For those who agree with the me understand.

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Hopefully your friend is not an indicator of how the majority of people think. I don't know if anyone believes that Caylee drowned. I, and lots of others, believe it is a possibility. The defense did not have to prove that she drowned, the prosecution had to prove it was MURDER. And they didn't. IMO, they didn't prove much beyond Casey is a liar, and even her own lawyers agreed with that!

I think that anyone who is certain that they know what happened is not using critical thinking skills wisely.

We can all have suspicions, and we can even go so far as to have "gut feelings" but in a case like this, where there is no firm, hard evidence - no one, except Casey and/or the real killer, know for sure.

The purpose of the trial was to see if the accumulation of evidence and facts rose to a certain level. The jury didn't think the evidence rose to that level but that does NOT mean that they think Caylee drowned or that it was an accident or that Casey doesn't know what happened. It only means that the evidence didn't prove that Casey murdered the child. That's all.

Honestly, it scares me to think that there are people who believe that they "know" what happened in this case, no matter which side they take. I hope that they never get selected for jury duty!
My god people, YES its true most people BELIEVE she is guilty, but nobody KNOWS that for a FACT. That is how our system works. If there is not CERTAINTY than juries must ACQUIT. If you dont like it, move to somewhere like IRAN or whatnot where you get thrown in jail because you are "most likely" guilty. This is America, where the goverment hast to PROVE that you are guilty before they take your freedom or life. This was a fail on the part of the prosectution, NOT the jury.

I do agree with this quote.
May we have a link to your quote 2door73Chevy? Thank you. :)
For those asking about negligent homicide, etc.

2nd degree murder encompasses depraved heart killings. A depraved heart killing is a killing through reckless, unreasonable conduct. Taking any reckless action, that a reasonable person would not take, with a high probability of death in light of said conduct. Callous disregard for human life.

A depraved, malignant heart. Not necessarily pre-meditated. Maybe negligent. Maybe stupid. But against all norms and common sense in our society.

To me, this sums up Casey Anthony. I don't think the prosecution explained second degree murder well enough to the jury. They were really gunning for murder 1, and even though murder 2 was a charge it seemed to be ignored. Don't you all think this could have been an easier pill to swallow for the jury?
And the people that believe that Caylee drowned really have to stop and ask themselves why they believe that. There is no evidence. IMO i think thats what people want to believe and human psyche is amazing.

I cornered a friend of mine who believes this and guess what it boiled down to: She didnt look like a murderer! Thats right folks. She seemed like she loved her kid by just watching video clips and photos. ICA looked nice and was attractive. Oh and he said its hard for a mom to kill her kid. I just walked away...He wanted to believe she drowned cause the opposite was too much for his mind to process. I think alot of people dont wanna believe she murdered her child even in the face of evidence and everything. Unbelieveable!

Actually on the day Caylee died the night before Casey was on her phone all night with Tony. She left with Caylee and came back when George left. She was constantly on her phone, so when there is an hour lapse, its noticable. Why is it not believable that after a night of being on the phone all night, she took a nap, and a unattended child could not get in the pool ? After this hour lapse, the phone starts calling Cindy and George, they didnt pick up, so how do you really know she didn't panic? I have seen the pings and call records, and this is why I believe the pool theory.
I agree with the verdict. From day one, when it was announced this little girl was missing, they did an aerial view of the home and as soon as I saw the swimming pool, I thought 'Oh God! This is an accident and she is afraid to tell.'

You can't just trump up charges against someone and pray one might stick. The evidence was not there. If they thought this was abuse, they needed to prove it. They did not show one time, that before June 16, when Casey would tell her mother that the baby was with the Nanny - that the baby was anywhere other than really with the mother.

Casey had the type of mother, that you couldn't say to, 'I'm giving up my job at disney and I'm gonna be a shot girl because they get paid better.' She had the type of mother, that would say, 'try it and I will take your baby. you are unfit.'

I would recommend not becoming to emotionally invested in any given case because often you will be disappointed. I learned my lesson the hard way in the Ramsey case, so I empathize with all of you.

I thought the same thing on day 1 Starling!
What ever happened in this country to common sense? Reasonable doubt does not trump common sense last time I checked.

I have watched three major murder trials this year, and in every one of them the prosecutors have urged jurors to use common sense in evaluating the evidence. Well, there still needs to be evidence. In addition, a common sense evaluation does not necessarily work if the parties being evaluated haven't demonstrated much common sense in how they live their lives. Case in point, the picture of Casey Anthony, clearly pregnant, at her uncle's wedding where Cindy Anthony is telling everyone that Casey is "just bloated". You can't explain away that kind of denial using common sense - and neither can a jury.
Actually on the day Caylee died the night before Casey was on her phone all night with Tony. She left with Caylee and came back when George left. She was constantly on her phone, so when there is an hour lapse, its noticable. Why is it not believable that after a night of being on the phone all night, she took a nap, and a unattended child could not get in the pool ? After this hour lapse, the phone starts calling Cindy and George, they didnt pick up, so how do you really know she didn't panic? I have seen the pings and call records, and this is why I believe the pool theory.

That makes perfect sense UNTIL she sits in jail for 3 years and risks the death penalty rather than admitting to the accident (which she then allows her lawyer to admit in OS!).
That makes perfect sense UNTIL she sits in jail for 3 years and risks the death penalty rather than admitting to the accident (which she then allows her lawyer to admit in OS!).

Bring in her past and not being able to be truthful about the childs father, the pregnancy, graduation, etc.

The record shows after an hour hiatus she FRANTICALLY tried to call her mother. Dont you think already having a mental issue along with discovering your child dead may just make you weird for a second?
The DA should have adjusted the charges according to the evidence that MOST LIKELY was going to assure a conviction. They took a huge gamble, and unfortunately lost. I find it completely plausible that ICA was neglecting Caylee, found her floating in the pool and took measures to cover it up and was relieved that she was no longer saddled with the responsibility of motherhood. Mother Nature, time and pathology created the perfect storm and now she gets off. Personally, I believe the duct tape doesn't prove anything in particular. It's an oddity, but just one of many things that doesn't add up in this whole sordid affair. People aren't (or at least shouldn't be) put to death because they are morally bankrupt and despicable. There is still the burden of proof that has to be met. If they could go back and revise the charges, I believe they would.

Excellent post, thank you.

As much as I've questioned why Casey operates as she does,
I've also questioned why the DA pushed for the death penalty & excluded lesser charges that might have stuck. I think the depth & breadth of Casey's lies might have angered them so much so....that they took this big gamble.

That, plus having to deal with her parent's quirky deceptions too,
might have been the reason for the more "emotionally charged" charges.
I dunno.
There is a huge difference between what is speculated to be true, what seems to make sense, and what can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

I served as a juror on a murder trial (gang related). We, the members of the jury, came to believe the person was likely guilty; however, the defense raised reasonable doubt. Even though we thought the person was most likely guilty, we abided by the law and returned a not guilty verdict.

The prosecutor asked to speak to the jury after the trial and most of us agreed to meet with her. She asked what had raised reasonable doubt. Unfortunately (we learned then), she could have refuted what were issues for us but she did not do so during the trial. At the end, she thanked us for our service and told us we had done what we were supposed to do. She also pointed out that people who commit crimes don't usually stop and the person would likely end up in court again.

It was an eye opening process. I'd encourage you not to judge the jury. They did their job even if you don't like the result. I'd also wager that if you ever find yourself facing a court, you will be glad that our system puts the burden of proof on the prosecution.

I totally agree...the prosecution let the ball drop by leaving out a lot of evidence...that fight was pivetal piece that they needed. I'm going to ask this question:
WHERE was and WHO was watching Caylee while Cindy and KC were fighting like cats and dogs and George was the referee?

A lot of people on here that have had experience with sociopaths say that there is always a little bit of truth sprinkled in with the lies, you just have to know how to decipher. The only thing that I can disagree is that according to GA and CA, KC didn't leave the night of June 15th. She spent the night at home and left the next day. GA gave a very vivid description of what Caylee and KC were wearing when they left...something that has always raised a red flag with me.

I'm going to go in another direction for a moment please don't get mad at me..but this family has some series issues dealing with the truth, dealing with things that make them uncomfortable. When confronted with it they just act like it isn't happening, they go into some sort of psychotic denial. She's not pregnant, she's bloated. The baby isn't dead, the nanny, that we've never met or talk to, has her at the beach.

Cindy and Caylee came home from that Father's day visit and went swimming.
Casey came home from who knows where TLs, the mall, feel free to speculate.
She wasn't allowed to swim with them because Cindy said "caylee was tired".
Cindy that said she gave Caylee to Casey.
Cindy FURIOUS at Casey for stealing from her parents leaves the pool ladder up.
Casey bathed Caylee and got her ready for bed.
Then Cindy confronts Casey and all hell brakes loose as you so vividly and elloquently decribed it above.
NOBODY is paying attention to Caylee.

Added because I just thought of this HORRIBLE sceniero:
Casey does LEAVE but leaves Caylee at home...
GA and CA still reeling from their arguement don't realize SHE DIDN'T take Caylee with her..
Caylee isn't found untill the next day when Casey comes home, Cindy is at work and George is watching his cooking show.

By George (no pun intended) I think You've got it! Makes sense to me!
Bring in her past and not being able to be truthful about the childs father, the pregnancy, graduation, etc.

The record shows after an hour hiatus she FRANTICALLY tried to call her mother. Dont you think already having a mental issue along with discovering your child dead may just make you weird for a second?

isn't is possible that the frantic calls were because Zanny was in an accident, won the lottery, was murdered, had car trouble, etc., and Casey needed a babysitter after all? She had plans right? She told them Zanny was watching Caylee right? So why do you tell your parents Zanny is watching your baby when there is no Zanny? Her boyfriend didn't want Caylee around because his apartment was inappropriate for a little one (my words but just what he meant)... I dont think they answered the "frantic" calls because they knew she wanted something and they weren't caving in this time! My theory words just as well as yours!
isn't is possible that the frantic calls were because Zanny was in an accident, won the lottery, was murdered, had car trouble, etc., and Casey needed a babysitter after all? She had plans right? She told them Zanny was watching Caylee right? So why do you tell your parents Zanny is watching your baby when there is no Zanny? Her boyfriend didn't want Caylee around because his apartment was inappropriate for a little one (my words but just what he meant)... I dont think they answered the "frantic" calls because they knew she wanted something and they weren't caving in this time! My theory words just as well as yours!

I followed the call records, and everything I have stated here is true. There was an hour of inactivity after her being up for a very long time, I think she did try to do the right thing and it went wrong when she couldnt reach her mom, and nothing will every change that, and frankly I think only people who "need"for her to be some monster refuse to look at these FACTS.
IMO, the absence of blowflies in the trunk really hurt the prosecution's assertion that the body was hidden there for days. If that body had been in that trunk, there would have been signs of those flies all over the place. None of them in there? Reasonable doubt that the body was ever in the trunk. The absence of a photo of the heart-shape allegedly left on the duct tape left that allegation without any value at all as evidence.....If that forensics expert had truly, truly believed that what she saw was left by a little sticker placed over the mouth, she would have stopped what she was doing and photographed it. The fact that the science about the "death band" on the hair is not without controversy made me question the authenticity of the finding. The air testing is also controversial. Even the FBI report on the results of the air test state that the result does NOT mean there was HUMAN decomposition! Didn't hear that lil fact mentioned too often on Nancy Grace, did we? The fact that there was NO evidence that Caylee had ever been drugged when her hair was tested was important, at least in my mind. Roy Kronk's testimony that he moved the skull with a stick brings into question how the duct tape was actually attached to the head. It was not stuck to the jaw, it wasn't stuck to anything but Caylee's sweet little hair: His interference with the crime scene means there is reasonable doubt that the duct tape had been placed around her nose and mouth. All of the things I've listed have been sensationalized in the "Nancy Grace" type shows as "proof" that Caylee was murdered, ESPECIALLY the "news" we heard over and over that Zanny the Nanny meant Casey was repetitively drugging Caylee to get her out of the way so she could party. And there is no evidence to support that, and sound evidence that in fact CAYLEE WAS NOT DRUGGED. This in particular introduces reasonable doubt to me-----if she was never drugged, it becomes a real possibility that the child died accidentally.

The prosecutor has said that ALL the evidence was presented. I've read so many posts on this forum pertaining to "just wait until the jury knows everything we know! Then they will know they made a mistake." My belief is that the truth is JUST THE OPPOSITE. Many of us have listened to talking heads pulling ***** out of the air for years, and some of us have believed they knew what they were talking about. The jury actually heard all of the evidence, untainted by the opinions of talking heads. And they decided-----ALL of them-----that there was reasonable doubt.

In my opinion, the prosecution failed to prove that Caylee was murdered. Or who did it. This was the poorest prosecution I have EVER watched. Ever.

Truly, I thought public pressure would make the jury unable to actually decide "Not Guilty." I thought this would end in a mistrial. I am thankful that they were able to vote with the confidence that they were making the right decision.

I do have suspicions that the defense theory of an accidental drowning with George's participation could be true......

Wow great post! I think you took the words right out of my mouth. I totally agree with everything you just posted. How many times have we heard daily that tape was over the childs mouth? On TV, On this board, even in the court room. And, I scream every time! "It's not over her mouth, It's in her hair!" I too have a theory to why GA would participate in the coverup and it's not pretty. But, I happen to have my own personal experience that relates. And I didn't just think of this after the DT OS. I immediately thought of it when this hit the airwaves July 08. No, I didn't hide a body lol. Our thinking is so similar I just had to quote.
I don't think anyone could have cleaned out the trunk well enough to remove the evidence of blowflies. Flies were found in the bag with Caylee's remains, and if that body had been in the trunk, they'd have been there, too. It is possible that the remains were never in the trunk! The best testing by FBI failed to conclusively place a body in that trunk!

I think the only thing that was really proved is that Caylee died, somehow. And her body was disposed of, by somebody. And that the family is off-the-charts disfunctional, and all of them are liars.

Wow! Casey could be a poster girl for that list! \.

The blowflies can only be analyzed after a 2nd or 3rd generation. but not after a 5th generation.
Therefore, as I said too much time lapsed... if LE took that car 10 minutes after CA called 011 there may have been a better chance.
LE "F"d up a lot.
GA cleaned up a lot
In short the legal system had very little to work with to TIE KC to the deed itself.

Having said that- I do believe it was an accident.
But I also believe that Ex LE dad should be accountable for screwing with evidence.
The entire family should be accountable for Caylee not getting a proper burial, if she did drown at home; at least we know for sure that family threw her into the dumps. :( This should be illegal and family should be charged for that.
While KC cannot be charged for murder, she can be charged for other things like tossing the baby in the garbage.

From your article 2door73.

Casey Anthony juror Jennifer Ford said that she and the other jurors cried and were "sick to our stomachs" after voting to acquit Casey Anthony of charges that she killed her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. "I did not say she was innocent," said Ford, who had previously only been identified as juror No. 3. "I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be." Ford, a 32-year-old nursing student at St. Petersburg....

More at link above.

WOW the jurors are having a hard time. :(
I followed the call records, and everything I have stated here is true. There was an hour of inactivity after her being up for a very long time, I think she did try to do the right thing and it went wrong when she couldnt reach her mom, and nothing will every change that, and frankly I think only people who "need"for her to be some monster refuse to look at these FACTS.

One other thing I have a problem with is the 31 days. Everyone is blaming Casey for this however I really have to question why the parents didn't report them missing. IIRC (I really didn't follow the case) her mom said that Casey kept telling her they were here and there BUT wasn't that unlike Casey? She never stayed away from the home for that long of a period did she? I am telling you that if my daughter ever did something like that I would call the police, report my car stolen, my daughter/granddaughter missing, drive around for hours to find her....Maybe I am wrong here but that is one other reason why I think GA is involved. I agree with an accident, I agree with Casey freaking out over it, but who helped her?

Whew did I make any sense? :floorlaugh:
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