FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #27

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I have been thinking outside the box lately after seeing a post on another board that said maybe it was a prank that went bad, and that DT knows what happened and thus a cover up . hmmmm I just don't know anymore.
The day Somer went missing, SP and ST stayed behind, why, it seems odd to me that both kids would not go looking for her. I guess SP stayed at the home in case Somer showed up.

Actually cath.. that is one of the few things I dont find odd. Lil ST would have probably just slowed AT down and he is just too little to look alone.
RUMOR: I heard that Lil ST just doesnt understand and keeps saying he wishes "the man would just let somer go so she can come home". OMG.. it breaks my heart in a million more pieces for this little boy. Someone posted earlier that he looks just like his dad. Going thru old pics, you can hardly tell them apart he looks so much like him. Its like these twins were the spitting images of ST and DT. More than once every day I pray that they can get along and do whats best for their children, I know I dont know the whole picture of their marriage or the demise of it. What I do know is that the kids need all the love and support they can get.. now and in the future from both their parents. I still firmly believe the best thing a father can do for their child is to love their mother. and vise versa. They obviously loved once. I wish they could draw on that and care about each other now. Just my wish.. and my opinion.
I think the news stations archive the videos (they still have access to them but not on their websites for us).

IIRC, Amanda's PB has some videos in it, and I think there are some from Somer's case. The link to her PB is in my signature.

Maybe a lurker could come and post something he/she thinks is unintelligent but that gets our eyes looking at something in a new light?

We don't bite. Some growl. But we've all had our shots. ;)
Thanks for that Sad. Yes he sure does look like his Dad. True he might have slowed AT down but I think SP should have gone with AT , 2 sets of eyes better than 1. When AT returned he sent her out a second time. IMO valuable time was lost, most likely due to Somer's history of going off on own.
Noway do you mean his Indigo site? (to include adults)? thx
Yes, thank you! I couldn't remember details on what he changed but found a link to Cajun Girl bringing to our attention that the photo was gone.

I will link to any posts related to that in a coded format. If you know of posts connected to the changing of information let me know.

Although ... I'm either getting much better at using the search feature on WS or they have made some major improvements to it. There are two 10 yos, one 7 yo, and one 3 yo running around here and my concentration level is low.
I decided to take the Bull by the horns and email reporter JS, before I leave the cafe I will check my mail.
No news from reporter, JS, no surprise . BBL
I have some questions and some comments. I'm not sure on the time lines, so feel free to correct me!

1. Somer is found Weds at 3:30 (I think IIRC). Thursday LE goes to Gano. They have to wait for permission from the owner to search the house.

I think, and I DO NOT know this not being an attorney, but I believe they wouldn't need a search warrant. This would be excellent for LE because they don't have to identify anything that they want to look for . Anything and everything is avaialbe for evidence.

If that supposition is wrong, oh well.

I am hypothesizing that something or multiple things were found on Somer that led them to the Gano house as opposed to anywhere else along her route.

I do not believe that they would search Gano for little reason. Otherwise, why not search the park areas, perhaps or other places very intensely.

2. LE DOES need a search warrant to search the construction guys vehicles and trailers and get swabs from them. They would have to present enough reason to a judge to get a warrant. I believe, but may be wrong, they would have to have some pretty good reasons.

The search warrant would have to identify what they are looking for.

3. They bring digging equipment in and dig in spots on the property at 11:30 PM. They move heavy objects. Like what? They already dug through the dumpster and a front end loader moved the stuff around.

The digging , and at night!, WTH? Why not wait until daylight when you could see? Is it so critical? What could be so critical ? I really really wish someone could have some thoughts on this. Even my hubby who works in big construction could not come up with any theories, except maybe they were looking for something related to past crimes at that house.

4. They go to the bathroom across the street at OPAA and spend very little time there. They remove something but don't spend time there scouring the walls and floor, etc. Posters have suggest the toilet tank, but I don't know that a public bathroom would have a tank. Or other posters have suggested a false ceiling. We will have to see on a report about the ceiling.

I hope any scouts to the bathroom can take a look-see and see if anything else comes to mind. I would think if it was in the trash, they would take the whole receptacle. I am mystified about this greatly as well.

5. I am confused about the uncle of the little girl who walked with Somer. Is he an actual uncle or a boyfriend?

Did he say it was 50-50 that it would have been his niece before or after Somer was found? If before, that is HUGE!!!!!!! If after, well, not so huge.

6. The Hooters thing sounds like a nut, a REALLY REALLY big nut job. I did look up the hours of Hooters, just in case. It closes at 11:00PM.

7. What time do bars close there?

8. iwanno, the supposed friend of DT has let the building, apparently. In one phone call, at the most 2, she could find out the name of the bouncer at the Crazy Horse that was the crasher at the funeral and at DT's house. So I am not too sure I give any credence to anything she posted on here.

I hope someone has some ideas on my questions. Of course, maybe no one else sees my personal questions as any big deal.
I don't feel bad hogging up so much posting space here as not much else is going on here at this site. Anyway, the sister of the SO of the construction company that worked at Gano said that he had not worked there for 2 months. The owner brother said that the SO NEVER worked there. That's a pretty big inconsistency.

I know that SP was different that day in their world. And considering that he is a very very good friend, it is curious in all of those years that it's the only time he ever babysat. And the going home for lunch and meeting him there doesn't ring true because of the time factor.

I don't think he was ditching drug stuff for LE, because theoretically no one knew that LE would be called for Somer.

No one could predict that Somer would come home first, if in fact she did. Why would SP kill her? What could possibly be the reason? He knew the other kids would be coming home. If it was an accident, what kind of accident that would make LE see that it was a homicide right away? This is before any autopsy.

I can see that he would stay at the house in case Somer came home. If he doesn't know where kids would go, why would he be out looking around?

He could have left the house and hidden Somer by driving. We don't know the time frame there of the kids searching as how do kids tell time?

We always tell them, "in a minute." My minutes may stretch to an hour (LOL) or sometimes I even forget.

If he left the house with her, then he could explain his absence that he was out looking. I just don't see what he could have done that wouldn't be detected by LE in the house. No blood, that's for sure. You can't clean up blood from LE.

I'm sure that night his car would have been searched.

I'm not discounting SP, but I can't see the mechanics of it.
Human (oops)I wish I could come up with anything reasonable about why they were searching at night like that, it never made sense to me. Her body ws already found, so what could be so urgent to do this at night? Also the bathroom, I dont get that either, it was so fast and just a quick look see and the bag of whatever. I know Im not helping here, as all I can do is agree with you that none of this makes sense to me either. I will check to see if there is a tank and check the ceiling as well. iwannano's comments were not helpful in any way that I can see. And IMO they could have helped with very little effort. The name of the nutcase bouncer. The relationship of the "uncle". Why bookbags and lunch box change from amber alert to what is described now. It seems to me anyone close to DT would know these answers. Also, I remember a certain someone telling me when I first posted that I needed to let tricia know my relationship to this case. iwannano seemed more like family than friend (ive known DT and ST for years and years), unless of course everything said was not the truth. I feel like it was a little of truth and alot of misinformation with a definite agenda. My 2 cents.
I am hoping a light bulb goes off with someone. OFTEN in life, I can't see something that is right in front of me and then poof! the answer comes.

So obvious, but I did not see it.
Hi everyone!

First choice, S.P.

Second choice, within the family.

Third choice, neighbor kid/ and or parent

Fourth, sex offender

This is after reading all of your sleuthing, sex offender would be higher on the list, but i think they would have gotten him, them by now if it was a random sex offender.

Don't want to guess who, but I keep going back to asking myself what was different about that day than any other day she made it home safely? There appears to be a lot different that particular day. Doesn't take long for an adult to kill a 7yo.
Well Human, since you and I seem to be the only ones posting.. Im gonna add that I dont think SP had any motive that I can see to murder somer. If it was an accident, then I dont see why he wouldnt have just called 911. Its just all the contradictions that baffle me. Sp being there for lunch. Why they had lunch that day may never be answered, and prob had nothing to do with somer. Staying to wait for the kids. His name on the account. I dont get it. But it could be simple too. I can see DT saying he was there for the kids just so noone would know they were coming home to an empty house, as none of the kids were old enough to babysit. If he is an old and trusted friend, who is also good at accounting.. then maybe a name on acct, just so it wouldnt be family or b/f. My biggest question on that day is why did DT leave work to come home to look for her if her wandering was not a big enough deal for SP to call her in the first place. She wasnt gone that long, if it was commonplace thing for her to do. Could have just been her mother instincts telling her something was terribly wrong? If so, why not call LE immediately.. why would you wait? Better safe than sorry. Unless you had reasons that you really didnt want to involve LE unless you had to. Which is what finally happened. Im rambling and taking too much space.
The best place to hide something is out in the open. KWIM? So you are right.. it could be right in front of all of us and we are too close to see it.
Don't want to guess who, but I keep going back to asking myself what was different about that day than any other day she made it home safely? There appears to be a lot different that particular day. Doesn't take long for an adult to kill a 7yo.

What else was different other than the weather was cooler than normal and SP was at the home waiting for the kids???
Well Human, since you and I seem to be the only ones posting.. Im gonna add that I dont think SP had any motive that I can see to murder somer. If it was an accident, then I dont see why he wouldnt have just called 911. Its just all the contradictions that baffle me. Sp being there for lunch. Why they had lunch that day may never be answered, and prob had nothing to do with somer. Staying to wait for the kids. His name on the account. I dont get it. But it could be simple too. I can see DT saying he was there for the kids just so noone would know they were coming home to an empty house, as none of the kids were old enough to babysit. If he is an old and trusted friend, who is also good at accounting.. then maybe a name on acct, just so it wouldnt be family or b/f. My biggest question on that day is why did DT leave work to come home to look for her if her wandering was not a big enough deal for SP to call her in the first place. She wasnt gone that long, if it was commonplace thing for her to do. Could have just been her mother instincts telling her something was terribly wrong? If so, why not call LE immediately.. why would you wait? Better safe than sorry. Unless you had reasons that you really didnt want to involve LE unless you had to. Which is what finally happened. Im rambling and taking too much space.

I agree with the racing home, leaving work that day. Theoretically, she was only 45 minutes or so late at that time.

I have read somewhere (don't remember where), that an adult was usually at the home. Who? Haven't read that anywhere.

But if you juxtapose Gano and home, that does not make sense, does it?

I still don't get why she would do through the gate of the Gano house unless she was lured to come through. I don't think Kyle would volunteer that information. That he even saw her. I think it was info extracted after thinking Gano was a potential crime scene.

I can see that SP being her very very good friend could administer the money. He's into computers and could set up an accounting system or whatever. Where I live, accounts are set up at a bank for tragedies and money is sent to the bank.

I can't imagine that a bank would not volunteer in OP under the circumstances. We have victim advocates at the police dept here. You would think they do in OP as well. It's for any type of crime here. My son was robbed and he used the victim advocate. A friend's car was hit, and she used the victim advocate. It's just all too weird. All of it.
I have been thinking outside the box lately after seeing a post on another board that said maybe it was a prank that went bad, and that DT knows what happened and thus a cover up . hmmmm I just don't know anymore.

I could see a prank that went bad, but I can't see DT covering up for anyone. Not when it comes to the death of her child.
Could the adult was usually there just have been to protect the kids in the event that Somer was found hiding out or with a friend, etc.? (I'm not sure when it was first stated that an adult was normally there waiting for them but think it was a blond reporter -- Somebody Waugh maybe.)

If things went back to the way there were, I think the kids would have been alone again. I only say that because it doesn't seem like Diena got off work in time (if leaving work at 4 was early); C. Perry didn't get off work in time (if leaving work at 4:20 was early). Sean was there for the first time. Grandparents?

I don't know.
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