FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - # 7

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IIRC, the only Facebook page we are allowed to post is the one for "Michelle Parker Missing".

From all indications, the authenticity of the newly linked one checked out.

I am letting it stand because it appears to be indeed legit and who it is purported to be. Happy to report the page is dead as a doornail and thankfully there are no photos of the minor children. :thumb:

I know this is new for many of you re: allowing Facebook links. TPTB at WS have agreed we have to change with the times regarding allowing social media sites to be linked. There is no hard and fast rule - the decisions are made on a case by case and FB link by FB link basis. It depends on several things. So far all things check out with the one linked above so we're letting it stand.

If anyone discovers that we may have overlooked something, please contact a mod.

Ruh roh. I cannot seem to delete those posts that andalso didn't like! Maybe it's too late? If a Mod reads this, would you please delete my posts #256 and #260?
A couple of points I just pondered.

The first is to consider the disposal of a person 'in broad daylight', it is 6pm here in fl and already dark. (missing person report is still 90 mins away).

Travelling anywhere in any vehicle during the rush hour here would actually help in remaining unseen (well unnoticed), I just drove 14 miles from my MILs house. My mind was full of, dinner, laundry, what my plans for the evening (decorating mostly) are. I can't recall a SINGLE vehicle that I passed or drove behind.

I assumed for a while that he must have had help, because he had the twins.......but maybe not .....are they barely 3 or almost 4, mine always fell asleep in the car. They may have been right there and either unable to verbalize or didn't witness most of what unfolded.

So --- his father may not be an accomplice, but may have given his son an alibi that he can't now retract.
The 11 year old being home alone and not calling the salon until after dark is an example of how 'times' are adjusted (we were first told 3pm ish) to cover non serious issues, even when a major incident is being investigated.

I do think the younger DS is capable of violence and I am now (almost) convinced that he acted alone.
From all indications, the authenticity of the newly linked one checked out.

I am letting it stand because it appears to be indeed legit and who it is purported to be. Happy to report the page is dead as a doornail and thankfully there are no photos of the minor children. :thumb:

I know this is new for many of you re: allowing Facebook links. TPTB at WS have agreed we have to change with the times regarding allowing social media sites to be linked. There is no hard and fast rule - the decisions are made on a case by case and FB link by FB link basis. It depends on several things. So far all things check out with the one linked above so we're letting it stand.

If anyone discovers that we may have overlooked something, please contact a mod.


I deleted it. Should I post the link again?
Ruh roh. I cannot seem to delete those posts that andalso didn't like! Maybe it's too late? If a Mod reads this, would you please delete my posts #256 and #260?

Consider it done. :)
The link to the "alleged" Dale SR Facebook page is gone. Are you saying this is truly Dale Sr.'s Facebook page?

Are we now allowed to post the Facebook page for Dale Smith Jr. as well as the friends and support Facebook page for Dale Jr.

Someone posted the support group for Dale Jr, and it was deleted. :crazy:

The page contains pic of minor children!
FWIW ... I don't think this is Dale W. Smith, Sr's Facebook page. This person added his High School, of which, is in Kentucky.
FWIW ... I don't think this is Dale W. Smith, Sr's Facebook page. This person added his High School, of which, is in Kentucky.

IIRC isn't the family originally from OH? Just a stone's throw from KY especially if, say, they were from Cinci area........
Maybe I am dense today, but where does it show this page is based out of Orlando or that this is Dale Smith Sr.?

Are you going by a picture?

If you look at the friends, many list Orlando as their hometown.
I discovered it by researching friends of friends...That's how I came to find it.
Oh. My. Golly. Not that it's proof of any guilt in MPs case, but that gave me chills.

Same here. It proves nothing. But I find that comment a bit creepy, considering the current circumstances.
Mod note:

I just removed several posts that linked to a Facebook page that included photos of the young children. That is not allowed at all.

It was not the page of a "player", it was a page started by friends and supporters of Dale Jr..

The ONLY Facebook permitted to be linked right now is the page started by Michelle's family that posts search info.

Please alert if that FB page gets linked again. I am appalled that any "support" page would link photographs of the minor children. Let's all work together to protect those innocent twins!


My error beach, I just went back and re-read your notice that the "friends and family Facebook page is not allowed.
I don't understand why the family has moved the command center from Jesse Blacks to The Barn. To focus on other areas? What other areas?

The other thing, I was out and about in Orlando for 2 days now and I only saw one flyer and it was on some girls SUV driving down the rd.

Where are all the flyers?
Welcome MelanieW!!!!! Glad you decided to join us and great first post!!!

Below I respectfully snipped your post for emphasis on the 3:18pm vs 4:00pm arrival time of Michelle and the twins at Dale Jr's condo..
Originally Posted by MelanieW
I believe that the 3:18 timestamped video is accurate, and I believe the reason Michelles sister made the statement about it being wrong is simply because in the same breath she says "Dale said Michelle dropped the kids off at 4:00" when they called him later that evening asking about Michelle. It proves he is lieing when he told them she was there at 4:00 (He obviously did NOT KNOW that her Hummer was caught on neighbors surveillance tape at 3:18). He lied to them because he could not tell them the truth about what happened from 3:18-4:00 (which is sadly the most likely time that Michelle met her fate). Her family KNOWS he said 4:00 and they are not going to let him or the media forget it...

Thank you! Thank you!! IMO you hit the nail on the head!! It's been my thought all along from the strange/odd public statement by sister, Lauren.. That the motive was absolutely calling out Dale Jr and his obvious and blatant bold faced That he told the family the night of 11/17 in his recalling when he'd last seen Michelle.. He hadn't a clue that the lie was gonna be blown outta the water due to thanks of great technology that big brother(video) was watching and has got it all right there documented on tape.. I agree with you 100+% and it certainly seems that you and I are definitely on the same page regarding this issue that I posted the novel length post about last night..lol.. I saw where there posts that found the time(3:18 vs 4:00) to be an absolute irrelevant detail and was disappointed that I'd obviously royally failed in my attempting to broach the discussion of what was Lauren's motive for going public BIG TIME on 11/30 with these absolutely incorrect details/times.. it was never about where the discrepancy came from per se but what was the fam's motive behind publicly making such a bold/incorrect statement.. So I'd just let the subject lie and not keep repeating the broken record about this little subject.. And was so pleasantly surprised to just now read your first post with you perfectly laying out exactly what was the motive and what was behind those bold statements made by the fam via Lauren..

You're correct IMO the family is not gonna let it go and that simple 60sec sound bite that Lauren delivered last week on PRIMETIME NEWS was perfect and their objective was met a 1000 times over IMO in letting Dale Jr and NeJame know that they are more than aware of JR's account crumbling and caving in on him(sadly for NeJame I bet he was blindsided with this info.. I hardly doubt his upstanding client, Dale Jr had informed him of the spun tale he'd given the family that he had been busted with his own neighbors video footage..nope likely NeJame took a punch to the gut with that one).. Nonetheless he's a smart cookie and I'm certain that upon getting wind of the PRIMETIME NEWS soundbite he knew immediately not only that it was directly pointing out Dale's bold faced lies.. But more importantly NeJame immediately recognized exactly what this family's motive was for making the seemingly innocent and harmless statement on tv..

Lauren did an excellent job of getting it out there and I must admit I did get a chuckle from it upon my seeing what the real motive was .. After her boldly saying on national tv that hey this video time stamp is wrong it wasn't 3:18 it was really 4:00.. Her following words were what called Jr out.. In her saying, and hey it's not just me saying it's wrong but Dale Jr even told us that night when we first were able to finally locate and talk to him.. He even told us it wasn't til 4:00 that Michelle got there with the twins..lol..:D

Can we say the irony is rich indeed?? Calling the man out with his very own words.. Sadly for him those words were blatant, busted lies.. Lolol.. Hahahhaha!!

Yes, MelanieW excellent first post and fortunately for me your first post included the important details that I so miserably failed at bringing up for discussion last night.. You told it exactly how I believe it is.. Go team MICHELLE!!!:D
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