FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #6

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thanks Shutterfly for that map....this is the house I thought....google map has it at 982 Gano.....
When I was watching one of the pressers that the mom was @ the other nite I had the strangest feeling that the perp was also close by maybe not right @ the presser but maybe lurling in the background, I don't why I felt like that but a strange feeling came over me.....

They probably were. I think these sick f's like to watch the damage & pain they have caused. Makes them feel powerful.
IMO, there is no reason to give a perp the name of a child in advance. This allows the perp to say "Hi Judy, your mom told me to pick you today". Because the perp knows the childs name the child thinks "Oh, it must be OK, they know my name". Not good, imo.

I got my son's school policy changed. Policy was that the kids all have to have their names written prominently on their coats and backpacks. No way. It simply isn't safe, not only does it tell the perp the kids name, it helps dispel suspicion from other adults.
Which is more concerning, a man/woman dragging a screaming child across the parking lot, or a man/woman walking briskly with a screaming child toward a car while saying "Come on Jennifer, I know you don't want to leave, but it's time to go home"?
I fought it tooth and nail, the school policy for his school is now full initials witten on inside tags or inside of backpacks, near the top.
Seems we are trying to speculate by using the reports of children...yikes! We all know that, through no fault of their own, they are terrible little reporters. Sequencing and visual memory are not the best in young children. Add to that the trauma and stress of being questioned about their sibling and little friend who is no longer with us...to me, it's not a surprise nothing makes sense. I send heartfelt hugs to all the children. mho

A couple observations:

Seems the perp knew when children left school for their walk home. In my opinion there is no way he could have known Somer was going to run off and leave her group of buddies...right? Also, knew that the trash would be picked up and not around long enough for a body to give off decomp odor...maybe? I highly doubt this was targeted toward Somer, but how can it not be someone who is familiar with the neighborhood? mho

With that said, I can't stop thinking how confident the perp must have been - grabbing a child near the school, at a busy, busy hour, is a display of arrogance and desperate confidence that is beyond belief!! mho

Nobody remembers seeing anyone who looked/acted out of place meaning, to me, that this person somehow fit in. Who could this be? :eek:

I agree I think it was soneone close by and he new the trash would be dumped the next day. I have a feeling he dosen;t drive nor have access to a car and putting her in the dumpster is the only way he could get rid of :sick: the body. I don't think it mattered what child he grabbed he just wanted a child and I think he wanted one bad to risk taking her in the broad daylight right around her school with crossing guards, other parents and kids milling around everywhear, That drive must be stong if he was willing to take that risk, I just don't understand why people like that are even born.
I think you are correct in some cases that a perp will take a kid regardless. But there have been cases where babies have been stolen due to the stork. Not to mention those decals and such just make you an easier target versues not having them at all. It is a precaution I am willing to take.

This just happened in TN in Sept 2009...! Woman posing as immigration worker and tracked back to that stork sign.

Stork signs and anything personalized gives these predators additional information for their hunting. They work anything they can to get what they are after, in my opinion.
I got my son's school policy changed. Policy was that the kids all have to have their names written prominently on their coats and backpacks. No way. It simply isn't safe, not only does it tell the perp the kids name, it helps dispel suspicion from other adults.
Which is more concerning, a man/woman dragging a screaming child across the parking lot, or a man/woman walking briskly with a screaming child toward a car while saying "Come on Jennifer, I know you don't want to leave, but it's time to go home"?
I fought it tooth and nail, the school policy for his school is now full initials witten on inside tags or inside of backpacks, near the top.
Good job, kudos. We think alike.
They probably were. I think these sick f's like to watch the damage & pain they have caused. Makes them feel powerful.

I can't imagine how cruel they are it boggles my mind. They won't feel so powerful locked up Big Bubba Ray
I don't know whether to think that the killer planned for the body to end up at the dump (knew pickup day) or if it was luck on their part (dumpster just happened to be picked up that day).
The statement made by the perp by throwing her in the trash wouldn't change, but I would still like to know. It would help me to figure out how organized this guy is and whether we should be looking for similar cases and kids.
theres some sort of park thats between grove park drive and fromhart street vacinty streets is arbor and elm, I think maybe she ran into the park and maybe behind some of those bldgs and ran into someone there?
I just think they should be labeled to differentiate between the two types of offenses. MOO

I agree.

The serious sex offenders are lost in middle of theses types.

JV on HLN has been saying this all week.... but I am not sure if some should be offenders at all. (I talking the 16 and 19 years old)
When I google 1080 gano, I get a totally diff home....982 Gano looks more like the home on the news with the picket fence....MO directly across from the park....

I don't know if you're using street view or not, but on my street, the house numbers are way off on Google street view.

Hope that helps (even though it doesn't).
I think the whole no stork signs, no honor roll or sports stickers just shows us what kind of sick world we live in.
It's a shame that these sex offenders and child abductors have so much control over us.
I think we should take back our country one death penalty at a time.
I don't know whether to think that the killer planned for the body to end up at the dump (Planned it that way) or if it was luck on their part (dumpster just happened to be picked up that day).
The statement made by the perp by throwing her in the trash wouldn't change, but I would still like to know. It would help me to figure out how organized this guy is and whether we should be looking for similar cases and kids.

wonder if there are dumpsters at that park? seems like they should use tracking dogs to trace her scent from the school and see where it leads?
I agree I think it was soneone close by and he new the trash would be dumped the next day. I have a feeling he dosen;t drive nor have access to a car and putting her in the dumpster is the only way he could get rid of :sick: the body. I don't think it mattered what child he grabbed he just wanted a child and I think he wanted one bad to risk taking her in the broad daylight right around her school with crossing guards, other parents and kids milling around everywhear, That drive must be stong if he was willing to take that risk, I just don't understand why people like that are even born.
I agree with your theory about the perp possibly not having a car. Or it could be someone in the neighborhood who just didn't want to have her body in their car and chose the easiest method to dispose of her body. MOO
I agree.

The serious sex offenders are lost in middle of theses types.

JV on HLN has been saying this all week.... but I am not sure if some should be offenders at all. (I talking the 16 and 19 years old)

I'm with you, public urination can now lead to a sex offender registration. Not that public urination is okay, but it certainly isn't on a level with rape or child molestation. There's a guy in the current events thread here, went into his kitchen naked at 5 am to make coffee, a woman cutting through his yard with a kid, saw him and called the cops. He got arrested...for being naked...in his own house...
WHat do you want to bet, he'll end up with a five year registration order?
I think this is what the difference between sex offender and sexual predator was supposed to help solve, but once again, there is no real standard for who gets labelled as predator and who gets labelled as offender.
I don't know if you're using street view or not, but on my street, the house numbers are way off on Google street view.

Hope that helps (even though it doesn't).

thats the area I feel is where things happended with her, that address is most likely the house the google map street view indicates that the address is approximate, I still think the park is where she met the perp by accident kinda a moment of oppertunity?
I can't imagine how cruel they are it boggles my mind. They won't feel so powerful locked up Big Bubba Ray

I agree with the poster who said this is someone from the area, knows everyone's routine, when the garbage is picked up & waited to grab a child, any child. I agree they do not stand out, they look like they belong. So, would they maybe be the age of what you might expect a father of a young child to be? Are they maybe in a uniform so they look "okay" like nursing scrubs, military, firemans uniforms? Maybe it's not he usual RSO suspect, maybe it's the every day neighbor who often meets his own child walking that route. And yeah, they probably were out at the search & vigils.
Who ever he is, where ever he is, he is more useless than the pizz ant on the ground. No one pays him any attention, he pretty much goes un noticed but now, he is gonna get noticed & that is what I think he wants. For me, putting him in jail with Bubba is to good. Put him the public square & let everyone have a piece of him.
If law makers dont pay attention & demand we NEVER let these people out, people WILL start doing their own form of home town justice. I for one would not convict them if I were on the jury, I would give them a reward.
I must admit, I've made coffee in the nude a time or two:angel:
if you turn down Fromhart like you are turning into the park....there are picnic tables and woods on your right, on the left are ball fields,just past that is some sort of business, back in those woods...very odd place for a business....it is like used furniture, lamps, that kind of stuff, like a goodwill kind of....in one of those big aluminum buildings...very odd place for a business.....LE was having us turn around in that parking lot and park before going into the command center...
I agree with the poster who said this is someone from the area, knows everyone's routine, when the garbage is picked up & waited to grab a child, any child. I agree they do not stand out, they look like they belong. So, would they maybe be the age of what you might expect a father of a young child to be? Are they maybe in a uniform so they look "okay" like nursing scrubs, military, firemans uniforms? Maybe it's not he usual RSO suspect, maybe it's the every day neighbor who often meets his own child walking that route. And yeah, they probably were out at the search & vigils.
Who ever he is, where ever he is, he is more useless than the pizz ant on the ground. No one pays him any attention, he pretty much goes un noticed but now, he is gonna get noticed & that is what I think he wants. For me, putting him in jail with Bubba is to good. Put him the public square & let everyone have a piece of him.
If law makers dont pay attention & demand we NEVER let these people out, people WILL start doing their own form of home town justice. I for one would not convict them if I were on the jury, I would give them a reward.

My hubby and I were talking about this case today and he said just that. He said he would make sure a RSO never offended again if they touched our child. He would be more than willing to spend his life in jail to protect other children from a monster.
I totally think he would do just that and I totally agree with him.
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