Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 5

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I misunderstood Mysticj. Then it is remotely possible that he would have gone to answer.
I don't like seeing the prisoner's fingers on Caylee deceased but there they are. As good as fingerprints: Mercury of #1. on Mercury of #2. Uck!
It is so weird that when I did my horary on September 2, Mercury & Venus were right there in the geocentric chart. That's why I always wrote about the book, the note, that was with the remains. Mercury is 6:19 Libra and Venus 4:02 Libra. For that not to change in three charts, including the prisoner's birth helio really does cry fingerprints.

Now I am overhearing and seeing ref. to a snapshot in sepia tones that was found at the crime scene. Has that made it to this thread yet?
The difference in interpretation is that a heliocentric placement in a sign indicates matters of public interest; geocentric positions are more concerned with private, subjective matters. Heliocentric planets describe our more public activities, alliances and actions...."

and this!

"The heliocentric system tells us a lot about our status, whether local, national or international, and is especially related to our public life, career and experience of recognition or criticism in the world at large."

<Respectfully snipped & bolded>

Well that explains it. KC's helio VENUS in 2H wants to indulge in sensuous pleasure and get it on with anything with legs (opposite PLUTO in 8H of sex), pop a few drugs while she's at it (PLUTO sextile NEPTUNE), maybe kill somebody (MARS conj PLUTO in 8H of homicide) and generally be known by the public for DECEPTION & LYING (NEPTUNE in 10H).

Oh. And there's no planets in 5H of Children so guess she wasn't put here to raise one....


Excuse this question if you have answered it already. What do you think is the cause of death?

Personally. My gut tells me that this little girl has been victimized by her mother for a long time. My reason for saying this is the way she looks in her photographs. She appears to act older than her 2 years. I know she was close to 3 when she died but, I was surprised that she was that young. She seemed older somehow.

Of course this could be because she lived in a household of adults and therefore acted older than her age.

But, just something about the way she wore those star sunglasses and posed for the camera.

I suspect her mother's boyfriend knows more than he's saying too.

What do the stars say? Again, forgive me if these topics have been discussed before. Just point me to the right thread and I'll read your earlier posts.

Also, I sent you a PM. Sigh... (I'm sure your inbox is flowing over! )
I am wondering if any of you have checked a chart for the "lied about" date of June 9th. This has always puzzled me.

Have we that ever been figured out, (besides Cindy's excuse of "calender confusion")

I might post the helio chart for that, and see if it shows anything.
very interesting, don't you think? The pressures were building, and it certainly shows!

Huge and extremely tense Mutable Cross. Major bite up that we know about from the prisoner's messages to friends where she stressed the Drama with family and how she hadn't been home in the week following. I did an analysis of KC's transits and the period but I never looked into a lie because I didn't consider it a lie, just a mistake. Others feel differently.

Excuse this question if you have answered it already. What do you think is the cause of death?

Personally. My gut tells me that this little girl has been victimized by her mother for a long time. My reason for saying this is the way she looks in her photographs. She appears to act older than her 2 years. I know she was close to 3 when she died but, I was surprised that she was that young. She seemed older somehow.

Of course this could be because she lived in a household of adults and therefore acted older than her age.

But, just something about the way she wore those star sunglasses and posed for the camera.

I suspect her mother's boyfriend knows more than he's saying too.

What do the stars say? Again, forgive me if these topics have been discussed before. Just point me to the right thread and I'll read your earlier posts.

Also, I sent you a PM. Sigh... (I'm sure your inbox is flowing over! )

We did talk about this way back in the earlier threads. My method of working suggests Neptune and Pluto, which are indicated by the 4th and 8th house. These also describe Caylee's final resting place, under water, in a garbage bag.

Pluto also suggests garbage dumps, and Caylee was disposed of like garbage, which sickens me. Pluto also rules hidden things, and Neptune rules confusion.

The key words for Neptune and Pluto are: smothering/drowning/gases/drugs/poison/violence

That said, looking at Caylee's chart again, I can se other possibilities, but wanted to let you know what my earlier thoughts were. We will all learn a lot about our "success" or lack thereof, when this comes to trial.

Anyone have any idea of a probable date for the trial to begin?
Murderous (PLUTO) thought (MERCURY) and sudden (URANUS), overinflated (JUPITER) violence (MARS) against the child (VENUS).

The child VENUS in Gemini is totally at the mercy of the thinker of the murderous thought (PLUTO conj MERCURY), as VENUS the Child is disposited by MERCURY.

Also, Tuba and Soulscape, both of you do horary charts, right? I have read that these are supposed to be good for "cause of death".

Any other method we should look at, like "Arabian parts"?
Murderous (PLUTO) thought (MERCURY) and sudden (URANUS), overinflated (JUPITER) violence (MARS) against the child (VENUS).

The child VENUS in Gemini is totally at the mercy of the thinker of the murderous thought (PLUTO conj MERCURY), as VENUS the Child is disposited by MERCURY.


Excellent, Soulscape! Notice the "easy" aspects to Neptune, which might suggest the "planned" cause of death?
Anyone have any idea of a probable date for the trial to begin?

<Respectfully snipped>

What is the date & time of the January hearing/ pre-trial (whatever it's called)? That chart should give evidence of whether the murder trial will take place in March or be further delayed...

Now here is where we get into the uncooperative witness who bears false witness. The confusion about the date Caylee was last seen may have been real on everyone's part but I think we on this thread all know Cindy's description of both those dates, June 9 and June 15 are untrue. In fact, they correspond to no one else's statements. Just because Cindy feels her home is her private affair does not relieve this testimony of perjury. It becomes a state matter when a crime is committed and she is obligated to speak the truth on the stand. She did not. It is material, furthermore and not from ignorance but intentional. A most serious matter because the evening was the apron leading to the homicide.
Defense asked for a March trial and the judge was not opposed. On 11 January is a status hearing. Didn't the judge set it for 9:30 a.m.?
JB asked for a delay on that too. Granted, set for January 15, 9:00 A.m.
Oh cr@pc@kes!

Mercury goes retrograde on January 11th, at 7 Aquarius, sometime after noon, I think!

Everyone make a note of that date, and let's list all the Mercury problems we notice until it goes direct at 21 Capricorn, on Feb 1, we hours of the morning.

But the range of troubles can extend beyond these dates. We will get into it more about then.
Mercury will have already turned retro by then, however. So stand by. The murder trial was originally set to open on 11 December. That would have been one for the books! You Honor, your Honor! Recess please, we have just found the remains!
Defense asked for a March trial and the judge was not opposed. On 11 January is a status hearing. Didn't the judge set it for 9:30 a.m.?

Can't be 1/11, that is a Sunday...

Can someone check this out?

OK, help me out here.

What might we look for in the charts to see hints/indications of the trial beginning. I do not usually do the "prediction" thing, but am tempted to, at this point!

I just can't wait for this trial to start!
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