FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 7

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The parked van shows only the windows on the passenger side and the other top two videos depict the drivers side on a work vehicle which does not have windows typically. But all pictures of this white work van show black bumpers. I think this is the same vehicle which shows it coming in the complex twice........:fence: watching the van go by.......

Has anyone seen a picture or video of dales work van?

In in the video where the neighbor with the camera is talking, The camera man pans over and you can see a white van parked in the driveway. I wanted to know if that van, the van parked and the van coming in before Michelle are all the same one.

JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
And remember, "Justice" is on Fox News at a special time tonight 10pm ET!
8 minutes ago
Jeanine Pirro
JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
Plus, the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious...And we have the father of missing 'People's Court' mom, Michelle Parker.
9 minutes ago
Jeanine Pirro
JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
@foxnews "Justice" 2nite: @GovMikeHuckabee w/ reaction 2 GOP Forum.Plus Attorney General's @PamBondi, @KenCuccinelli & @ScottPruittOK 10p ET
10 minutes ago

JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
And remember, "Justice" is on Fox News at a special time tonight 10pm ET!
8 minutes ago
Jeanine Pirro
JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
Plus, the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious...And we have the father of missing 'People's Court' mom, Michelle Parker.
9 minutes ago
Jeanine Pirro
JudgeJeanine Jeanine Pirro
@foxnews "Justice" 2nite: @GovMikeHuckabee w/ reaction 2 GOP Forum.Plus Attorney General's @PamBondi, @KenCuccinelli & @ScottPruittOK 10p ET
10 minutes ago
Judge Jeanine will have Michelle's Dad on tonight.
Until we have more facts/clarification of the timeline, it is always good to speculate. having said that...I don't see very many other viable suspects than DS. I just don't.


I haven't seen anyone else brought up either that stands out to me.

The only only other thought that has popped into my head...

if they keep searching, checking dale out and don't find anything conclusive...
even though circumstances around him look really bad... Orlando really may have to consider that we now have three, beautiful young women - gone with no trace. Jennifer Kesse, Tracy Ocasio, and now Michelle Parker. There may be one person responsible, as unlikely as it may seem . No sign of Jennifer or Tracy has been found. No suspect for Jennifer, and though it is suspected that they know the man responsible for Tracy's disappearance , they have no solid evidence and no sign of her body . Scary stuff , as a woman walking around Orlando.
True and actually there is no such thing as changing the name on a loan. Michelle would have had to buy the car off of him just like anyone else. Can't for the life of me figure out why Dale would be letting her drive his Hummer especially when they were broke up and he was suing her for a lost engagement ring.
Maybe because she's driving his kids around ??

I have a friend who is still driving her ex's Escalade because she still has his kids and she needs a reliable vehicle.. (it's the only nice thing he's done, btw)

We don't know the reason ... It could also be just one more means of control..

Maybe because she's driving his kids around ??

I have a friend who is still driving her ex's Escalade because she still has his kids and she needs a reliable vehicle.. (it's the only nice thing he's done, btw)

We don't know the reason ... It could also be just one more means of control..


Sometimes it is just as simple as to who can afford to make the payments.
I got to wondering today, what if MP already had a passenger in the car with her when she went to drop the twins off. Someone she knew, that wound up being up to no good??

DS didn't necessarily have to go outside when they arrived and MP might would not have mentioned it.

I agree. People sometimes get deluded by all these crime TV shows, where it's never the first suspect and there's always some plot twist. Or maybe we just can't conceive someone that someone could do this to the mother of his children. But the statistics bear it out overwhelmingly: the victim almost always knows the perpetrator.
I really hate how the news media is calling Michelle, "The People's Court" mom...
If some of these people really knew what it was like to personally lose a friend or a family member or the love of their life to this...they wouldn't do it.
I try to imagine my murdered friend...being called "Serial Killer's 4th masterpiece." Because that is the worst thing I can imagine her being nicknamed.

Sometimes I feel like trash just listening to the media. Because I am giving them props by letting them into my living room.

A lot of times they are doing good work, getting out the word, helping in certain ways...but this nickname **** really ticks me off. Michelle is a missing endangered person. A mother with three children who won't get to see her for Christmas. But to them, she is a "People's Court" mom.

Her name is Michelle. Michelle Parker. If we can call serial killers by their first, middle and last names. We should be able to call her Michelle Parker.
Where the twins car seats still in the car when Michelle's Hummer was found?
How many miles is it form the "command center" that was closed down to "The Barn"? TIA

IIRC, around 20 miles. Looking at the map that people have put the little things on.

Her car found here.............his house......................................the barn
This case has me thinking a lot. It brings me back to OJ. While I am always ready to give people the benefit of the doubt, particularly with no criminal background, I cannot feel the least bit sorry about suspecting DS. If you want the privilege of society giving you the benefit of the doubt when something like this happens, then you should have refrained from being a violent criminal who beat his wives and girlfriends. Now, if you happened to be an ordained minister who spends his free time working soup kitchens and going on missionary trips, then maybe I would be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

No, Dale-you are a violent, abusive, arrogant, selfish, self-serving, narcissitic poor excuse for a man. I hope everyone who knows this guy realizes that he doesn't have a "nice side." People like him only pretend to have a "nice side" and only decide to show it when it suits their purposes. Don't be fooled. He has done this to himself.

So don't waste your time feeling sorry for him or defending him-let him take care of that himself. Instead, use your energies in helping this poor family find this beautiful mother whose children need to know what happened to her.

I don't think it's an issue of feeling sorry for him. So in your eyes it's OK to name a suspect with no evidence of wrong doing as long as he's a bad guy to begin with? I don't feel sorry for Dale, but I can't understand why the police hold a press conference and announce someone a prime suspect without one shred of evidence and no arrest. The only time I have seen a press conference announcing someone a prime suspect in a murder is when someone is on the run. Fact is this has made LE look stupid in my eyes and I'm sure others too. I also wonder if the don't make an arrest soon does Dale have some kind of law suit against them for liable.
I don't think it's an issue of feeling sorry for him. So in your eyes it's OK to name a suspect with no evidence of wrong doing as long as he's a bad guy to begin with? I don't feel sorry for Dale, but I can't understand why the police hold a press conference and announce someone a prime suspect without one shred of evidence and no arrest. The only time I have seen a press conference announcing someone a prime suspect in a murder is when someone is on the run. Fact is this has made LE look stupid in my eyes and I'm sure others too. I also wonder if the don't make an arrest soon does Dale have some kind of law suit against them for liable.

I would think that there is evidence against him, just not public yet.
I don't think it's an issue of feeling sorry for him. So in your eyes it's OK to name a suspect with no evidence of wrong doing as long as he's a bad guy to begin with? I don't feel sorry for Dale, but I can't understand why the police hold a press conference and announce someone a prime suspect without one shred of evidence and no arrest. The only time I have seen a press conference announcing someone a prime suspect in a murder is when someone is on the run. Fact is this has made LE look stupid in my eyes and I'm sure others too. I also wonder if the don't make an arrest soon does Dale have some kind of law suit against them for liable.

LE has more evidence or they would not have had probable cause to get a SW to hit SR's house with a hard entry. Judges do not issue warrants without legal basis. I am sure they have alot more than we know. Today, most LE in cities, counties and municipalities in this country are well aware of what lines they can and cannot cross legally with regards to lawsuits from prime suspects/POI's. They were very careful with their wording IMO.
More questions to add to the question post...which we need to bump so it won't get bumped:
1) Where was DS's cell phone pinging from 3:18 until the police came to his house?
2) Where was the current boyfriend during that time frame? His alibi? (I don't in any way suspect him...but that information might be nice to have as well.)
3) Did/ or will LE search the lake near where her car was found?
4) Is it possible to use heat sensing from helicopters over the areas they are looking, at night, to maybe find something?
5) Is there no other way to find the damn cell phone? What about metal detectors? Is LE using them/ have they?
6) Car seats? Were there ones in Michelle's Hummer when it was found? Or did she share with DS? Did he have ones of his own?
LE has more evidence or they would not have had probable cause to get a SW to hit SR's house with a hard entry. Judges do not issue warrants without legal basis. I am sure they have alot more than we know. Today, most LE in cities, counties and municipalities in this country are well aware of what lines they can and cannot cross legally with regards to lawsuits from prime suspects/POI's. They were very careful with their wording IMO.

Well that's what I keep hearing, that they must lots more, but thing is if this lots more isn't enough to arrest Dale then this lots more adds up to nothing. Something isn't adding up here, but I guess time will tell.
Justice with Judge Jeanine is on now and will be covering Michelle's case sometime during the show.
More questions to add to the question post...which we need to bump so it won't get bumped:
1) Where was DS's cell phone pinging from 3:18 until the police came to his house?
2) Where was the current boyfriend during that time frame? His alibi? (I don't in any way suspect him...but that information might be nice to have as well.)
3) Did/ or will LE search the lake near where her car was found?
4) Is it possible to use heat sensing from helicopters over the areas they are looking, at night, to maybe find something?
5) Is there no other way to find the damn cell phone? What about metal detectors? Is LE using them/ have they?
6) Car seats? Were there ones in Michelle's Hummer when it was found? Or did she share with DS? Did he have ones of his own?

I'm updating the question list now and will post a new one soon. By the way, your first two questions are already on the list, just worded differently.
New Question List!

  1. Name and address of the twins’ daycare facility.
  2. Time when MP picked up the twins from daycare.
  3. What time did MP’s Hummer leave DS Jr.’s condo?
  4. Eyewitness or video of above?
  5. When did DS Jr. leave the condo in his own vehicle?
  6. Did DS Jr. know about his neighbor’s video camera?
  7. Did neighbors of DS Sr. see vehicles arriving and leaving on 11/17 afternoon?
  8. Location MP’s cell pinged for “Waterford” text to brother.
  9. When was MP supposed to meet boyfriend for dinner?
  10. What time did Yvonne call DS Jr. 11/17 evening?
  11. What number did she call (ie, cell, or land line at condo or Rose Av.)?
  12. If Mrs. DS Sr. answered this call, what did she say to Yvonne in reference to why DS Jr. didn’t answer or couldn’t come to the phone?
  13. When did DS Jr. return Yvonne’s call?
  14. When did LE first contact DS Jr., and how?
  15. When did DS Jr. return to his condo from Rose Ave. evening of 11/17?
  16. When he returned, were the twins with him, or did he leave them at DS Sr.’s house?
  17. What is the ping “trail” for MP’s cell before it stopped pinging?
  18. Additional unreleased videos or other electronic evidence to track the route of MP’s Hummer after 3:18 PM on 11/17.
  19. Additional unreleased eyewitness accounts of Hummer movements around town after 3:18 PM.
  20. Details of search warrant for DS Sr.'s house on Rose Ave.
  21. What is MP’s boyfriend’s alibi for 11/17 afternoon, and where was he during the times in question?
  22. Who else called or texted MP on 11/17 after 2:30 PM?
  23. Did MP send or receive any texts or make or receive any calls to/from DS Jr. on 11/16 or on 11/17 before 3:18 PM?
  24. What was the ping “trail” for DS Jr.’s cell on 11/17 from 3:18 PM on?
  25. Does DS Sr. own a cell phone, and if so, what is the ping “trail” for his phone for times in question?
  26. What if any evidence did LE find in the Hummer?
  27. What fingerprints were on MP's Hummer and her purse and belongings?
  28. If Dale's FP's were found in her Hummer does he frequently get in her car?
  29. Was the Hummer driver's seat set for MP or someone taller?
  30. Were all the Hummer mirrors adjusted to the seat level? Whose fingerprints were on the mirror?
  31. Was the Hummer recently washed?
  32. Did the floor mats and wheel wells of the Hummer or other DS Jr./Sr. vehicles have any type of dirt mud or material that would possibly match up with a body of water that is nearby?
  33. What if any evidence did LE find at the Rose Ave. house?
  34. Did LE search DS Jr.’s work van?
  35. Did LE check DS Jr.’s trash inside and out?
  36. Who arrived at the condo for the search first: LE or DS Jr?
  37. If LE was there first, did DS Jr. arrive in his truck & pull into the garage or did someone else drive him?
  38. If DS Jr. was already there when LE arrived, were there any other vehicles or persons there with him?
  39. Was the white van parked on the street in the condo neighbor’s video DS Jr.’s work van?
  40. Does DS Jr. own a bicycle, or have access to one at the Rose Avenue house?
  41. White vans appear in the condo neighbor’s video, and in a later interview with the neighbor. Are these all the same van, or two or more different vans?
  42. Did DS Jr. have his own car seats for the twins, or did DS Jr. and MP share car seats?
  43. Did the Hummer have child car seats when found?
  44. Did/will LE search bodies of water near the parking lot where the Hummer was found?
  45. Would it be possible and effective for LE to use heat sensors from helicopters, at night, to help in searches?
  46. Has LE used or will they use metal detectors to aide in finding the cell phone during searches?
In in the video where the neighbor with the camera is talking, The camera man pans over and you can see a white van parked in the driveway. I wanted to know if that van, the van parked and the van coming in before Michelle are all the same one.

According to the property records with orange county


You can search property owners and both DS Jr and the RG (man with the video) live in the same condo building. There is four units to each building RG is A and DS is C both with the same numerical address and building 97. Now I can understand why the van was parked there and if you look at the times the van was there. There is plenty times he was coming in and out when he was supposed to be at DS Sr. LE has to know more........:banghead: If I can figure this out surely to goodness they can....

IMO that the sun shadows tell me even more in the video I wouldn't need the times.....
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