FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #33

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I would like to apologize to Sam/SAD for lashing out.
There are elements of your situation that scratch the surface of pain in my own history. It causes me to overreact sometimes, and I am sorry. Having ptsd with children, It's hard. I wait everyday to see justice for your daughter
Thank you for serving our country, and I wish you peace, and to be well.
I would like to apologize to Sam/SAD for lashing out.
There are elements of your situation that scratch the surface of pain in my own history. It causes me to overreact sometimes, and I am sorry. Having ptsd with children, It's hard. I wait everyday to see justice for your daughter
Thank you for serving our country, and I wish you peace, and to be well.

???????? we are all "emotionally involved" IMO....we have all "lashed out",
at least we care. God Bless you for what you have experienced. We are all taking our own experiences into this, even LE. We are human (as human would prob say, lol). Stay here, stay with us.
Chick, could I make the suggestion that you put all those great links in one post that we can bookmark?
Chick, could I make the suggestion that you put all those great links in one post that we can bookmark?

Which of the "great" links do you want?
I have no idea how to do that? See, I am really not that smart. I am good at typing in various things and picking things apart. YOU are the link queen, lol. If you want to send me a detailed message on how to do it, I promise I will try....

See those 2 little babies in my profile pic? One is saying to the other: "Pssst, you'd better get off the computer. You brought your paperwork home and you are a month behind. You want to keep your job, don't you?" lol
Missing Child investigative protocol: Based on assumption that FL LE followed this:


Ahhhh, just one more little thing (as Columbo used to say)

If you scroll down this checklist to "Investigative Officer" s/he is supposed to routinely contact the landfill and follow garbage trucks to monitor their contents. So the officer who "suggested this" must have been very familiar with the protocol. Interesting to me that Sheriff later said it was routine.

They observed those garbage trucks unloading their contents. They found Somer then. THEY KNOW WHICH GARBAGE TRUCK SHE WAS IN. They also know where this garbage truck picked up the garbage. Based on when her body emerged (from the end of the load, the middle, the front) they can approximate which dumpster she was picked up from by ascertaining the truck's regular route (first load would be in front of truck, last load at the end, correct?) The dumpster must have been in close proximity to the crime, based on the timeline and their knowledge at the scene of how she might have died. So they must have a very very good idea of where the crime was comitted.

Did they search Gano house BEFORE or AFTER finding her body? I don't remember (help!). Because if they searched it AFTER she was found, it infers that they had pinpointed dumpster to that area. Crime in broad daylight, put in dumpster, had to have happened pretty quickly (IMO).

Also, the section on the checklist that says to search the home even if you suspect the crime was comitted elsewhere was bolded on the checlkist, not by me. So this being the only thing bolded, one could assume that it is very important.
I read that LE received a phone tip to search the Gano House and the dumpster there. I do not know when they got that tip. But, I do remember reading that the Gano House and dumpster were searched on Thursday and Friday. Possible that someone saw Somer go in that yard, and later saw someone putting maybe a large construction flexi garbage bag in the dumpster ?
I have to chime in, here. Been reading, catching up.
The logic of withholding the COD escapes me completely, but maybe I'm missing something.
LE says that to disclose COD would jeopardize the case. Now, being that the murderer KNOWS the COD, would it not make more sense to not say ANYTHING?
To me, saying they know the COD is just flaunting this to the killer. To say they did NOT know the COD would have been much more prudent, wouldn't it?
I would think disclosing they know would be the same as announcing it. Anyway-It's not the public that they need to protect from this information, it's the killer, who may be driven to act on it.
So why announce anything at all? :waitasec:
Just asked hubby, who (grumpily) asked why he would have any idea why they would withhold the info on COD, but suggested
1) To avoid copycats
2) To keep weirdos from 'confessing'

Grumpy, but interesting... :eye:
I can go with copycats, but weirdos confess all of the time. If LE said asphyxiation, it wouldn't give too much info to anyone.

Could it be a really weird way-like what?
I have to chime in, here. Been reading, catching up.
The logic of withholding the COD escapes me completely, but maybe I'm missing something.
LE says that to disclose COD would jeopardize the case. Now, being that the murderer KNOWS the COD, would it not make more sense to not say ANYTHING?
To me, saying they know the COD is just flaunting this to the killer. To say they did NOT know the COD would have been much more prudent, wouldn't it?
I would think disclosing they know would be the same as announcing it. Anyway-It's not the public that they need to protect from this information, it's the killer, who may be driven to act on it.
So why announce anything at all? :waitasec:

in my opinion, I think the reason as to not actually disclose the cause of death is that if someone later begins to make statements of how she died and mentions information that only the killer would know then police would have a good suspect on hand to ask specific questions too. this keeps the investigation somewhat transparent. if a person says exactly how she died when that information wasn't released thru the media then police could close in on this person. yeah I agree they could have just kept tight lipped about the cause. it was the information received from the medical examiner to the police as of the cod. either way the killer knows what he did to her so he would know in the first place not to brag on the specifics of her death. I feel this person was someone familiar with somers family, such as a ex boyfriend that knew how the dynamics of the family where. someone the knew somers general routine. at least someone that knew somer felt comfortable around and acted on that trust...
I have to chime in, here. Been reading, catching up.
The logic of withholding the COD escapes me completely, but maybe I'm missing something.
LE says that to disclose COD would jeopardize the case. Now, being that the murderer KNOWS the COD, would it not make more sense to not say ANYTHING?
To me, saying they know the COD is just flaunting this to the killer. To say they did NOT know the COD would have been much more prudent, wouldn't it?
I would think disclosing they know would be the same as announcing it. Anyway-It's not the public that they need to protect from this information, it's the killer, who may be driven to act on it.
So why announce anything at all? :waitasec:

If they said they did not know the COD, or (another phrase) it was PENDING, then after all this time there would be suspicion cast on the ME who did the autopsy and/or the Coroner. ?
Just asked hubby, who (grumpily) asked why he would have any idea why they would withhold the info on COD, but suggested
1) To avoid copycats
2) To keep weirdos from 'confessing'

Grumpy, but interesting... :eye:

Good insight from grumpy hubby. False confessions by weirdos who want to be famous for any reason is a big problem. It wastes time for LE. Tell your hubby he has good ideas.

But I would think this pertains to releasing COD to public/media.

How could letting mom know put them at risk of copycat or false confession...?
It's coming up on 3 months now.
What other leads do you think LE is investigating?
Where do you think they are looking?
Who are they watching closely, and how do you think they are doing that?

Good morning everyone. (As usual) I have a theory I would like to share. I hope it does not offend anyone, and if I disappear from here, I'd like to say it's been nice knowing all of you and keep on sleuthing, etc... Apologize in advance if the post is too long, I am thinking congruently and not judgmentally.


It has been posted before and/or speculated on that DT was a public proponent of a certain drug that is now, BTW, socially acceptable by a lot of people and is legal for medical use in some states.

It has been posted before and/or speculated on that SP may have been a user of various substances, which he states he was before becoming the Indigo healer.

We know that CPC is a fan of *advertiser censored* and statistics would probably show that *advertiser censored* fans are also fans or users of some substances.

It has been posted before that the lapse of time before LE was contacted (she did not call 911) (they happened to be passing by when flagged down) could have been to rid the house of substances that would be found by LE as a matter of the investigation. I have always wondered, if LE had not passed by, would she have called 911, and when?

ALL OF MY RESEARCH into child homicide investigations reveals that in the initial phases the police will scour the home and will interview persons with the subject of substances being a large part of the scenarioi/investigation. LE ALWAYS treats a missing child as a potential homicide. Any missing child is automatically a possibly abused/maltreated/neglected child. LE will thoroughly investigate the home and look for signs of maltreatment or abuse, also looking at the other children and interviewing them. I will try to find another post on protocol for missing child investigation to bring fresh perspective to everyone.

Any illegal substances had to have been purchased by a seller. Whether seller was a friend, acquaintenance or bad guy, past or present. LE's drug investigation detectives are familiar with the scene, past and present, and they have informants.

DRUG THEORY....DT/CPC/SP, etc., are buying/using whatever drugs and have them in the home.

DT texts SP and he tells her Somer has not returned home. She gets that "strange feeling that something is wrong this time" and for whatever reason, it dawns on them that LE has to be brought in this time. Either DT tells SP to flush the drugs or he decides to do it on his own. SP sends AT and ST out to search and begins nervously getting rid of substances. He isn't done when AT comes back so he sends her out again. DT calls CPC and tells him to come out and help her search (the drugs are flushed). Enough time has elapsed, DT sees LE and flags them down, etc. Does DT have any suspicions of who has done this - a retribution thing? More on that later.

LE on the scene, follows protocol, searches house. Takes MPR. Interviews everyone.

Forward to pressers and interviews. "you're not in trouble" "please, anyone if you have her, drop her off on a corner, anywhere". Subsequently Sheriff B saying they have looked at all of the RSO's and there is no change in DT's facial expression. Subsequent interviews have her speaking about Somer as if she was deceased. She begins referring to the perp as "...."he"....or "it could have been"....and changes to "it" and "this animal"...and makes a personal statement..."you're going to pay for a long, long, time". "Who would kill my baby and put her in the trash," and goes on about putting her in the trash as if that was the biggest thing in her thought process. She never said something like, "How could you molest a sweet little girl". I don't recall DT ever saying that "it" was a "pervert" or any other term that would indicate she thought it was a sex crime. She also never said, "we have to find him before he gets another child," did she? What would you tell other parents about their children? "I would say, tell them that you love them...never be too busy..." NOT "There are bad, perverted people out there...make sure your child is never vulnerable to being grabbed by a predator"...

Now, it's been stated that many parents need to view the remains of their child for closure. What this means is, some parents cannot come to grips with the fact that the child is really gone, and they have to see it to believe it. DT, according to some, was strongly encouraged NOT to view Somer, and according to others, was DENIED the right to see Somer. The same is true for knowing COD. We have read that it is the next-of-kin's right to obtain that information, but DT, for whatever reason, is not allowed to know. Releasing it may interfere with criminal investigation.

So, if DT was using drugs, or it was CPC, and there were drugs being purchased, and drug dealers can be nasty people, the above makes sense. Because if you had a strong suspicion that a person had killed your daughter, and this person may have been a bad guy drug dealer, you would:

1. Get rid of the drugs and/or warn the others of this possibility
2. Be out of your mind with grief wondering what happened to your child, but also be aware that if what you think may have happened, you are going to get dragged into it big time. If it's found out you're using, you will be a suspect.
3. Have no trouble accepting the reality that it happened
4. Go on TV and warn the killer that "we're comin' to get you" and make other "personal" statements to the killer
5. Deal with your rage by going on TV and defending yourself against anything that may point to you as putting your child in harm's way. Because letting your seven year old walk home - even if she was a little flighty - is not a big deal. You never dreamed that she would be grabbed in broad daylight by _______________ a drug dealer? Who would imagine that?
6. Change MySpace pictures that may cause you to look like a bad mother
7. Keep your significant other out of the public eye (interviews, etc) because to be honest, he looks just like a bad guy and may also slip up and say something wrong or give the wrong impression, etc.
8. Feel remorse and guilt and say "I feel like it's my fault".
9. Obtain a lawyer who will at least initially protect you from yourself, from inadvertently saying anything incriminating or giving a wrong impression.
10. You would not argue with LE about viewing her body or getting autopsy results because you want to remain friendly with LE and also being faced with the reality would be devastating to you.

Why would a drug dealer or a drug accomplice kill Somer? I don't know. But viewing the body or releasing COD and DT's history of talking, talking, talking could put the possibility that she would leak information to a perp who is involved in the drug scene. IMO MOO ETC ETC

first let me start by saying that i have only posted a few time's here, but there is not a day that goes by that i don't take the time to follow what everyone has to say. what you said about this being drug related is what i have said since day 1. there is no doubt in my mind that somehow this all has to do with "DRUGS" and SOMER paid the price for it. i have alway's felt that DT either did it, know's who did it, or had a hand in it.. I SMELL A RAT!
you have some very good point's in all that you have to say.
Thanks for your reply, your comments and compliments (undeserved, I am just a nosy person and like to look deeply into things, lol). I think, like you, it is possible that it was recommended to DT - by someone - that she not view the body. In fact I would be positive this was true if I had not talked to FD (funeral director). He leaned very strongly on his experience of viewing for closure and insisted that with the modern techniques available that practically the only persons who would not be fit for viewing were those who had been dead for several days and decomposed. And even then, he said, it is possible to dress them and make them at least able to be seen.

I must stress again that he stated LE routinely recommends the viewing - and of course all of them (LE and FD's) are well trained in preparing family and supporting them in this process. Needless to say, if FD's are experienced in preparing bodies to be suitable for viewing, suitable is suitable...it could be they just didn't want family to see their child dead, period.

But based on what he has told me, it would seem to be out of the ordinary for the non-viewing by either DT or ST. MOO

Sad, if it was the "family's choice" as you say, then why are we discussing this subject here...? More than one person has gotten the impression that DT was angry (I think on that video, it was even inferred) that she "wouldn't be allowed" - even though those were not her exact words. I don't think this is just a matter of us micro-scrutinizing anyone. I repeat what I have said - the high visibility and lack of evidence - general silence of LE - leave us no choice but glean what we can from these types of incidents. Was this just another case of "drama"?

You mention that in your opinion LE would not be so supportive of DT if she were a suspect. I will repeat that from what I've seen, its highly unusual for a LEA to show or speak of support for a parent or family member in an unsolved child murder. Without targeting DT specifically, statistics show that a very high percentage of child murders are at the hands of parents or significant others (interfamilial or extrafamilial homicide) and NOBODY HAS BEEN RULED OUT AS A SUSPECT BY LE.

So back to my last statement: Why have they not publicly cleared anyone in the family? And, if the perp is an outsider, why, in their few media updates, are they no longer stressing that there is a child-killer on the loose?

JMO, MOO etc., I think these are suitable questions. If anyone here disagrees, I'd love to hear your replies. If I have offended anyone, it is not intentional. Thanks. :angel:

I retract what I said above. I dont think anyone stopped them from seeing somers body.
BUT I DONT think that the funeral home could make her presentable, because I now believe she was disfigured, mutillated, and dismembered. And I am very glad that her family chose not to see her this way. JMHO
I would like to apologize to Sam/SAD for lashing out.
There are elements of your situation that scratch the surface of pain in my own history. It causes me to overreact sometimes, and I am sorry. Having ptsd with children, It's hard. I wait everyday to see justice for your daughter
Thank you for serving our country, and I wish you peace, and to be well.

Ping, I dont see any reason that you have to apologize. I think there are many aspects of this case that touch all of us and each of our own histories. I will gladly pass on to sam all of your touching comments. Thank you so much. Stop banging your head... we have all overreacted... at least I know i have... no worries..
I think DT and ST both have COD as listed on death certificate. However, that said.. I dont think the COD directly tells either the circumstances of her death.

Meaning... my sister had cystic fibrosis.. cod was pneumonia.

my best friend died of brain cancer.. COD of death was an anurism (sp).

Another close friend died of melonoma... COD again pneumonia

the COD IMO is rarely what really caused the death.. only the end result of the cause. KWIM?
I retract what I said above. I dont think anyone stopped them from seeing somers body.
BUT I DONT think that the funeral home could make her presentable, because I now believe she was disfigured, mutillated, and dismembered. And I am very glad that her family chose not to see her this way. JMHO


I do hope this is not the case. Although the Sheriff did say it was a "heinous" crime, DT stated that she got to bury ALL of Somer, not just part of her, so I figured that meant she was all in one piece. Can you expound on why you now believe the part above that I bolded?

I do hope this is not the case. Although the Sheriff did say it was a "heinous" crime, DT stated that she got to bury ALL of Somer, not just part of her, so I figured that meant she was all in one piece. Can you expound on why you now believe the part above that I bolded?

Workin on a theory and it is all only speculation, including what you bolded. Reasons I believe this are:

dt stated she got to bury all of her as you pointed out.
I believe she was in such terrible condition that the funeral home could not make her presentable for viewing.
And some other reasons that I cant post here, sorry.
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