FL FL - Trenton Duckett, 2, Leesburg, 27 Aug 2006

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Thank God for the recent increase in the number of TV shows about the missing. It gives me hope than some of these people can be found or that the families can have some closure.

I told my son I'm frustrated about the reruns though. I understand why they do it but there are so many missing that they could probably run 5 yrs straight without needing a rerun. Of course if they did that then I'd probably never leave my house.
can anyone that does this kinda stuff post these shows on you tube .i dont get them here also when i look at the web page u can only view like 3 minute clips u gotta buy it on something in order to watch the whole thing so if anyone has allready watched them maybe u could put them up on here or on you tube..please and thank you.

You can watch entire episodes of the Beth Holloway shows, including the one about Trenton Duckett, here: http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/vanished-with-beth-holloway
Here is what I think Trenton would look like today.


5 years gone
Saturday, August 27, 2011

She has plenty of theories about what really happened to Trenton Duckett when he disappeared five years ago from today from his Leesburg home.


Josh Duckett, Trenton's father and Melinda's former husband, has even tried in a futile attempt to get law enforcement's help in shutting down Lennon's website. But Lennon remains adamant that's she onto something.
Full article: click here
Maytruthprevail, Thank you so very much for all your hard work and putting together your excellent and informative website.

Believe it or not I only came accross this case the other day - and have spent the past few days looking through the whole of your website.

I really believe that this was a young girl that had been hounded so very much and pushed to the extremes of her limits.

How the EVIDENCE reads is, the father of her child made her life a complete living hell. From reports made and that I have read, I dont think its possible she could have been pushed much further. She was accused of being a bad mother (after being reported to child services on 5 or more occasions), mentally ill, accused of stealing money, a self harmer etc etc, the list goes on and on. The babys father even admitted lying about her mis treating Trenton and being a danger to him or herself.

From what I can see, she was a mature 21 year old girl that was trying hard to work and study to support her and Trenton ( She also appeared to love her grand parents very much and wanted to make them proud.

Unless I am missing something here, I just dont understand why she was the only person of interest in this case and they were persuing her with such great effort. Nothing I have seen points to Melinda at all.

I think the media have portayed Melinda as a mentally unstable mother, who has been investigated by child services for possible abuse, who has used her baby to get what she wants from the babys father. She couldnt get this so she hurt trenton, then killed herself because she couldnt stand the guilt.

I see it completely different. I see this as a young mother trying to do everything she can to hold down a job and to face daily a constant battle with her babys father and their family trying to get sole custody of trenton.

What happened to the little guy is anyones guess, but I hold a slight glimmer of hope that he is somewhere having a happy life with people that love him very much.

You sure must have missed a lot if there is nothing you have seen points to Melinda???

When the police go to search her house she had aleady thrown away ALL of his belongings in the dumpster - His toys, pictures, food and the ultrasound from her pregnacy. Just like he never existed. If someone kidnapped my child you wouldn't be able to tear any of those things away from me.
And why be so invasive when police want to know exactly where you and Trenton were that day?
You sure must have missed a lot if there is nothing you have seen points to Melinda???

When the police go to search her house she had aleady thrown away ALL of his belongings in the dumpster - His toys, pictures, food and the ultrasound from her pregnacy. Just like he never existed. If someone kidnapped my child you wouldn't be able to tear any of those things away from me.
And why be so invasive when police want to know exactly where you and Trenton were that day?

Hi Janet, unfortunately for this case, your comment reflects what has been spoonfed to the public about the circumstances. It is the exact reaction that was hoped for. I can completely understand how you came to that conslusion. However...

Since I purchased the FDLE records of this case, the search that showed the items you referred to in your post were found in the trash on September 5, 2006 NOT August 28,2006. The dumpster did NOT contain ALL Trenton's things, those special momentoes, clothes, toys etc were moved to the grandparents home because Melinda was afraid to stay in that apartment and told her grandfather she could "never go back to live there".

Not shown or disclosed regarding the items in the trash was a suitcase, with items carefully packed...some carefully wrapped in paper so it wouldn't break. Now HOW did that carefully packed suitcase get put in the dumpster or "said it was found in the dumpster"? Among those items were a glass from her 2004 prom. The so-called sonogram was not a sonogram but a photograph of the hospital monitor showing the sonogram. The picture even included the nurse's hand and forearm pointing to the image on the monitor. This picture of the sonogram was in a collage of pictures which included the wedding announcement of Melinda and Josh which she kept on her nightstand. In fact all the items she kept on her nightstand was carefully packed and placed in the protective suitcase.
The toybox was a plastic box she kept on her back patio area and is pictured on the patio when the investigation pictures were taken, NOT in the dumpster.


Also, Melinda frantically called friends to get $5,000 cash "to protect her and Trenton because she was having "issues" with Josh". This was on the same night that Josh went to visit his father James Duckett on death row in the Florida State prison (August 12, 2006 as noted in the Nikole Diaz interview) James Duckett then cancelled Melinda's visit to James which was supposed to be the same Sunday that Trenton was abducted.

Melinda was not afraid that Trenton was taken by a stranger, according to her interview with police she knew who took Trenton.

The police NEVER interviewed that person. Why not?

I saw the show.

They had Josh and his mother on along with Melinda's parents. I was shocked to hear that they had NEVER talked.

The had some pretty harsh words to say especially Melinda's parents basically accusing Josh's mother of disappearing Trenton.

Trenton will always hold a very special place in my heart.
I just saw Trenton's case featured on "Vanished with Beth Holloway". What a terribly sad case. I sure hope Trenton is alive and was given to someone who wanted him and is raising him.


Bumping for Trenton. :heartbeat:

I re-watched the episode of Vanished with Beth Holloway today that liltexans mentions above and I cannot believe that the sixth anniversary of Trenton's disappearance just passed.

SIX LONG YEARS. :( Where are you, Trenton?
This case resonates with me. So many loose ends.

Bumping for sweet Trenton.
There was a teaser on one of my recorded shows from Monday night about Trenton. It said something like new leads possibly giving new hope to the case. It was on Fox 35 (Fox Orlando) this past Monday (Nov 5).

I have searched high and low for the story, but can't find it anywhere. Did anyone see this? Has anyone heard an update lately of any kind? I try to stay on top of this case, so it is driving me nuts that I can't find out what they were talking about! Although, if it was any kind of "real" lead, I'm sure the information would be much easier to find.

Guess who is bashing the mother of Josh's other son Ryder? Guess who is calling DCF with reports that she is on drugs "meth" and is working as a stripper, and put a knife to Ryder's throat? Guess who went around getting letters and signatures that she is unfit to be the mother of Ryder? Guesss who is badmouthing her to everyone they come into contact with? Guess who kept Ryder away from his mother with absolutely no contact for 4 months? Not even a phone call allowed? Guess who told her that they would charge her with tresspassing if she came into the flower shop to see her own son? Why did the mother have to file an emergency child pick up order with Sumter County Court in order to see her own child while she is the custodial parent. Why does Josh and Debi have 50% custody time sharing but never have Ryder at their home? Why did they take Courtney Trick and Treating on Halloween but leave Ryder home with Carla Massero and Jason Fort? Why does Carla always have Ryder at her house? Why is Ryder afraid to go to Carla's, could it be the bruises and welts he has on his behind? Why does the day care center lie to Carla and give glowing reports about Ryder's behavior? Could it be he told them that Jason beats him?


Someone very close to the family contacted me. They stated that I was absolutely correct about the baker act of Melinda Duckett that it was all pre planned to get custody and gave me all the details of the night. I also learned that the "Bite" inflicted on Carla by Melinda was because Carla was SNATCHING Trenton out of Melinda's arms.



  • Mark on Ryder's lower back from spanking.jpg
    Mark on Ryder's lower back from spanking.jpg
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I'm not sure if this thread is about finding out where Trenton is or defending his mother.

After listening to her initial police interview, I am left without any doubt that his mother is responsible for his disappearance. All she wants to talk about is how Josh still had visitation and how the courts didn't see things her way. Her child is missing and she's whining about how Josh always gets his way?

Eyewitnesses state that Trenton was not with his mom when she returned home that day from her "trip". If he wasn't there, he couldn't have been abducted and that leaves Melinda as the last person to see him alive.
The rest is nothing but smoke and mirror theories.
I'm not sure if this thread is about finding out where Trenton is or defending his mother.

After listening to her initial police interview, I am left without any doubt that his mother is responsible for his disappearance. All she wants to talk about is how Josh still had visitation and how the courts didn't see things her way. Her child is missing and she's whining about how Josh always gets his way?

Eyewitnesses state that Trenton was not with his mom when she returned home that day from her "trip". If he wasn't there, he couldn't have been abducted and that leaves Melinda as the last person to see him alive.
The rest is nothing but smoke and mirror theories.

I'm impressed that you can listen to 15 minutes of a 2 1/2 hour interview and decide (without any doubt) that she's guilty. I'll just discard 6 years of delving, thousands of pages of documents, interviews with key people in this case, 728 pictures of Melinda's suicide crime scene, etc etc.

But you see? Melinda was right. Josh always gets his way because he thinks he can. He says that he can say anything at all and everyone will believe him. That is why he is going around telling lies about Stephani - the mother of his other son - why he decided that HE wasn't going to allow Stephani to see her own son because he didn't want her to and he wanted control. He didn't like the idea that she married someone, a military policeman. He told her she couldn't live in Ocala because I live here in Ocala. He forbade her to talk to the Eubanks because then his lies about him being the one to file for divorce and that Melinda wouldn't sign the papers would come to light as a lie. He forbade her to date Danny Bass because if she did "something bad would happen to her". He also told her that it was Jason West in the *advertiser censored* film with Melinda, but we all know different, it was Josh.

And the witness that "didn't see" Trenton with Melinda? Read the article about that on the blog. In fact Melinda believed that Jason Fort at the behest of Carla took Trenton out the window. And what about Kristey Cabbage, you know the 14 year old girl who came forward and said she saw Trenton with JOSH the Monday after he was missing. And the Wendy's withness who saw Josh with Melinda that Sunday he went missing.

But don't bother. You've solved the case.

PS Melinda's shotgun had the magazine jammed in backwards so Melinda had to take a bullet out of the drawer and manually load it. Oh yes, and then she missed (hitting the wall) and had to walk back into her grandparents' bedroom to take out one more bullet to shoot herself in the face, even though there was NO GSR on her hands or feet.

You see Ryder and Stephani are in jeopardy because of people who think they can get away with anything that they say and ruin other people's lives.
Ordered public records from Sumter County Sheriff Dept and also Sumter County clerk of court. Came across this one from January 3, 2012. Josh is so busy calling DCF on Stephani stating that she is using drugs and lo and behold good old Josh is caught by a CI in a drug sting...selling out of mama's house. (Doing business as usual) Some Daddy! Here's the pdf.


  • Sumter County Sheriff Office 1-03-2012 selling weed.pdf
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