Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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Ding Dong, the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead! (Ooops, not until they reinstate the death penalty). Ooops, I may need to give myself a time out for that one.

Sorry for the light humor. I've spent all day looking at Casey and what she has done to herself and her family and it was very sad to watch. Just trying to bring a little laugh to the thread. (BTW - I do not believe in the death penalty).


I do believe in the death penalty in this case!!
I've spent all morning watching the jail visits between GA, CA and Casey. I also watched the visits between GA and Casey. The GA and Casey visits are very compelling.

I've watched them all before, but wanted to watch them again after Caylee's remains were found, to focus on Casey. Now that we know where Casey tossed her beautiful baby girl, I wanted to see and hear every word that Casey spoke and what part(s) of the conversation that Casey shed her tears. If you watch, she does not shed tears for Caylee, but only for herself. (but we knew that already) Very revealing.
If you get a chance, I would urge you to watch them again, knowing that Casey killed Caylee and tossed her into woods near their house. To watch this girl lie, lead her parents on, and confuse the situation as much as possible is beyond words. I cannot even explain it or tell you the depth of her deception in these visits (you need to watch it, yourself). It breaks my heart as to what she is putting her parents through. She will sacrifice anyone to save her soul. Watch these, knowing that Casey tossed Caylee about 15 houses away.

George would give his life for Caylee to be alive and safe. I have incredible compassion for him and hope that he survives this. He is trustworthy, but there has been much pressure put on him. Lots of prayers for George (and the family).

GA and Casey jail visit:

While watching the August 3rd visit between GA and Casey, part 1, at 5 minutes into the conversation, George says:

I know she's close. I can feel her. Every night before I go to bed, I go out and I say, "Caylee, the moon, the stars, and the sky, sweetheart". Mommy loves you, gramps - Jojo and Cici love you. Uncle E (Lee) loves you Maui (Mallory) loves you ... etc

On August 3rd, GA was talking about the moon, the sky and the stars.

Astros, you have been focusing on the moon, the sky (planets) and the stars. You predicted great upheaval on 12/11, and stated that what is hidden will be uncovered.

I'm not sure of the time, but it can be found in the visit index. I don't know George's birthdate, but I can look that up.

I just wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for all of the beautiful, loving words the Astros have posted here about living our lives, and our responsiblity to ourselves and others. I am forever grateful, and God is with us.

With George's words, it sure does sound like he summoned the moon, planets, and stars to express his love for Caylee, and to wish she would be visible. (and maybe to say goodbye). Astros, thank you for tying this all together for us.

I am blown away that something George said, thought, expressed, in August, would culminate on 12/11.

All jail visits video: info

Again, thank you so much ... :blowkiss:


Bold in the second paragaph is mine.

I watched the part you talked about above, and I noticed that KC starts crying pretty hard when George is talking about how he looks up at the sky and talks to Caylee every night before bed. She's probably sobbing because George is talking to Caylee every night, while KC knows all along her little precious body lays out under the same stars, 20 houses down and in a black garbage bag. I know KC appears to be and wants to be a hard@$$, but she's crying for George here and for all she knows she has caused him to lose. KC knows what she's done, and the here/there and the why's of everything will come out later, but I have a small glimmer of hope from watching that part that maybe, just maybe, KC had love for that little baby. How could you not? I watched videos of Caylee today singing and playing (oh, how that baby loved purses, stuffed animals, and dressing up. How could her mother take that joy away from her?) I don't know anymore, I go back and forth, but if she didn't love Caylee or George at all, I don't think she would have reacted the way she did. Maybe there's more to the story still, I have to hope.
Laneymae, our calendar goes all the way back to to that highly significant eclipse in February and also includes 2009! All you have to do is peek. On the drop down menu where you see the word December, you have the choice to select another month.

The day before September 3 was the timing of my first horary (from Shakeyside, thousands of miles away) and then and later it was noted that there was an item, Mercury, found with the remains. We don't know yet what that item is but I'm sure dog hair was found. Also, paper and tape are mercury. I still regret that I wasn't able to cast my chart from Orlando. Lots of options as to location of the body were foreclosed to me because I was so far away. There is no part of Florida that was "the near neighborhood" to me, for instance.
Does the Astro calendar cover September? If not, how can we add it? Can we mark the calendar to show when the full appears each month?


The Astro Calendar covers the complete years of 2008 and 2009. Adding Moon phases can be easily done. FifthEssence, can you mark the monthly Full and New Moons on the Calendar?

The day before September 3 was the timing of my first horary (from Shakeyside, thousands of miles away) and then and later it was noted that there was an item, Mercury, found with the remains. We don't know yet what that item is but I'm sure dog hair was found. Also, paper and tape are mercury.

<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

Additionally, my review of the 11/07/08 chart Tuba cast for Sparky's question on what the searchers should look for suggested the mother left something that "belonged to her" at the grave. Mercury here could be fingerprints ...


<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

Additionally, my review of the 11/07/08 chart Tuba cast for Sparky's question on what the searchers should look for suggested the mother left something that "belonged to her" at the grave. Mercury here could be fingerprints ...



Lord, I hope so! I just read on another thread that casey is sticking with her "zanny did it.":eek:

ETA: Great work by all on this thread! Thank God Caylee is no longer in a garbage bag all alone (absolutely sickening).

Justice will certainly prevail!
<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

Additionally, my review of the 11/07/08 chart Tuba cast for Sparky's question on what the searchers should look for suggested the mother left something that "belonged to her" at the grave. Mercury here could be fingerprints ...




The one thing I am reminded of is her Blackjack phone that she thought she lost in JB Park. I wonder if now it will be found where Caylee was found and if so what condition, what info it would yield. Is mercury an element present in making cards, etc. for cell phone? I use one but don't know anything more about them.

The one thing I am reminded of is her Blackjack phone that she thought she lost in JB Park. I wonder if now it will be found and if so what condition, what info it would yield. Is mercury an element present in making cards, etc. for cell phone? I use one but don't know anything more about them.


Mercury = telephones, including cell phones........

Not said to me but apparently a psychic got a message about a pissing German Shepherd and the discovery of the body. I haven't written about the fact that many of the degrees in the search chart also referenced a shepherd. I'm still trying to understand the shepherd symbol. Maybe the meter man served as the shepherd for this child & his community. Shepherd: one who cares for a group of people._____The American Heritage Dictionary.


Just reported on Fox Orlando..

The meter readers first name is German.

I have no link as I was watching it.

Just reported on Fox Orlando..

The meter readers first name is German.

I have no link as I was watching it.

No way. Are you serious? Whoa. We all laughed at, "She will be found where the German Shephard pees."
No way. Are you serious? Whoa. We all laughed at, "She will be found where the German Shephard pees."

I am dead serious! I couldn't believe it and I'm looking to see if they posted it yet. They said LP and RD are trying to help him get the reward money or some money cause he may need counseling.
I am dead serious! I couldn't believe it and I'm looking to see if they posted it yet. They said LP and RD are trying to help him get the reward money or some money cause he may need counseling.

This is amazing if his name is German and because of his call of nature and listening to that inner voice to pick up the 'trash' bag he was right where he was supposed to be, when and did what he was asked. Amazing!! He should get the reward if he would want it, maybe he had been praying for something too.
It is very sad that this has happened and that this family have lost the light of their lives...I can only pray that they have learned from all of this, and if in fact Mallory IS pregnant that they will get another chance to love again...and this time without all the lies and manipulation that were in the very threads of the tapestry of their relationship with Casey and Caylee...

I wonder if George is admitting his grief now, or if he is still in denial mode outwardly for the benefit of Cindy...:waitasec:

The only advice I have for Mallory if she is pregnant, is to keep her baby as far away from the A family as possible. A leopard doesn't change it's spots.
Spent significant portion of last night and this morning looking over all the media reports and videos of the incredible find of Caylee's remains. Have been working several days in a row of 12+ hour shifts (nurse) and had almost no time to watch events unfold....the full moon struck full across my own natal mercury moon opposition of sag:gemini guaranteeing I would have to balance emotions with mental tasks at hand (such as taking care of my patients!). Elated about the find, sorrowful about the tragedy of it all.

Some thing that immediately struck me was the "weight" of the find chart:

Serious saturn-ruled capricorn (the sign that rules the body-skeleton) rises; a fortuitous jupiter conjunction assures that this was "a lucky and large" find indeed.
That somber saturn sits in the 8th house of death/criminals, and is in mercurial virgo (meticulous details). Saturn is part of the evolving mutable grand cross: sun/mars in sag opposition moon in gemini square the saturn in virgo opposition uranus in pisces. The situation is evolving....educational, and changeable. Interesting to note virgo is natural ruler of 6th house which describes "service workers"...the man who happened upon this find.
Uranus in Pisces in 2nd house of physical possessions opposite saturn in 8th of shared is highly likely that KC left behind much physical evidence at the scene, and also in a sudden moment left behind a token "gift" something personal..religious symbol-cross?, piece of jewelry, a shamrock?
Mercury is secluded in the 12th house of secrets conjunct profund pluto newly arrived in capricorn. Spotlights from the capricorn ascendant and jupiter expose these secrets, but also much will remain close to vest of LE for a while. We will learn a lot throught media leaks, but possibly not the "worst" news yet. Mercury is the negotiator....many behind the scenes talks occur for those privvy to the "worst".
Moon in gemini leaving 4th house of home just at the door of 5th house of the child, (disposit mercury in sag conj pluto in 12th) also connects to the mercury ruled virgo saturn. Moon (mother!!) rules the 7th house cusp of "open enemies", falling in 4th house/parental axis. Yes, Caylee knew her attacker.
Saturn in virgo is inconjunct neptune in aquarius; a sacrifice is made and the lord of karma forces parting of the clouds of confusion from the house of death/murderer.
MH/IC axis of scporio/taurus aligns with Caylee's natal MH/IC and conjuncts her natal mars (ruler of her 4th house of grave) in taurus.
Mars in sag will pass over Caylee's natal pluto (ruler of her 4th house of grave) by Monday issuing more inflammatory info.
The mutuable grand cross configuration of the find chart ignites KC's chart. I am sure she did have to be sedated. In her arrogance, she never believed they would find the body. The arrogance of her natal, very smug mars/uranus in sag square mercury in dellusional pisces exaggerates her thinking = HUBRIS. She has fallen.
The GC assails each of the A's.
CA's natal T square of sun/gemini opposite saturn/sag square mars/pisces suffered the icy cold reality brought of the saturn polarity. FORCED to face REALITY, whether she did or didn't really know Caylee perished, she must now face the media unhidden by the false and flimsy protection of her lies. Yes, she will proclaim "the nanny did it", but there will never be another "sighting" to cloud the issue.
GA's natal sun/venus/merc stellium in virgo bears the brunt of saturn, a heavy burden falling across the angles of his solar chart; self/spouse/home/public thrust into the spotlight .....a deer in the headlights. He has dark thoughts and fears about fingerprints on tape. {from the find chart: If DNA is new/uranian' fingerprints belong to mercury ruled 8th house of forensics virgo/saturn square 12th house merc in sag- what is hidden will be sleuthed.}
LA's uranus/neptune in sag (the grand cross sun falls on the midpoint) is shocked and dismayed, and fearful. Uranus ruled aquarius is the cusp of his solar 3rd house of siblings.
Little Caylee's n. 4th h. cusp (the grave) scorpio is ruled by pluto in sag in 5th h.; it's also ruled by mars in taurus in 9th house. We find venus (rules taurus) in virgo 2nd house squaring pluto/sag, both taking direct light from the mutable grand cross. The 4th/10th house axis brings parentage to focus, guaranteeing her mother a place in the spotlight.
Yes, I think the prisoner had buried deep in the recesses of mind the possibility of this discovery ever being made and that it was her arrogance that allowed the repression. Let's not forget what she said on hearing the news, "Oh God, this cannot be happening now!" Very significant. She is rebuking Fate for the timing, which strikes her as cruel and ironic. Only the prisoner, her att'y and the prosecutors know the context of that exclamation.

Speaking generally today, JB uttered these words: the best defense is total disclosure. As soon as I read it, I knew he had confronted the prisoner with this same phrase. Truly, she has placed him in an untenable position as well as making fools of her family with her protests of "100% innocence."
Some time back on one of the previous Astro threads, I commented on a chart, stating that if it (the chart) were any more transparent, it would be arrested for indecent exposure.

Here is another one&#8230;

On Saturday 12/13/08, Fox News reported:

[FONT=&quot]Lawyers for Caylee's Mother Stand by Her Story in Planning Defense Strategy[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]For months, Florida mother Casey Anthony, 22, has blamed her daughter Caylee's disappearance on a baby sitter, and Anthony's lawyers apparently are sticking with that story in planning her criminal defense[/FONT][FONT=&quot] -- even though they expect police to confirm that skeletal remains found Thursday are those of girl.[/FONT]

"If this is Caylee Anthony, that doesn't mean Casey Anthony did anything to that child," Todd Black, a spokesman for Anthony's lead attorney, told on Saturday. "That doesn't determine who or what caused the child's death.",2933,466608,00.html

I thought it would be interesting to look at the chart for this news report to see what kind of insight the Stars might have on Defense&#8217;s curious strategy. Since no posting time was published at the Fox website, I decided to use the time Sleuthster published his/her post on our Astro Thread &#8211; Saturday 12/13/08, 3:45 pm. I used Orlando FL as the location.

You can see the chart here:

26:02 Taurus rises, symbolizing KC & the Dream Team. Lord 1 VENUS (KC) sits in SATURN&#8217;s domain, at 06:48 Aquarius (using Traditional rulers) in the 9th House of media broadcasting. It is a SATURN day, SUN hour and Lord 1 VENUS is both in SATURN&#8217;s dignity and triplicity. The chart appears valid.

PALLAS ATHENA, asteroid of strategy is appropriately placed in the 1st House. VENUS applies trine to PALLAS, so we know the defense strategy (PALLAS) is certainly for KC&#8217;s (VENUS) benefit. PALLAS is partile conjunct Fixed Star ALDEBARAN which counsels &#8220;success through integrity,&#8221; but other markers show KC & the Dream Team are not listening to ALDEBARAN&#8217;s wise advice&#8230;.

PALLAS, the Strategy, is in poor condition being both retrograde and posited in Gemini. The retrogradation points to hidden agendas, and as for the Gemini placement? --- well, we all know Gemini lies&#8230;.

NOTE TO GEMINI PEOPLE: Please heed my usual disclaimer. It goes without saying, I am not suggesting Gemini people are liars! I am examining this chart from a forensic horary standpoint, and in the black & white, fatalistic world of horary astrology, Gemini is associated with liars, thieves, forked tongues, etc., etc., etc. &#8230;

PALLAS the Strategy is exactly sesquiquadrate (135 degrees) JUPITER, natural ruler of the Truth, and I do mean exactly, at 00 degrees, 00 minutes. The sesquiquadrate is a tense hard aspect, suggesting the strategy (PALLAS) is surely in conflict (sesquiquadrate) with the truth (JUPITER).

PALLAS the Strategy also square CERES the Mother and CERES is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the Nodes) which always portends a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality. This testimony of the Stars speaks quite clearly as to how critical (square) the Strategy of the defense team (PALLAS) will be to KC, the mother (CERES) accused of murdering her child. I also note CERES the Mother is sesquiquadrate JUPITER the Truth, suggesting KC the mother (CERES) is surely in conflict (sesquiquadrate) with the truth (JUPITER.

In plain English, the Stars once again shout: THERE IS NO NANNY!

NEPTUNE in the 10th &#8211; the goal (10th House) of the defense strategy is deception (NEPTUNE). They are determined to confuse, deceive and cast doubt upon both the Court and the public (10th House).

The malefic South Node sits exactly on the cusp of the 4th House End of the Matter and Lord 4 the SUN sits at 22 Sagittarius in the Portal of Death exactly conjunct BLACK MOON LILITH, the murderous witch who kills children.

MERCURY, ruler of the 5th House of Children, is in the 8th House of Death conjunct PLUTO. MERCURY the Child semisquares Lord 4 End of the Matter SUN and sesquisquares PALLAS the Strategy, once again confirming the death of the child at the hands of the mother.

Finally, CAPUT ALGOL, the most malefic Fixed Star in the heavens at 26:18 Taurus exactly conjuncts the ASCENDANT with only 16 minutes of separation, closely followed by ALCYONE, a.k.a. The Pleiades or The 7 Weeping Sisters, giving "something to cry about" as well as strong testimony that the strategy will blow up in the perp&#8217;s murderous face.

Bold in the second paragaph is mine.

I watched the part you talked about above, and I noticed that KC starts crying pretty hard when George is talking about how he looks up at the sky and talks to Caylee every night before bed. She's probably sobbing because George is talking to Caylee every night, while KC knows all along her little precious body lays out under the same stars, 20 houses down and in a black garbage bag. I know KC appears to be and wants to be a hard@$$, but she's crying for George here and for all she knows she has caused him to lose. KC knows what she's done, and the here/there and the why's of everything will come out later, but I have a small glimmer of hope from watching that part that maybe, just maybe, KC had love for that little baby. How could you not? I watched videos of Caylee today singing and playing (oh, how that baby loved purses, stuffed animals, and dressing up. How could her mother take that joy away from her?) I don't know anymore, I go back and forth, but if she didn't love Caylee or George at all, I don't think she would have reacted the way she did. Maybe there's more to the story still, I have to hope.

Hey allure, what a great post. I agree that Casey is crying for what she put George through and all that he has lost, but she is mostly crying for what she lost (her freedom - that is all it boils down to).

She is beginning to feel the ramifications of what she has done, and just wants to be back home, as she states it, "with our family". I still feel that Caylee is dispensable to her, but as much as Casey could love her, she did. It was all about what Caylee could give to Casey.

When you watch the video, you can see Casey's lonelliness and desperation. You know though, that when Casey went home in August, according to LP, she was cool as a cucumber and never shed a tear. She can cry for herself, but does not give a d**n about anyone else.

She is crying for her loss of freedom. She cannot make up a fantasy life for herself anymore. Her whole life has been a fantasy ~ can you imagine what reality feels like for her? Must feel like hell - she has NO control and no one believes her. She can't come and go, she can't text, she cannot phone anyone ~ unacceptable for Casey. (oh well ...)


allure :blowkiss: ~ I think I saw the videos of Caylee dancing ~ I will have to check them out again to see her with the purses and stuffed animals. Again ~ :blowkiss:
When the A's sit for their deposition on 22 December, the Sun and Pluto will be conjunct and right at the point of Mercury in your Defense Strategy chart, Soulscape. This is the same place Venus held when the prisoner filed her counterclaim vs. Zenaida. Then, as we wrap up the year, Mars joins that place as well. The strategy, such as it is, will collapse under the scrutiny and cross questioning of John Morgan. As Mick shouts so beautifully, Sparks Will Fly! All of this transit fury and fever was set off by the filing of that proud & snotty counterclaim. Without that act, the degree would have remained a dead note in the case.
The Astro Calendar covers the complete years of 2008 and 2009. Adding Moon phases can be easily done. FifthEssence, can you mark the monthly Full and New Moons on the Calendar?


:blowkiss: Thank you!
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