FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #4

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Actually the stats are worse for teen girls for stranger danger. Let me look up the stats on the doj and I'll brb.
Mom do you have the date he was released from jail?

Convicted in Jan. 08...it's now Oct 22, 09 so my guess is he was released within the last 21 months, which is entirely too early...
Seriously though, there wasn't a release date listed.
He lives with an older female I'm assuming is his mother.
Crews Bring Digging Machine to Gano Avenue Home

ORANGE PARK, FL -- Crews have brought in a digging machine from the State Fire Marshall's Office to dig at various parts of the property and to lift heavy objects, according to officials. This is the area where 7-year-old Somer Thompson was last seen. FDLE agents are working overtime at the home, searching for evidence.


That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me since they have Somer's body. What else could possibly be buried there that they need heavy equipment? My only thoughts are the possibility of Somer's belongings or another body.

Oh dear Lord, what are they possibly digging for? Are there other children missing in that area?
I totally agree about 'other bodies'...! My first thought was poor little Haleigh. I was told she is from the bordering county. Also- I am interested in knowing how many little girls are missing in the surrouding counties that we are not aware of.

Crews Bring Digging Machine to Gano Avenue Home

ORANGE PARK, FL -- Crews have brought in a digging machine from the State Fire Marshall's Office to dig at various parts of the property and to lift heavy objects, according to officials. This is the area where 7-year-old Somer Thompson was last seen. FDLE agents are working overtime at the home, searching for evidence.


That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me since they have Somer's body. What else could possibly be buried there that they need heavy equipment? My only thoughts are the possibility of Somer's belongings or another body.
Florida has the death penalty - if this case is tried in Georgia does it have the death penalty? What determines which state tries the case: the state the crime was committed or the state where innocent little Somer was found?

Good question.
Probably Florida, since she was apparently put in the dumpster there after killing her. It's also where the crime began. This question was brought up on NG tonight. Since dumping a body is also illegal, Georgia might also want to try the perp there just for that crime. Or it could be included in the murder trial. I guess both states will decide that when they find whoever did this.
Excellent Noway so the DP is in play regardless of which State tries the case. I cannot get little Somer's face out of my mind.

The case would be tried in the state where the crime occurred. Most likely Florida, but if Somer was actually taken to Georgia alive then it becomes a federal case (across state lines). As sad as it is, its a good legal situation to have. Especially if it turns out this guy has previously been convicted of something. The feds do not like felons.
I am certain that Mr. Klaas didn't manufacture those statistics that he revealed on NG tonight. And, IMO, those stats were quite amazing and disturbing. The stats demonstrated that most pedophile crimes happen extremely close to home, within a few blocks, and the majority of kids abducted are little girls. So, what are we as a nation going to do about this? The "stranger" isn't the most terrible monster, according to stats the trouble arrives with people who are familiar to the child.

Tell you what, explain to me what the solution is.

I didn't say he manufactured them....but statistics, by their very nature are culled from events/facts...

We are here to disseminate information....share, argue, disagree, get aha moments and TRY to put it together and if, in the process, we get ideas on a national level, I am certain they will be shared....

Right now it's all related to discerning Somer's situation....MOO
I totally agree about 'other bodies'...! My first thought was poor little Haleigh. I was told she is from the bordering county. Also- I am interested in knowing how many little girls are missing in the surrouding counties that we are not aware of.

Do we know how far away Haleigh's home is in relation to Orange Park. I had heard on the news that there were 2 others missing from I believe near the area where Somer was found but I do not have a link for this information. I heard it on HLN. But I don't have a link for this report.
Good question.
Probably Florida, since she was apparently put in the dumpster there after killing her. It's also where the crime began. This question was brought up on NG tonight. Since dumping a body is also illegal, Georgia might also want to try the perp there just for that crime. Or it could be included in the murder trial. I guess both states will decide that when they find whoever did this.

Sorry, didn't see the original question. The case is tried where the crime occurred- for murder, where the victim was killed. We don't know the facts yet, but I'd venture to guess the perp dumped the body in Florida and it was transported to GA with the garbage. In that case, his dumping was in FL - GA wouldn't have any claim.

Unless she was taken to GA, and then it becomes a federal kidnapping/murder case.
Do we know how far away Haleigh's home is in relation to Orange Park. I had heard on the news that there were 2 others missing from I believe near the area where Somer was found but I do not have a link for this information. I heard it on HLN. But I don't have a link for this report.

IRRC someone posted about 58 miles.
I don't think its true that longer prison sentences just encourage would-be criminals to kill their victims. Most, if not all, sex-offenders are not rational people. They don't think like you and I do.

I highly, highly doubt a rapist is going to start comparing possible sentencing guidelines in determining just how many years in prison he's going to risk to go rape someone. "Well, I'd only get 5 years so I might as well do it. Ehhh, 10 years? too long, I should just kill her."

If anything I'd think the opposite. Even if they eliminate the witness, I think its more likely a criminal might stop and think they could get the death penalty if they murder.

You know, you bring up something that I have been thinking about myself with the increase in such situations where the victim is killed. Could the idea that maximum sentence would be faced by the perp create a scenario where the perp decides to kill the victim rather than let him or her go?

I think about that movie, The Onion Field, where the idea of kidnapping was misinterpreted by the 2 fellas who kidnapped the cops, and they thought that they would get the death penalty because of the little Lindburgh Law (sp).

Is the "severity" of the law against pedophiles creating a scenario where pedophiles decide to kill the child in order to avoid a victim tesimony against the child who was victimized?

The criminal response is so severe that these morons decide to kill the child in order to resolve their trouble.

That is a catch 22, IMO, the severity of the crime would cause the pedophile to kill the child in order to avoid the terror of the judgement. That, in and of itself would make the pedophile kill the child rather than do the lesser crime, which would be sex with a minor.

Perhaps the increase in child sex killings might relate to the severity of the laws against them?

Clearly, the sex crimes that end up in death are on the increase with children, something specific must be motivating this violence that seems to be on the increase?
What are the chances that bodies are buried there? Hasn't it only been empty for a few months (three is what comes to mind but I don't know why I think that)?
Actually the stats are worse for teen girls for stranger danger. Let me look up the stats on the doj and I'll brb.

I'm quoting my own post because evidently the DOJ has now gotten so detailed anyone can make their own argument. Below is the link....have fun. :)

Criminal Victimization in the United States - Statistical Tables Index

One hour and one minute from Satsuma Florida to Orange Park Florida - distance between where Haleigh went missing to where Somer went missing.
Whatever the reasons, the burnt house is ground zero now isn't it?
I totally agree about 'other bodies'...! My first thought was poor little Haleigh. I was told she is from the bordering county. Also- I am interested in knowing how many little girls are missing in the surrouding counties that we are not aware of.

I would really like to know when this house became vacant, was it before or after Haleigh went missing. I can't see the perp in Somer's case taking time to bury her belongings under large objects that need heavy equipment to move - otherwise he would have done the same with her body.

I'm also not sure why they have the state fire marshal bringing the equipment. Does the state fire marshal still have legal authority of the house until it's up to fire safety codes? I know in my state, the fire department automatically takes legal possession of a house until the fire is completely out and the residence is deemed ok for safe entry. If the state fire marshal does have legal possession of the house, authorities would not need a search warrant to search it. Asking the owners permission was just out of courtesy.

(In case you are wondering, the only reason I know this is because I am a paralegal and worked on a case with a man growing pot in his home. His house caught fire. The fire department came across the pot plants and called the police who performed a search and seizure without a warrant. My client claimed an illegal search and seizure because the fire was completely out at the time. The judge ultimately ruled that the fire department "owned" the house and had not yet released it back to the owner as being safe, therefore all authorities needed was the permission of the fire department as current owner of the home to search the home.)
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