For Those Who Do Think Avery was Framed & Evidence Planted - Discuss

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Excellent reporting!
Many great facts stated here!
So. Much. Doubt. ( to say the least )
I can not wait for new evidence to be presented. Results can't get here soon enough.

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You know,
Just re-reading this article, look at all of the " unanswered questions "

The deleted voice-mail (s)
The EDITED flyover
The male DNA ( just to name a few)

The male DNA profile which was found & never identified is right up there with the bones on what bothers me most about this case.
I think to myself " doesn't this bother folks? Especially if a killer still walks among them? "
Scary thought

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Just an FYI....

A crowdfunding effort was opened today to get the remaining official photo's from SA's trial. The total cost is just over $700 and it was raised in less than an hour!

Not sure how long it will take, but when they come, they will be put on the site :)


Overall, the pictures are still pretty disappointing. There are so many things that could have been cleared up with pictures. As of now, I don't think these pictures will supply us with any of the answers we are looking for though.

There are more good pictures of the Avery dog than there are of the burn pit.

you wanna know why I believe that? Because Teresa's bones were intermingled in that seat
- Fassbender during the Brenden interrogation.
This seat?

This still has paint on it, unless I'm mistaken.
One method for removing paint from metal is using a household blow torch. And I don't think those get anywhere near cremation temperatures.

This one:
looks like they strung up a deer for butchering. Of course, a person could be strung up that way for similar purposes, but there is evidence for the deer and none for a person. If they did that, it could easily explain the "clean" spot on the floor (was hoping for a good picture of that!) and the luminol hit in the garage.

The first garage we searched would have been a red garage and we found a snowmobile and a Suzuki Samurai motor vehicle. We also found numerous .22 shell casings located on the floor of the garage. We were unable to locate TERESA HALBACH in the building.
We then moved east towards a light blue home and a light blue garage. We entered the garage and it was here that we found a carcass of a deer hanging. Again we were unable to findTERESA HALBACH
- page 81 of the CASO

Overall, the pictures are still pretty disappointing. There are so many things that could have been cleared up with pictures. As of now, I don't think these pictures will supply us with any of the answers we are looking for though.

There are more good pictures of the Avery dog than there are of the burn pit.

- Fassbender during the Brenden interrogation.
This seat?

This still has paint on it, unless I'm mistaken.
One method for removing paint from metal is using a household blow torch. And I don't think those get anywhere near cremation temperatures.

This one:
looks like they strung up a deer for butchering. Of course, a person could be strung up that way for similar purposes, but there is evidence for the deer and none for a person. If they did that, it could easily explain the "clean" spot on the floor (was hoping for a good picture of that!) and the luminol hit in the garage.

- page 81 of the CASO
I've never understood WHY folks made such a huge deal about that SPOT on the garage floor...
Especially when TH was so VICIOUSLY murdered in the trailer.
Yes the pictures ARE pretty disappointing.

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Yep, I was expecting more LOL I wish we could get all of Zellner's photos :biggrin:

There are a few interesting things that I noticed....

First, we see more photo's of the garage. Just how cluttered it is and I think it's smaller than I thought LOL

The little notepad with TH's number on it, if you look closely, you can see at least 2 other numbers written on the flipped up paper, which kinda goes with my thought process about this 'evidence', that it's not unusual for him to write a number down, with no name and then not remember who's it is and when calling using *67 in case it's not who he thinks.

Some of the aerial shots sure show easy it would have been to get to that back corner of the ASY where SA and Barb lived.

And then this...

We can play "Spot the Difference" with this photo. This is from the FBI, Curtis Thomas who is an Electronic Engineer with the FBI testified and said they used this exemplar (on the right) to identify the phone as a Motorola Razr V3. They are both Razr V3's, but there are different models, the burnt one I believe is a Razr V3i. The top buttons are different, and the top of the plate was different. I had read that the phones didn't match before, but now I "see" it. I searched last night and was unable to find any additional information about what model of phone TH had.

Oh and the only other thing that I wondered when looking at the new pics was.... the photo of Barb's answering machine, showed 6 messages.... remember when RH said they were making calls the night of November 3rd? I wonder if they called Barb's and left a message? Surely AutoTrader would have given them the number they were given for Barb, but they should have seen the number on her online bill that RH accessed, right? Why wouldn't they have called Barb? Odd IMO
Yep, I was expecting more LOL I wish we could get all of Zellner's photos [emoji3]

There are a few interesting things that I noticed....

First, we see more photo's of the garage. Just how cluttered it is and I think it's smaller than I thought LOL

The little notepad with TH's number on it, if you look closely, you can see at least 2 other numbers written on the flipped up paper, which kinda goes with my thought process about this 'evidence', that it's not unusual for him to write a number down, with no name and then not remember who's it is and when calling using *67 in case it's not who he thinks.

Some of the aerial shots sure show easy it would have been to get to that back corner of the ASY where SA and Barb lived.

And then this...
View attachment 108481

We can play "Spot the Difference" with this photo. This is from the FBI, Curtis Thomas who is an Electronic Engineer with the FBI testified and said they used this exemplar (on the right) to identify the phone as a Motorola Razr V3. They are both Razr V3's, but there are different models, the burnt one I believe is a Razr V3i. The top buttons are different, and the top of the plate was different. I had read that the phones didn't match before, but now I "see" it. I searched last night and was unable to find any additional information about what model of phone TH had.

Oh and the only other thing that I wondered when looking at the new pics was.... the photo of Barb's answering machine, showed 6 messages.... remember when RH said they were making calls the night of November 3rd? I wonder if they called Barb's and left a message? Surely AutoTrader would have given them the number they were given for Barb, but they should have seen the number on her online bill that RH accessed, right? Why wouldn't they have called Barb? Odd IMO
Oh yes my dear..that garage was a tiny mess!! IMO
And every time I look at this phone pic I can't help but to think how " fortunate " law enforcement had been to have it as in tact as it was. You know, melted, but not enough.
LE and PS were just so blessed to be able to identify the phone, the plates, the key..pretty much everything that screamed Teresa BUT any trace of poor Teresa.

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Overall, the pictures are still pretty disappointing. There are so many things that could have been cleared up with pictures. As of now, I don't think these pictures will supply us with any of the answers we are looking for though.

There are more good pictures of the Avery dog than there are of the burn pit.

- Fassbender during the Brenden interrogation.
This seat?

This still has paint on it, unless I'm mistaken.
One method for removing paint from metal is using a household blow torch. And I don't think those get anywhere near cremation temperatures.

This one:
looks like they strung up a deer for butchering. Of course, a person could be strung up that way for similar purposes, but there is evidence for the deer and none for a person. If they did that, it could easily explain the "clean" spot on the floor (was hoping for a good picture of that!) and the luminol hit in the garage.

- page 81 of the CASO
Such a colorful seat to be burned to charcoal...kinda like the phone..pretty decent shape for being in such a fire!
Nice observation, Saul

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I thought the new pictures were great! Thanks Missy for letting us know they were available!

Ok, so here is one. It doesn't solve the mystery (and when I say mystery I mean whether SA is responsible for TH's death or not) but, it is food for thought.

This particular picture is a picture of the evidence from the '85 case. On the picture you can clearly see a yellow sticky note which reads "Came for small box". I sure would like to know when that was and is the small box the box containing the vial of blood? Sounds to me like someone took it without it going thru the normal chain of command. Anyone know who's handwriting that is? Can we identify it? Could it be one of the detectives on the TH case? Link--Colburn, perhaps?

If you notice the other "ragged" looking post it note marked '96. It is clearly ragged as if it had been attached for some time. But, not this "Newer" looking post it note. Looks fresh and crisp to me.

How about the other post it note that is no longer there but the glue residue is. Right next to the "Newer" post it note. How many notes were put on this package and why?

Also did anyone notice the multiple staple marks in the package? Like it was stapled before and then restapled. That tells me it was opened after '96.
Or how about this one? Can anyone make out the writing. I see at the beginning it says 12-25. Is that a date or a case number reference? ..and what about the initials, can't quite make them out. LATF, perhaps?

I know the last line reads "contains S. Averys whole blood sample. I can't quite make out the top line. Opened for ??? by EJF??? Then looks like a signature perhaps?


...and I'm just getting started...LOL


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I was just looking at the same photo BCA lol We knew it was opened at least once because of that photo.

What I see is...
6-19 (might be 14?)-02, 12:25, opened per ??? instruction by EJ ?????
closed 6-19-02 12:27 - contains S. Averys whole blood sample and then 2 initials.

I know we figured out who it was before, but I can't recall at the moment. I think it was a DA though?

Good catch on the staple marks on the bag. So... when SC tested SA's blood in 2003, it was a fresh sample, right?
Yep, I was expecting more LOL I wish we could get all of Zellner's photos :biggrin:

There are a few interesting things that I noticed....

First, we see more photo's of the garage. Just how cluttered it is and I think it's smaller than I thought LOL

The little notepad with TH's number on it, if you look closely, you can see at least 2 other numbers written on the flipped up paper, which kinda goes with my thought process about this 'evidence', that it's not unusual for him to write a number down, with no name and then not remember who's it is and when calling using *67 in case it's not who he thinks.
I totally agree Missy. Not one splatter of blood in that garage anywhere after what was it 10, 11 shots pumped into poor TH.

Oh, and you can see in this picture another phone number on that same notepad in the Rolodex~~not sure if it has a name or not because you really can't see the whole page, but it would seem that it was common for SA to use that notepad to write phone numbers down. At least he was organized. I write down numbers on anything I can find to write on, then look back and say...who the heck is that. I can even admit to calling the number when I don't know who it was. Of course, I'd say Who is this? That is usually followed by WHO IS THIS? or the even more embarassing..Hello BCA ~~ and you still don't know who it is...
I was just looking at the same photo BCA lol We knew it was opened at least once because of that photo.

What I see is...
6-19 (might be 14?)-02, 12:25, opened per ??? instruction by EJ ?????
closed 6-19-02 12:27 - contains S. Averys whole blood sample and then 2 initials.

I know we figured out who it was before, but I can't recall at the moment. I think it was a DA though?

Good catch on the staple marks on the bag. So... when SC tested SA's blood in 2003, it was a fresh sample, right?
Sorry Missy~~I don't recall~~we'll have to revisit that again...LOL
Ok, found this about the box BCA...

Notations on the outside of the white box containing
Avery's blood vial indicate that DA Fitzgerald opened the box at 12:25p.m. onJune
19' 2002' and closed it again two minutes later. It is believed that the evidence tape
seal was broken at that time so the parties could discover the contents. It is believed
that when the vial of Avery's blood was found, the box was simply closed and not
sent out for testing as the crime lab already had Avery's DNA profile on record. The
notations on the box do not indicate how the box was re-closed, but there does not
appear to be another layer of evidence tape placed over the existing broken seal.
Instead it appears the box simply was closed with a small piece of (easily removable)
scotch tape' Records reflect that the officer who prepared the transmittal of evidence
form for the transfer of the court exhibits to the Crime Lab on septembe r 19,2002,
was none other than,,Det. Sgt.James Lenk.

I was actually trying to look to see if the blood was tested by anyone else after Lab Corp sent it to MTSO. According to this document, it was not used for DNA testing because it was already done by Lab Corp.

Which brings up a question I have had.... In the current 2005 TH case, was that vial of blood ever DNA tested? I couldn't find any lab report showing that SC tested it and LeBeau with the FBI admitted he didn't DNA test it either.
Ok, found this about the box BCA...

Notations on the outside of the white box containing
Avery's blood vial indicate that DA Fitzgerald opened the box at 12:25p.m. onJune
19' 2002' and closed it again two minutes later. It is believed that the evidence tape
seal was broken at that time so the parties could discover the contents. It is believed
that when the vial of Avery's blood was found, the box was simply closed and not
sent out for testing as the crime lab already had Avery's DNA profile on record. The
notations on the box do not indicate how the box was re-closed, but there does not
appear to be another layer of evidence tape placed over the existing broken seal.
Instead it appears the box simply was closed with a small piece of (easily removable)
scotch tape' Records reflect that the officer who prepared the transmittal of evidence
form for the transfer of the court exhibits to the Crime Lab on septembe r 19,2002,
was none other than,,Det. Sgt.James Lenk.

I was actually trying to look to see if the blood was tested by anyone else after Lab Corp sent it to MTSO. According to this document, it was not used for DNA testing because it was already done by Lab Corp.

Which brings up a question I have had.... In the current 2005 TH case, was that vial of blood ever DNA tested? I couldn't find any lab report showing that SC tested it and LeBeau with the FBI admitted he didn't DNA test it either.
So do we know how many vials of blood they took and when? I'm sure KZ knows...LOL

..and if the crime lab already had SA's blood, what was the purpose of the DA opening the vial of blood? Was it because they didn't know what it contained?
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