Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #11

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Thanks QB.!!!:blowkiss:

That's what I get for speed reading!:biggrin: :wink:

They do continue tomorrow morning with CA, so my best guess would be that they will start sometime around 8AM. I'm thinking that they will break for lunch, if they aren't finished with CA by lunch time. I so hope she wipes that smile off her face tomorrow, it just goes to show she has no feelings as to why she is there to begin with....the murder of her own granddaughter. :furious:

I thought that BC said not long ago that they were all still in mourning. I understand people need to get on with their lives after losing a loved one, but Caylee was murdered, you would think that just going there would bring up the memory of her. :shakehead:

CA's actions & body language just makes me sick to my stomach. If they feel KC is so innocent I would be in front of the camera's asking for help in gettin an evil monster off the streets....Whoops I remember now the evil monster is all ready off the streets.:waitasec: They have no need to beg for finding Caylee's murderer we all know where she is at....behind bars where she belongs forever & ever.

Sorry for venting, but that smile on her face upsets me so much.

I do wonder if any charts show CA's mental stability for today & tomorrow. Sorry for bringing this up again to our amazing brilliant's just that smile on her face that I would love to wipe it off of her. TIA

That's Websleuths, all of us, licking the panes of the shop window, wondering what's inside. Wanting to know! Venus is square Uranus today, so the deponent was excitable. Moon and Sun were in square, so she was pressured over and over to provide informative, meaningful answers. Truth would be a plus too, since deponent was under oath. Of course, she was at the Morgan & Morgan offices too. Moon was in Scorpio and so there was many a trip up. Back and fill, back and fill. Heated, hard bitten exchanges. Cindy is a II, ruled by Mercury which is in crisis today (critical °, 21 Leo) and Mercury today is opposite Jupiter: snares due to mistruths. Sun was square Cindy's Venus, so she felt roughly, not politely, handled. And then, to put the little tin hat on it, the day is ruled by Mars and Mars is sitting on her Sun today and tomorrow. She is biting 7" nails and chewing them.:mad:
Wow they sure did keep this on the down low! Way to go Kathi B. for being the only press there...oh how I smile everytime you shove that microphone in Baez's face.

Any ideas as to when this happened and can a chart be cast to see what may have been asked and how Cindy reacted. Also, would it tell if the public will see the deposition or read the transcript?

Where was George? Why didn't Cindy wait for Brad and help him get inside? She must have thought she was going to be there awhile. She brought some snacks with her....looked like some fruit in a bag.

**ETA: Just found this in the article on, this gives a time frame for when it started and finished:

"Cindy left the courthouse with her attorney after 5:00pm after facing four hours of questioning under oath and made no comment."

Maybe we should suggest to Kathi B to mention TIMES when she does these reports. "CA entered at 'this time'", so we could do accurate charts. :smile: I do LOVE Ms B.

Maybe we could find out the time by inquiring to Kathi B. She was there when CA entered, plus JB and BC, so she would have an approximate estimate.
I believe that is old tape when CA was being questioned by LE back in July/Aug 08.

The tape shows a date of July 30
Why was GA not called in to testify? That's really strange.

I think GA will get his turn soon enough. The SA doesn't want to depose them together.

For his own well-being, I think it wise of him not to attend and sit out in a waiting room with eyes on him. Such pressure. Although, a little pressure could cause someone to crack, spilling information.......... with that in mind, I have a feeling CA told him to stay away.
Angel Who Cares your name says it all. Don't feel bad about a rant as this case can make you feel like your going to implode keeping all these negative thoughts the anthony's stir in us. That bad girl that lives inside of me does get a kick everytime I see Tub's post describing CA's inside feelings. We don't have to be so sterile and mature all the time! Thanks for the work you do to keep us informed as I many others go to your info. before we click on any other sites. It is a comfort thing to see your up to the minute posted info. Your ranting is just alittle razamataz to your excellant post! <3
I believe that is old tape when CA was being questioned by LE back in July/Aug 08.

The tape shows a date of July 30

Oh, thanks. I was wondering how Ch. 9 got a clip so fast! I should have paid more attention. :bang:

Thanks, Tuba, for the astrological info of the day and how it affected CA.

Cindy did appear to think she got the upper hand, but could it have been a front? Maybe she thought coming out smiling and cheery-looking would make people think CA has nothing to worry about and the depo went her way. We all know CA has tons of pride. She's thinking about herself and KC, forgetting about the reason she has to do the depo, because her granddaughter is dead. This is one of the main reasons this family has become so hated by the public.

I agree, someone who truly believed KC is innocent would be begging for help in finding the real murderer.
Back on July 3, post number 594, Tuba wrote that KC likely feels betrayed by her father not only by past actions but by some "action he commits now." I ran across this while hunting for some posts addressing GA/CA at the end of July. Specifically, my query relates to the word "now." Could this be in referral to GA upcoming depo by the SA office or is it too far away chronologically for this to be the case?
So far, I have been horribly disapointed particularly by George that not even he can step up to the plate for Caylee. She is being completely lost in the shuffle. I still have paper thin hopes that George might still come through and be the light of truth that shines through the muck of lies the rest of them have created. Tuba, tell me something good!
No, we are within bounds because that post was about an eclipse on July 7 and as you know, the after effects of an eclipse are very, very lasting. However, the prisoner may know of some defection on George's part that occurred at the beginning of July. We would not know about it but she would, either thro the family or thro Jose B. or Jose G.

Reading post 598, I'm reminded that we are also waiting to hear Amy H.'s motion argued and a ruling on that. No wonder we are impatient! In the back of our mind, in the rusted file cabinets there, are stored all of this unfinished business. With so many Librans in the legal mix, one would expect an appreciation for balance in the sense of when work is taken up. We don't want everything crashing around our ears the first week in September, with a lot of material neglected or ignored. We want a steady feed. That's reasonable!
I did post this in the Time-Stamp for you all, but since it is a late media release, I didn't want anyone to miss it!

CA is being depoed tomorrow at 9AM.

GA will be depoed in the afternoon guess it will be @ the same time as CA's was today. Aprox.around 1PM!!!

AND LEE (Mr MIA) is being depoed Thursday, no time given....not even if it's AM or PM!!!!!!! :crazy: Maybe it'll be in an article tomorrow...or a late update to one.

Anthonys to be deposed by State
Updated: Tuesday, 28 Jul 2009, 10:26 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 28 Jul 2009, 10:26 PM EDT
Cindy Anthony, mother of accused murderer Casey Anthony, will be back in court on Wednesday at 9 a.m. Casey's father George will be questioned by state prosecutors in the afternoon and brother Lee is scheduled for questioning on Thursday.

A source close to the case tells FOX 35 that said all three are listed as witnesses for the prosecution. Last week, the Anthony's had to turn over information to the State Attorney's Office. They did so before they were scheduled to go in front the judge. The murder case against Casey was supposed to start in October, but that has been pushed back to next year at the earliest.


oooh, to be a fly on the wall in that courtroom! Any astros have insight as to if and when we will get to see the transcript of these depos? I'd love to see CA telling the SA what they are asking is not relevant.

In this chart for the second day of deposition by the State Att'y, notice that the Moon enjoys wide latitude, 5°09' South. This means the deponent in H. 3 of witnesses gives herself plenty of room to evade the import and thrust of the question. What brings her back to the point is Mars in II atop the chart, inconjunct the Moon. But because that Mars is on Cindy's Sun (and was yesterday) we know she is truly jammed, sitting there.

It is the hour of Saturn, found rising and the day of Mercury, ruler of II and in the poorest of positions, opposite Jupiter and on the degree that guarantees we are not the master of our own Fate.

The odd thing here is that the house on Hopespring speaks for itself: the part of fortune is there in Jupiter's Sign and Jupiter contradicts deponents statements~opposite Mercury. From the Helio perspective, Mercury today is in perfect trine to Earth, so this confinement to the truth of the matter was meant to be. Also interesting is that from Helio perspective, Saturn and Uranus are still in tight opposition, not 7° apart, as here. Everything except the mutual reception of Uranus-Neptune is disposited by the powerful Leo Sun here and it squares Caylee's Mars! That is exact.
I suppose Tuba, that when you say "meant to be" that CA is somewhat destined to lie and therefore be called on it at a later date which might be the defining factor in KC's trial. What comes around goes around. I believe that smirk might simply be the false power of lies that that family is known for where they think they can fool a nation, a judge, LE, the FBI. Wow we should just sit back and congratulate CA and KC for being smarter than everyone else! LOL They are beyond pathetic. CA should watch what she does because it has now become her own Karma!
This betrayal by George.....

I noticed yesterday that Baez was at the Cindy's depo. I haven't heard if he's there for part 2 today or not. I was thinking he will more than likely also be there for George's b/c I think he knows if anyone is going to switch sides it's going to be George. I'm thinking George is going to say some very incriminating things during his depo which will in turn send Baez running back to the jail to tattle to Casey.

In this chart for the second day of deposition by the State Att'y, notice that the Moon enjoys wide latitude, 5°09' South. This means the deponent in H. 3 of witnesses gives herself plenty of room to evade the import and thrust of the question. What brings her back to the point is Mars in II atop the chart, inconjunct the Moon. But because that Mars is on Cindy's Sun (and was yesterday) we know she is truly jammed, sitting there.

It is the hour of Saturn, found rising and the day of Mercury, ruler of II and in the poorest of positions, opposite Jupiter and on the degree that guarantees we are not the master of our own Fate.

The odd thing here is that the house on Hopespring speaks for itself: the part of fortune is there in Jupiter's Sign and Jupiter contradicts deponents statements~opposite Mercury. From the Helio perspective, Mercury today is in perfect trine to Earth, so this confinement to the truth of the matter was meant to be. Also interesting is that from Helio perspective, Saturn and Uranus are still in tight opposition, not 7° apart, as here. Everything except the mutual reception of Uranus-Neptune is disposited by the powerful Leo Sun here and it squares Caylee's Mars! That is exact.

Tuba, if you don't mind me asking, in your last paragraph, why do you feel this is odd? Thank you for your time and consideration.
FYI: WESH is reporting that the a large doc dump is expected to be released as early as tomorrow! :woohoo:

This betrayal by George.....

I noticed yesterday that Baez was at the Cindy's depo. I haven't heard if he's there for part 2 today or not. I was thinking he will more than likely also be there for George's b/c I think he knows if anyone is going to switch sides it's going to be George. I'm thinking George is going to say some very incriminating things during his depo which will in turn send Baez running back to the jail to tattle to Casey.

salvarenga Baez is there today with CA!

salvarengo you know Baez wouldn't miss more camera time!!! :biggrin:
You can bet he'll be there this afternoon & when Lee comes too!
I wonder if he'll show to all of the SA's will he ever amnage his teaching & his oh so many other cases! Just being a bit sarcastic....sorry all! :wink:

I did have a thought as I was trying to sleep last night that.....Is it possible he is attending so that he dosen't have to request the transcripts???? :waitasec:

I highly doubt with as many hrs the SA is questioning.....I bet they will be long ones with GA & LA too, that Andrea Loyd & the rest of his dream team will want the transcripts. They won't want to depend on Baez's notes....we all know how poorly written his motions have all been. Andrea Loyd is the one that will insist on having the transcripts to read for herself. JMHO

Baez, Cindy and Brad Conway 7/29/09

soulscape,tuba, can the stars tell us if ca set up her camera for the depo? And will we get to see the depo befor trial?
Sorry to be catty, but I just noticed from the picture that Angel posted, Baez couldn't even be bothered to tuck in his shirt or iron it for that matter. :rolleyes:

Seriously, what's wrong with guy? Was he absent the day they went over professional conduct in law school? He looks like he slept in his clothes and just rolled out of bed, stopped for coffee and headed to the depo. And unless my eyes are deceiving me, he is still not wearing his wedding band.
Off Topic: I can't see clearly but the shirt he appears to be wearing might be a guayabera. I'm not sure what the standard dress for men is during a depo? However, a guayabera is usually considered a dress shirt. Just my two cents.
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