Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #11

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Thanks Salvarenga for providing this information and the court time.
Pitiful, prosection has to ask for a hearing, another needless expense for the county.

Do you have the date and time the Motion was filed by the Prosecution?
I left lambchop a message about a post I read I believe on in-sessions but I'm not positive. I'm sorry my memory fades a bit and that is why i didn't post it here. I as weel like links to back up a stated fact. With that in mind my post might jar somen eles memory. I read ZFG had gone to the same tatoo parlor 10-13 days before KC had gone in and recieved her tatoo. The theory some posted was that this is where KC first saw ZFG, or heard about her through the tatoo artist. This to me says rumor possibly because ZFG might have seen KC causing her to remember KC and as it stands ZFG has denied ever meeting her. Would this include seeing her? i guess we need a rumor thread again. :)

Thanks, KK I got your message. Just trying to jog Tuba's memory as I am not sure she may have addressed this issue or something similiar in one of the charts. I do remember also someone saying on NG that ZG had been in the same tatto parlor and something about ZG's boyfriend. Can't remember all the details.
Thanks Salvarenga for providing this information and the court time.
Pitiful, prosection has to ask for a hearing, another needless expense for the county.

Unbelievable. They stall until a motion for a hearing is filed before they gather the requested documentation, then they can miraculously produce wanted documents moments before the hearing? Both As and BC should be fined for contempt. These people think they are so above the law, it's disgusting. Why aren't these criminals warming a cell cot themselves? LE and the state are far too lenient on these people.
Apparently they were served a subpoena 2-3 weeks ago asking for these documents. According to BC the computer has been "down" and he has been busy with other cases. But now after the State asks for a hearing they can suddenly provide them before the hearing tomorrow. I hope even if they do hand them over that they still have to show up. A girl can wish, it probably won't happen but I wish they would be held in contempt. This whole "our computer is not working" ranks right up there with BCs "back problem" excuse. Even if you want to buy into the bull hockey excuse about the computer not working, do they really think someone will believe in all the time since the subpoena was served they couldn't get it repaired? I am so tired of their antics. When will the court finally put them in their place and make them understand that they are not the ones in control. Patiently awaiting any insight you wonderful astros might have to offer. I have not seen an official time stamped document for when the request for hearing was made.
Any chance that the docs that CA & GA are demanded to produce are connected to the "sidebar transcript"????? Since the sidebar was supposedly about the financing of defense, I'm thinking the A's may just have the documents or correspondence to make a connection that the SA is looking to link up.....What can you tell us?? TIA as always!:)
Apparently they were served a subpoena 2-3 weeks ago asking for these documents. According to BC the computer has been "down" and he has been busy with other cases. But now after the State asks for a hearing they can suddenly provide them before the hearing tomorrow. I hope even if they do hand them over that they still have to show up. A girl can wish, it probably won't happen but I wish they would be held in contempt. This whole "our computer is not working" ranks right up there with BCs "back problem" excuse. Even if you want to buy into the bull hockey excuse about the computer not working, do they really think someone will believe in all the time since the subpoena was served they couldn't get it repaired? I am so tired of their antics. When will the court finally put them in their place and make them understand that they are not the ones in control. Patiently awaiting any insight you wonderful astros might have to offer. I have not seen an official time stamped document for when the request for hearing was made.

According to one news outlet, Brad C claimed it had been 'weeks.' So that could have even been MORE than a MONTH ago. Hmmm? :bang:
I think there was something about the Anthony's having marital or money issues coming up this week....hmmmmm
They may have been in disagreement all these weeks and the clock is ticking...
What we do know, astrologically, and have known for some time is that Cindy and George are both in the soup. The solar eclipse, don't you know. Remember the eclipse hit spot on their Sun in House 10 and their reputation was to be dented. People said, "How can it get any worse?" But already, it has, due to their failure to provide subpoenaed papers and a rather transparent "reason" for not doing so. Then too, their conduct tomorrow, including for t.v. and newspaper reporters, may be less than reparative, shall we say?
Oh, too true, toomanywords. The marital Sun of their composite horoscope is conjunct Uranus, promising separations, dissolutions. Now that is for the duration of their time together and we know they have already experienced separation. What trips it off now is the solar eclipse on their Sun-Uranus conjunction.
Hearing Cancelled As Anthonys Provide Documents

Posted: 4:54 pm EDT July 23, 2009
Updated: 9:47 am EDT July 24, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- A hearing scheduled for Friday afternoon was cancelled after George and Cindy Anthony produced documents to the court.

George and Cindy avoided the hearing when their attorney Brad Conway turned over documents relating to their daughter’s murder trial Friday morning. Conway confirmed the documents were stored on the Anthonys’ computer.
Everybody's ready for a fix from Jail Cell F-Dorml-12, Orange County because news is thin today and we are a curious lot. (I don't mean odd & funny looking. I mean inquisitive.) For starters, the Moon is in Virgo, which says this is Prisoner's trough, her low of the month, since she was born in the opposite Sign of Pisces. Tomorrow will be a V shaped depression within the trough because Moon will remain in Virgo but join Saturn--UGH! Venus is square her Mercury, a rude note. Mars is opposite her own Saturn (9°-9°), failure, flops and defeat. To top off, the Sun is moving in to square her Pluto, bringing five days of power struggles, contests over domination and control conflicts. Very different from catching the rays on the white sands of Miami.
Angel's vacation will end this weekend, right? Thank you, Angel for helping us when you were relaxing. You could have so easily ignored us!
Everybody's ready for a fix from Jail Cell F-Dorml-12, Orange County because news is thin today and we are a curious lot. (I don't mean odd & funny looking. I mean inquisitive.) For starters, the Moon is in Virgo, which says this is Prisoner's trough, her low of the month, since she was born in the opposite Sign of Pisces. Tomorrow will be a V shaped depression within the trough because Moon will remain in Virgo but join Saturn--UGH! Venus is square her Mercury, a rude note. Mars is opposite her own Saturn (9°-9°), failure, flops and defeat. To top off, the Sun is moving in to square her Pluto, bringing five days of power struggles, contests over domination and control conflicts. Very different from catching the rays on the white sands of Miami.

Could it be that KC is finally realizing that throughout JB's "fishing" expeditions that no one is taking the bait? I would think all the stories KC spins must have AL's head spinning. Quite a challenge for AL I would think.
Linda Kenney-Baden seems to rise above her defendants' output as though it was just the usual claptrap, while she wholly focuses on the forensic evidence. Perhaps it is for that reason that she & Prisoner seem to have an understanding and are sympatico. I say this from observing the two of them in court.

I can't imagine what the relationship is between Andrea L. and the prisoner. This attorney's Saturn precisely opposes Prisoner's Venus and squares her Moon, where Andrea L. has Uranus. The Lyon Sun-Mercury is at solstice point with Prisoner's own Sun, which is neutral. They activate one another but this has no quality to it outside the fact that both egos are in play. But the aforementioned Saturn opposite Venus is a distinct rejection, so there is no love lost. As discussed at our first eclipse, on July 7, the attorney's Mars sits on the prisoner's sadistic Mars-Saturn midpoint (exact). When the two first met in court, the prisoner looked to be in awe of Andrea L.

Andrea L. and perp have a classic love hate relationship, as you have so poignantly described. Both in awe of the ability to sell a story with no real charisma or depth behind either. They look at each other and must have to laugh about the one thing they have in common. (Not to put AL's career behind her by any means, just the face to face, soul to soul acknowlegement).

LKB has her issues, but fame and fortune are in the way for both Badens these days. Parden my bluntness. Just running you through babblefish, lol! ;)
We are so spoiled. Angel has provided us with a list of news reports of developments in the case from the beginning, all on one page! In reviewing the 22 pairs of shoes taken from the home, I'm reminded that soil on the shoes matching Suburban will be an important issue at trial. The prisoner is a Piscean, Sign of the foot and the shoe. Jupiter in her birth chart is in Pisces too and so it will be again in 2010. There were boots in her car but I think they were boots for partying and Fusian, not work boots or tramping boots. She may have pitched the shoes she had on when she dumped the body. On the other hand, some sketchy witnesses say they saw her pull into the vacant lot on Suburban where she may have tossed the multiple combined sacks but it was marshy and swampy to drive. Please give us your thoughts on the shoe evidence or lack thereof.
Can justice come for Caylee at the end of all this confustion of facts vs. lies?
Shoes: I think she watched enough crime television to get rid of the shoes used for the task at hand. Perhaps in the Amscot (sp?) dumpster or somewhere along her "tramping" grounds.
Well, the lies and cover didn't work for Coleman in Illinois, so let's hope we do see justice. Last year I was talking about how I so wished we could accelerate the process because the prisoner will have Jupiter returning to her Sun Sign in 2010 but the motions drag on and we are indeed looking at January 2010 for a pre-trial and status hearing. There is no doubt that matters will come easier for this Medusa with Jupiter in Pisces.

As to her fortunes in the present, August brings a certain amount of relief to the prisoner until mid-month when Mars squares her Mercury (exact), Mercury in the heavens transits opposite her own Mercury (exact) and Saturn opposes her Mercury as well. Her nerves will be sticking out 6" and curling at the ends. But by August 22, we move into her annual pit, Virgo. Everything but everything goes wrong and anything she says or does makes matters worse and reflects terrible judgment. What we all should do during our low of the year is throw things out, move house and end relationships that are no longer constructive. The prisoner is in a predicament that doesn't permit much of that good riddance behavior. I think even TonE's photo went long ago.
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