FL - Tracy Ocasio, 27, Orlando/Ocoee, 27 May 2009 - #2

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I just tried and it worked for me, but don't know if it is okay to post the link here or not.
Tracy's father posted on 7/9 that they had a couple of "hot tips" and that Equisearch would be coming back.
Bumping for Tracy. I have followed this case from the beginning, and have been praying for an answer. I had honestly thought something would have been found by now. To Tracy's family my prayers are with all of you. And, may God lead Tim Miller to Tracy.
Tracy's father posted on 7/9 that they had a couple of "hot tips" and that Equisearch would be coming back.
Oh, that is good news! Thanks for letting us know. Anytime I hear "hot tips" and Equusearch in the same sentence it gives me so much hope for answers!! Prayers for her family and for TM and the crew!!
I dont see why her cell phone being inside her car is abnormal at all she was in the bar to watch a game was she not as she did on numerous ocasions so it wasn't a spur of the moment decision to go to the bar so she most likley told her plans to her freinds well before hand i would think so i don't see the need to bring the cell inside a bar where their would be bad reception and knowing it would be way to loud to even hear anyone I am also wondering upon hearing about the confrontation from some other aquaintances of jvh my mind is wondering if this was some kind of set up by the hutto's and jvh maybe jvh was trying to get TO to like him on purpose so he could leave with her knowing ahead of time that the hutto's would intercept jvh and TO where the car was parked maybe they were purposlly followed by these guys and jvh being in on it for payback to TO for the earlier misshapp. they could have taken her from her car into another car all of them and driving to another location in maybe the hutto's car or whoever's car and thats why her body isn't being found where they were thinking is was then early in the morning after disposing of TO jvh was droped off at her car to get her cell phone say 8.20am knowing they needed to dispose of it then going home leaving the car to be found the next day and here we are now none the wiser ..if none of this makes sence its because iam half asleep and i appologise ahead of time for thinking out loud and typing it down as a theory..
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL- Tracy Ocasio, 27, missing since 5/27/2009

“She goes there every Magic game, and she cheers for the Magic, and afterward, she texts everybody she knows and says, ‘Go Magic.’ Apparently, that didn’t happen after this game.”

I think the fact that this was a critical play off game for the Orlando Magic and she did not text directly after the game, as was her habit, indicates she may have been incapacitated/abducted immediately after leaving the TR (goes to timeline). I believe Orlando won that game so she would have been especially excited.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - FL- Tracy Ocasio, 27, missing since 5/27/2009

I think the fact that this was a critical play off game for the Orlando Magic and she did not text directly after the game, as was her habit, indicates she may have been incapacitated/abducted immediately after leaving the TR (goes to timeline). I believe Orlando won that game so she would have been especially excited.

Agree. And you're right CanMan guess I need to stop thinking like a cautious, middle-aged mother who spends too much time on these boards lol, that is just cause I don't go anywhere w/out my cell (and I do mean anywhere even the mailbox lol, oh dear... and I urge my 21 year-old daughter to do the same but not sure she listens, sigh...) Anyway I agree as I said the simplest explanation's usually the best--her cell stayed w her car because--regrettably--she never took it inside the bar w her. And in the absence of any witness to place her at Lyle St. it does seem unlikely she was ever back inside her car. :(

Agree. And you're right CanMan guess I need to stop thinking like a cautious, middle-aged mother who spends too much time on these boards lol, that is just cause I don't go anywhere w/out my cell (and I do mean anywhere even the mailbox lol, oh dear... and I urge my 21 year-old daughter to do the same but not sure she listens, sigh...) Anyway I agree as I said the simplest explanation's usually the best--her cell stayed w her car because--regrettably--she never took it inside the bar w her. And in the absence of any witness to place her at Lyle St. it does seem unlikely she was ever back inside her car. :(


I think it would be strange for anyone to go to a bar without their cellphone. Especially a woman under the age of 30(wish I was still in that group lol). we went out dancing on friday night at a bar in town. both my husband and I had our cellphones as well as my brother in law and his date. I seen alot of cell phone butts that night!!

I can't think of anywhere I go in that I do not take my cell phone.
Could her friend that was with her that night confirm whether or not she had her cell phone with her. I would be surprised if she didn't have it with her. Clearly she's a "texter" based on earlier information so it would be difficult to leave it behind. I'm in her age group as are many of my friends and it would be odd to find any of them without it on them.

Has her friend said anything about having her cell and did I miss Ít? Does the footage at Taproom show her using a phone earlier in the night?

I would also like to know where she parked earlier that night (ie, in front, in back). I will check out the parking options in the next few days and see what her options were.
Did TO's dad post on her website? The last post is see is from 7/3. Am I missing something? Is there another website other than her site which I have as www.tracyocasio.com? If I'm not allowed to post this webpage please delete and I apologize!
The part that bothers me is where JH says TO wanted to smoke weed but when they got to his house she didn't like the drugs he had and she left. If they talked about smoking weed before hand then To would expect him to have weed so this doesn't make any senses. Why would talk about smoking weed and then show her coke? I think this is the part he is lying about. She did come to his house to smoke some weed, but the part about her leaving because she didn't like what he had I am not buying.
Could her friend that was with her that night confirm whether or not she had her cell phone with her. I would be surprised if she didn't have it with her. Clearly she's a "texter" based on earlier information so it would be difficult to leave it behind. I'm in her age group as are many of my friends and it would be odd to find any of them without it on them.

Has her friend said anything about having her cell and did I miss Ít? Does the footage at Taproom show her using a phone earlier in the night?

I would also like to know where she parked earlier that night (ie, in front, in back). I will check out the parking options in the next few days and see what her options were.

In looking for the longer surveillance footage I came across this video where her two friends are interviewed. At the 1:20 timestamp her friend mentions that Tracy stepped away from JH to speak with another man before leaving with JH. I wonder who that man was.


(BTW, I am still looking for the footage at the TR bar...)
Has anyone figured out what her boyfriends last name was? Its Derick something. We need to make sure we aren't over looking something. If JH hadn't turned out to be such a creep anyways would be looking at her boyfriend. If he was the jealous type he might have followed her to JH house and then confronted her when she left. I am just saying we don't know anything about this guy. We need to rule him out
Warbuckle, Tracy had broken-up with Derrick, a couple of months back. He is her ex-fiancee. He has helped in the search for Tracy, because he too cares for her still.
Thanks Warbuckle, I will look at the guestbook.

FWIW, Blink's website says there is footage of her using her phone that night.

I can only speak for myself but when I am done using my phone or have it my pocket I typically stick in the cup holder when I'm in my car. Perhaps this was where Tracy stuck it when they got into the car.

One step further, if they pulled up to JVH's house or whenever they ended up and someone had to force her out of the car and a struggle took place, it is very possible that phone ended up falling between the seat and the center console. This may explain why the seats were pushed forward b/c someone was trying to get to the phone that was knocked over by Tracy. JVH or one of his associates checked the wrong side first and walked around to other side and pushed that seat up as well. They were probably trying to get out of there quickly in order to not be seen and didn't think to push the seats back.
This was just my opinion if in fact she did drive and there was a struggle but it seems like a fairly reasonable explantation to this whole phone situation.

And I agree with Warbuckle...I don't buy that someone looks at your pot and says they don't like it. I don't see TO as the weed afficienado (sp) who can take one glance and say it looks bad. Just saying...

But I wonder who the other person was they were talking to. Could it be someone that they were going to meet to "party"? I said before that TO seemed to walk out with a mission and it doesn't look like a mission to hook up sexually or it was just a casual ride home. It had almost like a "let's get going to party". Maybe they were meeting the guy they spoke to earlier b/c he had what they were looking for?? Telling the police he had pot and she came for it may be a good excuse b/c he knew that the cops would find pot in his house upon the search anyhow and it was the easiest thing to tell them??

Again, just my opinion but trying to think outside the box. People don't always make great judgement when impaired.
I checked Orange County Inmate Database and the charges against JVH are for possession of drug paraphernalia - not possession of drugs. So he got rid of the weed he supposedly showed TO that night? But I wonder why he would not have gotten rid of the paraphernalia also as he must have known the police were going to be coming to his house what with her car being so close. FWIW.
I don't personally know TO or her ex-fiancee,or anyone else TO knew. But, Warbuckle raises a good point. If not for JH's criminal background, the ex or current boyfriend would come under almost immediate scrutiny. It is not unheard of for an ex-fiancee to follow his former girlfriend around; it certainloy is all too well heard of that an ex would commit a crime of passion after confronting an ex, especially if he followed her to the house of another man. With no offense meant to the ex, has LE checked out his whereabouts, alibi, etc, for the night TO disappeared. Warbuckle is right - all bases should be covered. Above all I feel extremely frustrated for the Ocasio family who have no daughter,and no answers to her disappearance either.
Warbuckle, Tracy had broken-up with Derrick, a couple of months back. He is her ex-fiancee. He has helped in the search for Tracy, because he too cares for her still.
I respect he is helping with the searches and things, but until LE officially can rule him out...he is someone they should be looking at very carefully. If he wants to help Tracy, the best thing he can do is be totally cooperative and insist on a polygraph...if he hasn't already done so.

It also is not unheard of that a perp inserts himself into the case by going on searches and staying close to the family.

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