FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #4

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there are kids who sexually assault other kids. Sometimes when it's a child killer they don't really know what to do, so they use rock, teeth, sticks what ever they can get ahold of. Eric Smith killed a little boy. He wasn't sexually assulted, but it had sexual overtones to it. His pants were pulled down and he was displayed. :(

Seems to me that if a group of children raped and murdered this beautiful little girl, they would have been late getting home, a bit messy, a just a little exhausted or completely wound up. Hopefully the parents would have reported their getting home late. mho
I can go along with the current death to SO targets as long as we all agree that stranger danger SO's only account for less than 30 percent of all murders. IIRC, they also account for 30 percent of all assaults as well. Beyond that, you are talking putting to death a parent, friend, Bf, Gf, or someone close to the victim for a sex crime. That might be easy on society, I'm sure that would be very hard on the victim. And IMO, the SA registry is very vague in lumping older BF with younger GF or siblings the same age playing doctor with serious and dangerous offenders. At this time I can't see the DP being applied fairly. The current system is too much a mess to call for the DP. Heck, SO's are expected to self monitore and register and we can't even manage to track that.
I too was thinking along those lines. Actually I wondered if they tried to loot the house as the family was out at a vigil or press conference or whatever.

That would be terrible if that is what they were up to. They would certainly have a lot of nerve or no nerves left to do something like this. Based on the mood of high in one of the guy's myspace, they may have not really known where they were and they were just trying to grab some quick money to keep the mood.
Seems to me that if a group of children raped and murdered this beautiful little girl, they would have been late getting home, a bit messy, a just a little exhausted or completely wound up. Hopefully the parents would have reported their getting home late. mho

IMO excellent consideration, just not probable, you nailed some thoughts that should be put on the list of considerations for sure.
I'm joining you in your humble opinion. You can't fix them, the lengthier the prison terms, the more likely they are to kill their victims to avoid them.
I just wonder, in Somer's case, if she was killed by someone that had already learned not to leave witnesses (got caught last time) or someone that considered this for long enough to make a decision before hand that they were going to kill their victim (not been caught)?
Normally, this part is easy for me to make up my mind on. But there isn't enough out there for me to decide. I would love to think he's registered, because it would make him easier to find. But I am starting to doubt that he is, that he might be too smart. The whole case is an investigative and forensic nightmare. Did the perp just get lucky, or did he really know what he was doing?

[bolded by me]
I bolded a statement you made - I have never seen that stat. Would you please share where that came from...I don't agree with it, but I find it interesting. TIA
Florida has the death penalty - if this case is tried in Georgia does it have the death penalty? What determines which state tries the case: the state the crime was committed or the state where innocent little Somer was found?
According to the statistics that were offered by Klaas on NG this evening, it would be quite impossible to even "find" the perps in order to gather them to your imaginary island.

I understand why you want that island, but it is an imaginary dream and not a viable alternative, or a rational consideration. Again, venting is fine if you really do not wish to solve the problem but simply wish to get rid of some of that adrenalin that is pushing the limit at the moment.

And if those stats are accurate--if they didn't find the perps--where did the stats come from? :waitasec: ;)

An Island is a an option we've heard about for years---probably has literal and metaphorical implications....we all need to get rid of excess adrenalin from time-to-time....These discussions really need to remain on the missing or deceased child and not "Rightness" JMO MOO IMO IMHO etc. :)
This has probably already been posted numerous times...sorry if it has....I haven't read back through the threads yet.
RSO Ishmir Jamal Northrup

Lewd Lascivious batt sex w/victim 12-15 years old; F.S. 800.04(4)(a)

Conviction Date: 1/8/2008 Age at conviction: 26
Why isn't this monster still in jail! Convicted in Jan. 08 out in less than 2 year!
He lives just off the corner of Pecan Ct & Debarry.... Somer's route home.

Its okay I looked him up...Northrup...yes he's right on the top of the list when you search since he basically lives right on top of Thompsons.

It says his distance from Somers home address is 0.0 miles!!!

Bringing this up from earlier.
Florida has the death penalty - if this case is tried in Georgia does it have the death penalty? What determines which state tries the case: the state the crime was committed or the state where innocent little Somer was found?

Does my state have the death penalty?
Yes, Georgia has executed a total of 39 people since 1976.

I'm trying to be good. Lord knows I am. (sitting on hands) :angel:
I'm wondering who the five RSO's are that LE has yet to question.
Personally, I don't think it was kids. But there is a trend of the offenders getting younger, no stats to back that up, just observation.
This one feels to me a lot like Lindseys did. (Not that they are connected, just for comparison.)
Impulse grab.
Someone with authority.
Maybe someone she knew socially, but not well enough to know that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And if those stats are accurate--if they didn't find the perps--where did the stats come from? :waitasec: ;)

An Island is a an option we've heard about for years---probably has literal and metaphorical implications....we all need to get rid of excess adrenalin from time-to-time....These discussions really need to remain on the missing or deceased child and not "Rightness" JMO MOO IMO IMHO etc. :)

I am certain that Mr. Klaas didn't manufacture those statistics that he revealed on NG tonight. And, IMO, those stats were quite amazing and disturbing. The stats demonstrated that most pedophile crimes happen extremely close to home, within a few blocks, and the majority of kids abducted are little girls. So, what are we as a nation going to do about this? The "stranger" isn't the most terrible monster, according to stats the trouble arrives with people who are familiar to the child.

Tell you what, explain to me what the solution is.
Crews Bring Digging Machine to Gano Avenue Home

ORANGE PARK, FL -- Crews have brought in a digging machine from the State Fire Marshall's Office to dig at various parts of the property and to lift heavy objects, according to officials. This is the area where 7-year-old Somer Thompson was last seen. FDLE agents are working overtime at the home, searching for evidence.


That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me since they have Somer's body. What else could possibly be buried there that they need heavy equipment? My only thoughts are the possibility of Somer's belongings or another body.
I don't think its true that longer prison sentences just encourage would-be criminals to kill their victims. Most, if not all, sex-offenders are not rational people. They don't think like you and I do.

I highly, highly doubt a rapist is going to start comparing possible sentencing guidelines in determining just how many years in prison he's going to risk to go rape someone. "Well, I'd only get 5 years so I might as well do it. Ehhh, 10 years? too long, I should just kill her."

If anything I'd think the opposite. Even if they eliminate the witness, I think its more likely a criminal might stop and think they could get the death penalty if they murder.
[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4329075&postcount=492"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased FL-Somer Renee Thompson, age 7, missing from Orange Park, thread #4[/ame]

He (I. Northrup) doesn't quite fit the age range for Somer, does he? (Lewd Lascivious batt sex w/victim 12-15 years old; F.S. 800.04(4)(a))

I can't remember what channel I was watching but vaguely remember someone (I believe a male) saying that SOs don't usually change to other age groups. If anyone has any clue who I am talking about, let me know.

I think it might have been on JVM ...
That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me since they have Somer's body. What else could possibly be buried there that they need heavy equipment? My only thoughts are the possibility of Somer's belongings or another body.

Maybe a dog hit on something? Could be clothes, bedding, something used to clean up the crime scene.
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