FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #33

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ANCHOR: "I know you have hired Michael (attorney) to MAKE SURE that you STAY IN CONSTANT CONTACT WITH INVESTIGATORS. So LE is telling MICHAEL, not DT anything about the "investigation". WHY? I have never, ever heard of a mother hiring an attorney to keep in contact with LE! He verifies this when he makes his comments about what LE has told him!

IMO it's very important to note how steadily DT looks into the camera during the interview, but her eyes dart over to the attorney at certain points. She was glamourized and she was coached.


DT states she feels HER life is in danger, the lives of her children are in danger, the community is in danger. There is a MONSTER AMONG US. Why if it was a sexual predator would she fear for her own safety?

Is this MONSTER STILL OUT THERE? Freed says based on what he has been told, LE knows who the perp is and is keeping him under surveillance???? If they know who the perp is, why isn't DT allowed to have autopsy results?

Contrast this video with earlier ones when Maggie Rodriguez interviews DT.

LOL Rodriguez says, Diena let me give YOU the last word here - Shanyia Davis. DT wants to offer him a shoulder to cry on. Her last comment: I just can't believe a parent would be involved in the murder of their own child.

I hate watching this video, it make's me so MAD!!!! she is so fake in her feeling's for her children.. why does she call them the other CHILDREN?? why doesn't she call them her CHILDREN??? can someone answer this for me?
If you would post now the other video from the Wed. morning TODAY SHOW, and compare to this. In both I see very OBVIOUS behavioral clues again between the speaker and listener in the videos. There is also a telling moment when she says "Owing it to Somer" where she makes a very odd face. In this one it is the moment her guard drops and she slightly startle/blinks and turns her head when he is talking about LE having their eye on a suspect! She does not take her eyes off him the whole time he is talking. And he in turn is so incredulous of her he is staring at her like she's from outer space when he is aware of this only when the anchor calls his name and he looks back at the camera. His words were NOT to directed to some drug runner who might be watching the TV that morning, or some RSO, when he makes his suggestion but to the person sitting next to him.


In the other video, I made comments the other day that might be born out from watching again. In this one she stares at the camera and does not EVER turn her head to the Sheriff. When she is speaking he is concentrating on her words and keeping his composure. He loses it momentarily when she says something that startles him. It's in his hand movements. When he is speaking she cuts her eyes toward him, but does not turn her head. She is very tense. But, she relaxes and actually gives a visable sigh of relief when he says, "Well Maggie we just don't have a clue who did this" Then she sighs more fully actually taking the tension out of her shoulders. And gives the barest hint of a smirk at the very end. I can't believe people don't see what I see when I watch the videos of her. She might as well have it tatooed on her forehead.


believe me when i tell you i see everything you see, and some!
You asked : " I don't remember any tip about the Gano House.Does anyone have it anywhere ?
It is at the beginning of this thread,among the information that Noway put together. Specifically :
" A woman who did not want to be identified told First Coast News that she asked investigators to check the house on Gano, and the dumpster there." She asked them to do this on MONDAY NIGHT. They did search both the house,dumpster and men's room in the park.They searched the Gano House and dumpster on Thursday.It was processed as a crime scene.
I am not implicating any workers at the Gano House -- I think they would have left work around 3pm.
The question is : what,or who, did this woman see,that made her talk to investigators,and tip them to that house and dumpster ? I believe that she saw the killer(s).
Who-AH you say CPC is no longer living there? Are you sure? There was a rumor that SP was living there a while back. The only family involvement I could see were the sisters clinging to her at the vigils, but that makes one wonder why no parents were at the vigils, maybe they are just completely worn out.

One of DT's answers about how the children were doing in an interview was a response: Well, I don't talk to them about (that)...I let the counselors handle it." In an earlier one, she said she had not had the chance to talk to them, they were in another place, due to the media. Weird to me all along.

Where are Dr. Fessel and other posters who can add some other theories on here?

Oh terribly sorry. Goodnight all!
I have heard that over and over again and never looked at it as you have said it. What I mean is, I am looking at it a new way now.

I thought she was talking about wishing that she had been more pushy about it on Monday night.

Did she say this before or after Somer was found? I am assuming after.

I'm wondering now, if she did see something or did she just think it was a spot that could be likely because it was an empty house? Or what? Why didn't she want to be identified?

I am also wondering about the scent that was lost when they were tracking her scent. It was in the area of the Gano house. Didn't the dogs track to the house?
After all, Kyle says that she was there.

What about the missing scent? They claim her scent could be picked up even if she went in a car.

The quote didn't work about the woman who wanted LE to look in the dumpsters. BBM
I have heard that over and over again and never looked at it as you have said it. What I mean is, I am looking at it a new way now.

I thought she was talking about wishing that she had been more pushy about it on Monday night.

Did she say this before or after Somer was found? I am assuming after.

I'm wondering now, if she did see something or did she just think it was a spot that could be likely because it was an empty house? Or what? Why didn't she want to be identified?

I am also wondering about the scent that was lost when they were tracking her scent. It was in the area of the Gano house. Didn't the dogs track to the house?
After all, Kyle says that she was there.

What about the missing scent? They claim her scent could be picked up even if she went in a car.

The quote didn't work about the woman who wanted LE to look in the dumpsters. BBM

HUMAN and hounds and others, if you go back up to the vid. I linked to Nancy Grace show...I had never seen it before! (I don't watch much tv). The person who posted it inserted a comment. The neighbor interviewed said there were "2 others" (meaning missing/dead children) they were looking for at the landfill? She also trips up at the beginning, saying "suspect...suspected" and looks like she is really trying to hold it together. If you play it to the end, at the bottom there are parts II, III and IV, etc. A dog handler is interviewed on one of them. Talks about the particular challenges of dogs at landfills. Well I have to go now, up at 5 a.m. Good luck, everyone.
Who-AH you say CPC is no longer living there? Are you sure? There was a rumor that SP was living there a while back. The only family involvement I could see were the sisters clinging to her at the vigils, but that makes one wonder why no parents were at the vigils, maybe they are just completely worn out.

One of DT's answers about how the children were doing in an interview was a response: Well, I don't talk to them about (that)...I let the counselors handle it." In an earlier one, she said she had not had the chance to talk to them, they were in another place, due to the media. Weird to me all along.

Where are Dr. Fessel and other posters who can add some other theories on here?

yes it is my understanding that he is no longer living in the home with DT anymore. he has not lived there since the last two fundraisers. infact the very day that he moved out he logged into his myspace and updated his status to bummed. i just checked it again and it now say's "BLAH" updated on 1-09-2010.. if you think about it, it all makes since, SP is infact in control of one of the bank acct. what better way for DT to get him to keep his mouth shut then to let him have full control over the money? that tell's me he know's something or he may infact be involved also. now if CPC were still living in the home and him being the big macho guy that everyone think's he is, do you honestly think that he would allow SP to have full control over the money?
HUMAN and hounds and others, if you go back up to the vid. I linked to Nancy Grace show...I had never seen it before! (I don't watch much tv). The person who posted it inserted a comment. The neighbor interviewed said there were "2 others" (meaning missing/dead children) they were looking for at the landfill? She also trips up at the beginning, saying "suspect...suspected" and looks like she is really trying to hold it together. If you play it to the end, at the bottom there are parts II, III and IV, etc. A dog handler is interviewed on one of them. Talks about the particular challenges of dogs at landfills. Well I have to go now, up at 5 a.m. Good luck, everyone.

I think what she meant by there were two more were the two teenage boy's that were reported missing that were run away's. also note how high this woman look's in this video? she is on some stronge stuff.
I think what she meant by there were two more were the two teenage boy's that were reported missing that were run away's. also note how high this woman look's in this video? she is on some stronge stuff.

I think she was probably given some strong sedatives during this time and is probably still. Who could blame her? If it were me I would be on some "strong stuff" too...
I have heard that over and over again and never looked at it as you have said it. What I mean is, I am looking at it a new way now.

I thought she was talking about wishing that she had been more pushy about it on Monday night.

Did she say this before or after Somer was found? I am assuming after.

I'm wondering now, if she did see something or did she just think it was a spot that could be likely because it was an empty house? Or what? Why didn't she want to be identified?

I am also wondering about the scent that was lost when they were tracking her scent. It was in the area of the Gano house. Didn't the dogs track to the house?
After all, Kyle says that she was there.

What about the missing scent? They claim her scent could be picked up even if she went in a car.

The quote didn't work about the woman who wanted LE to look in the dumpsters. BBM

A woman, who did not want to be identified, tells First Coast News' Monica Landeros she asked investigators to search this vacant home and dumpster on Monday night.
She says, "I'm upset. It's like, should I have looked, should I have gone in the dumpster?"


This was posted 10/22 and updated 10/23. Video at link too.

In video, it is reported that Diena knew about the vacant house and it had never been a concern, until now that they were searching it. She supported any search that would help find her daughter's killer(s).

That is all paraphrased.
Hounds, in reply to your post. Dental records, I only added that to suggest that her head and face would possibly have been compacted/disfigured to the extent where it would preclude dental matching.

Re: Funeral director and your issues there.

The funeral director told me first that there were hardly ANY cases he knew of where the body could not be restored for viewing. They have cosmetics and prosthetics (similar to those used in movies, for example) which can be applied to mask almost any condition. Even partial compaction. We have to go outside of the box and realize that the body after autopsy is an empty shell and can be reconstructed.

I have a family member that was killed in a car accident. Upon collision they didn't have their seatbelt on and they flew out the window 50 feet (or 50yards, I forget) before landing on the street. Prior to the viewing, the funeral home director told us that much of their face had been completely crushed from impact. They were able to rebuild it and position the body so that the "good" side was facing out of the coffin and the bottom half of the coffin closed.. It didn't really look like the person, but it was not gruesome per se, makeup and whatever was heavily applied, so it just looked like a wax version of someone who sort of looked like our family member. We opted to leave the casket open, as I thought it was presentable enough and we felt it would help acceptance that they were really gone.

So absolutely I think they would have been able to reconstruct Somer if compacted at least well enough for a private family viewing, if the only damage was broken bones. But since the body was in the trash, maybe tissue damage from animals or bugs occurred. I don't know anything about whether that can be recontructed. Just wanted to share what I know about bone damage.
I believe at the time that DT commented was when John Walsh and AMW was in the picture. It was his son who was only able to be partially buried. I have noticed that this comment, along with "You Are My Sunshine" which was Caylee Anthony's favorite song, and now the mention of S. being found in the rumored blue container, like Stacy Peterson, are all copy cat affectations by DT. JMOO

I don't put a whole lot of credence in what DT says myself. Almost every quote she has given was said first by someone else, anyway. Since she "claims" she does not know the COD or manner of death, what would she base her statements on, you reckon?


First Question: It was stated by a poster who is a friend of the mother of one of DT's friends who said that S. was found in a blue container. So this was not a baseless rumor at a water fountain but a rumor that could be traced quickly back to DT, I would think. But, it may have had other parties in between.

Second Question: I feel very sure she knows the cause of death, considering she is my #1 suspect. Therefore I would expect her to say this, considering that there is nothing coming from LE.


SO A RUMOR without any back up info.. no post to show who the poster was, nothing to back it up. However.. you do know it wasnt done at a water cooler?

I feel she knows the cause of death too... not because she is a suspect, but because SHE IS HER MOTHER, and surely has a copy of her death certificate.
And who could possibly have a motive for doing this to an innocent little girl? Was she the only target? Or is the perp still out there looking for other little girls to do it to? If what you say is true there should be a continual LE media onslaught to keep reminding people that there is a maniac on the loose. And LE should DEFINITELY have publicly cleared DT and the family, if for no other reason than the indignity of the crime.

Sad, don't you think that if all of the above you stated happened, there would be a lot of blood and etc. to clean up? The killers would have to have taken her somewhere out of the area, it would take time to disfigure and dismember her, get her back, put her in the dumpster...when would they have time to do all of that...plus, at the time she was found, there would have been traces of blood all over her. They would have plenty of DNA to work from. The killer's DNA would be all over her. Plus, unless LE was lying, they said they discovered her by her legs sticking out, and she was partially covered by trash. She was id'd by birthmark and clothing and something on her knee. So you must be saying she was dismembered on her upper body...but the blood...I doubt the perps would have cut her up and then cleaned her up.

BTW I don't buy that the reason they haven't closed in is that they are waiting for evidence.

I think you are right. I dont think she was taken out of the area to do this. I think they had plenty of time to accomplish this because of the HOURS she was missing before it was reported. THere is no reason I can see that says she was not covered in blood. I dont think the perp could remove their DNA, at least I hope so, but I dont think it is DNA on file either.

I believe this DNA is exactly the evidence they are waiting for. all MO.
The Gano house dumpster could NOT have been the dumpster, I really feel, because that dumpster was full, if you look at any of the clips of LE searching through the dumpster. Plus construction dumpsters are taken by a company that you call, not garbage haulers.

I don't remember anything about a tip and the Gano house. Does anyone have it anywhere?

There was Kyle, who a reporter called, that said that he was at Gano working and Somer came up and talked to him. He said that LE told him that he was the last known person to have seen her alive.

But that's all I have read about except for the search there. and the RSO brother of the owner of the construction company.

Help! Help! The dumpster was full...are you saying that the dumpster was not emptied and taken to the landfill on Tuesday (pick up day)? That's what I thought way back when, Tuesday was garbage pick up day. They would have emptied all of the dumpsters...unless it is a different company that empties that dumpster on a different day?

I don't know if I believe in Kyle any more than the tooth fairy. I'm going on reports that the last person to have seen her alive was this Kyle. Other reports say she was last seen on the corner, or around the house, etc. It's a general vicinity to me. We know that nobody grabbed her out on the sidewalk and killed her in plain sight. It had to have been off somewhere where they wouldn't be seen. That's all I know.

Sorry I cut off the end of your quote....

Gano house dumpster is a private, rented construction dumpster... you have to call for pick up.. it is not emptied on a schedule. Last time I went by there, they had added an additional construction dumpster.. why? I am not sure.
If you would post now the other video from the Wed. morning TODAY SHOW, and compare to this. In both I see very OBVIOUS behavioral clues again between the speaker and listener in the videos. There is also a telling moment when she says "Owing it to Somer" where she makes a very odd face. In this one it is the moment her guard drops and she slightly startle/blinks and turns her head when he is talking about LE having their eye on a suspect! She does not take her eyes off him the whole time he is talking. And he in turn is so incredulous of her he is staring at her like she's from outer space when he is aware of this only when the anchor calls his name and he looks back at the camera. His words were NOT to directed to some drug runner who might be watching the TV that morning, or some RSO, when he makes his suggestion but to the person sitting next to him.


In the other video, I made comments the other day that might be born out from watching again. In this one she stares at the camera and does not EVER turn her head to the Sheriff. When she is speaking he is concentrating on her words and keeping his composure. He loses it momentarily when she says something that startles him. It's in his hand movements. When he is speaking she cuts her eyes toward him, but does not turn her head. She is very tense. But, she relaxes and actually gives a visable sigh of relief when he says, "Well Maggie we just don't have a clue who did this" Then she sighs more fully actually taking the tension out of her shoulders. And gives the barest hint of a smirk at the very end. I can't believe people don't see what I see when I watch the videos of her. She might as well have it tatooed on her forehead.

I think you may see what others dont because of a phenonmenon called tunnel vision. Just my honest opinion.
yes it is my understanding that he is no longer living in the home with DT anymore. he has not lived there since the last two fundraisers. infact the very day that he moved out he logged into his myspace and updated his status to bummed. i just checked it again and it now say's "BLAH" updated on 1-09-2010.. if you think about it, it all makes since, SP is infact in control of one of the bank acct. what better way for DT to get him to keep his mouth shut then to let him have full control over the money? that tell's me he know's something or he may infact be involved also. now if CPC were still living in the home and him being the big macho guy that everyone think's he is, do you honestly think that he would allow SP to have full control over the money?

There could be lots of reasons for CPC moving out; it could have been him that couldn't take the pressure; maybe he felt he was under too much scrutiny and didn't want to give up his *advertiser censored* activity (it's my understanding the LE checks all computers and/or seizes them in a child homicide investigation); statistics show that after child deaths many couples split up; perhaps DT's attorney and/or LE "strongly suggested" she change that part of her lifestyle; DT voiced a suspicion to him and they fought and she kicked him out; etc., etc. Maybe as you say, CPC wanted SP out of the picture and DT refused. You have to hope that there is no more drug activity going on in the house any more.

But the SP thing has been strange all along. Perhaps SP and DT being very, very close friends, and he opening the bank account, etc., did not sit well with CPC and it was him who got into the fight and moved out. If you look at SP's FB, under his friends there is a "Currier" who looks like he may be CPC's relative (somebody here most likely knows the connection). The hinky explanations given on the MPR of SP being there and her ostensably leaving work to have lunch with her good friend and then asking him "by the way, will you just stay here and watch the kids" (and he was employed at a lending institution and this is a Monday, a work day); making a point of saying he had never done that before...etc. I assume LE called his employer and asked about his work schedule and if he had called in sick that day.

It would make sense if DT has totally cleaned up her act. It is, after all, about survival through this horrific tragedy. She would not be the first person to have a huge wake-up call and in her case she has counseling and community support to hold her up. At the very least, in a criminal investigation where nobody is cleared, any attorney is going to dress/coach/present his client in the best possible light just for the sake of public opinion. LE is another story. They were there from day one, and in one investigative site it has a whole section on photographing/videotaping evidence and interviews at the residence of the missing child. If we think we are scrutinizing her and others by replaying these TV interviews, just think about what they have to look at.

For purposes of this site, can you indentify where your information comes from that CPC is no longer living with DT. Can anyone identify this and/or if SP is now living at the residence? If he is, this does not fare really well for DT's public image, either, or for "stability" for the children. Out with the old, in with the new. Let's hope she has sense enough NOT to have a man living with her if CPC is indeed gone. WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH THE MURDER? It's the strangeness of the DT/CPC/SP relationship and what, if any, proximity to Somer and the other children did these males (and any of their associates) have? TIA
I think she was probably given some strong sedatives during this time and is probably still. Who could blame her? If it were me I would be on some "strong stuff" too...

YOu and me both!!!!!

Congrats on the new grandson!!!! Nothing better IMO!!!!
I think you are right. I dont think she was taken out of the area to do this. I think they had plenty of time to accomplish this because of the HOURS she was missing before it was reported. THere is no reason I can see that says she was not covered in blood. I dont think the perp could remove their DNA, at least I hope so, but I dont think it is DNA on file either.

I believe this DNA is exactly the evidence they are waiting for. all MO.

Since it was a daylight abduction (and you say "they"), do you think it was one individual who abducted her, and where do you think she was taken? Into a house? Where there were others present? I understand that for specific reasons you are not able to say much at this time. I am trying to establish a scenario IMM. Please also, what would be a motive? Thrill? Retribution? If it is a juvenile or juveniles, we know that they can be dangerous drug dealers. Why Somer? Do you think this has happened to other individuals or children in the OP area? If you can answer any of these, TIA.

In my earlier post about blood, I remembered a SOPRANOS episode where Tony's sister shot her fiancee and then Tony and Chris dismembered him in a bathtub - gory - and had to clean it all up with bleach, etc., bury the body,
it took a long long time. Sorry I have to refer to a TV episode, but that, and trying to imagine the amount of blood pouring out of the victim, are all I have to go on. I am thinking about LE searching all of the houses in the neighborhood during the investigation and they always react strongly when there is evidence of a clean up, such as a strong odor of bleach.
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