FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #31

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Somer paid the price so AB is a B. You never take it out on a child. I wish she would have done the right thing. Once a child trusts you, you can't just feel that you are being taken advantage of and discard them. That's a horrible thing to do to a child. Plus I noted how strange this woman is. She bounces checks and looks like an alcoholic to me. Nice woman. My posts are my opinion and I can call a spade a spade if I want to.

This is what I am talking about. You joined a website. That's all. It does not give you or anyone else carte blanche to accuse or defame someone because their neighbor's child is murdered. Or their cousin. Or whomever had a peripheral part in S. life. I am against posting personal information or making comments that besmirch someone based on happenstance.

I am not trying to pick on you. You just puncuated my earlier comment.

Also for the record, if I question another poster's info it is only because they themselves profess to bring something to the table other than what is out there in the media at large. Only 3 posters qualify in that. Everyone else is just making comments and opinions and conjectures on PUBLICLY held information.
So I will question that info just as I would when it comes from any other source. I hope you understand. I speak only for myself and this is only my opinion.
With the LE having done with the autopsy they KNOW if she was sexually assaulted, and if she was, that would immediately clear people who would have not commited this act.

Nobody is cleared.

That still does not tell me for a fact if she was sexually assaulted or not. IMO we will not know until it is released by LE or comes out in trial (if there ever is one).
Hounds, I agree with you about the thread(s) jumping from one person to another. That's why back earlier on this thread I suggested we think about what each of us sleuths according to our particular areas of interest or knowledge (such as maps, behaviors, people in the videos, etc.) and compare information.

How do you think we can emulate LE after a fashion? Do you have any suggestions? Is it a matter of being methodical, or something? I want to do it the right way.

I didn't see you post before writing the above or I would have incorporated it into my answer. Well, for a start, I wouldn't just take a person and try to fit the case around them to see how that would work. I have seen that happen so many times. I am not very much liked or appreciated for my views, I can tell you that. But, I would rather step on toes here than have someone who had nothing to do with this have their life poured out on these pages in an unwarrented way. Think like LE. If this were your case, how would you conduct it? Then act accordingly. That is the best adivice I could give you.
But, hey, I am in retail so what do I know. :)
Where Somer is, she understands everyone's concern. She knows her mother can take care of herself. Somer knows who killed her. Somer also had another mother, AT, who looked after her every day after school. We don't know how much mothering there was at an empty house. I am sure Somer is not judging anyone. She sees the big picture.

I want to point out that in many of DT's videos, she is wracked with guilt over several things: not taking time with Somer when she was "busy", "did I forget to tell her I loved her?" "I wish I had picked her up that day" "I wish I had done this or that..." Somer hears it. But is mom who is practically labeling herself neglectful, except when she changes and says "Somer never did this before..." "the neighbors watched out for her..." "I couldn't get her bused", etc. DT made bad choices by turning down opportunities for after-school care and saying the neighbors would watch over her child. She failed to make attempts to have them monitored and keep them safe. She placed the responsibility on others, including Abby. Abby was not only supposed to take care of Somer, but her twin also. And who would they find at the house? CPC, SP, not mom.

I want to think that Somer has great love and compassion for her mother, and wants to see her mother happy and at peace. I don't think Somer blames her mother for anything. But I also don't think Somer was very happy when she was on this earth - otherwise she wouldn't have been running away. Somer was a very affectionate child always looking for love and acceptance. She has it now.


IMO the bolded part is rumor.
I don't mean to be combative or argumentative here, but that makes NO sense. It makes more sense to say "SOMER OFTEN RUNS OFF, SHE IS A BIT FLIGHTY, I AM WORRIED ABOUT HER." Knowing that a 7 year old little girl was running off would show a pattern right away that would get the attention of a SO or a perp. DT said that to avoid being labeled as neglectful. Other posters have speculated that she told white lies on the police report about SP having been asked to babysit so LE would not know the kids were unchaperoned or not looked after.

There is no positive reason that DT should have said Somer never wandered - and it is an outright lie. Which is not a good thing to do on a MPR.


Makes perfect sense to me
This is what I am talking about. You joined a website. That's all. It does not give you or anyone else carte blanche to accuse or defame someone because their neighbor's child is murdered. Or their cousin. Or whomever had a peripheral part in S. life. I am against posting personal information or making comments that besmirch someone based on happenstance.

I am not trying to pick on you. You just puncuated my earlier comment.

Also for the record, if I question another poster's info it is only because they themselves profess to bring something to the table other than what is out there in the media at large. Only 3 posters qualify in that. Everyone else is just making comments and opinions and conjectures on PUBLICLY held information.
So I will question that info just as I would when it comes from any other source. I hope you understand. I speak only for myself and this is only my opinion.

She appeared on an interview. I didn't just pick her out of the blue. She made statements that no caring person would make. She denied a child a ride and the child died that day. I have a right to say whatever is my opinion. People here are accusing everyone of murder. There is nothing worse than that. AB put her self out there. She wasn't the parent and yet she said she didn't have room in her car. How cold is that? I would have gotten out of the car and walked with the child home. Then I would have had a nice talk with her mom or child services if the mom failed to provide adequate after school supervision. You fail to realize AB was a big part of the problem. The people in Somer's life failed this poor innocent child. If she was fed up with DT as someone claimed, why take it out on the innocent kid?
What in the world? I watch videos when I can, too. And I have heard it stated that on nice days they walked. A lot. Now, how is the neighbor a part of the problem? What about the other neighbors whose name you DON"T know? By that logic you might as well blame them, too. Three extra kids is a lot to have to make car pool arrangements for unless there is a regular understanding.
But, we do not know what formal arrangements there were. GOD forbid you lived next door to the T's. You may be held responsible for their children!! Yes. I can see from the videos she talked to LE and the media. She probably had a lot to say when she was questioned. I wouldn't doubt that a bit.

MY Quote did not appear: in reference to Pia's comments
Ok,Never mind I think.Dickie Thomas?The guy from Palatka?Did someone say he was a sex offender or was that someone else?If they just requestioned him then they think he may know something.That's interesting.
I'm a little afraid I'll get my head bit off here, but...
I just wanted to point out that in many states, a child of 7 is allowed to go home after school without adult supervision... especially if there is another older child who goes with. I'm not saying it's great parenting, nor would I personally do it- just saying it doesn't violate any laws or parenting standards-- again, please understand that I'm not saying it's wise in my point of view...

I looked up FL- and there is no standard for the age to leave children home alone- they do refer to this statement
Lynn Yaney, spokeswoman for the agency that handles child welfare in Contra Costa County, California, states:
  • "A general rule of thumb is that kids under age seven aren't capable of thinking logically and putting cause and effect together," Tanner said. "They are reliant on caregivers to structure their day." Children between ages 7 and 10 years aren't generally ready to self-supervise for an extended period, but in a routine and predictable environment, such as just after school, they can manage, Tanner said. Children 12 and 13 years old should be judged
    on a case- by-case basis but should not be left alone overnight.
Again, please don't shoot the messenger, but I'm just pointing out that DT was not doing anything differently than a lot of other parents and that doesn't show outright maliciousness toward her daughter...
(ducking and covering now...):truce:

She appeared on an interview. I didn't just pick her out of the blue. She made statements that no caring person would make. She denied a child a ride and the child died that day. I have a right to say whatever is my opinion. People here are accusing everyone of murder. There is nothing worse than that. AB put her self out there. She wasn't the parent and yet she said she didn't have room in her car. How cold is that? I would have gotten out of the car and walked with the child home. Then I would have had a nice talk with her mom or child services if the mom failed to provide adequate after school supervision. You fail to realize AB was a big part of the problem. The people in Somer's life failed this poor innocent child. If she was fed up with DT as someone claimed, why take it out on the innocent kid?
I'm a little afraid I'll get my head bit off here, but...
I just wanted to point out that in many states, a child of 7 is allowed to go home after school without adult supervision... especially if there is another older child who goes with. I'm not saying it's great parenting, nor would I personally do it- just saying it doesn't violate any laws or parenting standards-- again, please understand that I'm not saying it's wise in my point of view...

I looked up FL- and there is no standard for the age to leave children home alone- they do refer to this statement
Lynn Yaney, spokeswoman for the agency that handles child welfare in Contra Costa County, California, states:
  • "A general rule of thumb is that kids under age seven aren't capable of thinking logically and putting cause and effect together," Tanner said. "They are reliant on caregivers to structure their day." Children between ages 7 and 10 years aren't generally ready to self-supervise for an extended period, but in a routine and predictable environment, such as just after school, they can manage, Tanner said. Children 12 and 13 years old should be judged
    on a case- by-case basis but should not be left alone overnight.
Again, please don't shoot the messenger, but I'm just pointing out that DT was not doing anything differently than a lot of other parents and that doesn't show outright maliciousness toward her daughter...
(ducking and covering now...):truce:

I agree totally...and I refuse to duck. :dance:
Ok,Never mind I think.Dickie Thomas?The guy from Palatka?Did someone say he was a sex offender or was that someone else?If they just requestioned him then they think he may know something.That's interesting.

Hi, no-no not Dickey, it was just someone who lived in the neighborhood they re-interviewed, which LE has said previously they were going to be doing. The guy hasn't been named. I was just wondering if he was swabbed? I can be noisy lol.
Hi, no-no not Dickey, it was just someone who lived in the neighborhood they re-interviewed, which LE has said previously they were going to be doing. The guy hasn't been named. I was just wondering if he was swabbed? I can be noisy lol.
Ok,Thank you for answering me.You don't know who they reinterviewed in the neighborhood?Can you please show me where they said they were going to reinterview someone.I must have missed this.I just got snowed in and I haven't had time to really look.
What gets me is it has been reported that a large number of children in that school district walk home from school, without an adult present.
So, I guess people who think DT was a bad mother for allowing her children to walk home also feel all those other mothers are neglectful as well. That's a lot of neglectful mothers if that is the case.
Happens here in our town too. I don't like it, but you know the school systems have to save gas $$$$$$$.
And, as sad as it is, most parents must work.

I know a lot of people here will say "but she turned down free child care!"
But, we do not know that as fact. Only rumor.

IMO DT was not neglectful. If info (factual info) comes out to prove otherwise, I'll be just as mad and judgemental as the rest.

But for now, I do not see fault in DT's actions. JMO
What gets me is it has been reported that a large number of children in that school district walk home from school, without an adult present.
So, I guess people who think DT was a bad mother for allowing her children to walk home also feel all those other mothers are neglectful as well. That's a lot of neglectful mothers if that is the case.
Happens here in our town too. I don't like it, but you know the school systems have to save gas $$$$$$$.
And, as sad as it is, most parents must work.

I know a lot of people here will say "but she turned down free child care!"
But, we do not know that as fact. Only rumor.

IMO DT was not neglectful. If info (factual info) comes out to prove otherwise, I'll be just as mad and judgemental as the rest.

But for now, I do not see fault in DT's actions. JMO
I strongly blame the school system.These little ones are too small and young to have to walk and shouldn't have too.As for daycare NOTHING is ever free any more.I wouldn't accept free day care.I do not know who is really taking care of my children.
She appeared on an interview. I didn't just pick her out of the blue. She made statements that no caring person would make. She denied a child a ride and the child died that day. I have a right to say whatever is my opinion. People here are accusing everyone of murder. There is nothing worse than that. AB put her self out there. She wasn't the parent and yet she said she didn't have room in her car. How cold is that? I would have gotten out of the car and walked with the child home. Then I would have had a nice talk with her mom or child services if the mom failed to provide adequate after school supervision. You fail to realize AB was a big part of the problem. The people in Somer's life failed this poor innocent child. If she was fed up with DT as someone claimed, why take it out on the innocent kid?

AFAIK, Pin, she did not deny a child a ride that day.

And the personal attacks on AB or anyone are not allowed. Don't be the reason this thread gets shut down.

AB's own child was picked up by a babysitter according to the info here.
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4552584&postcount=376"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 29[/ame]
Ok,Thank you for answering me.You don't know who they reinterviewed in the neighborhood?Can you please show me where they said they were going to reinterview someone.I must have missed this.I just got snowed in and I haven't had time to really look.

No problem & I read it in a few papers, but I just did a quick general search & this one lol popped-up:

In addition, investigators are interviewing and re-interviewing potential witnesses, family members, and any others with information regarding the disappearance and death of the child. http://www.floridachildinjurylawyer.com/2009/10/somer_thompson_orange_park_flo.html
I strongly blame the school system.These little ones are too small and young to have to walk and shouldn't have too.As for daycare NOTHING is ever free any more.I wouldn't accept free day care.I do not know who is really taking care of my children.

I agree but if you know they won't provide, the parent and her support system should make sure. Somer was a child in trouble due to her roaming behavior.

BTW, my son who is a teen now never got any support that he needed. He has autism and the agencies never did what they were support to do. In fact, they lied about me to try to get me in trouble. The school system is failing children all over the country that's a known fact.

Going back to that fateful day. If AB or anybody tried to help this child, she may be alive today. If you drive someone to school and then tell the kid you don't have room in the afternoon, that's a horrible thing to do to a child.
It does not matter what you would have done, how you raise your children, that you would never let them out of your sight or make someone this young walk home, that you could not have buried your child without first viewing her body, etc. ad nauseam.

THIS thread is about Somer Thompson. Who was 7. Who did start to walk the 1 mile to her house. Who ended up in a Georgia Landfill.
AFAIK, Pin, she did not deny a child a ride that day.

And the personal attacks on AB or anyone are not allowed. Don't be the reason this thread gets shut down.

AB's own child was picked up by a babysitter according to the info here.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL - Somer Renee Thompson, 7, Orange Park, Thread # 29

Anytime someone can try to prove a point it's considered an attack. Why is that? Someone said she was fed up with DT. Everything is someone's opinion. I can't see why thread would be shut down for someone trying to clarify someone on video appearing very judgmental towards a mom and her kids.
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