... Sr was following crime cases and took interest in the Josh Powell case..."

I know this gets repeated, what's the source?

"... Good ole Dad is a willing and easy to find accomplice. I would bet he helped get rid of Shannon as well ..."

The police have ruled Shannon death an accident and Dale was incarcerated at the time of the accident, therefore neither Dale nor his Dad are suspects in a criminal case that doesn't even exist and I'm not sure who would you be betting against on this one.

Also I know that Smith Sr. is theorized as an accomplice in Michelle's case, but why do you think it is that, unlike Dale, he's not been named a suspect? I mean, I have read posts here stating that the mere suspicion by the police is surely an indication of guilt, ok ... but what not being named a suspect is then an indication of? I mean all I know about Sr is the he's Dale's Dad, and that he grew weed at home and I don't recall anything more then that, may be some meth allegations? Probably unproven or not even alleged by the police, so why is he sometimes portrayed as this criminal mastermind? This career criminal? What am I missing here? Also I don't know anything at all about the rest of the family and I'm not sure why even they are sometimes painted as shady characters. And most importantly is that for that life of me I can't understand the point of it all, the practical application of such an undertaking or the relationship to the understanding of what really happened to Michelle.

"But I think you may have totally missed the point...Which was if this was a spontaneous assault, brought on by an argument that day, then what do you think he'd do knowing that if Michelle were to live then he'd spend at least 5 years in jail due to the 3 strikes law and probably lose the children forever ..."

3 strikes law goes to motive and possibly premeditation not evidence of guilt. Did Dale strike Michelle and was then afraid of an assault charge because of the 3 strikes law and therefore struck her again with the intent to kill her and dispose of the body and all other evidence? IMO sure, why not? That might have been a valid motive, but the major issue here is did he kill Michelle or did he not? Opinions and theories here vary with one camp "believing" that Dale is clearly guilty and the other camp ... oh wait, there's really not another camp per se here, is there? I mean, (and I just suppose here) only people that don't know who's guilty as far as I can tell, no Dale's groupies of any kind, no Dale's defenders per se, only people who are actually waiting for a long time for real, certifiable evidence that point to a suspect, any suspect, Dale ... whomever, anyone and anything that can shade some light on what really happened to Michelle and most importantly where she might be right now.
Thank you for saying all I was thinking, but much more eloquent and kind.

WS isn't a place for accusations without the back-up. If the accusations bear such frequent repeating, surely the links to the supporting evidence could be repeated alongside.
Although I've stated I believe Dale is guilty of murdering Michelle, I suppose at this point, it would be most accurate to say the evidence I've seen, circumstantial as it is, leads me to think he is more likely than not responsible for her demise, assuming she is no longer with us. So basically, I'd possibly find him responsible enough by civil court standards, but not criminal, although even so, the lack of body gives me heavy pause because that makes it possible she's alive out there some where, voluntarily or involuntarily away.

I'll admit to a thought I've had since day one. I never said anything here bc I figured it was silly and of course would be shot to pieces. But now that I'm aware that my playing my Star Wars KOTR game kinda already makes me suspect, I might as well say it-- if someone really wanted to frame Dale, wouldn't that have been the perfect day to do it? The dude seems to inspire disgust and...rather strong feelings, and...let's just say I'd be surprised if the guy didn't have at least a handful of enemies. Now, I realize this isn't an episode of Remington Steele, but Shannon's possible manner/cause of death seems almost too crazy to entertain...almost. :shrug: so who's to say something just as devious wasn't hatched and seen through but with Dale as an ultimate target, so to speak.


My heart bleeds for BP & GP. They seem like such nice people and Dale should be letting them see the twinners. Here is a recent article talking about the car window INCIDENT: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com...lle-parker-lost-engagement-ring-dale-smith-jr

Wonder how a guy like THAT gets to have custody of such precious children. On a side note I have been hearing a lot about Aaron Hernandez and the people he allegedly killed. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/07/01/inside-mind-aaron-hernandez/

He went to college in our wonderful state of FL. For some reasons when I read about Mr Hernandez' case(s)....I think of Dale...two peas in a pod. Same kinda backgrounds...both seem to be psycho/sociopaths who flock to drugs and violence and hanging with the wrong crowd.

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