FL FL - Trenton Duckett, 2, Leesburg, 27 Aug 2006

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The above picture is the billboard that just went up recently in Ocala Florida on State Road 441 and 326. It is a busy area.

I just want to add that I'm encouraged by the resurfacing of old posters contacting me about the blog. I am also encouraged by the reporters that have contacted me and are now "intrigued" by this case. I have many more interviews to post. It's interesting to note which "friends" involved in this case are still friends.

I will be posting about the $5,000 Melinda was frantically asking everyone and anyone so that she and Trenton would be safe from Josh. This all came about around Trenton's birthday party, which was just a few days after Josh visited James Duckett in prison and they discussed the email. That was August 12, 2006. Then Trenton went missing August 27, 2006.
Since a lot of my fellow sleuthers from Websleuths have been reading the information on the duckettbucket blog, (and there are a ton of public records available to view) I have started this thread for discussion of the topics and also if you have any questions. I will check in here and answer them as best as I can. I don't have a discussion forum on the blog itself, as I have tried to maintain it as a place to read. Readers make comments and also email me but it is not a discussion forum. Anyone is able to copy the documents and I hope that they will. It is my hope that someone will say "Aha!" and we can solve this case.

If you are not interested, then so be it. But I wanted to give you the opportunity to ask your questions should you have any.
Can you post a link to the blog you're referencing....that will be the easiest way to get questions asked....JMHO
Also, FYI the blog has over 100 articles and started in August 2009. To read in "chronological order" you need to start at the bottom of the archive and work your way up - like emails.
Can you post a link to the blog you're referencing....that will be the easiest way to get questions asked....JMHO

it was posted a couple times on this page. :) But worth repeating. I never followed the case closely enough before so I really appreciate the links and Trenton being the featured case this month. Thanks you guys :)
Why is Josh asking that the money be used to find Trenton when that is what the trust is for....to find Trenton and keep looking until he would be 13 yrs old. Does he want control of the trust? I wonder who will be keeping track of where the money is going and what they are doing with it?
I've never believed that Melinda did anything to Trenton.

I was wondering the same thing. It seems like a settlement regarding Melinda's death is her family's business if it's her family who brought the suit. It's a settlement to compensate them for their actual loss of Melinda (not to mention to compensate for Melinda's suffering and their own in the matter. It seems like CNN got off so cheap.) It's wonderful for them to put the money in trust for Trenton and to apply it toward the search for him, and I'm not surprised that's what they want to do. But why would Josh D be commenting about the settlement or how it should be used?
I was wondering the same thing. It seems like a settlement regarding Melinda's death is her family's business if it's her family who brought the suit. It's a settlement to compensate them for their actual loss of Melinda (not to mention to compensate for Melinda's suffering and their own in the matter. It seems like CNN got off so cheap.) It's wonderful for them to put the money in trust for Trenton and to apply it toward the search for him, and I'm not surprised that's what they want to do. But why would Josh D be commenting about the settlement or how it should be used?

The "how it should be used" according to Josh was to "help" Josh et al follow up on tips reported to Team Trenton. http://duckettbucket.blogspot.com/2010/11/josh-ducketts-statement-on-settlement.html

The above picture is the billboard that just went up recently in Ocala Florida on State Road 441 and 326. It is a busy area.

I just want to add that I'm encouraged by the resurfacing of old posters contacting me about the blog. I am also encouraged by the reporters that have contacted me and are now "intrigued" by this case. I have many more interviews to post. It's interesting to note which "friends" involved in this case are still friends.

I will be posting about the $5,000 Melinda was frantically asking everyone and anyone so that she and Trenton would be safe from Josh. This all came about around Trenton's birthday party, which was just a few days after Josh visited James Duckett in prison and they discussed the email. That was August 12, 2006. Then Trenton went missing August 27, 2006.

Is the old billboard still up on I-75? I have read your blog and and praise you for all the hard work, time and money you spent on keeping Trenton and Melinda's case out there. Hopefully one day someone will remember something that will lead to where Trenton is.
Is the old billboard still up on I-75? I have read your blog and and praise you for all the hard work, time and money you spent on keeping Trenton and Melinda's case out there. Hopefully one day someone will remember something that will lead to where Trenton is.

I haven't seen any on I-75 though others have. On jaunts to Leesburg I take the Wildwood exit (where proportedly the billboard was) but I haven't seen it.

Thanks for reading. And I am ever hopeful someone will contact me with info. I received a "lead" in the James Duckett case after I posted his letters, the day before I interviewed him in prison. I called his attorney with the contact info. I'm not saying what the info is nor have I posted those comments on the blog because I do not want to put that person in danger nor jeopardize James' case.
I haven't seen any on I-75 though others have. On jaunts to Leesburg I take the Wildwood exit (where proportedly the billboard was) but I haven't seen it.

Thanks for reading. And I am ever hopeful someone will contact me with info. I received a "lead" in the James Duckett case after I posted his letters, the day before I interviewed him in prison. I called his attorney with the contact info. I'm not saying what the info is nor have I posted those comments on the blog because I do not want to put that person in danger nor jeopardize James' case.


I read your blogs all the time & think it is wonderful to have someone like you to dig so deep into this case! There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of Trenton & wonder where he is!!

I read the 2nd interview you posted with Phil......my question to you is, LPD stated to Phil that they knew exactly where Melinda was the night before Trenton went missing & it's an "odd" location. They always put it out there that they did not know where she was & were looking for witnesses that seen her so they could narrow the timeline down. 1st off, where exactly was this "odd" location? And 2nd why was LPD putting it out there that they needed to find out where she was?

Things that make you go hhhmmm.........

I read your blogs all the time & think it is wonderful to have someone like you to dig so deep into this case! There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of Trenton & wonder where he is!!

I read the 2nd interview you posted with Phil......my question to you is, LPD stated to Phil that they knew exactly where Melinda was the night before Trenton went missing & it's an "odd" location. They always put it out there that they did not know where she was & were looking for witnesses that seen her so they could narrow the timeline down. 1st off, where exactly was this "odd" location? And 2nd why was LPD putting it out there that they needed to find out where she was?

Things that make you go hhhmmm.........

In all the written interviews (I'll post Jason West next) there is nothing about who the witness was. I don't know who it could be but I am guessing if it is true it had to be someone who knew Melinda and had interacted with her. I work with the public and after they leave, I may or maynot recognize them if I see them again. Especially a different race. A long time ago I was mugged outside a coffee shop and I had to pick him from a lineup. It was hard to choose even though my face was very close to his. But then again, why does LE believe one person and not another? Why didn't they interview Jason Fort when Melinda wrote on the police report that she suspected he took Trenton out the window?

Also LE never released who the phone call was to/from around 8PM on Saturday night. A conversation a long time ago on SOF Pamela Stout Scott said that Josh called Melinda Saturday night.

Also Phil said something to the effect that they went to Daytona every weekend. Who was "they"? What was the purpose? Seems far for just a party. Saturday night IIRC Dirty Burty (Chris) had a going away party for Chris Pearce. Melinda asked him about it on her myspace after asking why his page was all pink. Then Chris Pearce went to her house on Sunday. I wrote to Chris Pearce and asked him why he would spend his last night with Melinda before he shipped out. He admitted he liked her and was kinda hoping things would turn romantic. He didn't even know she died until he finished boot camp.

Believe me, I have just as many questions as you have. Lots of digging ahead.
I was wondering the same thing. It seems like a settlement regarding Melinda's death is her family's business if it's her family who brought the suit. It's a settlement to compensate them for their actual loss of Melinda (not to mention to compensate for Melinda's suffering and their own in the matter. It seems like CNN got off so cheap.) It's wonderful for them to put the money in trust for Trenton and to apply it toward the search for him, and I'm not surprised that's what they want to do. But why would Josh D be commenting about the settlement or how it should be used?

Because he is asking the estate to give him $18,000 "for now". His mom just purchased land in Bushnell with a $75,000 mortgage (January 2011) and Josh has a State of Florida warrant out for monies owed for sales tax (over $2,000) - Sumter County records. It's odd though. Apparently josh is some sort of partner in a flower shop owned by A.C Tomkins (the address listed on the warrant - 234 Main Street Bushnell). And the property Carla purchased was from AC Tomkins. I also thought that in Florida you have to state if you are married. There's no divorce record for Kevin Massero.

So I guess business is blooming at the flower shop in Wildwood or they plan on other means of income...at Trenton's expense.
And if in fact they are buying the flower shop itself in Bushnell (one possibility) why did Carla close her flower shop in Bushnell the day after Trenton went missing?
Maytruthprevail, Thank you so very much for all your hard work and putting together your excellent and informative website.

Believe it or not I only came accross this case the other day - and have spent the past few days looking through the whole of your website.

I really believe that this was a young girl that had been hounded so very much and pushed to the extremes of her limits.

How the EVIDENCE reads is, the father of her child made her life a complete living hell. From reports made and that I have read, I dont think its possible she could have been pushed much further. She was accused of being a bad mother (after being reported to child services on 5 or more occasions), mentally ill, accused of stealing money, a self harmer etc etc, the list goes on and on. The babys father even admitted lying about her mis treating Trenton and being a danger to him or herself.

From what I can see, she was a mature 21 year old girl that was trying hard to work and study to support her and Trenton ( She also appeared to love her grand parents very much and wanted to make them proud.

Unless I am missing something here, I just dont understand why she was the only person of interest in this case and they were persuing her with such great effort. Nothing I have seen points to Melinda at all.

I think the media have portayed Melinda as a mentally unstable mother, who has been investigated by child services for possible abuse, who has used her baby to get what she wants from the babys father. She couldnt get this so she hurt trenton, then killed herself because she couldnt stand the guilt.

I see it completely different. I see this as a young mother trying to do everything she can to hold down a job and to face daily a constant battle with her babys father and their family trying to get sole custody of trenton.

What happened to the little guy is anyones guess, but I hold a slight glimmer of hope that he is somewhere having a happy life with people that love him very much.
Sindydee thank you for your encouragement. It is interesting to me how other persons have been so overlooked by LE. I have requested more public records on other individuals besides Melinda from FDLE. I have yet to hear back but I will persue. Another case has peaked my interest. Marty Tankleff was accused of killing his parents when he was 17 years old and spent an equal amount of time in prison. He had the charges dropped just a couple of years ago. The investigating detective was adamant that he was the only suspect. It came out later on that the detective knew the person who committed the crime and the other drug dealers. The DA also was protecting drug money. Just like James Duckett was railroaded by one man who decided that he was guilty. There were no facts only a detective who decided that this person would be the guilty one. They made the case fit their assumption and discarded all evidence that pointed to anyone else.

I believe that there are a lot of similarities. The detective in Marty's case lied to him and told him that his father before he died fingered Marty as the one who killed him. An out and out lie to get Marty to confess, which he did after 17 hours of interrogation. Just like they tried to do to Melinda. (I don't know if you watched the interview by Leesburg Police. I put up the last 15 minutes of the interrogation by Giles and call it the Inquisition of Melinda Duckett. The Leesburg Police did not want to be wrong. They wanted another Susan Smith. My next article is going to be about who Melinda thought took Trenton out the window. Rockefeller stated that it was possible but not probable. Believe me, it was more than probable.

I have a lot of readers from the UK. It intrigued me that there was interest in this case from the other side of the Atlantic. I welcome your input.
I just saw Trenton's case featured on "Vanished with Beth Holloway". What a terribly sad case. I sure hope Trenton is alive and was given to someone who wanted him and is raising him.
I posted the link to the show's video on my website duckettbucket.
There are many discrepancies in the show. Also the previous article shows the video of the interview of Josh when Trenton was missing 6 months.
Thank God for the recent increase in the number of TV shows about the missing. It gives me hope than some of these people can be found or that the families can have some closure.
can anyone that does this kinda stuff post these shows on you tube .i dont get them here also when i look at the web page u can only view like 3 minute clips u gotta buy it on something in order to watch the whole thing so if anyone has allready watched them maybe u could put them up on here or on you tube..please and thank you.

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