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Ok, I have the ICRS syndrom....I saw a star on 12/28 or 12/29 and it was so close, clear and beautiful. At first I thought the glow was the moon, but was surprised it was "just" a star. The window I was looking out faces South to South East. Not sure, but I don't recall ever seeing anything like this.

I live in central Mississippi (not that it matters) just curious as to what star or planet it may have been. It was beautiful.

Just my feeling, I don't see 2011 being anything but bad. I've prepared myself for bad, bad things in my life. Never had this feeling before. Why?

I hate to say it,but I have that same sense of unease about 2011. Hope we are wrong.
hope this helps:
December 29, 2010
The Moon appears as a thin crescent low in the southeast, with the planet Venus, which shines as the brilliant "morning star," to its lower left.

That is exactly what it was! It looked exactly like the Star of Bethleham! I could see the points so clearly!!!!! It was beautiful....What does it mean?
Scorpian, sending you (((protective vibes))) I don't feel bad things coming to you in 2011

Wanna PM me? Tell me what I have to look forward too? I need good news. Thank you, and love ya! Just the way I am!
Depending on where you are, and I'm not in New York or the East, it's not yet 2011. But perhaps it is where you are now.

Anyway, I wanted to be the first to welcome you all into the New Year, and say that I pray all have a prosperous and Happy 2011.


I love my book, "Horary Plain and Simple", by Dr. Anthony Louis who writes exactly that way, plain and simple to understand.

He says, anything that is a "Why" or a "where" can be asked, and doesn't caveat with all sorts of exclusions such as unless you are an expert in a given venture, etc.nor make assumptions easily about what might be in another's head or heart.

The question is just that.

Whether it be a question of "I lost my Video clicker, where is it?" or "Where is my wallet" or "Where is Kyron" The Universe is not partial to emotions or my headache, if I gamble or have a stake in a game, it simply "IS", meaning, it's a Neutral body of stars, planets and the universe. God is of ALL - as I see it, comprised of ALL and impartial.
Even the great Psychic and metaphysician Edgar Cayce explained the Universe and God (*on this level of understanding) as
"likened to Electricity", not "Is Electricity" but impartial as electricity is for all .
Perhaps this is why we ask (on our level) why is Kyron gone?.....we can't understand on this level of understanding the whys of everything. Faith then, becomes paramount to us, as St. Paul tells us.


The 1st House of any Horary Chart will always show something of the person asking the question, or "the Querent"
In the case of the Kyron Horman Horary I asked for example, Saturn appears in the
1st house when I asked the question of whether or not Kyron is alive.

It just occurred to me, :( that the reason Saturn appears here, is that I am a full fledged Capricorn, and Saturn is my Ruler.
Not only my Sun sign, but Mercury and Mars all are in Capricorn in my natal 6th House.

Hence, Saturn in the 1st house in this Horary chart shows us the radical chart which can be read.

I simply did not even recognize at the time that I drew that chart that it meant me! :waitasec: Afterall-, Mercury in Capricorn can be quite slow on the uptake, lol.

I personally don't believe little Kyron made it, but I'm anxious to know whether or not this chart using Wm. Lily's methods step by step would yield that result.

Happy New Year to everyone........and Blessings on everyone too for a prosperous 2011 in whichever way you and your loved ones wish or hope for.

May your worries be small ones
May your cloudy days have silver linings
May you find joy in the simple pleasures
May love find you
May your stars be lucky ones
and May your New Year bring prosperity wisdom and hope.
I am wondering about midpoint synastry and I'm sure I've read here about the mars/pluto midpoint but a quick search brought up so many threads that I found it impossible to dig thru them. In a romantic relationship, what would the connotations be for one person to have their mars/pluto midpoint directly on the lover's ascendant plus their mars/saturn midpoint on that same person's sun? It doesn't sound optimal to me.
In honor of the Magi and Astrologers everywhere, this day has been set aside by many astrologers to honor astrologers who have gone before us and those who are working so hard to make astrology an honored, respected profession.

This isn't to be confused with Astrology Day which is celebrated on the first day of Spring, March 21st. That day honors astrology itself.

:great: Happy day, Astrologers! :great:
I am wondering about midpoint synastry and I'm sure I've read here about the mars/pluto midpoint but a quick search brought up so many threads that I found it impossible to dig thru them. In a romantic relationship, what would the connotations be for one person to have their mars/pluto midpoint directly on the lover's ascendant plus their mars/saturn midpoint on that same person's sun? It doesn't sound optimal to me.

You're absolutely correct, Deborah. These are not placements you would want to see in a romantic relationship. They scream of abuse and control. I would advise the person to get out while she can.

Thank you so much Soulscape. After I read Leomoon's post about Hailey Dunn I realized the person with this Mars/Pluto midpoint has his Mars at 27 Taurus (Algol?) and Pluto at Scorpio 19 (Serpentis?) which is a wide opposition but still technically an opposition. He also has a Moon Pluto opposition, Moon and Mars in 10th, Pluto in 4th. I can imagine the Moon Pluto opposition means he wants to control family and friends?
Thank you so much Soulscape. After I read Leomoon's post about Hailey Dunn I realized the person with this Mars/Pluto midpoint has his Mars at 27 Taurus (Algol?) and Pluto at Scorpio 19 (Serpentis?) which is a wide opposition but still technically an opposition. He also has a Moon Pluto opposition, Moon and Mars in 10th, Pluto in 4th. I can imagine the Moon Pluto opposition means he wants to control family and friends?

Deborah, it would be foolhardy of me to comment at any length on a chart I have not personally examined and without having at least some basic information about the chartowner, his background/ life experiences.

As I remind all from time to time, we cannot read charts blindly and expect to be accurate.

That said, while this person may possibly own an extremely challenged chart, it is the synastry with your friend's chart that is sending up the red flags.

Such afflicted contacts to your friend's SUN and ASCENDANT are not only troublesome, they are downright scary, and possibly life threatening.

MOON-PLUTO often speaks of control issues, particularly with women, starting with the Mother, and, PLUTO in the 4th can (but doesn't have to) point to psychological trama/ early childhood issues in the family.

I hope you are successful in persuading your friend to steer clear of this person. The potential harm to her may be extreme.

In honor of the Magi and Astrologers everywhere, this day has been set aside by many astrologers to honor astrologers who have gone before us and those who are working so hard to make astrology an honored, respected profession.

This isn't to be confused with Astrology Day which is celebrated on the first day of Spring, March 21st. That day honors astrology itself.

:great: Happy day, Astrologers! :great:

Hi Slueth:

I was just thinking of January 6th and the importance of this date in the Christian faith, called the Epiphany especially in ancient days.

And you are correct of course, it's about the Magi, a date set aside in the ancient calenders to remember them and their discovery of the Christ child.

This date was also brought to my mind yesterday and the day prior when the Coptic Church in Alexandria was bombed while a mass was going on with at least 1,000 people inside of the church. Many died and many wounded.

The President of Egypt is putting extra security now for their Christmas Eve church celebrations, which falls on January 6th.

<May we hear Peace prevails in Egypt and the 10% minority in the future there , or the Christians can find a modicum of peace in their lives in their enviornment.

I love visiting Egypt myself :) and have traveled there 4 times thus far,hoping to return to see Alexandria and stay there. So it was with much sadness to hear of this.

All the people are for the most part wonderful en masse,
and get along quite well with each other, It's only the tiniest of percentage that are the radical element.

"May there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me " as the children's song Peace starts from "within" and until people understand this, and examine their own selves more carefully and their thoughts, the world will always remain akin to outer blasts, just as the inner ones reflect in the Collective. Each and every person actually makes up the collective, so we all play a monumental role, imo.

BTW: I have a ready chart (natal chart with no tob) for one of the Magi (reincarnated in this century past)
acccording to Edgar Cayce who died rather young either accidentally or an unsolved murder.

I don't like to post things that not be warranted or approved however by the Moderator.

This man was told he had been a Magi in that experience, and as such, was quite the mathematician (a natural) in this one.

Happy Holidays to all.
Hi Slueth:

I was just thinking of January 6th and the importance of this date in the Christian faith, called the Epiphany especially in ancient days.

And you are correct of course, it's about the Magi, a date set aside in the ancient calenders to remember them and their discovery of the Christ child.

This date was also brought to my mind yesterday and the day prior when the Coptic Church in Alexandria was bombed while a mass was going on with at least 1,000 people inside of the church. Many died and many wounded.

The President of Egypt is putting extra security now for their Christmas Eve church celebrations, which falls on January 6th.

<May we hear Peace prevails in Egypt and the 10% minority in the future there , or the Christians can find a modicum of peace in their lives in their enviornment.

I love visiting Egypt myself :) and have traveled there 4 times thus far,hoping to return to see Alexandria and stay there. So it was with much sadness to hear of this.

All the people are for the most part wonderful en masse,
and get along quite well with each other, It's only the tiniest of percentage that are the radical element.

"May there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me " as the children's song Peace starts from "within" and until people understand this, and examine their own selves more carefully and their thoughts, the world will always remain akin to outer blasts, just as the inner ones reflect in the Collective. Each and every person actually makes up the collective, so we all play a monumental role, imo.

BTW: I have a ready chart (natal chart with no tob) for one of the Magi (reincarnated in this century past)
acccording to Edgar Cayce who died rather young either accidentally or an unsolved murder.

I don't like to post things that not be warranted or approved however by the Moderator.

This man was told he had been a Magi in that experience, and as such, was quite the mathematician (a natural) in this one.

Happy Holidays to all.

Leomoon (and others) happy new year!

I would LOVE to see the chart!

Also, my niece will be doing a semester abroad in Egypt next fall and we are so excited for her, although this latest incident has me a little concerned, over all I think this will be a life changing experience for her and am glad she will have this opportunity.

She is majoring in Arabic with a minor in International Peace studies, I am very proud of her!

I hope we have some resolutions to some of the more difficult cases you all have been charting.

I didn't get one single astrology book for Christmas, so I will have to purchase them for myself (some of my very best presents happen that way :waitasec:) although I did receive a new HD Video recorder and tripod to fulfill a dream of doing a documentary on a young man with Down syndrome and his incredible journey to where he is now, working in a Nobel prize winners chemistry lab and flying on research missions with NASA!

I really want three books to keep in my library. Would our wonderful astrologers be willing to mention the three books their fingertips touch the most?!

I love this forum and everyone here. It is a pleasure and a gift to come here and read!

TIA~ Frigga
Here is my favorite book, a primary one that is chuck full of truly good basics and beyond, always a great beginning book as well, I still today use it often:

Alan Oken "Complete Astrology" (over 500 pages), so it's a larger paperback, both in width, height, etc.
A great book, imo.

I'm not too crazy however :( about my 2nd purchase, many years later by the same author called "Soul Centered Astrology" (too subjective of a study, imo) , far too much of the Rosicrucians and the 7 Rays for my taste, so I'd pass on that one and not recommend it unless one is into those things, (I'm not)
His "Houses of the Horoscope" however, is worthwhile too., but not the same as the original I mentioned, his 1st book is the best of all.

Welcome back Frigga, I missed seeing you lately. Glad to see you are still around, btw. :)
May I suggest to all who have questions about astrology and those who have questions about reference books for their library, that you go over to our LIBRARY and read the posts there. Many fine books are are listed including some wonderful sites that will guide you into an understanding of Astrology in general.

I think you'll be surprised with all that is provided.

[ame=""]Astrologers LIBRARY - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


On another note as to answering questions about personal charts, you will note in our 'stickys' at the top of our Forum, we do not focus on personal issues unless of course, you, a member of your family or relative is a victim of a crime or tightly connected with an unsolved missing person's case.

Thank you for understanding our position regarding personal inquiries.
:clap: Happy Birthday, Leomoon80! And many happy returns.
A life full of crime can be exhausting, so take this day to indulge yourself and enjoy some of the innocence of life.
:clap: Happy Birthday, Leomoon80! And many happy returns.
A life full of crime can be exhausting, so take this day to indulge yourself and enjoy some of the innocence of life.

WOW, what a nice surprise! Kind of makes me not regret being 64, :waitasec: afterall.

A nice dinner for the first time with my husband at the Black Angus Restaurant, will be welcomed too. Beats the regular Buffett meals.

Thanks again,

p.s. I'll share with you the note from my middle daughter this morning, that REALLY made my day special: :)
Maybe it helps that her birthday is the 4th of January and another Cappy :waitasec: Since both she & I share the same Mercury position, we are both being "hit" now by Pluto's transit too. :( so, we try to walk gingerly, tiptoeing around each other and I hope next week's outting goes well remembering Pluto.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Your birthday is a good opportunity to recall what makes you so special of a mom!

You're eccentric, economical and intelligent. You're funny, deep and well-rounded. You've taught me so much about life, being honest and independent. You taught me how to know when to be open and when to be guarded. You introduced me to true crime (you gave me my first true crime book ever and told me all about Ted Bundy, et al.!) You told me the truth about people and the world (the good, bad and ugly). You taught me how to be responsible and not afraid to speak my mind (let alone demand refunds when necessary!!)

Have a great birthday, whatever you do today! Hope we can do Kohls and Pei Wei next weekend!


Happy birthday Leomoon!
Happy, Happy Birthday Leomoon! What a sweet and funny note from your daughter, I loved reading it. Hope you have a wonderful day... you are amazing!
:maddening:Mid-week, the Moon will form her quarter, square the Capricorn Sun from Aries. Mars at a critical 26° Cardinal, also in Capricorn, will provide more than the usual quarter Moon impetus toward committed, energetic action in solving problems and advancing work already underway, those projects in development. This is a time of upsetting alterations in circumstances, a change of direction requiring plans be reconsidered and restructured. Mercury square Uranus ensures this will happen.

There are bound to be pains in the atlas now but push on, cultivate what you have already started. Remember that whatever has begun will continue to develop during this period for better or for worse. Therefore, put positive action into your concepts, do something in support of your vision or the Full Moon will set off a jarring alarum. It is time to engage, not to wait or ponder or procrastinate. Make decisions. Deal with conflict. Take the needed steps.
Leomoon, a little off topic here, but when I see you in a thread I am overcome with a greater sense of rationality.

Thank you for that.


[off to take a head break]
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