Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #11

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Yes, also hanging fire, those complaints to the Fl Bar. In the past, the resolution was public in a short time.

I think of two separate tills. One is the income & assets Jose B. has to support his practice. He may have made some smart investments, he may have family money and I believe he does and for just day to day maintenance, he teaches. The other till belongs to the defense team and there is a hidden benefactor supplying their $ needs. That is the shadow figure you are really curious about, right? The person is Sun in Aries, willing to take a risk, especially conjunct the ruler of the House of gambles, House 5. Venus rules that intercept, is retrograde (functioning in a unique way, in an ususual direction) & is on the Aries Sun. Mars disposits the Aries Sun and is exactly semi-sextile (30° money aspect) Venus. Mars will always champion lost causes, particularly when involved with House 11, as here. The benefactor is taking his chances on the outcome and on the showing of the evidence: Sun rules Houses 3 and 4. But we also know that there is a sense of deep obligation to the family because Jupiter is quincunx Saturn in House 4.

We do know that the equity in Hopespring has been exhausted for the cause of saving Prisoner, otherwise the finance chart would talk to me about real estate put up as collateral and as a source of funds. Maybe it is someone else's realty money. As to when all these money details become public knowledge, we may never know all about the way this was paid for. You know what I think of the disparity, the inequity of prosecution money vs. defense private funding, because I wrote about it last week. And of all the causes that go wanting, why pour money into THIS one!!!

Tuba, I don't know that this has been mentioned, but M&M/ZFG can collect on the Anthony's home owners insurance, for slander, fraud and public humilation. I'm curious to know what their limits are. There is a possibility that they would be awarded punitive damages as well. I think M&M knew this from the get go. Also, everyone else, can get in line and add judgements to the home, insuring that the Anthony's will never be able to sell it until all judgements are satisified. JMO (But it is the area of my expertise) Thanks for all you and others do here.
I'm not so good at sluething as others, but I sure would like to read their H.O.Policy (all are a little different,but cover basically the same things) At one time, it was mentioned how much their house was worth but I can't remember now. The limits of liability would be the one I'd be interested in. If anyone can find this, we would know how much money we are talking about. Oh, they can't file against KC unless she was a policyholder, But Morgan must have been laughing as Cindy publically humitaled ZFG on the witness stand in Court no less....never did he think this would so easily fall in his lap. I'll bet he couldn't wait to get out of court and laughed himself silly! HAHA:blowkiss:

Tuba, would this reflect in the charts?
Cindy also libeled Zeniada on national television, numerous times. Each replay or local station that picks it up is a new publication for libel purposes.
Cindy also libeled Zeniada on national television, numerous times. Each replay or local station that picks it up is a new publication for libel purposes.

Exactly:crazy: I have to admit this gives me a certain amount of satisfaction. Imagine working all your life paying for a home, and unless they make a fortune with their "charities" they are stuck there to endure all publicity.
The limit of our liability is 1/2 Million. Our home is about the same range but we have 3 acres and a swimming pool and a pond.

But I'll bet theirs is similar. That isn't something to sneeze at lol
CaseyAnthonyCh9Only WFTV was there today when Cindy Anthony was deposed under oath -- report soon on -- raw video already available of her arrival
13 minutes ago from web

NEW RAW VIDEO: Cindy Anthony, Jose Baez, Brad Conway Arrive At Courthouse

Twitter Link:
CaseyAnthonyCh9Cindy Anthony was called to the State Attorney's Office on Tuesday to answer questions in her daughter's murder case:
3 minutes ago from web

Twitter Link:

These were posted on WFTV's Twitter! I will post the article in the time-stamped thread as soon as it is released! TIA

Oh wow, I can hardly contain my excitement - CA is being deposed by the SA!!!!!
FYI: Article about CA's depo is now posted in the Time-Stamped thread for you all! :wink:

Depo will be released if one of the parties asks for it....if they do than it becomes public record!!!! I hope that one of them asks for it...I have got to read this one!!!! I am so curious as to how CA acts when being questioned by the SA...I'm wonder if she will act like she did with John Morgan in his depo! :crazy:

Wow they sure did keep this on the down low! Way to go Kathi B. for being the only press there...oh how I smile everytime you shove that microphone in Baez's face.

Any ideas as to when this happened and can a chart be cast to see what may have been asked and how Cindy reacted. Also, would it tell if the public will see the deposition or read the transcript?

Where was George? Why didn't Cindy wait for Brad and help him get inside? She must have thought she was going to be there awhile. She brought some snacks with her....looked like some fruit in a bag.

**ETA: Just found this in the article on, this gives a time frame for when it started and finished:

"Cindy left the courthouse with her attorney after 5:00pm after facing four hours of questioning under oath and made no comment."
The article stated that if defense asks for a transcript the deposition can be made public.

ETA: actually, the article states that if 'one of the parties' asks for a transcript then it is made public. I'm assuming does not necessarily have to be defense.
Tuba, once again, so eloquently spoken. Is it weird that I would love to sit and have coffee with you and just listen to your thoughts on any topic simply b/c you have such a way with words and could make any subject interesting? Again, totally in a non stalkerish way. :)

**Sorry Fifth for stepping off topic**

I would love to join you two for a cup of coffee! I'll bring the donuts. :woohoo:
I'm sure the SA will be calling in everyone seperately for their depos. According to CFNEWS13 it says that the SA is just now begining their depos in the case against KC.
I would think GA was relieved to have some time to himself away from CA anyways! :biggrin: There was no reason for him to sit there when he couldn't be in the room during her was a closed door depo. If I were him I would stay home & take a break away from CA too!

I could tell from the last hearing about the autopsy being released & with what our amazing astrologers have charted that they are both threading in thin water with each other. Just the way GA kept pulling away from CA during the hearing & after it from the videos they are not getting along with each other. We all know they were seperated in the past before Caylee was murdered. The only reason that CA took GA back was she was going to have to give him 1/2 of everything, this was in a transcript from CA's mother that was the reason CA took GA back & stopped the divorce from proceeding.

Was that a recorder she brought in with her?
FYI: The SA was not required to notify the courts that they were taking CA's depo today. They are starting all of the depos begining with the those who knew KC best....her family.

The deposition will continue tomorrow with CA. The SA isn't done with taking hers yet! I'm sure CA is just loving this...she did leave with a big smile on her face. I bet by tomorrow she won't be smiling as much. My hinky meter tells me that the rougher questions will come at her tomorrow. The SA I am thinking asked the questions today that wouldn't push CA over to her side we all know.....that will come to tomorrow! JMHO

Article from CFNEWS13 is in the time-stamped thread about this update with more info included in it.

I am wondering if any charts show how CA handled the depos today & tomorrow mentally?

Sorry no time posted for the depo for tomorrow. The closest time IMO will be the same as today's depo.....around 8AM is my guess. TIA

P.S. New Videos have also been added to articles!

Angel - the article at 13 says the depo will continue Wednesday morning.
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