Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: #4

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I know she is a GEM I am just believing she must have a Cappy moon or Rising
too much looking for others approval that speaks to my soul so loudly..
To MY mom, appearances are EV-ER-Y-THING. She's bipolar with Narcissitic Personality Disorder. She's a Cancer and a horrible mother.

My personal astrologer once looked at my mom's chart, even without the time of birth, and said, "What a depressing, tortured woman. She will spend her life trying to attain perfection in the eyes of everyone and anyone." I was never allowed to get dirty. If I got dirt or food on my clothing, she withheld love from me.

Cindy and Casey both remind me of my mom. And, my mom was addicted to Valium for many, many years, and didn't stop until it gave her seizures.

I'm sorry for going off topic, I could write pages and pages of parallels between Cindy, Casey and my mom. My mom is the reason I'm so interested in this case. I consider myself lucky I didn't end up in a trash bag too.

I feel for you I truly do....My Mom is so similar to CA it is why I am so obsessed with this case....Bless your heart...
I didn't end up in the trash but there were times I wished she had just killed me life would have been easier.
Its a bit better now I have a good life. I hope you have a good life also

When I was younger I had similarities to Kc I hate to admit it but it was a matter of survival....
I do NOT feel that KC is justified for her actions though....Harming a child in such a disgusting way to save your own ego has NO justification
Could the eagle represent the feds? The FBI is coming back in.

You folks are JUST amazing! I am in TOTAL awe! :blowkiss::blowkiss::clap::clap:

Now THAT gave me chills. The FBI - the USA - the bald eagle. Never thought of it that way.

Although it could have something to do with Eagle Feather Drive, too. :furious: I need to go back and read what we said about an accomplice way, way back. If I remember correctly, "the stars" said Casey did the murder herself, but someone could have helped her dispose of the "evidence" later. Was that it?
Interesting suggestion about our national emblem and the federal aspect to this. FBI is usually so modest, understated and retiring that they don't reap sufficient credit for their part in cases. Maybe it is time we recognised them and their laboratory. Full credit to The Eagle! Ag't Scott Bolin gave an excellent interview, with both parents. Now the Quantico scientists may provide ultimate answers.

Before shutting down for the night, I just wanted to add a couple of notes to the jail house visit chart above (JB to KC, Dec. 11). The accused has Mars in H. 10 afflicting her rising Uranus, the will. This means she is held in censure and blame by those elevated in station so as to judge her. This would refer to Judge Strickland and the future judge who oversees her case. (Mars in Sag=more than one judge). Mercury is also in that H. 10 and rules her mother, Cindy whose Sun is found on the Fourth H. Cusp. Mercury is at the end of the Sign and this tells us Cindy is at the end of her roller. Cindy is also combust the Sun so her vital force is spent.

Pluto is there at 0° foretelling many changes and much instability. The accused will not bear up well as against discussions of her homicidal inclinations, her H. 9 with Serpentis on the Cusp. She will be portrayed in a macabre light and come to feel The Untouchable. How very much against the grain of the oh so touchable Casey O.
(Respectfully snipped good stuff)

Now here is where it gets interesting: Ivy also gives a formula for finding the distance in miles between the Querent (person asking the question) and his MISSING POSSESSION.

Here we take the rulers of the 1st and 2nd Houses and note the difference in their degrees. Lord 1 = URANUS at 22:30 Pisces and Lord 2 = NEPTUNE at 23:37 Aquarius. The difference in degrees is 1 degree, 7 minutes. The MOON at 28:40 Sagittarius is in a mutable sign, so Ivy says to take HALF the difference, or 1/2 degree = approx. 1/2 mile.

Caylee's remains were found just shy of 1/2 mile.

Cindy made this phone call to LE. In hindsight, I can see how Cindy considered Caylee to be her possession. Yes of course she was her granddaughter, and thus, a person, but also we have gotten the sense throughout this case that Cindy considered herself to be Caylee's true guardian/parent/primary caregiver, and in her possessive, controlling way, she may have seen Caylee as belonging to her, making Ivy's formula for discovering the distance between a person and their MISSING POSSESSION more relevant.


I'm soooo glad that you decided to look at it from this other angle. It stirred a memory for me, so I thought I'd share, FWIW.

When I first heard that 911 call, I found it very odd that she said "the babysitter stole her" and then "the babysitter took her". These are terms I'd use if someone had absconded with my possessions!! Why the heck didn't she use the word "kidnapped"? Definitely a more appropriate verb to use when referring to a child, at least for most of us. It was then that I realized that CA thought of Caylee as a possession.

Anyhoo, carry on. Y'all are rockin' my world in these threads!! Truly amazing work!!
Thank you, Tuba. Interesting. Verrry Interesting.

Let's be glad the meter guy's name isn't Victor or Gloria or worse, Sam. The Perp would be screaming, "Well, I thought Zanny had a sister. How was I to know 'Sam' was a man's name and not short for Samantha? He must have been in drag the day they held me down and snatched Caylee." :rolleyes:

The sign of LEO likes beauty and being the center of attention. Could Cindy have a Leo ascendant? If Cindy was born a bit earlier than noon, she could have a late Leo rising/late Capricorn Moon. The chart we have for her gives a Noon birth time - Virgo (everything needs to be just so) on the rise conj Pluto in the 12th with Uranus sharing the house, both in Leo, Aquarius Moon in the 6th house. Does any of this sound like our Cindy? :eek:
I'm soooo glad that you decided to look at it from this other angle. It stirred a memory for me, so I thought I'd share, FWIW.

When I first heard that 911 call, I found it very odd that she said "the babysitter stole her" and then "the babysitter took her". These are terms I'd use if someone had absconded with my possessions!! Why the heck didn't she use the word "kidnapped"? Definitely a more appropriate verb to use when referring to a child, at least for most of us. It was then that I realized that CA thought of Caylee as a possession.

Anyhoo, carry on. Y'all are rockin' my world in these threads!! Truly amazing work!!

I thought it a bit odd choice of words, too. Kidnap is more exact when calling LE. "My child's been kidnapped" would certainly sound urgent. I do think "stole" and "took" set the 911 operator back a bit, but I think the rest of the call "31 days", "conducted my own investigation" knocked her right off her chair. I swear, I thought I could hear the poor woman's head explode from the stress of hearing their urgency took 31 freakin' days!
Now THAT gave me chills. The FBI - the USA - the bald eagle. Never thought of it that way.

Although it could have something to do with Eagle Feather Drive, too. :furious: I need to go back and read what we said about an accomplice way, way back. If I remember correctly, "the stars" said Casey did the murder herself, but someone could have helped her dispose of the "evidence" later. Was that it?

Hi Aksleuth,

From the beginning, my astrological opinion has been, and continues to be, KC had no accomplice at any time --- before, during, or after the crime.

The forensics report should clear this up once and for all. If an accomplice was involved with disposing of the body, their fingerprints will likely be captured.

Now THAT gave me chills. The FBI - the USA - the bald eagle. Never thought of it that way.

Although it could have something to do with Eagle Feather Drive, too. :furious: I need to go back and read what we said about an accomplice way, way back. If I remember correctly, "the stars" said Casey did the murder herself, but someone could have helped her dispose of the "evidence" later. Was that it?

I think an accomplice might have got her further away than the nearest corner, for body disposal. Helped her find a better spot.

I think she did what LP said-- lured her dad away from the trunk, on the 24th, when he wanted to look inside. Then, freaked out and went around h corner and just dumped her. I think she meant to move the body later.
I think an accomplice might have got her further away than the nearest corner, for body disposal. Helped her find a better spot.

I think she did what LP said-- lured her dad away from the trunk, on the 24th, when he wanted to look inside. Then, freaked out and went around h corner and just dumped her. I think she meant to move the body later.

I think she went there on the 23rd to dispose of the body. In case anyone saw her there, she needed an alibi as to why she was there. Thus -- the running out of gas story, and AL would be her alibi. That location is extremely close to the A house, so why would she need help to go get a gas can if she truly was out of gas there?

She threw the body in the woods on the 23rd, made sure it was out of sight, and then called AL to help her get gas cans from her parent's home, so he could say 'yes she was out of gas there, and I helped her' if it ever came out. He stated she wouldn't let him put the gas in the car for her, or get near the car (probably because of the smell). That makes sense to me.
I had to come her for guidance after the latest "the evidence find is suspicious" from the A fam. I have had it up to here, and I must remember I am thankfully not in their horrid position. I am going to look for charts that say this is going to blow, perp will be found out, and it will be said and done. Again, thank all of you for being our Shepherds here keeping us on the truthful path. (Sorry I ranted, but I thought it could help show how much you are all appreciated.)
I had to come her for guidance after the latest "the evidence find is suspicious" from the A fam. I have had it up to here, and I must remember I am thankfully not in their horrid position. I am going to look for charts that say this is going to blow, perp will be found out, and it will be said and done. Again, thank all of you for being our Shepherds here keeping us on the truthful path. (Sorry I ranted, but I thought it could help show how much you are all appreciated.)

I'm with you Merc -- I'm truly sick of the A's and their delusions. It's really amazing that they have absolutley no grip on the reality of what their daughter has done. They just won't face it even though the facts are smashing them in the face. And the enablers that are hanging on their coattails just make things worse. Their 'dream' team is dreaming if they think they can overcome the overwhelming evidence that proves that KC is guility. I don't even think they'd believe it if it came out of KCs mouth at this point. Not that that's gonna happen. LOL Is there any way to tell from charts if KC will ever confess?
I was as disgusted as you two when I opened this morning to read A's suspicions of the discovery. Not surprised but agag.

Do not, simply do not, attribute ZFG to the defense team. It is the prisoner's insistance that hammers that story in place: rising Uranus opposing the Saturn of her attorney. Viz., chart for the jail cell visit December 11. But Saturn is enclosed, constrained by the intercept and Uranus, the more powerful planet of the two. He can talk until Christmas but as she said on tape, "I'm sticking to that story, yes." He is there to represent her, not to replace her with his own account. Nauseating, isn't it?

We don't have to worry about the judge but the jury section is another barrel of herring. Jupiter is there, favorable to her lawyers and impressed by her experts. We have to pin our hopes on Pluto. Any planet within 6° of a cusp is operating in that next House. Further, Pluto is in Fate aspect, 51°, with her significator Neptune: a degree separation of fatality. Pluto will stir the jury pool.

So, Jose found the prisoner pinned up with anxiety and unfocused. Yes, he has actually complained that it is a challenge to keep her focused. But unyielding she was, stubborn she was, selling him blind. Sneer, snort and hock!
Tuba, thank you yet again. :blowkiss: I too worry about the jurors to be. We can only hope the evidence will be overwhelming. I just wish the A Fam could acknowledge little Caylee, and I understand their need to protect the one that is alive and loosing twice is too much to carry. I just cannot imagine, and hope I never have too.
Although late in developments, there will be yet another change in prisoner's counsel. We know that because Mercury (two people in Sag) is losing patience with her choker about the Blanchard Park assault & drive-away kidnap, complete with written script. Once the body is officially identified and married to items in the Hopespring house, it is all over for certain members of the team. The switch for the last alarm bell has already been set.
Although late in developments, there will be yet another change in prisoner's counsel. We know that because Mercury (two people in Sag) is losing patience with her choker about the Blanchard Park assault & drive-away kidnap, complete with written script. Once the body is officially identified and married to items in the Hopespring house, it is all over for certain members of the team. The switch for the last alarm bell has already been set.

I wish they'd all bail on her - surely they're intelligent enough not to believe her lies. Wouldn't it be something if at the end she wound up with a public defender after all? It would serve her right.
The prisoner does have an antagonistic bearing toward her defenders (even her family) and reserved & taciturn as they may be when asked for gossip about their problem defendant, the tension is mutual. The problem for her is that other lawyers, including a public defender, are ruled by H. 9 and she is in the worst possible affliction with that potential as yet invisible group: rising Uranus square Mars. Pluto, co-ruler, in fatality 51° aspect with Neptune, ASC ruler.

Dr. Kobilinsky has dropped back already into the dim back benches.
I had to come her for guidance after the latest "the evidence find is suspicious" from the A fam. I have had it up to here, and I must remember I am thankfully not in their horrid position. I am going to look for charts that say this is going to blow, perp will be found out, and it will be said and done. Again, thank all of you for being our Shepherds here keeping us on the truthful path. (Sorry I ranted, but I thought it could help show how much you are all appreciated.)

Boy do I agree! I haven't read their latest. As you put it I am fed up. I think we should add parinoa (sp) to their list of problems.I wish we had a medium on this board..Going to work now.
I think she went there on the 23rd to dispose of the body. In case anyone saw her there, she needed an alibi as to why she was there. Thus -- the running out of gas story, and AL would be her alibi. That location is extremely close to the A house, so why would she need help to go get a gas can if she truly was out of gas there?

She threw the body in the woods on the 23rd, made sure it was out of sight, and then called AL to help her get gas cans from her parent's home, so he could say 'yes she was out of gas there, and I helped her' if it ever came out. He stated she wouldn't let him put the gas in the car for her, or get near the car (probably because of the smell). That makes sense to me.

I think that you may be right on in this guess right here. THIS makes PERFECT sense in every way...I think you win the prize...I think you have actually guessed exactly what happened.

Also...just for the record, and because I can't recall if this has been disclosed, but everyone IS aware that Judge Strickland is remaining on this case, right?
I think that you may be right on in this guess right here. THIS makes PERFECT sense in every way...I think you win the prize...I think you have actually guessed exactly what happened.

Also...just for the record, and because I can't recall if this has been disclosed, but everyone IS aware that Judge Strickland is remaining on this case, right?

my bold

I'd have to go back thru the video of the pre-trial conference the other day to confirm exact language, but as I recall he said something about him moving over to the Civil courts but would be able to work the next pre-trial conference into his schedule.

We'll all have wait and watch until that time and pray he will remain throughout the trial.
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