Forensic Astrology - Haliegh Cummings #3

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Could anyone do a chart on R. T. K.?

I've removed the full spelling of the party you noted. WS frowns upon discussions regarding people one/you may be curious about until or unless they are noted by LE as POIs or suspects.
I respectfully disagree. If the wedding took place for any reason having to do with Haleigh's disappearance than the two events are related.

Since Ron and Misty and others have said the wedding took place when it did because Haleigh is missing and would have wanted them to get married, IMO that alone links the two events. JMO.


Because the marriage took place after the disappearance, a chart for the marriage will not shed light on a disappearance that preceded it.

Try looking at it from a different perspective...If, for example, I lose my beloved pet and 30 days later decide to acquire a new pet, the chart for the acquisition of the new pet will not shed light on the circumstances of losing the old one, although it may shed some light on my motivation for acquiring the new pet.

Everyone please note: By giving this example, I am not trying to make light of Haleigh's disappearance, nor compare loss of a child with loss of a pet, for there simply is no comparison. Rather, I am attempting to illustrate the concept of the futility of using a later event chart to cast light on the circumstances surrounding a previous event chart.

I believe the marriage chart showed motivation --- an attempt to short-circuit the deep, emotional, psychological pain (8th House) Ronald has been experiencing, and possibly some magical thinking that if they did "what Haleigh wanted" it would somehow bring her back home to them.

Of course, you are certainly entitled to disagree.

Soulscape, I've been reading and thinking a lot today about the HC abduction. I agree that it is not RC and MC directly. Rather, it is indirect and I am leaning toward revenge as the motive. Revenge from a few possibilities (1) MC's cousin J; (2) RC's drug associations; (3) JM in prison for assaulting MC. These, of course, could all be interconnected as these personas seem to know each other due to the nature of the local community.

Can revenge be shown in the the chart you drew your conclusions from? Can it be shown from any future chart? (Given what you've just said above.) TIA.
Soulscape, I've been reading and thinking a lot today about the HC abduction. I agree that it is not RC and MC directly. Rather, it is indirect and I am leaning toward revenge as the motive. Revenge from a few possibilities (1) MC's cousin J; (2) RC's drug associations; (3) JM in prison for assaulting MC. These, of course, could all be interconnected as these personas seem to know each other due to the nature of the local community.

Can revenge be shown in the the chart you drew your conclusions from? Can it be shown from any future chart? (Given what you've just said above.) TIA.

Hello Rhythmic,

Revenge can be shown in a chart. Rex E. Bills (The Rulership Book) gives revenge to SATURN. Munkasey (Astrological Thesaurus: House Keywords) gives revenge to the 8th House.


In the 911 Call Chart, we see that SATURN of revenge is quindecile VENUS the Female Child. This is a very ugly aspect and because the aspect is separating, it could support a theory that Haleigh was taken out of revenge.

The 8th House symbolizing revenge shows Cancer on the cusp with Leo intercepted. Lord 8 MOON symbolizing revenge applies inconjunct VENUS (Haleigh) and intercepted Lord 8 SUN separates semisquare VENUS.

You are not alone in your suspicions this may have been a crime of revenge, and the 911 Call chart does not deny this possibility.

Thanks for that very quick response, Soulscape. Ever since I heard about JM going to prison for assaulting MC, I have been thinking about revenge. Somehow I think it could be J (MC's cousin), JM in prison and the drug connections. It could even be that all of them are interconnected.

The more people keep talking on other threads about suspecting MC, the more I keep thinking it's not her directly but linked to her. The link could not just be J and JM, but scuttlebutt about her being alone for long stretches in the house. In addition, they've stepped up pressure on her in the interrogation room which could be linked to forensics now starting to come back and new evidence being gathered (door).

*Does the door show up in the chart(s), anything that sticks out or worth noting?

This all has me puzzled since there are so many hits from the birth charts of SO's in the area. I view SO's as being usually separate from drug dealers and dealing. SO's tend to be introverted/loner types generally speaking.

That being said, I still think of DS as being a prime POI.

Edited to add
In addition SO's often rationalize their behavior while drug crimes are often connected to revenge and/or power and control.
...The more people keep talking on other threads about suspecting MC, the more I keep thinking it's not her directly but linked to her. The link could not just be J and JM, but scuttlebutt about her being alone for long stretches in the house. In addition, they've stepped up pressure on her in the interrogation room which could be linked to forensics now starting to come back and new evidence being gathered (door).

*Does the door show up in the chart(s), anything that sticks out or worth noting? ...

<snipped & bolded for relevance>


You ask if a door shows up in the chart. Look at VENUS (Haleigh) in my above post and see she is just minutes to the left of the 4th House Cusp. The 4th House is the Home and a cusp is a door. This positioning tells me she just recently left the home (4th House) and, at the time of the 911 Call, is in the Near Neighborhood (the 3rd House of Near Neighborhood).

In real time, VENUS would have crossed the cusp into House 3 at 3:24 am, three minutes prior to the 911 Call. Since it's illogical to believe Haleigh disappeared three minutes prior to the 911 Call, the chart must be speaking symbolically, thus, three minutes could equal (for example) three hours.

Both Kaitland and myself speculated probable times of disappearance based on planetary positions. Here is the link to Kaitland's post:

Kaitland highlighted a time of 12:39 am, which would have been approx. 3 hours prior to the 911 Call. I agree this may well have been the time of kidnapping. IIRC, I postulated a window of 11:40 pm - 12:50 am although I don't believe I ever got around to posting it.

Hey RhythmicSun. Thanks for your post (and thank you also Soulscape for your usual self - always noteworthy of everything you post!). I wanted to just remind you that a SO could also be somebody that could be involved in drugs, etc. A SO could also be somebody that isn't exactly a RSO yet, meaning he has gotten away with his actions but not been caught yet.

Peace ~ Jersey
I am going to step out on a ledge here, and ask this, because I have seen people make this comment. Is it possable that Misty and Ron could have "allowed" this to happen? Like as a payment of some sort... Like maybe they allowed Haliegh to be taken as payment for drugs or something else. Or could this be staged in order to get money????? I remember something about being able to see money in a chart... Can you tell if Haliegh was taken for money or to get money?
Also is there ANY CHANCE even the smallest grain of hope in her chart that she may still be alive? I asked this before but didnt get an answer is there a way to tell if she is moved or has been moved since the abduction? Sorry for all the questions... Please know how much I appreciate you guys!!!!!!

The Astros have been following this case since it broke. Our judgments have not substantially changed since Day 1, when we were working with a "questionable" LAST SEEN and only a Sunrise natal for Haleigh.

Here is Tuba's first post on Thread #1:


Here is my 1st post on Thread #1:

02-11-2009, 10:29 PM

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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Western New York
Posts: 760

Haleigh Cummings LAST SEEN
Haleigh Cummings, age 5, was last seen asleep in her bed by her dad's 17 year old girlfriend Misty Croslin at approx. 10:00 pm on Monday 2/9/09.

Charts here:

There are several things that strike me.

1. CHIRON (hurt, damage) is partile conjunct SUN in critical degree (21 Fixed) and both conjunct NEPTUNE (disappearance) in the 5th House of Children.

2. MOON separates from opposition to CHIRON/SUN/NEPTUNE conjunction across the 5/11 axis. This could suggest the danger comes from friend of the family (11th House of Friends). Because MOON is Void of Course and separating from the opposition, it's too late to stop whatever is in process of happening. If MOON could function despite being VOC, she would trine PLUTO, natural significator of kidnappers (along with NEPTUNE) in 4 degrees 9 minutes.

3. VENUS Lord 1 (Haleigh) is poorly placed in the radix 6th House close enough to 7th House cusp to indicate she is about to have a change in circumstances (changing houses). VENUS is afflicted by being in Aries, sign of her detriment, sextile to MARS (violence/rapist/murderer), square PLUTO (violence, kidnapping, abuse) and contraparallel URANUS (sudden change/ upheaval).

4. VENUS (Haleigh) is quindecile (165 degrees) SATURN, natural significator of Death, suggesting highly critical and unstable circumstances (remember SATURN is exactly opposed URANUS of instability).

5. I note that CHIRON/SUN/NEPTUNE conjunction is opposite Haleigh's natal SUN at 24 Leo and is partile opposed Part of Sonia* in Haleigh's natal Sunrise chart. (The Part of Sonia placement is very speculative because I don't have Haleigh's place of birth or time of birth. Nonetheless, I found this partile opposition very *coincidental* to say the least!)

*Part of Sonia has been found prominent in death charts according to research done by Astrologer Lynn Koiner. I have been experimenting with it.

6. Event chart ASCENDANT 11 Libra is partile trine Haleigh's natal NEPTUNE 11 Aquarius (disappearance).

7. Event chart BLACK MOON LILITH, often active in catastrophes/tragedies/fatalities, at 20 Capricorn is in same degree as Event chart SATURN opposite URANUS.

8. Event chart NODES at 9 Aquarius/Leo are in critical degree (9 Fixed) and in same degree as Haleigh's natal SATURN (9 Cancer).

9. Haleigh's natal SUN (24 Leo) is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES) in her natal chart (NODES at 24 Taurus/Scorpio). According to Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, this always connotes a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality, both in natal as well as horary charts.

Unfortunately, this preliminary evaluation points to abduction by a pedophile. I will have to study the other charts to see if they confirm.



Since then, we have examined more verifiable charts, specifically the LAST SEEN BY G-GMA and the 911 CALL charts and were provided with what we cautiously believe to be Haleigh's true birth time (6:49:30 am). Our judgments have not substantially changed.

1. This was an abduction.

2. The crime was exacerbated by "incompetent" and/or "inadequate" caretaking.

3. The crime was facilitated by the lifestyle/ behavioral choices/ associations of the "parents" (i.e., Ronald & Misty). In other words, Haleigh's existence was exposed to the perp through her parents' associations, choices of friends & acquaintances, lifestyle decisions, etc.

Could the motive for Haleigh's abduction have been revenge? Yes, it could have... She may have been taken in retaliation for a drug deal gone bad, money owed, anger/resentment against either or both of the parents, etc. Did the parents "sell" or "trade" her? No. She was abducted.

4. There is "family connection." The perp is very likely someone known to Ronald and/or Misty. It could be a family member, friend, acquaintance, neighbor --- or someone associated with any of the aforementioned persons. This person could be a registered sex offender, but it is just as possible the person is not registered and operates under the radar screen.

5. There is a sexual component in all of the charts.

6. There are strong death markers in all of the charts.

See my detailed post, Revisiting the 911 Call Chart - Part 4:

You will see that 30+ days later, my judgment is essentially the same as it was on 2-11-09.

As for your question whether she was moved or not, I suspect she was discarded in the neighborhood.

I apologize if this post has frightened, upset, disturbed or offended anyone who is reading it, for none of those things are my intention. Forensic astrology by its very nature is starkly black & white and I relay its messages as I see them.

Thank you,

The Astros have been following this case since it broke. Our judgments have not substantially changed since Day 1, when we were working with a "questionable" LAST SEEN and only a Sunrise natal for Haleigh.

Here is Tuba's first post on Thread #1:


Here is my 1st post on Thread #1:

02-11-2009, 10:29 PM

Registered User
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Western New York
Posts: 760

Haleigh Cummings LAST SEEN
Haleigh Cummings, age 5, was last seen asleep in her bed by her dad's 17 year old girlfriend Misty Croslin at approx. 10:00 pm on Monday 2/9/09.

Charts here:

There are several things that strike me.

1. CHIRON (hurt, damage) is partile conjunct SUN in critical degree (21 Fixed) and both conjunct NEPTUNE (disappearance) in the 5th House of Children.

2. MOON separates from opposition to CHIRON/SUN/NEPTUNE conjunction across the 5/11 axis. This could suggest the danger comes from friend of the family (11th House of Friends). Because MOON is Void of Course and separating from the opposition, it's too late to stop whatever is in process of happening. If MOON could function despite being VOC, she would trine PLUTO, natural significator of kidnappers (along with NEPTUNE) in 4 degrees 9 minutes.

3. VENUS Lord 1 (Haleigh) is poorly placed in the radix 6th House close enough to 7th House cusp to indicate she is about to have a change in circumstances (changing houses). VENUS is afflicted by being in Aries, sign of her detriment, sextile to MARS (violence/rapist/murderer), square PLUTO (violence, kidnapping, abuse) and contraparallel URANUS (sudden change/ upheaval).

4. VENUS (Haleigh) is quindecile (165 degrees) SATURN, natural significator of Death, suggesting highly critical and unstable circumstances (remember SATURN is exactly opposed URANUS of instability).

5. I note that CHIRON/SUN/NEPTUNE conjunction is opposite Haleigh's natal SUN at 24 Leo and is partile opposed Part of Sonia* in Haleigh's natal Sunrise chart. (The Part of Sonia placement is very speculative because I don't have Haleigh's place of birth or time of birth. Nonetheless, I found this partile opposition very *coincidental* to say the least!)

*Part of Sonia has been found prominent in death charts according to research done by Astrologer Lynn Koiner. I have been experimenting with it.

6. Event chart ASCENDANT 11 Libra is partile trine Haleigh's natal NEPTUNE 11 Aquarius (disappearance).

7. Event chart BLACK MOON LILITH, often active in catastrophes/tragedies/fatalities, at 20 Capricorn is in same degree as Event chart SATURN opposite URANUS.

8. Event chart NODES at 9 Aquarius/Leo are in critical degree (9 Fixed) and in same degree as Haleigh's natal SATURN (9 Cancer).

9. Haleigh's natal SUN (24 Leo) is in Fateful Degree (same degree as the NODES) in her natal chart (NODES at 24 Taurus/Scorpio). According to Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, this always connotes a catastrophe, tragedy or fatality, both in natal as well as horary charts.

Unfortunately, this preliminary evaluation points to abduction by a pedophile. I will have to study the other charts to see if they confirm.



Since then, we have examined more verifiable charts, specifically the LAST SEEN BY G-GMA and the 911 CALL charts and were provided with what we cautiously believe to be Haleigh's true birth time (6:49:30 am). Our judgments have not substantially changed.

1. This was an abduction.

2. The crime was exacerbated by "incompetent" and/or "inadequate" caretaking.

3. The crime was facilitated by the lifestyle/ behavioral choices/ associations of the "parents" (i.e., Ronald & Misty). In other words, Haleigh's existence was exposed to the perp through her parents' associations, choices of friends & acquaintances, lifestyle decisions, etc.

Could the motive for Haleigh's abduction have been revenge? Yes, it could have... She may have been taken in retaliation for a drug deal gone bad, money owed, anger/resentment against either or both of the parents, etc. Did the parents "sell" or "trade" her? No. She was abducted.

4. There is "family connection." The perp is very likely someone known to Ronald and/or Misty. It could be a family member, friend, acquaintance, neighbor --- or someone associated with any of the aforementioned persons. This person could be a registered sex offender, but it is just as possible the person is not registered and operates under the radar screen.

5. There is a sexual component in all of the charts.

6. There are strong death markers in all of the charts.

See my detailed post, Revisiting the 911 Call Chart - Part 4:

You will see that 30+ days later, my judgment is essentially the same as it was on 2-11-09.

As for your question whether she was moved or not, I suspect she was discarded in the neighborhood.

I apologize if this post has frightened, upset, disturbed or offended anyone who is reading it, for none of those things are my intention. Forensic astrology by its very nature is starkly black & white and I relay its messages as I see them.

Thank you,

That is why I prefer these charts to news or media. The more I learn about forensic astrology (thanks to all the wonderful astros here) the more I learn you simply cannot put your own emotions into interpreting chart. It is what it is. Again, Thank you so much for all that you Astro's do here, it exhausts me just to read some of these charts, I cannot imagine doing all the work on them! (can I blame being a Libra on that>?) lol
Thanks Soulscape, I have been following you guys since Caylee, I have read all your posts, I guess I just forget there is so much to take in, its so very sad, I just want it to be diffrent than whatever the truth maybe. Thank you again.
Mahalo, I just got done reading your entire thread! Although I dont understand your "astrological jargo", your work is Remarkable.
I don't know much about forensic Astrology, I been try to check here once in awhile.
For about a week i have a very strong feeling about someone is there a short list which
would be stongest pick like
neigbor is there a high percent. this one person has kept me up at night and I can't mention their name i will be ban. my feeling are so strong i get up just to check the posts in the middle of the night. I am not friend i do not live in Flordia I am just sleuther. Thanks in adv. Might not be able to help me. I thought i try.

Hello tfrohn,
If you or anyone else feels strongly enough to suspect someone, the best policy is to contact the owner and administrators and let them assess the situation. They are in the best position to deal with something like this.
Alright, since many people are now poo-pooing the drug dealer/drug debt angle (including some locals, from what I can see), and the new PI for CS named Cobra (see link below) is discussing the baby-selling trade, what markers indicate trafficking in a forensic chart? Now I am not pushing that theory per se, but it's worth noting that little Haleigh could have been taken to satisfy a debt. Apologies if this has been mentioned before. I am going to re-read this thread yet again.

link to story about Cobra:

Also if there is an asteroid Cobra we can place that in the chart. (running off to check lists, including Sabian. I don't know about other critical points, so if someone would like to chime in on that, thanks)

There is no asteroid relating to Cobra, but there is an asteroid relating to CR (one of many names mentioned as a suspect early on) but nothing else so far. That asteroid does have a significant aspect to the Mars/Uranus conjunction in Haleigh's natal chart.


WS frowns upon discussions regarding people one may be curious about until or unless they are noted by LE as POIs or suspects.

Let's not drag everybody the families have ever crossed paths with into the dirt.

We appreciate you bringing us dates, times, locations, dates of events/the crime, the crime report, a search date & time, documents & time of recording, news conference times, and links if you believe it should be brought to the attention of the Astrologers.

ps: will be removing or editing OT posts as well. Please understand there are quite a few threads out on the Main Forum where members speculate and think out loud.

Thank you for your understanding~
fwiw, if fifth's post was directed at my link, I did not include a name....just a link to a media report in case it may mean something later. Several of the readings have mentioned the possibility of a nonregistered SO and after seeing it in the news I thought you guys would be interested..........since LE is officially looking for the man per their media release.

Either way... I will go back up and delete my link. Sorry for any violations of tos on my part.
Nursebeeme, absolutely not directed at you. My apologies the notice ended up under yours so I can see why you might have thought that.:smile:
Hi All, First I want to say you guys are amazing. And Soulscape and Tuba, I always look for your posts. I've been reading this for a while. Too scared to jump in and show my "education":blushing:
I have a question about comparing charts can you do one for Haleigh's natal and the last search?
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