Forensic Astrology - CAYLEE ANTHONY Reported Missing 7/15/2008: # 6

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Tuba, I love your ability to analyze these charts!

I am off to check Cindy's chart, since I didn't notice the Mercury/Jupiter contact, probably because I ignore the moon when I do not have a verified birth time.
Lambshop, both Kaitland & Soulscape did big studies on the synastry between brother and sister in the case. If you want to search it in WS main search engine, you will have to enter "incest" even though that was NOT the conclusion. It was the WS stimulus for the studies.
Oh, I was not going there. What I meant is because they are so close maybe LA would do anything to protect her, such as not disclosing information he had knowledge of or something he may have found. I will check and see what I can find on the search engine. Thanks
Tuba, I think you have answered my question in your #40 post. Thanks
Leonard is an attorney and he knows that what happened does not fall into the class of accidental homicide. As you well understand, he was talking only about the absence of intent to kill. The aggravated child abuse in poisoning your child with result that this child dies is murder: the killing of another during the commission of a felony.

Chloroform is poison and you could see the skull and cross bones from a satellite. Every website searched, emblazoned with the symbol. So we have that cold, in conformity with the indictment and Leonard understands that. The poisoning is all over Caylee's horoscope and the event charts and horaries. Mars on the heart opposite Neptune. Mars afflicting Neptune, even if it does not aspect your chart but is only a formation in the heavens, poisons the body. Refrain from chemicals or drugs of any kind under such aspect. Mars was also on Caylee's Ascendant, the physical body, thus under attack along with her heart.

Saturn ruled the victim's House of routines, treatment, care. It too was natally placed in the heart Sign, Leo. Slow and steady, awful as an i.v. drip, over a prolonged period of time. "Keep your baby quiet with Xanax and chloroform!" But like others posting today, it does seem there was more because Mars (her mother as I've often explained) was square that Saturn, from the Sign of the neck. Mars acts swiftly and square Saturn, with cruel intent.

The FBI labs have only what is sent them to work with. I hope they had sufficient bones to scrutinize the skeletal assembly as well as bones for extraction. A baby's neck is not a stiff and creaking affair like ours. It is very flexible. Detection is difficult. And then, there is the tape. That should give Leonard pause.
I know that Leonard knows that it became Murder 1 after the fact of her even giving Caylee such a horrible drug, but he seemed to be inferring that she did not intend her to die, and I believe she DID intend her to die. He was adamant about the fact and it was so strange coming from him that way. I believe with everything inside me that she DID intend her to die, even as she was putting her down for the last time. I believe she HAD done it before that time and I believe she knew that she was over-dosing her and WANTED that the be the outcome. I believe from watching all of the videos and studying upon her pictures with Caylee that all of her ear to ear smiles were false, only a veil, masking hatred and jealousy beaneath.

Unfortunately for poor little baby Caylee, her mother did not abide the rules and wrecklessly drugged her baby daughter without care for the consequences. Her intent was to kill her of this I am certain.

Padilla...He had made a statement recently that he did not believe Casey killed Caylee on purpose and I believe she DID...I had thrown it out by way of a question for our astrological sleuths and I believe they were addressing that.:)
Oh, I was not going there. What I meant is because they are so close maybe LA would do anything to protect her, such as not disclosing information he had knowledge of or something he may have found. I will check and see what I can find on the search engine. Thanks

Lambchop, see housemouse's post #661 on Thread #5 regarding this.
Tuba, I love your ability to analyze these charts!

I am off to check Cindy's chart, since I didn't notice the Mercury/Jupiter contact, probably because I ignore the moon when I do not have a verified birth time.

Me too Tuba! Thank you for the testosterone comment! Between you and Soulscape, Kaitland and others - we just can't miss here!

housemouse - I really appreciate your down to earth counseling on this thread. Thank you.

Miss James, how about the ice cream video. One minute in, Caylee tries to kiss her mother who reflexively and immediately pulls away. I've mentioned this before but it goes straight to my chest. The prisoner's Moon Venus square is neither loving nor fun to live with.

Although we don't have timed births for Casey or Cindy, Cindy's natal Moon could be anywhere from 26 Capricorn to 9 Aquarius. I favor her having an Aquarius Moon but am not wed to that opinion. In any event Cindy's natal Venus is 5 Taurus so her Moon is also square her Venus, even if it is an out of sign square from Capricorn.
Your post is very interesting, chesterp. I am pretty sure there is a thread for psychics, and you might consider posting it there.

Some astrologers (including me) are very uncomfortable, even wary, of having anything to do with "Guides". I am sure you understand, that from a Christian perspective, there is no way to tell about these, as they are frequently from the "dark side".

Satan is a great imposter, you know. And, another piece of unasked for advice, please stay away from Ouija boards!

I have never used Ouija board, tarot cards or any other tools. I only get messages from my husband since he died and Bobby, my Guide/Angel, since I died last April 22nd.

The only reason I posted here is because so many people are asking if you guys KNOW how she passed through astrology. I am NOT psychic..... I was given this info out of the blue and I am very perplexed............... I have never seen anything from the "dark side" and I do not actively seek info.
I also favor the Aquarian Moon position for Cindy (although Lee has a Capricorn Moon with Mars) and I have written about the inheritance in the prisoner of the Moon Venus square from her mother. In fact, I have written repeatedly about that affliction they share. But from Geo., the prisoner inherited the Sign positions for the square. He has Uranus on her Moon and Jupiter on her Venus. Rather than rude, he is unlucky at gambles of any sort, even internet scams.
Ah, here it is:

"Gonzalez's attorney voluntarily asked the court to delay the scheduled deposition in light of the discovery of Caylee's remains. Casey's attorney is asking the deposition be delayed until after the criminal trial."

That was considerate of JM but I hope that it doesn't get delayed until after the criminal trial. I wonder when the judge will decide on that?
This is ridiculous! The murder trial could drag on for a year. Defamation must stop now and the family is persisting with the nanny as perpetrator theory. The most fortunate chart coinciding with a sit-down today does not promise results soon, now that it has been deferred. Moon is cadent and Fixed and Mercury is cadent, though Cardinal. A new date circa January 30 would have been ideal. In fact, I highly recommend it.
Miss James, how about the ice cream video. One minute in, Caylee tries to kiss her mother who reflexively and immediately pulls away. I've mentioned this before but it goes straight to my chest. The prisoner's Moon Venus square is neither loving nor fun to live with.

I react to those videos emotionally ,as a mom. I wish I shared your knowledge of the heavens,but I'm a simple soul.I come here to pick your brain:blowkiss:
OMG Guys if you need some comic relief (and we all do) go read the new thread 'Casey is Innocent Tipline'. It's even funnier, because it's actually TRUE!!
The news was released at 5:24 p.m., EST. The B law firm probably put this out from Kissimmee.
yes, but LP is aware the eyes and ears are upon him at all times. He is throwing things out there to elicit a certain response. Bait and hook. My thinking with this - he wants KC to tell THIS story even though he believes something else, KWIM? She will never confess to intentional homicide, if that is in fact what happened.

I know that Leonard knows that it became Murder 1 after the fact of her even giving Caylee such a horrible drug, but he seemed to be inferring that she did not intend her to die, and I believe she DID intend her to die. He was adamant about the fact and it was so strange coming from him that way. I believe with everything inside me that she DID intend her to die, even as she was putting her down for the last time. I believe she HAD done it before that time and I believe she knew that she was over-dosing her and WANTED that the be the outcome. I believe from watching all of the videos and studying upon her pictures with Caylee that all of her ear to ear smiles were false, only a veil, masking hatred and jealousy beaneath.

Unfortunately for poor little baby Caylee, her mother did not abide the rules and wrecklessly drugged her baby daughter without care for the consequences. Her intent was to kill her of this I am certain.

Padilla...He had made a statement recently that he did not believe Casey killed Caylee on purpose and I believe she DID...I had thrown it out by way of a question for our astrological sleuths and I believe they were addressing that.:)
The news was released at 5:24 p.m., EST. The B law firm probably put this out from Kissimmee.

Talk about last-ditch / end-of-rope efforts.... The Ascendant is 29:55 Gemini --

Talk about last-ditch / end-of-rope efforts.... The Ascendant is 29:55 Gemini --


You have to admit, Soulscape, it does tell us even Jose has lost interest.
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