FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #6

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What's replaying in my mind right now is that last video of little Sandra Cantu, seen walking right past her own house. I think the same thing could've happened here with Somer getting close to home then changing her mind and detouring off in another direction or back through the property of the vacant house. And then her being spotted back by those tanks it almost seems like she might have been trying to hide. :waitasec: Just my guesses. MOO

Let me add on top of where you are going. I don't know why but this just flashed in my head after viewing that picture of those tanks. What if what you say is true. What if we are wrong about her being snatched up by a car or snatched up in front of that house. What if she was approched by someone while she was "hiding" and they were "nice" to her - then she took that "i'll show them" attitude as little girls would typically do. It is then quite possible she never did struggle or scream but went willingly. Possibilities could be a person on foot, a car, person at their residence? I don't know, what do you think??
Thanks for this info...I called the number listed on line, and well, it is not there normal business hours.....they give a phone number if you need to contact someone now, I called it, and it does not work....oh well....

Well poo....maybe try calling Crime Stoppers. I know they are tied in with Justice Coalition. Or better yet, show up around 9ish with your goodies. What a nice thing to do.
I just thought of that too while replying to another post. I wish more details were released on that school fight, such as who started it and if it's possible Somer would've felt she'd be in trouble at home. MOO

I agree! I think that is of key importance.
Thanks, Panthera and Belimom, both. It's good to finally be able to put down the words-I've wanted to scream out of sheer frustration.
It's nice to meet you, although I actually met you all last night. You just didn't meet me. ;)
And if I may, I'd also like to add this to some parents:
Please take your child's name and school and interests off the back of your vehicle. I do NOT need to know where Dawn and Billy go to school, that Becky is into ballet at The Dance Studio, and that little Derrick plays soccer. Or that you have an honor student at XYZ school.
That is 'WAY too much information, people. Anyone who wants to know can ask you-and how many of you would be comfortable giving out that information to strangers?
We know not to put their names on their t-xhirts. Let's not advertise them on the back of out SUVs, either, OK? Thanks.
Guys, in an earlier thread there was an article http://www.examiner.com/x-26504-Atl...sing-7-year-old-Florida-child-Somer-ThompsonI posted with comments by the former babysitter for Somer. She said that Somer would run off from the other kids and she never knew where she went. The former babysitter said that Somer liked treehouses and pools a lot. And that the mom would start calling friends and neighbors: so where would she find Somer? Seems weird. If Somer then just showed up, why didn't the babysitter or mom ask where she had been?

I asked if someone here good with Google Earth could look up the cross-street area where she was last seen to note any topigraphical, or other features. Good sleuthing everyone addressing some of the places she could have run to to hide from the other kids, like behind the fence or near that house.

I believe the perp has been watching children walk home from school and when they were outside playing. Somer may have caught his eye as one who would often wander away.

We need to know from the other children if Somer had often separated herself from them. They may be hesistant to admit it because they would feel guilty. If Somer often wandered away, have any of the other children divulged where she would typically go?

Call me puzzled.
Thanks, Panthera and Belimom, both. It's good to finally be able to put down the words-I've wanted to scream out of sheer frustration.
It's nice to meet you, although I actually met you all last night. You just didn't meet me. ;)
And if I may, I'd also like to add this to some parents:
Please take your child's name and school and interests off the back of your vehicle. I do NOT need to know where Dawn and Billy go to school, that Becky is into ballet at The Dance Studio, and that little Derrick plays soccer. Or that you have an honor student at XYZ school.
That is 'WAY too much information, people. Anyone who wants to know can ask you-and how many of you would be comfortable giving out that information to strangers?
We know not to put their names on their t-xhirts. Let's not advertise them on the back of out SUVs, either, OK? Thanks.

I TOTALLY agree!!! Same goes for those birth annoucements with the storks that sit outside your home with your name and your babies along with all their birth info and stuff, Baby Bundle Me's for infant seats that are personalized!!! And the signs in the yard with your kids name on them, what school they go to and what sport they play. Maybe for the high schoolers but I wouldn't do it for the youngins!
When I google 1080 gano, I get a totally diff home....982 Gano looks more like the home on the news with the picket fence....MO directly across from the park....
I'll brb. Thanks again to all for the nice warm welcomes.
Let me add on top of where you are going. I don't know why but this just flashed in my head after viewing that picture of those tanks. What if what you say is true. What if we are wrong about her being snatched up by a car or snatched up in front of that house. What if she was approched by someone while she was "hiding" and they were "nice" to her - then she took that "i'll show them" attitude as little girls would typically do. It is then quite possible she never did struggle or scream but went willingly. Possibilities could be a person on foot, a car, person at their residence? I don't know, what do you think??
It could change the timeline for one thing. Maybe she was still hiding out when everybody was out looking for her? Maybe she didn't run into the perp until later on? And in no way am I blaming Somer ~ it's just a child her age may have not wanted to go home right away and in doing so met up with the perp, not knowing the dangers that are out there. MOO
Thanks, Panthera and Belimom, both. It's good to finally be able to put down the words-I've wanted to scream out of sheer frustration.
It's nice to meet you, although I actually met you all last night. You just didn't meet me. ;)
And if I may, I'd also like to add this to some parents:
Please take your child's name and school and interests off the back of your vehicle. I do NOT need to know where Dawn and Billy go to school, that Becky is into ballet at The Dance Studio, and that little Derrick plays soccer. Or that you have an honor student at XYZ school.
That is 'WAY too much information, people. Anyone who wants to know can ask you-and how many of you would be comfortable giving out that information to strangers?
We know not to put their names on their t-xhirts. Let's not advertise them on the back of out SUVs, either, OK? Thanks.

I completely agree with this! I don't know who started this "trend," but I'd like to smack 'em upside the head!
I would say no. The sheriff mentioned the name of the detective who followed his hunch and suggested following the garbage trucks...seem to recall the name was like Det. Owens? I doubt the person from the Nissan is the same as the detective.



Yes - his name is Brad Owens & it was a hunch he had.
Where would this person live to be able to see 1080 Gano? Directly across the street is the ball park, and the entrance to it is about a block long. Next door to the house being searched I saw two younger looking guys, kinda like punk rockers. This was to the right of that home if you are looking straight at it...I think there was a camper/small motor home of some sorts parked sideways in the front yard....

Well hypothetically, it would sure have to be close.....



interesting thing I noted, looking at the Clay County GIS

Check this piece of property out that's outlined in red below...it's county owned. Look how it fans back behind all the houses. To the left of it is what must be a city easment off of Grove Park. This whole thing creates a wooded, unocupied patch of land in a circle from the end of Solomon to Grove Park, and right up behind 1080 Gano.
Thanks, Panthera and Belimom, both. It's good to finally be able to put down the words-I've wanted to scream out of sheer frustration.
It's nice to meet you, although I actually met you all last night. You just didn't meet me. ;)
And if I may, I'd also like to add this to some parents:
Please take your child's name and school and interests off the back of your vehicle. I do NOT need to know where Dawn and Billy go to school, that Becky is into ballet at The Dance Studio, and that little Derrick plays soccer. Or that you have an honor student at XYZ school.
That is 'WAY too much information, people. Anyone who wants to know can ask you-and how many of you would be comfortable giving out that information to strangers?
We know not to put their names on their t-xhirts. Let's not advertise them on the back of out SUVs, either, OK? Thanks.

I don't know. If someone is going to take your child, they are going to do it regardless if their name is embroidered on their backpack or on a sticker on my car. That is REALLY living in fear.
Thanks, Panthera and Belimom, both. It's good to finally be able to put down the words-I've wanted to scream out of sheer frustration.
It's nice to meet you, although I actually met you all last night. You just didn't meet me. ;)
And if I may, I'd also like to add this to some parents:
Please take your child's name and school and interests off the back of your vehicle. I do NOT need to know where Dawn and Billy go to school, that Becky is into ballet at The Dance Studio, and that little Derrick plays soccer. Or that you have an honor student at XYZ school.
That is 'WAY too much information, people. Anyone who wants to know can ask you-and how many of you would be comfortable giving out that information to strangers?
We know not to put their names on their t-xhirts. Let's not advertise them on the back of out SUVs, either, OK? Thanks.
Excellent point! I see those "advertisements" practically every day. Childrens and pets names on the back of the vehicle. Anybody could be following that vehicle home and even know how to call "Fido" by name to stop him from barking while they're casing the house. MOO
It could change the timeline for one thing. Maybe she was still hiding out when everybody was out looking for her? Maybe she didn't run into the perp until later on? And in no way am I blaming Somer ~ it's just a child her age may have not wanted to go home right away and in doing so met up with the perp, not knowing the dangers that are out there. MOO

Right, that is what I started to wonder. And I know you would never blame her and if anyone did that would be ludicris!!! That is just typical little kid behavior. I guess anything is a possibility at this point but it could change that timeline, your dead and center on that.

For the record, IMO this is still an "unknown" or a creeper that lives nearby. I am going to say EXTRA prayers tonight that LE gets this SOB whomever they may be, I had such faith in the Hailey case that they were completely on top of everything since they were so mum and like I said I am going to pray EXTRA hard tonight for Somer, her family and the community.
OK, tomorrow, I am going to drive by that home and get a pic, and I will get pics of the surroundings also...this is really confusing me now.....
I don't know. If someone is going to take your child, they are going to do it regardless if their name is embroidered on their backpack or on a sticker on my car. That is REALLY living in fear.
IMO, there is no reason to give a perp the name of a child in advance. This allows the perp to say "Hi Judy, your mom told me to pick you today". Because the perp knows the childs name the child thinks "Oh, it must be OK, they know my name". Not good, imo.
I don't know. If someone is going to take your child, they are going to do it regardless if their name is embroidered on their backpack or on a sticker on my car. That is REALLY living in fear.

I think you are correct in some cases that a perp will take a kid regardless. But there have been cases where babies have been stolen due to the stork. Not to mention those decals and such just make you an easier target versues not having them at all. It is a precaution I am willing to take.
Seems we are trying to speculate by using the reports of children...yikes! We all know that, through no fault of their own, they are terrible little reporters. Sequencing and visual memory are not the best in young children. Add to that the trauma and stress of being questioned about their sibling and little friend who is no longer with us...to me, it's not a surprise nothing makes sense. I send heartfelt hugs to all the children. mho

A couple observations:

Seems the perp knew when children left school for their walk home. In my opinion there is no way he could have known Somer was going to run off and leave her group of buddies...right? Also, knew that the trash would be picked up and not around long enough for a body to give off decomp odor...maybe? I highly doubt this was targeted toward Somer, but how can it not be someone who is familiar with the neighborhood? mho

With that said, I can't stop thinking how confident the perp must have been - grabbing a child near the school, at a busy, busy hour, is a display of arrogance and desperate confidence that is beyond belief!! mho

Nobody remembers seeing anyone who looked/acted out of place meaning, to me, that this person somehow fit in. Who could this be? :eek:
Right, that is what I started to wonder. And I know you would never blame her and if anyone did that would be ludicris!!! That is just typical little kid behavior. I guess anything is a possibility at this point but it could change that timeline, your dead and center on that.

For the record, IMO this is still an "unknown" or a creeper that lives nearby. I am going to say EXTRA prayers tonight that LE gets this SOB whomever they may be, I had such faith in the Hailey case that they were completely on top of everything since they were so mum and like I said I am going to pray EXTRA hard tonight for Somer, her family and the community.
Oh I just put that disclaimer in my post in case anybody thought I'd blame poor little Somer for anything! Children like to play, and I can definitely see a game of hide & seek or "I'll show them" going on. Children also are oblivious to the dangers that are out there. But it makes more sense that she was lingering around outside longer and a perp sees her and takes advantage of that, rather than the split second it would've been if she'd gone straight home. And her being seen around the tanks gives me the idea that is what was more or less going on since she wouldn't have reason to be running around them if going straight home. MOO
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