Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12

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Tuba, I love reading your predictions and wait for your posts. Keep it up!!
FYI: Live links for today's hearing:

FOX 35 News Live Programs For Hearing:

Watch extended coverage of the latest Casey Anthony hearing Monday.

*NOTE: Video & Sound Are Playing Live Now!
LIVE VIDEO: Anthony At Hearing

WATCH HEARING: Live Coverage Here At 1:30pm

Watch live video from hearing in Casey Anthony case,0,5676742.htmlstory

Watch Live: Hearing Held In Casey Anthony Case

InSession/TruTv/CNN Live Stream Link

Hearing has started!!!!

Expect to see litigation attorney David Evans representing the rights & interests of Mr. Kronk today. The Sun is this lawyer's symbol, a mark of prestige. Since the prisoner and her team seek to tap Mr. Kronk for the murder, the appearance of Evans is urgently required. See Mars retrograde in House 3 (Post #577 above) attacking the Aquarian planets. This backward Mars is pushy, over-reaching and imperious but the Sun takes the day: David Evans is in charge of how this ends, House 4.
Expect to see litigation attorney David Evans representing the rights & interests of Mr. Kronk today. The Sun is this lawyer's symbol, a mark of prestige. Since the prisoner and her team seek to tap Mr. Kronk for the murder, the appearance of Evans is urgently required. See Mars retrograde in House 3 (Post #577 above) attacking the Aquarian planets. This backward Mars is pushy, over-reaching and imperious but the Sun takes the day: David Evans is in charge of how this ends, House 4.

Wahooo, God Bless Attorney Evans. :woohoo:
KC has Pleaded GUILTY to all charges in the check fraud hearing!!! :clap:

Now will he have the 13 counts all listed as felonies on her record for the murder trial! :crossfingers:

UPDATED: Casey Anthony In Court For Hearing, Plea Under Discussion
Posted: 4:28 pm EST January 22, 2010
Updated: 2:03 pm EST January 25, 2010
Casey Anthony arrived in court just before 1:30pm Monday for a hearing where she&#8217;s expected to plead guilty to check fraud charges. Casey, who is charged with killing her young daughter, was wearing a light blue button down shirt and a pair of grey slacks.

Strickland also adjudicated guilt on counts 1 and 2 with time served.

&#8220;As for the four counts of uttering a forged check, 4, 7, 10, 13, and as to counts 5, 8, 11, three of the four fraudulent use of identification counts, the court is going to withhold adjudication with time served and one year of supervised probation,&#8221; Judge Strickland said.

As for her murder case, the defense will try to convince a judge Monday to allow them to get testimony before the trial from an ex-wife of former meter reader Roy Kronk, who found Caylee's remains on December 11. The defense is trying to discredit his testimony that he first found Caylee's remains in August, just months after Caylee disappeared, but deputies didn't properly search the area.

Monday morning, prosecutors filed a response arguing the defense has to put Kronk's ex-wife on their witness list, prove that she would not be able to make it to the trial, let them depose her first under oath and, after all that, the judge may still find her testimony irrelevant.
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Casey Anthony: Judge, in Solomon-like move, adjudicates guilt on 6 of 13 counts in check-fraud case
Caylee and Casey Anthony, Central Florida News 13, WESH, WFTV, WKMG &#8212; posted by halboedeker on January, 25 2010 2:25 PM
Judge Stan Strickland today adjudicated guilt on six of 13 felony counts against Casey Anthony in her check-fraud case. He withheld adjudication on the seven other counts.

&#8220;I&#8217;ve done what I thought is fair based on what I know,&#8221; Strickland said.

Anthony will be a convicted felon when her murder trial starts this summer.



Casey Anthony weeps in a courtroom of the Orange County Courthouse after she was found guilty on six counts of check fraud and adjudicated on seven other counts in Orlando, Fla., Monday, Jan. 25, 2010.

George and Cindy Anthony at Casey Anthony's check-fraud trial
Cindy and George Anthony, parents of Casey Anthony, react Monday, Jan. 25, 2010 after their daughter Casey Anthony was found guilty this afternoon in several of the 13 check fraud charges she faced. The judge found her guilty in six of the charges and withheld adjudication in seven. Anthony is accused of stealing hundreds of dollars from former friend Amy Huizenga during the time her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony was missing and likely dead in 2008.

Casey Anthony reacts to the verdict with attorneys Andrea Lyon and Jose Baez in court.

Casey Anthony tears up at check-fraud trial
Casey Anthony wipes tears from her face after Judge Strickland on Monday, Jan. 25, 2010 found her guilty thisat the Orange County Courthouse in several of the 13 check fraud charges she faced.

Advisable that Amy H. and her attorney appear. Too bad they did not. Paying back the precise amt. stolen doesn't not cover consequential damages. Kerley was never reached as an issue since she is too ill. But what happened to the demand on Tx EquuSearch? Maybe Adams will take that up tomorrow.
Tuba, SS & All,
Here's is the timestamp on the plea deal:
1/25/20 @ 5:17PM

Check Fraud Plea Deal 1/25/10
READ IT: Casey Anthony's written plea in check-fraud case,0,3871387.acrobat

Tuba, SS or (even housemouse if you have the time....I understand if you don't...hugs & prayers to Mr housemouse & you always!),

Does this tell us KC really feels about today in anyway? Guilt for herself with no real guilt towards Amy or especially Caylee? Were all the tears for only missthing???
I felt they looked fake again. TIA

P.S. KC did sign this document as well! Can it give us any insight as to what's to come as well?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
FYI: Jose Baez Will Be On Jane With Issues Tonight-Headline News!

:grouphug:'s & :rose:'s
This is the time stamp filing and she did review and submit these same filled in, signed forms in court. The chart indicates contentment and satisfaction with having pled and with the adjudication. The Moon of her activity in doing this was trine not only the Sun and Venus but also Saturn. What she failed to consider & absorb is the Saturn square to Pluto, dark in House 8 of homicide.

My take on the tears is that they were for toppled pride; she was humiliated to admit her offenses. Mercury was opposite her recently eclipsed Moon today for that display of emotion but she was soon grinning and laughing at the defense table.
So, am we to understand that the time KC has spent in jail up until today is credited to her check fraud conviction and that IF she should be found not guilty of killing Caylee and of all the other charges against her in that respect, she will walk? :eek: And just how long is her so-called "probation"?

I'm counting on the charts to be correct about her murder conviction.
Yes, the only supervised probation mentioned was one year. Also stated in open court: the prisoner took all of Amy H.'s money. And we know that a cash theft was part of that and never restored. The Bank of America also entered written complaint.

Since no recompense was made for a year and more, there were damages subsequent to the theft. Consequential damages. One cannot survive on zero funds. I wonder if Amy did not come to court or submit claims beyond the face of the checks because she did not want to take on the legal expense of doing so, particularly the fees of her attorney. Those could have been assigned to the defendant but the defendant owes seven thousand dollars in costs on this case already. Amy would not receive repayment any time soon. Still, she should have come to court.
Angel, do we have a link to the State's Response to Defendant's Motion to Depose and Perpetuate the Testimony of Jill Kerley? So far, I have not found this document on the web.
In the prisoner's chart, Mercury and Mars are members of a complex that also comprises Sun and Uranus. I want to look at Mercury and Mars in isolation now, however, because her progressed Mercury has come into exact square with her Mars natal. Any time a progression becomes exact, it requires and deserves attention. Let's look at Mercury squaring Mars.

The outsize ego manufactures a defensive red aura out to here, even though there is no one and nothing attacking. The mental and emotional readiness is always spoiling for a fight. The prisoner takes on challenges above her capacity.

She is acting without forethought in an undirected manner and always from a willful base of defiance. She is as immovable as a boulder on a variety of ideas & issues. Rules and regulations carry no weight with her. Premature and indiscriminate moves add to a heap of legal trouble and we have seen some of her essays already. There is a tenseness that feels like air pressure.

Her quills are up. Is self-control stronger for being constantly tested? The inclination to gain one's ends through fraudulent means is only increasing now that the Mercury - Mars square is partile precise. Because Mercury does represent children in the life, they give her a pain in the atlas and ought to be kept at a safe distance.

Another combination to scrutinize is Pluto coming to Prisoner's Neptune in Capricorn within minutes. This always produces shocks to the system as well as shocks in other people when they realize how far your representations stray and strayed from the truth. Holding onto them & to your phantasmagoria only leads to more pain when they are shredded by incisions from fact and truth. She faces setbacks from totally impractical management of her affairs. But then judgment of reality is piss poor when Uranus transits an afflicted Mercury. Progressed Mars on Neptune natal also dismisses the most pertinent factors whether in schemes, plots, strategies, plans or actuality. This progression is also responsible for the over-all instability we see in defense approach; it comes from attitudes of the prisoner.

Retain a thought for the prisoner's Sun Uranus progression from which she reserves an oh so special position for herself and which distorts the sense of her own worth. Underneath deportment in court, there is a complete lack of regard for law and order. She is one more rebel without a cause harboring a testy resentment of interference and a need to assert her personality. We do remember that personality, with the bared teeth that pass as a smile for the camera.
Is this the document you are looking for?

STATE'S MOTION: Motion to Compel--State of Florida's Second; Reciprocal Discovery and Motion for Discovery Schedule

If not I have a few other links I can check to see if I can find the correct one! :wink:

No, it is actually titled like post #592. Maybe it isn't yet available. Thank you for looking for it. I could not find it on-line.
I know the motion you mean. It was filed Monday, same day as the hearing and so with everything going on I don't think media has had a chance to post it. Maybe they need some prodding or maybe we will see it today.

01/25/2010 State's Response
State of Florida's Response to Defendant's Motion to Take Deposition to Perpetuate the Testimony of Jill Kerley
Tonight's Full Moon on Mars is a sharp knock for George and Cindy, falling on his own natal Mars and her Uranus. Full Moons, as described in more detail in our General Thread, are culminating influences. Matters are brought to a climax. Fortunately for George, he was born with a beautiful trine between his Mars and his Jupiter. That should get them through this Full Moon if they weather it together.
An article I came across about our full moon tonight! :wink:
I wanted to share it with everyone!!!

Biggest, brightest full moon of 2010 shines Friday night
Last Update: 9:13 pm
Friday night&#8217;s full moon is supposed to be the biggest and the brightest full moon of the year. says since this will be the first full moon of 2010, it is also known by some as the wolf moon. Each month brings a full moon name. See a list of the names.

The moon will reach its closest point to us at the same time as a full moon, making it appear bigger and brighter than other full moons, according to

Mars will be just to the left of the moon, so look for the reddish, star-like object.


Read about the "Top 10 Amazing Moon Facts."

Each month brings a full moon name. See a list of the names.


Thank you Angel for that information. I certainly did notice that bright moon last night. My husband and I couldn't figure out why it was so bright out.
Nice to find the answer here.
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