FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #4

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Thanks - this is great!! Everyone would turn around or look to see what little child is swearing like that - great attention getter.

When my daughter was 5, someone tried to grab her coming out of a public bathroom. I was right behind her, and this man was kneeled down at the water fountain outside of the bathroom, right at waist level. He smiled at her, and grabbed the waistband of her pants. My daughter erupted with "Help, This *advertiser censored***r is trying to take off my pants." At the top of her lungs, while looking him in the eye.

Believe me, people took notice.

ETA: I was most proud of her reaction because it was instantaneous, she had no doubt and no hesitation. She didn't look at me for confirmation, she looked at him. That was when I knew it was the right decision to scare her a little bit about safety.
That's the reaction I want to see.
William K. - 51 yo pedophile

Did a background and criminal check

He has many tattoos - one with the name Debbie
He lists himself as 'single' on 3 different back ground cks.
He lives on Gano Ave. and lists a woman named 'Debbie R.'

Reverse phone # goes to Debbie R. and William K.

this info may or may not be helpful...
Kids around here are also allowed to walk home from kindergarten on up. And we have some seriously shady areas around here. I live literally on the property that divides school districts here, and my kid will be taken by bus to a school further away, while my neighbors kids walk to a school nearby.

But I am just as uncomfortable. I don't trust the bus drivers. i don't trust the crossing guards. I don't trust the guy at the gas station. i don't trust the waitress at the diner I ate at this afternoon. My faith in humanity is gone. I use to love living my life with the outlook of "I'd rather trust everyone and eventually be wrong than to not trust anyone and eventually be right" , not anymore though. I know too much now, and yet I know nothing. I look at every single person within sight of my child and think the same exact thing anymore. "I don't trust you!" I use to hate the though of people living like this, but now I live like it myself.

I was outside working in the yard earlier and I was on a ladder. My 3 year old was right below me, and I wasn't high, just enough to reach a branch that I was working on... maybe 5 feet off the ground. A car pulled up in front of my house and stopped. In a single breath I hit the ground, swiped up my little guy and had taken the 10 foot walk to the house to sit him inside the doorway. All I could think of was... I don't care what this person wants, they now know I have a child and I HATE the thought of that! I don't trust them!

We can plead and lobby and fight the officials all we want, and things may or may not get done right eventually, but in the meantime I am going back to basics. Street smarts. It may not save them, but it certainly can go a long way to help. These sick people need to be fought head on, nothing else it working. I know the thought of a young child fighting off these overpowering monsters is pretty far fetched, but like someone above mentioned, knock over everything, kick, scream, blow a whistle, pepper spray, bite, punch, gouge out the eyes, the whole time screaming! Unfortunately, with the world today, I really think we need to go this route. We need to take this world and our kids back from these animals.

RIP little angel Somer :( You didn't deserve any of this.
I'm sorry for side tracking folks.
How strong Somer's mom is. One thing I did see with her is anger. She is angry. And rightfully so. I pray God gives her the strength to get through the next few weeks.

This monster has to be caught - or should it be ...

this monster needs to catch a bullet or two or 10 ......

I watched the Video of Somers Mom, I saw the dispair and hurt in her eyes, heard the anguish in her voice, I saw someone who is trying to be strong, bless her heart, Im sure she has cried a million tears, and still found it in herself to talk with the media, Bless You Deina , and Justice for Somer
How do we find out if Debbie works in the school cafeteria? Someone looked up the cafeteria workers, I can't remember who it was.
My advice to her would be to just take care of herself before putting herself out there in another horrific situation.

Perhaps she can reach into the soul of the next poor mother (which we all know there will be another precious child murdered by another sick monster) & console her. She can truly say I know how you feel... helping another may be the medicine she needs to help her heal through her own grief and sorrow. My advice to her would be do what you feel in your heart; I will back you 110% & I am here for you.

Here, students as young as 5 walk home alone. I don't think the school has any say in whether children leave with an adult or with other kids, do they?
WOW :waitasec: here they hold them till an adult comes unless they are bussed.
That should be outlawed....:(
How do we find out if Debbie works in the school cafeteria? Someone looked up the cafeteria workers, I can't remember who it was.

Was it in this thread? Just curious, why does working in the school cafeteria mean anything. I think a male pedo in the neighborhood did this. TIA
Was it in this thread? Just curious, why does working in the school cafeteria mean anything. I think a male pedo in the neighborhood did this. TIA

I used to always think "male" first... I learned not to only think that though.... Sandra Cantu...
WOW :waitasec: here they hold them till an adult comes unless they are bussed.
That should be outlawed....:(

I bet if all children were dropped off at the corner of their block they still would be taken. Children disappear going to a friend's two houses down. Children disappear out of their bedrooms, backyards, and sidewalks. Think of the worst kind of predator animal in Africa - they don't have boundaries for their prey...they go after whatever catches their eye. mho
Around here, they let the kindergarten students walk home. If there is no parent and no bus, they let them walk. The only ones that are fully supervised are the special needs students.

OMG I would be out of my mind letting a little one walk alone.
Lets change that....Lets make it a law just as they made it illegal to hit a kid or you get written up for abuse. Lets make it that ALL schools must hold on to the kids till an adult comes to get them,
My grand kids have my name in their schools in case I go to get them...the school cant give anyone a child unless the children's parent registered that person as having permission to get them.
I used to always think "male" first... I learned not to only think that though.... Sandra Cantu...

I would be shocked if this were a female pedophile...I never thought once about him being a her. Not in this case.
Was it in this thread? Just curious, why does working in the school cafeteria mean anything. I think a male pedo in the neighborhood did this. TIA

It's in reference to an astrological chart done on Somer. I don't know how to link to a single post. sorry.

Here, students as young as 5 walk home alone. I don't think the school has any say in whether children leave with an adult or with other kids, do they?

WOW :waitasec: here they hold them till an adult comes unless they are bussed.
That should be outlawed....:(

This is one of those towns were people think nothing like that ever happens here -- until it does.
I bet if all children were dropped off at the corner of their block they still would be taken. Children disappear going to a friend's two houses down. Children disappear out of their bedrooms, backyards, and sidewalks. Think of the worst kind of predator animal in Africa - they don't have boundaries for their prey...they go after whatever catches their eye. mho
:( I know... Lets make it harder for them if we can. :(
I am so bummed out, about another little girls gone :(
Lets help change some things.
You are so right Elizabeth was snatched out of her house. :(
It's in reference to an astrological chart done on Somer. I don't know how to link to a single post. sorry.

Wow - that surprises me, never thought of a female doing this crime. Thanks for the info on where this came from! :waitasec:
I would be shocked if this were a female pedophile...I never thought once about him being a her. Not in this case.

The astros are pointing towards a female accomplice to a male perp. That's where the female perp idea is coming from.

Lurkeyloo beat me to it.
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