Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Beck: Maybe Lee's moving is something as simple as his lease is up and until things calm down he may be trying to protect Mallory. Not sure what his chart shows, but being a Scorpio myself, that is what I would do.

idk - I can't find verification anyway so it's probably just a rumor. The photo wsa kind of convincing, but it could have been taken anytime. So - not feeding the rumor mill at this point. Sorry to send up the flag.
Happy New Year! The imprint in time that a horary represents is often progressed using the Secondary Progression system. We have in our collection/archive a web of charts that all interconnect. Have seen it time & time again. A Solar Ecipse will register on one (and of course, many) of our "old" charts. There is a chart for that eclipse on our calendar too, I believe; at least I cast and analysed one. The accompanying transits are ever so close to conjoining but the one that counts is Mercury for decisions going back onto the H. 8 ruler and it is within one degree. In February, it turns direct at 21° Capricorn on the solar position of the January Full Moon, taking place on the 10th. Mercury on that date will be at the vital vortex of the Span of Truth. I fully agree with you that this is the time to renew the intense pressure of the death penalty.

By vital vortex, I mean the prisoner's midpoint, Mercury/Uranus. By "Mercury on that date", I mean the 10 January FM.
Beck, it was in the news yesterday. When Soulscape asked for a link I went on the hunt but Lee Anthony is not always at a news level that google captures. In any case, I read it or saw it in a broadcast yesterday.
Tuba was reading through thread #3 again to understand them better now that I've been learning more & found this post from you:

No Friend of the Court
11-20-08, 07:49 PM

I have a ? does this reading reflect back to what is going on with the news about the PI's video tape? From what I am reading from this post it is. :waitsec:
Yes, Angel, even the age fits. And, employed by the parent.
Beck, it was in the news yesterday. When Soulscape asked for a link I went on the hunt but Lee Anthony is not always at a news level that google captures. In any case, I read it or saw it in a broadcast yesterday.

Thanks Tuba! Glad to have confirmation at least.
Yes, Angel, even the age fits. And, employed by the parent.

Thanks for letting me know!:blowkiss: I thought it did! You all amaze me each & everyday. :grouphug:

LOL I guess I'm slowly learning as I re-read all of your threads....& looking at all of the wonderful links that you all have provided.:clap:

housemouse thanks for encouraging me to not give up!:hug:
:eek:On page 7 of this thread, Soulscape wrote about the prisoner's abuse of the child as seen from the heliocentric perspective. I feel it gives me leave to reluctantly say that the Part of Torture for Caylee, as seen in her own horoscope is 16:08 Pisces, conjunct her H. 8 Cusp and at the solstice point of her own Jupiter, ruler H. 5. The Moon was in Libra during that three day chloroforming run up to the lethal dose. June 13 began an extremely perverse and drastic period in the prisoner's treatment of her daughter. In no way am I suggesting the prisoner's moves were limited to the drugging only that the chloroform was used from June 13 on.
Tuba was reading through thread #3 again to understand them better now that I've been learning more & found this post from you:

No Friend of the Court
11-20-08, 07:49 PM

I have a ? does this reading reflect back to what is going on with the news about the PI's video tape? From what I am reading from this post it is. :waitsec:

Yes, Angel, even the age fits. And, employed by the parent.

Also on the DP chart of 12/5 Tuba's comment (snipped):

"This is a fraught period in the progress of this case, particularly as we include the coming Full Moon. I have overstressed this peak time along with the Span of Truth, February 7-20. We need to keep our eyes skinned for every detail now. The Moon of this chart is trine the Dog Star on H. 3 of witnesses. Who is this friend turned state's witness?"

Can the moon (Pisces-duality-photography) ruled 3rd house also refer to the PI's who filmed area. From whom did "this friend" obtain info about "remains", as the A's were ostensibly searching for a live Caylee. Interesting 3rd house cusp is Cancer (the sign of KC's moon) with moon in Pisces (sign of KC's sun/merc).

Waiting to hear more "bombshell" news about the PI's videotaping and if prior knowledge can be confirmed. How many layers does Neptune have? How many people are under the bus?
Also on the DP chart of 12/5 Tuba's comment (snipped):

"This is a fraught period in the progress of this case, particularly as we include the coming Full Moon. I have overstressed this peak time along with the Span of Truth, February 7-20. We need to keep our eyes skinned for every detail now. The Moon of this chart is trine the Dog Star on H. 3 of witnesses. Who is this friend turned state's witness?"

Can the moon (Pisces-duality-photography) ruled 3rd house also refer to the PI's who filmed area. From whom did "this friend" obtain info about "remains", as the A's were ostensibly searching for a live Caylee. Interesting 3rd house cusp is Cancer (the sign of KC's moon) with moon in Pisces (sign of KC's sun/merc).

Waiting to hear more "bombshell" news about the PI's videotaping and if prior knowledge can be confirmed. How many layers does Neptune have? How many people are under the bus?

That was my next ? & had the exact thought! Who sent them there.
I don't buy thier story that it was because of Kio's tip. According to this link it was earlier then the official transcript date.

Kio's Story
Kio C told her story to police investigators on July 19 and July 20, 2008. She contacted police to tell them that she had spoken with Casey Anthony in mid-July, and had heard a girl's voice in the background. Kio C later stated that she was mistaken and had spoken with a friend named Casey W, not Casey Anthony.

Kio C then met with an investigator at Hidden Oak Elementary, where she and Casey Anthony had gone to school. Kio C showed the investigator around the area and pointed out places where they spent a lot of time when children.

Kio C stated the last time she had seen Anthony was two months before, at a Super Wal-Mart. At the time Caylee was not with her.

They wouldn't wait untill Nov. to go check the area & when they were supposed to be looking for an alive Caylee. They said they video taped the area Nov. 15th while (confirmed from media links) GA & CA were at the KidFinders "Meet & Greet". :waitasec:

Which now answers all of the immunity talk within the house of panic at the A's & with LA!

LOL Posting glitch I had to delete my last post several times & see many others had the same thing happen.:crazy:
Can any of our great sleuths find out what time the Kid Finders meet & greet was held on Nov, 15th? It would help narrow down the time frame (pardon the pun) on when the video was shot so we can do a chart. THANKS!
Can any of our great sleuths find out what time the Kid Finders meet & greet was held on Nov, 15th? It would help narrow down the time frame (pardon the pun) on when the video was shot so we can do a chart. THANKS!

Of course I can...:rolleyes: And I'll post the link for H. Lee he examined KC's car on Nov. 14th, 2008! HMMMM!:waitasec:

Anthonys Greet Volunteers, Ask For Funds At Kid Finders Event
Friday, November 14, 2008 – updated: 11:56 am EST November 15, 2008

At Saturday's function, the Anthonys were helping Kid Finders gather a list of volunteers they can contact at a later date and determine how those volunteers can help in the search for Caylee, who the Anthonys maintain is still alive.

In an interview, Cindy stressed that the effort requires more donations so that Kid Finders can keep up the search.

Baez had asked weeks ago to have access to the car for an inspection. He brought his own team of experts (Henry Lee) to the sheriff's office Friday.

Baez's team examined the car with a magnifying glass and took photos and examined parts of the car that were removed. Baez had wanted to inspect the carpet that was in trunk and held a stain, the spare tire well, and tire cover, but they were removed to be tested by the FBI and are no longer in the car. Media was not allowed to film the inspection of the car.

Eyewitness News has also learned that the car still smells of decomposition


Glad to help out in anyway!
Tuba advised in #482 above concerning horary & event charts:

The imprint in time that a horary represents is often progressed using the Secondary Progression system. We have in our collection/archive a web of charts that all interconnect. Have seen it time & time again. A Solar Ecipse will register on one (and of course, many) of our "old" charts.

With the upcoming Solar Eclipse on 1/26/09 at 06 Aquarius, I thought to look at a tri-wheel showing Cindy's #3 Phone Call to LE as the base chart with Secondary Progressions as middle wheel and transits as outer wheel.

See chart here:

I know this looks really complicated --- but for now, I want to point out only one thing. MOON's position in the three charts and what it tells us.

Inner chart: #3 Phone Call to LE --- MOON at 28 Sagittarius partile square KC's natal SUN at 28 Pisces, pointing to KC's involvement.

Middle chart: #3 Phone Call chart progressed to 1/26/09 Solar Eclipse --- SP MOON at 05 Capricorn, partile conjunct KC's natal NEPTUNE showcasing KC's deceit & lies.

Outer chart: Transits to #3 Phone Call Chart on 1/26/09 Solar Eclipe --- Transit MOON at 05:59 Aquarius approaching conjunction with 06 Aquarius SUN. In one minute of Arc when MOON hits 6 Aquarius it will be partile conjunct Caylee's natal Part of Death at 06:03 Aquarius. Fifty-three minutes of Arc later (06:56), it will square KC's natal Pluto at 06:56 Scorpio to the minute.

Solar Eclipses tend to manifest on the physical level, and while not always on the exact date of the eclipse, within 3-6 months before or after. Keep in mind this Solar Eclipse is being closely followed by the Lunar Eclipse 2/9/09 at 20 Leo --- smack on Caylee's ASCENDANT --- within the Span of Truth time frame.

Just studying the Mars movement. The prisoner has Saturn on Antares and the Mars in the #3 Phone Call chart squares that placement. What a shed load of burning coals! Still incinerating in the progressed chart. Then in the outer wheel for the eclipse, Mars has moved up to the place of the January 10 Full Moon and is now being occulted. What I see in this first month of 2009 is many notices and bulletins, each pointing to an upcoming development. We began the year with drama of Mars-Pluto, then the Sign change for Jupiter, then the Full Moon, then the occultation of Mars. Now where is my CD of the Temptations and "Get Ready!"
Update about the PI's JH & DC just released:
Thought you might to see this right away! :blowkiss:

Update just released:

Anthony&#8217;s PI: no videos of the site where remains found
Last Edited: Thursday, 01 Jan 2009, 10:01 PM EST
Created: Thursday, 01 Jan 2009, 9:54 PM EST

According to Casey he's the only private investigator working on the case for the Anthony's and admitted he went to the site where the remains were found November 15th.

While he was there, Casey said that James Hoover snuck up on him.

"As I turned around, Hoover was standing there with a video camera,&#8221; Casey said. &#8220;I said, 'What are you doing here?' He said, &#8216;I thought you might want help.' I said, &#8216;James, that's completely inappropriate&#8217;."

Casey took photos of the area and said he's turned over his photos to the Anthony's attorney, to give to prosecutors.

According to Casey, James Hoover now claims his video no longer exists, that he taped over it.

VIDEO: Anthony&#8217;s PI: no videos of the site where remains found

I hope you don't mind me posting this too but I find it interesting...Is this why all of the immunity talking is going on too!
The best part which I'm hoping means he does have the tape to show what he really video taped is this part:

Casey said Hoover simply showed up at the Anthony's door one day and offered to help them deal with protesters free of charge, and the Anthony&#8217;s allowed it.

That would mean JB, LA r the A's can't control what he's allowed to say to LE & FBI!
Update about the PI's JH & DC just released:
Thought you might to see this right away! :blowkiss:

Update just released:

Anthony’s PI: no videos of the site where remains found
Last Edited: Thursday, 01 Jan 2009, 10:01 PM EST
Created: Thursday, 01 Jan 2009, 9:54 PM EST

According to Casey he's the only private investigator working on the case for the Anthony's and admitted he went to the site where the remains were found November 15th.

While he was there, Casey said that James Hoover snuck up on him.

"As I turned around, Hoover was standing there with a video camera,” Casey said. “I said, 'What are you doing here?' He said, ‘I thought you might want help.' I said, ‘James, that's completely inappropriate’."

Casey took photos of the area and said he's turned over his photos to the Anthony's attorney, to give to prosecutors.

According to Casey, James Hoover now claims his video no longer exists, that he taped over it.

VIDEO: Anthony’s PI: no videos of the site where remains found


Wow angel your right on the ball, good sleuthin:clap:
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