GUILTY FL - Shannon Dedrick, 7 mo., Chipley, 31 Oct 2009 #5

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Just letting everyone know I haven't forgotten about Shannon and I am still praying that where ever she ends up, she knows love and laughter.
Think often about Shannon and hoping that she gets the love and attention she so deserves. What a sweet baby - she truly captured my heart.
People who are bi-polar often have problems with substance abuse,recklessness (speeding) and overspending...they are apt to write bad checks, go on a spree etc
and their mental illness is NO defense for that, sorry

MOST people in prison have some mental problems...should we just excuse them all??? I don't think so

Plus it is hard to play it both ways...those who are so anxious to have Shannon go to her grandmother WITH Tina don't think...will they watch her 24/7?
If not, what is to say that Tina might not be "swayed" to give her baby away again or do something else equally dangerous or foolish??

Should Tina be treated as harshly as Susan?? No...I am not saying that
but I don't think she should skate away
She can get her meds in prison....or in a mental institution. Sorry as far as I am concerned this was a crime, and apparently the prosecution is thinking that way.

as for Susan Baker, like most here I hope they throw the book at her.
But oh...what if she is bi-polar, or depressed or schizoid, or ??

what then?

Your first statement is not true, according to information we have about Tina,Tina has had MI since a young age, children can be bipolar,they dont drink,drive,shop,write checks etc.For Tina,yes MI would be her defense.especially bipolar.That would be logical.

I dont believe your 2nd statement either,I need proof,Id say most people in jail have had a bad upbringing,drug or alcohol related.:yes:not childhood MI.

3rd para. I dont know Gr.MA or Tina personally,but if Gr.Ma gets custody of Shannon and Tina recieves the help she NEEDS then I believe it would be wonderful for Shannon to be raised in HER family that appears to love both.Tina wouldnt be able to give her baby away because Gr.Ma would have custody.I believe Grma would take care of Shannon 24/7 if she got custody.
Havent heard or seen anything to contradict that,have you?

Tina doesnt belong in prison,she belongs in a hospital,psychiatric center setting. and you say"and apparently the prosecution is thinking that way"
Sources please? havent heard this one.

Oh sure Susan Baker, might be depressed,depressed from being caught finally,
and could be a number of other things,didnt she have an anxiety attack in jail recently?

Id be a little more than anxious right now if I were her,BUT,I dont think she has the history to prove it,the only thing she has right now is the proof that another child went missing in her care ,PLUS, proof that she tortured another child that still lives the nightmare into adulthood.

You still need to educate yourself on the bipolar illness it may change your perspective, I know the more I learned about this case it changed mine.

I agree 150%.

WOW,look here Logicalminds,just 9 days ago I agreed with you 150% and since the last fews days Ive totally shifted :waitasec:

See,it can happen:dance:
WOW,look here Logicalminds,just 9 days ago I agreed with you 150% and since the last fews days Ive totally shifted :waitasec:

See,it can happen:dance:

>>??? LOL>>> on which subject?? I find there are some "cases" or threads I agree with people and some that I don't

Can you clarify?? thanks

Logical Minds: I think it's great that you have a picture of Michael as your avatar! My prayers for his recovery.

Approximately 16 percent of all prison inmates are believed to have some sort of mental illness, which is three times the rate of the overall population.

and that would be mental illness...lots more suffer from depression etc

years ago there were mental hospitals that kept these they are long gone..

the rate of mental illness among the homeless is even higher

sorry...I didn't mean that children do those things (speed, substance abuse, bad checks)...I meant people who are bipolar..and their disease is NOT a legal excuse..they are tried and convicted..sometimes it can be used in the sentencing but NOT in the trial phase

People are very unaware it seems that the "insanity defense" is rarely allowed...(except on tv)....insanity defense means a person is so out of touch they don't know right from example might be a person who thinks others are aliens, or thinks they are marie antoinette or whatever

Mental conditions are allowed to be used in the sentencing get the person mental help ...but not for the trial

the facts of what Tina did are pretty clear. She had many chances to right her wrong and she didn't, not to the very end. Her daughter was found with no help from her.

I dont think that after what she has done you can just say "whoops"
and what of the cost to the state? the cost of the searches?? whoops?


Thanks Blonde...:) I live down here and have been following this, so I want to get the word out
Michael seems to be a strong kid, he has a long horrible road ahead....what a tragedy, but he is
a fighter! I hope you will join me on his "thread" where I plan to post what updates/info I find here thanks
respectfully snipped..

oh....never harmed her...but called her in missing, allowed a huge, expensive manhunt to go on, the whole nation worried ....she was just "allowing" SB to "care" for her in a box under a bed??

sorry...I think LOGICALLY...not based on emotions

LM, I realize this is logical thinking. But can you think for a minute, about why Tina didn't stop the search? For just a moment, be a 13 yr old who doesn't think or process the way an adult does. Or even the way you did when you were 13....

Why would she do this? Was she afraid? Had she and sb collaborated? Had sb told her repeatedly not to cave? Why? What was the purpose?

Without knowing these answers I have to continue to question whether or not sb was behind the whole thing and she manipulated Tina into doing this.

What did Tina have to gain? I can"t see a damn thing. Did sb want to keep Shannon? Did she convince Tina this would work out for both of them? sb was the only one who served to gain anything, from my POV.

sb no doubt was in the process of setting this up, when she sent an email to Mr Gov Crist. What she was hoping to accomplish must have failed, when CPS proved that Tina was in compliance.

Logic dictates this was not going to end the way Tina expected, without knowing what she expected to happen and assuming there would be a pay off.

Logically, Tina never should have been allowed to take Shannon home from the hospital without a full time care giver. Realistically Tina is over 21 years old (chronologically), her family couldn't force her to live with them, or force her to do anything.

Anyone who has not lived with a person who has these issues, can't grasp the day to day frustrations they live with and more so those who love them deal with.
I personally think Tina has a lot to answer for, endangering her child, not to mention the cost of the searches, the cost to LE....just another "whoops"??

and the damage to the baby ??? It seems the foster mother is now covering Shannon's face when they go out due to curious onlookers who want to see her, this baby is "famous" but in a bad way....

And I really really DO question the social workers who felt that despite the messy trailer and pot smoking parents that the baby was "only" at "intermediate" risk??

what is up with an "intermediate risk"??
>>??? LOL>>> on which subject?? I find there are some "cases" or threads I agree with people and some that I don't

Can you clarify?? thanks

It was on this case,this thread, if you go to my profile and look at the post I made , yours is right above it, pretty detailed,and like I said I was in agreement 150%. too funny:crazy:
LM, I realize this is logical thinking. But can you think for a minute, about why Tina didn't stop the search? For just a moment, be a 13 yr old who doesn't think or process the way an adult does. Or even the way you did when you were 13....

Why would she do this? Was she afraid? Had she and sb collaborated? Had sb told her repeatedly not to cave? Why? What was the purpose?

Without knowing these answers I have to continue to question whether or not sb was behind the whole thing and she manipulated Tina into doing this.

What did Tina have to gain? I can"t see a damn thing. Did sb want to keep Shannon? Did she convince Tina this would work out for both of them? sb was the only one who served to gain anything, from my POV.

sb no doubt was in the process of setting this up, when she sent an email to Mr Gov Crist. What she was hoping to accomplish must have failed, when CPS proved that Tina was in compliance.

Logic dictates this was not going to end the way Tina expected, without knowing what she expected to happen and assuming there would be a pay off.

Logically, Tina never should have been allowed to take Shannon home from the hospital without a full time care giver. Realistically Tina is over 21 years old (chronologically), her family couldn't force her to live with them, or force her to do anything.

Anyone who has not lived with a person who has these issues, can't grasp the day to day frustrations they live with and more so those who love them deal with.

Now that I do agree with 150%, especially your last statement.
I do hope they dig hard into Tinas medical file and see her for exactly who she is and not what/who they want her to be.
What she needs now too is a strong advocate that knows MI.
Oh ok :) I see you have changed your mind...your perogative

I am sorry but I don't see how Tina is suddenly supposed to "change" overnight

I think it is ridiculous to just give her a get out of jail free card. She allowed her baby to be in danger all those thanks to her that Shannon was found alive

no one could control her before...she ended up pregnant, and wanted to raise the baby herself...and look what happened

Maybe she should be in a group home or something if she is a danger to herself and society.

Much of what I see here is pure speculation and sympathy for Tina...but none of it based on facts. In her jail pictures she doesn't even look sad or scared...just mad
She never recanted or told the cops where her baby was, the fact that the baby was found at all is NO thanks to her.
LogicalMinds, I think those of us that have zero sympathy for Tina are reading but not posting. ;)
Foster mom is in Chipley? How do we know she is covering that babies face? I assumed, and wrong that the baby would not be close by here.
Foster mom is in Chipley? How do we know she is covering that babies face? I assumed, and wrong that the baby would not be close by here.

here is an excerpt from the article and the link

CHIPLEY — A judge has sealed future custody hearings for Shannon Dedrick, the once-missing baby found hidden in a closed wooden box.

Circuit Judge Allen Register cited media scrutiny in his ruling Tuesday, which came after testimony from Shannon’s physician and a Guardian Ad Litem case worker.

“I think she could easily be known as the child that was found in a box for many, many years,” said Dr. Lisa Bailey, who examined Shannon shortly after she was pulled from under Susan Baker’s bed in her Washington County home Nov. 4.

The infant had been missing for days as teams of searchers looked for her. Her discovery in the small cedar box was a bizarre twist for many who feared worse. As Washington County sheriff’s investigators pieced together their case, they accused Shannon’s mother, Crystina Mercer, of surrendering Shannon to Baker — a step-aunt and baby sitter who apparently wanted permanent custody — and faking a 911 call to report the disappearance.

Bailey said Shannon is easy to recognize. Her face has been plastered across local and national media, and in Chipley, a town of about 3,700 people, Shannon’s foster mother has begun covering the baby’s face with a blanket or sheet when in public.

Such intense media attention could harm Shannon and limit her chances at living a normal childhood, Bailey said.
LogicalMinds, I think those of us that have zero sympathy for Tina are reading but not posting. ;)

LOL>> yes....lots of speculation and "IMHO" here...and much of it to support Tina, why I don't know

some people here are even still blaming Rusty...when LE has said he knew nothing of this dastardly "plot"...

I am amazed how many people want it "both ways" when it comes to Tina...
they feel she should get "off" cause of her mental problems/etc but they don't say how the baby would be safe with her in the future...just having the "grandmother" there doesn't cut it....after all Tina was defiant with her and got pregnant, refused to "come home" with the baby

seems like she has already got this baby off to a bad start
and the article I posted backs this up (not just MY speculation)
the fact that LE has charged Tina and is holding her is a good indication
of what the facts are
I am amazed how many people want it "both ways" when it comes to Tina...
they feel she should get "off" cause of her mental problems/etc but they don't say how the baby would be safe with her in the future...

No one, including Tina's family, has said that she should 'get off' but that she should get help...if that involves time in a medical facility where she is under security, and that is what a judge decides, then that may be what is best for her. Our argument is that she does not deserve to go to prison but to get help and monitoring suitable to her mental condition. Also, noone has said that she will be raising her daughter again either, even if she is not convicted of criminal charges I doubt that she will be given custody back, but I don't think she should never be allowed to see her daughter again either.

Can I point out again as well that we dont KNOW that she gave SB the baby, that is SB's claim and Tina denies it. If you are such a Logical Thinker you should be familiar with the constitution and every persons rights including that they are innocent until proven guilty. For all we know at this point SB came and got the baby while the parents were sleeping, Tina said in her 911 call that maybe her sister in law picked her up and she would call them to ask, she did not say it like it was an uncommon occurance. Her lack of emotion is another symptom of her emotional handicap, I grew up with her, I can attest for the fact that she doesn't handle emotions the way most people do in stressful situations. That does not mean she is not feeling emotions, but she does not express them for most people to see. The 'angry' look you think you saw in her photos...first of all, wouldn't you be angry if you had just found out that the person you trusted your child with was a convicted child abuser, had 'lost' another child in her care, and had your child in a box under a bed for a good part of the past 4 days? Knowing at that point that my baby was safe with police I would not be able to hide my anger about those circumstances, so I wouldn't question why she looked angry in the first place. That aside, knowing her personally and being familiar with her handicaps, I have seen that expression on her before and it is often when she is blocking emotions as I previously mentioned that she does. You can also see in those same photos that her eyes are red, which was due to the immense amout of crying she was doing while with her family and on her own.

My point is, to put it bluntly, that you really don't know enough about her that is FACT, and not allegation or rumor, to make any judgements about her at this point. But as usual, I don't expect anything I say to change anyones mind...just trying to remind people that there are 2 sides to every story and you definitely don't see the full story about anything in the news, so drawing dead set conclusions from limited news reports is neither fair nor logical
Hi Chanilove,

Stopping by to say hi and that I still think about baby Shannon and your family. All of you are very much in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Just very warm thoughts and best wishes and of course a cyber hug for Shannon.

No one, including Tina's family, has said that she should 'get off' but that she should get help...if that involves time in a medical facility where she is under security, and that is what a judge decides, then that may be what is best for her. Our argument is that she does not deserve to go to prison but to get help and monitoring suitable to her mental condition. Also, noone has said that she will be raising her daughter again either, even if she is not convicted of criminal charges I doubt that she will be given custody back, but I don't think she should never be allowed to see her daughter again either.

Can I point out again as well that we dont KNOW that she gave SB the baby, that is SB's claim and Tina denies it. If you are such a Logical Thinker you should be familiar with the constitution and every persons rights including that they are innocent until proven guilty. For all we know at this point SB came and got the baby while the parents were sleeping, Tina said in her 911 call that maybe her sister in law picked her up and she would call them to ask, she did not say it like it was an uncommon occurance. Her lack of emotion is another symptom of her emotional handicap, I grew up with her, I can attest for the fact that she doesn't handle emotions the way most people do in stressful situations. That does not mean she is not feeling emotions, but she does not express them for most people to see. The 'angry' look you think you saw in her photos...first of all, wouldn't you be angry if you had just found out that the person you trusted your child with was a convicted child abuser, had 'lost' another child in her care, and had your child in a box under a bed for a good part of the past 4 days? Knowing at that point that my baby was safe with police I would not be able to hide my anger about those circumstances, so I wouldn't question why she looked angry in the first place. That aside, knowing her personally and being familiar with her handicaps, I have seen that expression on her before and it is often when she is blocking emotions as I previously mentioned that she does. You can also see in those same photos that her eyes are red, which was due to the immense amout of crying she was doing while with her family and on her own.

My point is, to put it bluntly, that you really don't know enough about her that is FACT, and not allegation or rumor, to make any judgements about her at this point. But as usual, I don't expect anything I say to change anyones mind...just trying to remind people that there are 2 sides to every story and you definitely don't see the full story about anything in the news, so drawing dead set conclusions from limited news reports is neither fair nor logical

even if she was "tricked" somehow at the start, she had 5 days to speak up and save her own child..and she didn't

that is a fact...easy to see

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