Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Good Morning & Happy New Year to Everyone.

I trust you all behaved yourselves last night :eek: and are ready to get back down to business. But I speak not of *business as usual* for once you begin to understand Star language, business ---- and life ---- will never be *usual* again!

I very rarely read the daily horoscopes plastered all over the web, nor the Year in Advance for the Sun Signs columns. Way too general IMO.

This morning, however, while clicking around in the Astrology world, I stumbled across guidance from an astrologer, Sheilaa Hite, who is known in certain circles as a metaphysician, intuitive & healer. Her Astro Year at a Glance messages for the key signs in this case seemed right on the money. If I were a betting person (I'm not), I'd bet a buck she doesn't follow the Caylee case. Makes these *forecasts* even more intriguing.....

Here are some shorts snips from her forecasts:

VIRGO (George): The nature of your quest for your own personal truth is expressed in many ways—one of them—“Should I or shouldn’t I?”

GEMINI (Cindy): You have entered the land of “R&R”—reflection and re-evaluation. Now is the time to consciously process your recent experiences in order to put them in proper perspective.

SCORPIO (Lee): Now is not the time to rest on your laurels. You have a strong momentum going and you must take advantage of it while you can.

PISCES (Casey): “Resistance is futile.” What are you resisting? The inevitable—change.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Very intriguing, especially in light of the Immunity for Anthonys Chart discussed a few posts above this one.

You can read more about the astrologer here:

Coffee break time; be back later.

Happy New Year to all!

Many blessings in 2009 to you and yours, ladies of the Astro Thread!

Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to Caylee.

HAppy New Year! And more thanks to you all!

And Yay! It's my birthday even!

"Happy New Year & HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" :HappyBday & :Welcome-12-june: to WS's too!!:blowkiss:

& scarlett_hues "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" :birthday_party:
It was distressing to learn that the roll used to duct tape Caylee's head was not discovered in the Hopespring house. This evidence and fusing the connection is so important to the prosecution of the case that I cast a chart. What a relief! The roll of tape is in custody. Mercury rules the tape and it is trine Fortuna and parallel to the Sun and Jupiter. Fortuna is contraparallel Jupiter for the seizure of the roll of tape.

Looking at the tape chart, you can see the remains, Pluto Mars, semi-sextile Mercury. But the tape, Mercury is also conjunct Jupiter: much more tape, lots of it.
It was distressing to learn that the roll used to duct tape Caylee's head was not discovered in the Hopespring house. This evidence and fusing the connection is so important to the prosecution of the case that I cast a chart. What a relief! The roll of tape is in custody. Mercury rules the tape and it is trine Fortuna and parallel to the Sun and Jupiter. Fortuna is contraparallel Jupiter for the seizure of the roll of tape.

Looking at the tape chart, you can see the remains, Pluto Mars, semi-sextile Mercury. But the tape, Mercury is also conjunct Jupiter: much more tape, lots of it.

What a relief, Tuba!! Please post the chart so we may look at it.

I have no idea how you all do this with such accuracy but I find it fasinating and have followed your thread from the beginning. I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and sharing and caring. You are appreciated! Happy New Year to, wealth and happiness in 2009
I am so GLAD that the tape is in the custody of the OCSO thanks for all you guys do :)
ALL I can say is WOW!!!!!I have no knowledge of how to read or interpet charts...Your knowledge BLOWS me AWAY....
It was distressing to learn that the roll used to duct tape Caylee's head was not discovered in the Hopespring house. This evidence and fusing the connection is so important to the prosecution of the case that I cast a chart. What a relief! The roll of tape is in custody. Mercury rules the tape and it is trine Fortuna and parallel to the Sun and Jupiter. Fortuna is contraparallel Jupiter for the seizure of the roll of tape.

Looking at the tape chart, you can see the remains, Pluto Mars, semi-sextile Mercury. But the tape, Mercury is also conjunct Jupiter: much more tape, lots of it.

Happy New Year Tuba! I think the tape used on Caylee came from a roll that KC most likely removed from Amy H.'s purse. AH had been using it to wrap up boxes as she was packing to move things and that KC . I think this info was either from their text messages or on myspace. I emailed LE to suggest they find out from AH if she had any boxes or items with the tape still on it. I would hope LE's on top of that, but, small details can sure get lost in the shuffle (or should we say neptune fog).
Nevermind. I just read the chart and have the full picture now. That's what I get for starting at the bottom of the thread! Must have been the mimosa for brunch! Very interesting about Jupiter/lawyer ready to throw in the towel. I have noticed a very distinct change in JB's facial expression last few times he was on tv. Could this be connected to LP's claim that the two PI's who filmed the area in Nov. were aware the remains were in that location?
Lee moved out of his house on Eagle Feather today supposedly...probably moved overnight? Could the tragedy be that he and Mallory broke up?

OK Beck, give it up: where did you find this information? Do you have a link?


PS--Happy New Year!
Just wanted to let you all know a special is on Fox News Network about astrology & planets that is exactly what you all are teaching me & others to learn called "Beyond Belief". I don't know what time it started and am hoping they repeat it today or during the weekend because I missed part of it.

It is very informative of the what the alignment of the planets & stars mean, what they represent with quotes from the bible & OHHHH soooo much more.

It's showing another episode now & will be doing reports all weekend long on the subject. I'm sooo excited It's by "Hanity Reports"!!! :blowkiss:
Question for Tuba & Soulscape - are horary/event charts affected by future transits?

If so, I was looking over the Dec 5th chart Tuba did when DP taken off the table. The coming Jan 26 eclipse at 6:30 aquarius w/jupiter at 5 degrees hits the 12/5 chart MH. It also brings both mercury retro and mars 22-24 cap right back over that venus/jupiter conj in 9th h. Can this bring the DP issue back to the table?

DP would put unbearable pressure on all the A's....immunity deals help them to live with the thought that they "spoke" in order to spare KC's life. They are way beyond a rock & hard place.
Beck: Maybe Lee's moving is something as simple as his lease is up and until things calm down he may be trying to protect Mallory. Not sure what his chart shows, but being a Scorpio myself, that is what I would do.
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