FLDS compound in Texas Court proceedings ONLY please!!!!!

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I think today's hearing (Thursday) will see the children remain in custody. However, I think in the end the case will fall apart. The outcome may still hinge on the 16 year old girl who cannot be found.


Lisa Wayne, a criminal defense lawyer, there could potentially be criminal charges against sect members for alleged statutory rape, abuse or negligence.

But the church could challenge the search warrant that police used to enter the compound and some of the evidence that could be suppressed.

In a criminal case, you have the right to know who may give the government probable cause to come on the premises.

In TX, a complaint about child abuse can be made anonymously, and CPS must investigate.
In TX, a complaint about child abuse can be made anonymously, and CPS must investigate.

And .... if they investigate and there isn't one child on the property, but they see a dead lady sitting on the couch and a meth lab in the Kitchen, they don't have to pretend they didn't see them.
This is all so sad and disgusting!
I understand the concern over them being persecuted for their religion but I don't think that's the case! We've known they were there for ages and didn't raid them.
This is all so sad and disgusting!
I understand the concern over them being persecuted for their religion but I don't think that's the case! We've known they were there for ages and didn't raid them.

I don't think they're being persecuted for the religon at all. They should ("ALL" men & "ALL" women) be held accountable for ANY child abuse the same as we are. I also don't buy the fact the women turned there heads the other way.

On one of the talk shows this morning this poly gal was saying someone in her family had 56 wives! SOOOOOOO many kids she never knew how many the guy had.

The priests from the Catholic religon were on trial. Just because they took a vow to be celebate & decided to molest boys & girls never saved them.. In abuse cases ignorance is not bliss they need prosecuted. I was a very devote Catholic before the priests & bishops were exposed. They were to be respected & a notch higher then all of us. Since all of this I quit the Church. That was my decision & hard to do.

Watching the fake, phoney FLDS ladies( term used lightly) on TV. Lieing to protect the abusers has turned my stomach. At first I felt sorry for them, as I have watched /I noticed how they pose there hands to give off the image they're shocked. No tears, no facial expressions,hand gestures only.
This is all so sad and disgusting!
I understand the concern over them being persecuted for their religion but I don't think that's the case! We've known they were there for ages and didn't raid them.

Welcome to Websleuths..... forgot my manners!!

"Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott hinted today at possible bigamy prosecutions of wives and mothers from a West Texas polygamist commune.

In an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America," Abbott said the women of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints admitted to bigamy in nationally televised interviews yesterday.

He says "that also would be grounds for legal prosecution in the state of Texas."
I think today's hearing (Thursday) will see the children remain in custody. However, I think in the end the case will fall apart. The outcome may still hinge on the 16 year old girl who cannot be found.


Lisa Wayne, a criminal defense lawyer, said there could potentially be criminal charges against sect members for alleged statutory rape, abuse or negligence.

But the church could challenge the search warrant that police used to enter the compound and some of the evidence that could be suppressed.

In a criminal case, you have the right to know who may give the government probable cause to come on the premises.

Morning everyone!

Trino- This has been posed to many people on cnn that are lawyers. They said they do not beelive the warrent will be thrown out. Because the officers, went in under the phone call, there was "Just cause" And when they got in there, they found all the other stuff going on. There is a special cause for this, just can't recall it right now,
From the ap news wire

"Walther's courtroom is expected to be jammed with attorneys and parents, so a live video feed has been set up in nearby City Hall to allow the media and the public to watch the proceedings."


anyone know where I can watch it?
As far as I know, no one has a camera in the courtroom because juvenile/court custody proceedings aren't shown for the protection and privacy of the child.

There will be reporters reporting on the various news programs and filming outside the courtroom I'm sure.
From the link I just posted:

A major issue will be how a home is defined - whether by the individual house each child lived in or by the larger ranch, said attorney Susan Hays, who represents a 2-year-old child. Under Texas law, if sexual abuse is occurring in a home and a parent does not stop it, then the parent can lose custodial rights.

The judge also must decide whether it's in the best interest of children who have lived insulated lives to be suddenly placed into mainstream society, Hays said.

Typically, each child would be given a separate hearing, but given the number of cases, it's likely the judge will have the state, the children's attorneys and the parents' attorneys make consolidated presentations, at least initially, said Harper Estes, president-elect of the state bar.

"You can't go one-by-one," Estes said.
While I understand you cannot put a price on child abuse, this case is going to cost millions. Already the cult is lawyered up to the gills.
The hearing will take years at this rate. They should split up the cases and hear them one by one like they would in any abuse case. JMO.
The hearing will take years at this rate. They should split up the cases and hear them one by one like they would in any abuse case. JMO.

Why couldn't they conduct it like a class-action lawsuit?:confused:
Hi gitana,

Several people here have expressed the same sentiment.

I'm stoked to see that pretty much everyone on this thread is now completely educated about this group of monsters and that those defending their "rights" have become somewhat silent

On the matter of those who don't agree being so silent....

Silence doesn't always mean there is nothing valid to say. Sometimes it indicates awareness that there is no hearer to speak to.
Why couldn't they conduct it like a class-action lawsuit?:confused:
I would think because it's children involved.

Flora Jessop: "After trying to leave I spent 3 years in solitary confinement while they tried to beat the devil out of me."

The other FLDS enclaves are feeling the scrutiny

They need to be!

Guys can I ask that only court stuff be posted in this area and any other stuff be posted here please. I know there is alot to say, but Lets try to keep this as organized as possible. Sorry all, just know that there are some of us that are not able to follow the court proceedings due to work and other committments, It would be handy to have one thread dedicated to court stuff, and one thread deidcated to other non court stuff, in my opinion.

Thank you!
I think today's hearing (Thursday) will see the children remain in custody. However, I think in the end the case will fall apart. The outcome may still hinge on the 16 year old girl who cannot be found.


Lisa Wayne, a criminal defense lawyer, said there could potentially be criminal charges against sect members for alleged statutory rape, abuse or negligence.

But the church could challenge the search warrant that police used to enter the compound and some of the evidence that could be suppressed.

In a criminal case, you have the right to know who may give the government probable cause to come on the premises.

Law enforcement officers obtained a warrant authorizing a search of the compound. Much has been made of the fact that Sarah has not been identified.
Some, including sect members and their attorneys, have said that the call was not placed by anyone in the compound; that it was placed by a disgruntled member or, worse, was a hoax.
I say it doesn't matter, and the Supreme Court agrees.


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