Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #12

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:furious: IT!!!!!! :furious:

How can CA keep referring to Caylee as an IT?
She was a sweet innocent little girl whom her own IT is in jail for her murder! :behindbar:

:shakehead: The program reveals that the Anthonys have turned their home into a shrine to Caylee and they keep her death certificate out in the open. Cindy says, "It :frown: [Caylee] wasn't Casey's child. It was our child. She belonged to all of us." :shakehead:

Sitting here with my mouth hanging open. First of all who in their right mond, has a fricken death certificate out on display. What are they displaying.....look what our lovely daughter did? Second of all "it"......seriously that makes me want to get in my car and drive to Orlando and slap the snot out of Cindy. How many times are they going to spit on that sweet angels grave? Those shirts were right. "Fly home sweet baby, fly home." So glad that you are resting in the arms of angels and not here on this Earth watching your own grandparents spit on your memory. How could she refer to her as "it"? Cindy Anthony may you never rest peacefully again. You don't deserve it.You should be ashamed of yourself. And George, how could you just stand by and let this go on...everytime she opens her lying lips she tramples right back over that babys grave. Shame on you both.
So we are back to stranger abduction. Is defense holding the imagi-knapper script? Having a P.I. search for a year for said imagi-knapper? If so, will they produce these into evidence and free Casey? Wish we had a trial date to see what surprises will be ahead. Sigh.
So we are back to stranger abduction. Is defense holding the imagi-knapper script? Having a P.I. search for a year for said imagi-knapper? If so, will they produce these into evidence and free Casey? Wish we had a trial date to see what surprises will be ahead. Sigh.


I think they're waiting for the rest of the discovery to be released to them before they get to work on the script. They want to make sure it covers everything she did and didn't do.
IT - "neuter personal pronoun in the third person singular." There in lies the problem with the A's. It, as in a possession and now a commodity. Maybe now there is some light shed on why KC is the way she is and why she was able to dispose of her child so easily. They are a defense nightmare.
Of course, we have had a series of trial dates, all scrubbed. What I do believe will happen is that the trial of the lesser crimes will be no yawn. Important information will surround the commission of those offenses. We are already braced for the defense of necessity, homeless in the streets, without a morsel to bring from hand to mouth. There is no way to mash that into what we know of how Prisoner spent those larcenous days. So we look forward to the State case in November.
Another not to miss article!

More of Baez's & his......:puke:!!!!!

Sorry all about the above! :banghead:

*Here's an example of just one excerpt from this article:

BAEZ: They want you to believe that this 22-year-old girl is a master forensic sleuth who could outwit and outsmart the entire FBI and still be dumb enough to leave her child’s body off the side of the road…a block from her house.

Wanted to share these 2 videos & didn't know where to post them for others to see!
I'll take a look in the Missing Forum to see if there is a thread for these subjects too!

Video: 'The Murder Business' 21:14
Former Detective Mark Fuhrman's new book on how the media reports on crime. (Linda Baden's husband is in this video too!)

Video: Trick or Treat (Linda Baden's husband)
How do forensic pathologists celebrate Halloween?

Video: Dating With Baden 11:49
Renowned forensic pathologist talks about dating and facing death

RELEASED Documents! :clap:

*Sorry but had to add here, but more Bombshell news! :winko:

Wow wonder how many stories have changed from the 1st interviews from Aug. to these new ones! My guess all 3 of them have changed & polished up their stories. Looking forward to reading CA's she was there the longest....before they are released I'm going to review the very 1st interviews with all 3. As unbearable it is to listen to CA it will be helpful to do when reading the NEW ones! IMO

Here comes another damage control media blitz by Baez & Dream Team as well as BC...(I bet CA will want him to do another PC after these are released)! :eek:

UPDATED: Transcripts Detail Anthony Family Interviews With Prosecutors
Posted: 5:14 pm EDT October 15, 2009
Updated: 6:37 pm EDT October 15, 2009
There are more than 1,300 pages of NEW transcripts from the depositions of George, Cindy and Lee Anthony.

The transcript from George Anthony&#8217;s August 5 deposition is 335 pages long.

The prosecutors questioned George about Father's Day weekend, right before Caylee disappeared, and the duct tape.

George told prosecutors under oath that he did not put a piece of duct tape on his gas can. He says he's put tape on it before, because the cap was broken, but claims he did not put that piece on because he would have done it in a much neater way.

TRANSCRIPT: George ~ August 5, 2009 @ 10:08AM Pages 1-377

TRANSCRIPT: Lee ~ July 30, 2009 @ 9:12am: Pages 1-420

TRANSCRIPT: Cindy Part 1 ~ July 28, 2009 @ 1:15pm: Pages 1-200

TRANSCRIPT: Cindy Part 2 ~ July 29, 2009 @ 9:05am: Pages 1-382

VIDEO REPORT: George Anthony Admits Possible Book Deal

VIDEO REPORT: Documents Reveal Interviews Between Casey Anthony's Family, Prosecutors


SS, Tuba, Fifth, astrologers & all Did we ever have CA's place of birth yet???

If not it's in her deposition Warren, Ohio 6/5/1958! On page 12/Part 1:

I'll check GA's depo shortly & if his place of birth is documented I'll add it to this post.

ETA: GA was born in Warren, OH Sept. 5, 1951 ~ raised in the town of Niles, OH! When he met CA the 2 of them moved to into a sm township next to Niles called Howland Township.
Page 7 & 8:

KC & Lee were both born in Warren, OH too!

Angel, what is your favorite news website for viewing the hearing tomorrow? I usually wander around 13, 9, 2 and Fox. One day all of them were having very bad audio problems. It was the Judge Rodriquez hearing on the DFM axn and Jno. Kasen spoke first but no audio for quite a while.
My favorite to watch is 1.) Fox or 2.) CFNews13, because you don't have to keep hitting the continue live viewing every 10-12 minutes in.
WFTV, Click, WESH) only give you 20 secs. to click it...I sometimes am to wrapped up watching the hearing & end up missing it. If you don't catch the message you have to restart it again....(the message that pops up below the viewing window).

Sentinel often uses UStream & I found they often have tech problems & have to change tapes or something like that IIRC!

I do always ahead of time open at least 2 live links...just in case one has any tech difficulties. I just shut the sound off of one of them. IIRC it was WFTV that had the sound tech difficulties in the hearing you are refering too.

I am looking forward to tomorrows hearings & from the charts I know it's going to be a Bombshell day in the courtroom of Judge S. I bet he is getting fed up with the actions of Baez & Dream Team have been doing & will probably cont. to do.

Damage Control Team should be on the air-waves by morning or Sat. am at the latest from the docs today & the hearings! :yes:

This should be Fox's live link for tomorrow at 9am is the check fraud status hearing & 9:30am is the other hearing:
Fow Orlando Live Streaming:

LIVE VIDEO: Casey Anthony Expected In Court Hearing

WATCH LIVE NOW: Casey Anthony In Court For 9:30am Hearing

CFNEWS13 Live Streaming:

Watch live coverage of two hearings in the Casey Anthony case at 9:30 a.m.

LIVE Tweets from the Courtroom

O/T :floorlaugh: Britney Spears named 'Best Celebrity Mom' :floorlaugh: Can anyone believe this one??? Maybe she's a better celebrity mom compared to a few yrs back, but I can think of so many others that deserve this title.,0,7267788.storylink

O/T :floorlaugh: Britney Spears named 'Best Celebrity Mom' :floorlaugh: Can anyone believe this one??? Maybe she's a better celebrity mom compared to a few yrs back, but I can think of so many others that deserve this title.,0,7267788.storylink

If she's the best, just think how rotten the other celebrity moms must be! :eek:

Regarding today's "hearing", from what I gathered, Judge S has to finish reading the Motion to Dismiss and the Motion to Not Dismiss plus the newest Addendums (legal titles lost in my brain somewhere) and may give his decision on these today. Then he told JB he could send the photos on CDs to someone, somewhere outside his jurisdiction and said if the photos get "lost" or "released" Judge would not have any say so!!!!!! And this Judge said "yes, go ahead and send them wherever"!!!!!!

Is this judge working in overdrive? He certainly isn't THINKING. Why would he allow something out of his jurisdiction? :banghead:

I can only say I was shocked!
UPDATED: Motion To Dismiss Delayed, Fraud Trial Date Set
Posted: 5:14 pm EDT October 15, 2009
Updated: 11:37 am EDT October 16, 2009
The decision on the check fraud trial date was initially put off due to several new motions recently filed by the defense in relation to that case. However, just after 11:00am, less than an hour after the hearing had ended, the court said a pretrial status hearing was set for Friday, December 18, 2009 at 10:00am and the trial date was set for Monday, January 25, 2010.

The only victory so far for the defense was that the judge granted them access, in a limited way, to CDs of the remains so their own experts can do more detailed work.


READ: Judge's Order Not Dismissing Charges

Video: New Clips Released From Show Featuring Casey Anthony

Thanks, Angel. Love the picture. It shows how serious they consider the proceedings, especially the fact that the defendant's child is deceased. How disgusting.
Hand lotion on the papers for the court is so funny! Am I missing the joke?Casey and Jose got it.
Angel, thank you for providing the judge's order granting State's motion to strike.
misheley26, where in CT were you when you formed this question? Let us know and we can cast a chart for that very good question. Andrea Lyon appeared huffed by the reporter's asking if a law student wrote the motion to dismiss and the addendum and on further reflection, she may well be embarrassed. She has a big reputation to protect.
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