Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported missing 7/15/2008 #15

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Do you think Casey will take a plea deal? Is there anything in her charts about that?
PERRY to Mason " Did you discuss that matter with your client?" MASSON, " yes" Perry, "Alright, court will be in recess until 830am"...I saw Casey crying. Court recessed until tommorow morning. There are three possibilities:

1) A plea
2) Wants to start the whole process from scratch, mistrial
3) Baez was not there when they returned from lunch today so they have to reconvene tommorow
Transiting Mars is trine Casey's Neptune, today.

Whatever illusions/dreams/unrealistic hopes she has is activated by this Mars transit. She might be imagining all sorts of idealistic outcomes on whatever is going on.

Tomorrow transiting Mars will sextile her Jupiter, close enough for it to be very easy for her to have "high hopes", and along with the Neptune, she may be humming "high apple pie in the sky hopes".

To consider the other side of these easy aspects, it is possible that her lawyers will toss out enough Gorilla dust to buy her more time.

Keep in mind that the trio (Mercury, Venus, Mars) will each make the same transits to Casey's Neptune and Jupiter

Good keywords for Jupiter/Neptune = apparent happiness, speculation

physically, it could be an easy time for illness, or mucho tears
What is the logical way to stop the speeding train that's going to be swearing in a jury if they've tried everything else? Call in sick! They can't do anything without Casey's lead attorney - so Jose gets a tummy ache. It's perfect - it buys them another day. It makes Casey look happy and the judge look POd. JMHO
There was a sextile from the transiting Moon to Saturn today, so I expected things to go slowly/delay, but I didn't expect this surprise.

Now, which planet symbolizes unexpected events/surprises? If Uranus came to your mind, you would be right.

Casey's Pluto is about to be opposed by Mercury, Venus, and Mars, all lining up, with Mars leading the parade. But, Casey's Uranus is making a semi-square to her Pluto, and is therefore sesquiquadrate the line-up.

There is the surprise, and it may be that - while we are surprised by this delay, Casey will be feeling it much more.

She isn't going to be calm tomorrow, and the pressure is really on by Friday.

Welcome back, Housemouse! So wonderful to see you posting here again! If you have time could you check to see if the recess for the day is related to Judge Perry and the possibility of an Interlocatory Appeal being filed? The reason I ask is there may be case law to support the DT and their objection this morning as to the way jury selection is being conducted. I have been following a law blog and the following case was referenced:

Hopefully, this is okay to post here. :innocent: SBM from above llink...

"Trial courts have considerable discretion in controlling the time allotted for voir dire, as well as the extent of counsel's questions. Williams v. State, 424 So.2d 148 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982). Unreasonable limitations on time or the number of questions, however, result in reversal. O'Hara v. State, 642 So.2d 592, 593 (Fla. 4th DCA 1994).

We find that the court did abuse its discretion in this case when it terminated voir dire before defense counsel had an opportunity to question all of the jurors individually.
(more at link)

In reversing we have not overlooked the state's arguments
(more at link)

Any insight from the charts would be most interesting. ((HUGS)) to you and Mr. Housemouse!
Didn't Tuba say that there would be a health issue for one of the defense team? She was quiet adamant about that!

Does anyone else remember that? I will go back and see if I can find that chart.
Ms TUBA; I hope all is WELL with you and yours. It has been several days since we have heard from you.....(NOT that you don't deserve a BREAK). All the Astros, as well as 'housemouses' rtn and 'YOUR' interpretations would be so interesting at this time of the case. Will be looking forward to hearing/reading your take from the charts now. TIA.......TAL
Transiting Mars is trine Casey's Neptune, today.

Whatever illusions/dreams/unrealistic hopes she has is activated by this Mars transit. She might be imagining all sorts of idealistic outcomes on whatever is going on.

Tomorrow transiting Mars will sextile her Jupiter, close enough for it to be very easy for her to have "high hopes", and along with the Neptune, she may be humming "high apple pie in the sky hopes".

To consider the other side of these easy aspects, it is possible that her lawyers will toss out enough Gorilla dust to buy her more time.

Keep in mind that the trio (Mercury, Venus, Mars) will each make the same transits to Casey's Neptune and Jupiter

Good keywords for Jupiter/Neptune = apparent happiness, speculation

physically, it could be an easy time for illness, or mucho tears

I know this is a dumb question. But I guess I need to hear it in the simplist of simplist terms. It sounds like you are saying this is VERY good news for KC? And tomorrow she is going to have a reason to have very high hopes?
on the main thread/delay thread tricia posted that IS reporter received a text from Baez asking to stop the speculation it was a private issue/matter and that court goes on tomorrow at 0830

that was paraphrased
Our dear TUBA is taking care of personal business and currently isn't available.

She certainly has spoiled us and it's understood why we'd miss her so much.

Let's allow her this time.
NOT possible.

ETA @ 1:30 pm:
with all that is going on, we don't know if these jurors will even end up being part of the jury. Anything can happen. Shaky grounds astrologically. Something BIG is going on behind the scenes (court room activity).

Just bumping this....
on the main thread/delay thread tricia posted that IS reporter received a text from Baez asking to stop the speculation it was a private issue/matter and that court goes on tomorrow at 0830

that was paraphrased

Thanks Nurse for the heads up!

We're focusing more on CASEY herself, the transits and how they effect her.
It is impossible to pin down the exact cause of the surprise delay early this after noon.

Assuming the 1:09 PM time is close to exact, the Midheaven is in hard aspect to the midpoint of Saturn (delay) & Pluto (hidden, secret). There are many other words that would work with Saturn and Pluto.

Will post more in a bit, when I recover from total shock at the cheek of a certain lawyer. Color me gobsmacked. This absolutely fits the Saturn/Pluto = Midheaven mentioned just above.

Pluto (power,force, censure, control) Saturn (limitations, curtailment, restriction, silence)
Midheaven (aims, behavior, conduct, objective)
I know this is a dumb question. But I guess I need to hear it in the simplist of simplist terms. It sounds like you are saying this is VERY good news for KC? And tomorrow she is going to have a reason to have very high hopes?

I don't think there is any such thing as a dumb question, gamom, except the one that isn't asked.

What I was trying to say is that ICA may have high hopes at the moment, may feel optimistic, may be hoping or dreaming of good news.

Whether she gets it or not depends on other factors. Given some of these (her circumstances overall), there really isn't much to be hopeful about, except in a temporary way.
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