Forensic Astrology - GABRIEL JOHNSON last seen San Antonio, TX

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Here is the link where the father filed a request for Custody on Dec. 14, and there was an incident where she did hide the baby with friends:

She threatened to harm the baby, and said "shut that thing up". She refers to a baby as thing which is not good, because when she harms him, he is a not a baby, and object. Well, I read somewhere else that she felt she the baby was not a baby to her, the baby was Logan, so that may explain why she killed him too, if that makes sense... This article may explain why there are charts where the baby is hidden and alive, as she did do that in the past.

Just wanted to note that Elizabeth and Logan broke up on Dec. 8th and Elizabeth gave Gabe to The Smiths (the friends you mentioned) on the 9th. Gabe was found by LE at the Smith's house in the early morning hours of Dec. 10th. Hope that info helps in some way.

ETA: All of this info can be verified through the family questions thread in Gabe's forum and through Tammi Smith's arrest documents.
I just want to clarify a point or two. The charts cast on the basis of events post-Chirstmas are not in anyway influenced or altered by what Elizabeth did with Gabriel in early December. They stand on their own, sui generis and capture a much later moment in time. Second point is whether her earlier action, say on December 9, is a clue to what she did later, astrologically. If she resorted to a distinct and bold method of operation, there is a shred of possibility that that M.O. might recur with a planetary signature, but unlikely.

All things considered, let's not dig up old times of day to search for an improbable connection. It will be better to concentrate on the present case when Elizabeth left Tempe-Phoenix and thereafter. We have good information on this period (not that it couldn't be better).
When I watched Allison Dubois saying the baby would be found, I thought of them finding a body, remains instead. That is how I interpreted it.

Here is the link:

She says he would be found where helicopters already searched, but not right away, and it would take up to a year.

So, Soulscape, and other, that is my interpretation of him being found. That would be constistent with finding a body or remains, as opposed to a living Gabriel. Don't kill the messenger guys, but IF Allison Dubois is correct, then that is consistent with astrologer Linda Crystal also as him being found after sept. 15. Also, why I think that the baby is not with us is because EJ actions in jail are similar to Casey Anthony, not cooperating with authorities. Tuba and Soulscape, thanks so much for your charts and analysis...
I took her saying helicopters are already overhead and they are searching in the right location as metephorically saying they are close and searching for him in the right area.

I believe once they increase the reward and find the HG, G will be found.
Me too! Where they are looking and who they are looking at is already under scrutiny. i feel like the guilty parties ae already known players in this sad drama. But I also have strong "feelings" that G will be found alive. My gut says fairly soon.
I took her saying helicopters are already overhead and they are searching in the right location as metephorically saying they are close and searching for him in the right area.

I believe once they increase the reward and find the HG, G will be found.

What does HG stand for? Thank you.
I think "HG" is short for "Hispanic Guy," i.e., the hispanic man who has reportedly been seen with EJ. The speculation is that he is or may be a broker for illegal adoptions.
Hi Soulscape:
I read another report by astrology Linda Crystal ....<snip> Here is the link:

She certainly doesn't do charts like our astrologers. So, so many contradictions. I know most charts have them, but to be a good astrologer, one has to learn how to put the clues together so they make sense. This one gave me a doozy of a headache. :banghead:

I thought the name "Allison DuBois" sounded familiar. The TV show, Medium, is about her! I watch it occasionally.

Yes, EJ has a lot of the same characteristics as Casey A and Misty C. All of them "all about me" and more stubborn than Taurus mules.

OT: 3/9/10 Gabriel Johnson Hearing (Elizabeth Johnson not Tammi Smith...sorry about the error!) (*EJ At this point & time is refusing to leave her jail cell to appear for the hearing!) :shakehead: Stubborn, mentally mixed up girl I must say!

Thanks for bumping Fifth! Told ya I had a bit of fibro fog brain(*Note below post)! LOL)

FYI: EJ Is supposed to appear in court today, but is refusing to leave her cell at this point & time!

Articles & Videos posted in Gabe's Astro Timestamp thread! I'll update the posted articles & add any new ones asap! :wink:

Do the charts show any reason why she is acting like this today? I believe her hearing was to start at 9am! Delayed at the moment...will they force her to go or file unruly charges against her at the jail. (Not the right wording, ut you know what I mean!) :wink:

OT: A bit of fibro fog today...+ I just woke up after not being able to sleep for over 40 hrs Sunday 8am - Tuesday at 2pm I was awake! So I'm moving a bit slow yet due to my fibro & fog head! :biggrin:

She's sounding like KC Anthony to me......I thought she was one of a kind.....guess I was she reading law books too in her cell regarding her rights?
Do the charts indicate why she refused to go to court today?

Updated Article:

Elizabeth Johnson, the mother of missing baby Gabriel, refused to leave her jail cell for a court hearing Tuesday morning, prompting a Superior Court judge to demand authorities "use any means necessary to get her to court."

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Ryan continued the pre-trial conference hearing to March 17, saying that Elizabeth Johnson needed to be present and called on Maricopa County Sheriff's Office deputies to ensure Johnson makes the appearance, said Karen Arra, a court spokeswoman.

Johnson's defense attorney refused to comment on the case.
Unfortunately, Miss Crystal can't decide whether Gabriel is a Taurus or a Capricorn. Every single Websleuth who reads this forum knows what a Sun Sign is. Perhaps Miss Crystal is a psychic and should work from that base, leaving astrology aside. Her heart is in the right place or she would not spend pages on this but when you've said that, you've said everything.
For our atrologers: A timestamp of an event for you for the next hearing for EJ!

Baby Gabriel's mom refuses to go to court
March 9, 2010 - 11:27AM , updated: March 9, 2010 - 3:24PM
Elizabeth Johnson was scheduled to appear before Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Ryan for a pretrial conference, but her public defenders appeared without her to request a new hearing date and see if they could get the media banned from being in the courtroom. Ryan said: "Use any means necessary to get Ms. Johnson here for her next court date. It will be an issue we have to take up sooner or later."

Ryan rescheduled the hearing for 10:30 a.m. on March 17 as a courtroom full of media looked on.

*Much More Info At Link!


In post above, Tuba looked at 3/9/2010 at 8:30 am.

Here is a slightly different (but not very) perspective, with chart cast for Elizabeth's No Show, 8:15 am, as reported by articles I read.


Impulsive, aggressive Aries rises with Lord 1 MARS buried deep within the 4th House of Endings in theatrical, egotistic Leo. MARS is Retrograde and Out of Bounds and trine selfish, me-first VENUS in Aries and firmly entrenched in the 12th House of Secrets. You'll get no cooperation here........

Lord 12 the Prisoner JUPITER (11 Pisces) shows Eliz. in prison in a mute sign (silent), exact sextile MOON in hard, cold Capricorn. MOON is also Out of Bounds and last passed over PLUTO, Lord 8 of Death.

SUN in 12th House of Secrets is in Fateful Degree --- same degree as the NODES, starkly testifying to catastrophe/ tragedy/ fatality.

Here is what disturbs me no end: SUN = Lord 5 the Child, posited in the Child's 8th House of Death (radix 12th House) in Fateful Degree with Arabic Part of DEATH 04 Pisces (not shown) partile opposed little Gabriel's natal (sunrise) MOON 04 Virgo.

A most dire chart.

The biggest thing that sticks out to me in this chart soulscape, is the fact that so many things are positioned in the 12th house, which is classically known as the house of deception and things done in or kept secret....(the bad house)
Over the course of this case thus far, I have cast and examined four Horary charts (including Butterfly's question, Is Gabriel Dead or Alive), all of which I have declined to publish.

The four charts, cast at various times and all appearing radical, asked basically the same question. The latest chart was drawn up after reading P.I. Armes's arrogant ('I'm not like 007; 007 is like me') statement that Gabriel was alive and in Mexico, with the Question specifically being, 'Is Gabriel Alive and in Mexico?'.

FWIW, all four Horary charts, including this last one, strongly indicated that little Gabriel is no longer with us.

Over the course of this case thus far, I have cast and examined four Horary charts (including Butterfly's question, Is Gabriel Dead or Alive), all of which I have declined to publish.

The four charts, cast at various times and all appearing radical, asked basically the same question. The latest chart was drawn up after reading P.I. Armes's arrogant ('I'm not like 007; 007 is like me') statement that Gabriel was alive and in Mexico, with the Question specifically being, 'Is Gabriel Alive and in Mexico?'.

FWIW, all four Horary charts, including this last one, strongly indicated that little Gabriel is no longer with us.


I was really hoping you wouldn't say that....I can;t fathom the disgust I have for these girls/mothers who can just kill their child because they no longer want them without an inkling of a care.....and to top it off, act as though they have power to decide whether they are appearing in court.....I hope she gets what she deserves and gets a good lesson in who really has the last word
Soulscape, Thanks for the chart and for sharing the info in regards to the unpublished charts. I was afraid of this. If he were alive and her cooperation would have her freed from jail, I believe she would have done so. She knows her fate is much worse then 'giving him away'. I so wanted Baby Gabriel to be found alive, but my heart has said this was not the case. Old soul, I am with you in regards to these Mothers- why oh why do they not just give them up to someone else who would care for and love these precious babies- they could go on with their lives and do what they want to do. What are we doing or not doing as parents to create a generation of women capable of dumping newborns in trash cans and worse? Please tell me we will have justice for Baby Gabe!
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