Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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Bluestars, the posts in Thread 1: #37 on page 2 and #60 on page 3, are mine and do not reflect what you took away from the posts by other astrologers Vaire, Soulscape and Leomoon80. I can only defend & support my own work, as I know you will understand.

Leomoon80 is on vacation, Vaire must be busy and Soulscape is on the point of return from her house move. You will have to take up with them the questions that you have about the early days of this investigation.

Thanks for your response Tuba. I went back and read those two posts of yours again. I already read everything once, but sometimes going back and reading things again helps me work out the questions in my mind.

I think I see what your reading was saying. I understand part of it. Sometimes the readings are confusing. I don't know if the planets designate a person or not, so I get confused.

Did the reading on post #50 tell you if more than one person was involved? It seemed like there was a quarrel and also that Kyron felt betrayed and not protected. I don't know if parts of it referred to other members of the family or not. I guess it's hard to tell from the charts just who is represented (at least for me).

I've got a several theories rolling around in my mind and I'm trying to see if I can get any clues from the very early readings.

Thanks again Tuba. Everything you do here is very much appreciated.
I was looking at a chart and post by soulscape. I don't know if soulscape is available to answer my question, if not then I think others can answer if for me.

Here is the link and it is post 30. It states that Kyron's was official noted missing June 4 at 3:45. It also states Death 15:10 Sagitarrius. Does that mean that Kyron was deceased at 15:10 ? If not does it state what time Kyron was deceased ? It seems that I must be wrong because if that was the case then he was only deceased for 35 minutes before declaring him missing. Please help, I need lots of it. LOL
I was looking at a chart and post by soulscape. I don't know if soulscape is available to answer my question, if not then I think others can answer if for me.

Here is the link and it is post 30. It states that Kyron's was official noted missing June 4 at 3:45. It also states Death 15:10 Sagitarrius. Does that mean that Kyron was deceased at 15:10 ? If not does it state what time Kyron was deceased ? It seems that I must be wrong because if that was the case then he was only deceased for 35 minutes before declaring him missing. Please help, I need lots of it. LOL

Here is SOULSCAPES post #56 from thread 1. It lists and discusses a 9:00am Chart and the 'official' time of 3:56 Reported Missing chart.
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #1[/ame]

The 9:00am chart clearly shows a crisis around that time with the ASC Leo 0-degree of homicide. Kyron likely passed around or shortly after that time of the morning.

This Moon is smack on the Uranus and Pluto of Portland and that chart for the city is on page 11 of this thread at 263 and 264. That does mean POW! impact but the lunar illumination is in hidden sectors on next Friday evening. Much information is held in reserve. A prosecution culminates and matters that have been hanging are brought together under the influence of this Full Moon.

Yes, we know that intercepts mean concealment and we also know that Houses of evidence, H. 3 and outcome, H. 4 have to be read together since Cancer holds both cusps. South Node is in H. 3, so tidying of the evidence and processing is necessary and requires funding.

It is extremely significant that the Mars - Neptune opposition of Kyron's disappearance is repeated here in a square between those two planets. Due to this repeat theme, Kyron is all over the map of the Full Moon. We also know that his 0° Scorpio Venus is struck by the Sun at this culminating Moon of 29°33' Aries (Sun 29°33' Libra).

Full Moon occurs on a Venus day in a Mars hour, so the public's receptivity to the need for additional money to package the case is the issue lit by this planetary array, October 22, 2010. Please see Venus seeking public H. 7 support Scorpio at crisis, 9° Fixed Sign. The Neptune square coming from Grand Jury to Mars in the public sector dumbfounded many and muddled the perception of how the investigation was developing.

This Moon is smack on the Uranus and Pluto of Portland and that chart for the city is on page 11 of this thread at 263 and 264. That does mean POW! impact but the lunar illumination is in hidden sectors on next Friday evening. Much information is held in reserve. A prosecution culminates and matters that have been hanging are brought together under the influence of this Full Moon.

Yes, we know that intercepts mean concealment and we also know that Houses of evidence, H. 3 and outcome, H. 4 have to be read together since Cancer holds both cusps. South Node is in H. 3, so tidying of the evidence and processing is necessary and requires funding.

It is extremely significant that the Mars - Neptune opposition of Kyron's disappearance is repeated here in a square between those two planets. Due to this repeat theme, Kyron is all over the map of the Full Moon. We also know that his 0° Scorpio Venus is struck by the Sun at this culminating Moon of 29°33' Aries (Sun 29°33' Libra).

Full Moon occurs on a Venus day in a Mars hour, so the public's receptivity to the need for additional money to package the case is the issue lit by this planetary array, October 22, 2010. Please see Venus seeking public H. 7 support Scorpio at crisis, 9° Fixed Sign. The Neptune square coming from Grand Jury to Mars in the public sector dumbfounded many and muddled the perception of how the investigation was developing.

Tuba, first of all thank you so much again for all that you and the other astrologers do. You can tell when we posters are lined up waiting for you. LOL

It seems as if some people have always believed that LE didn't have anything or that they were grasping for anything. They have critized LE and even suggested that KH or DY hire their own detectives. I have always known that LE was doing a great job. Like the chart says, many have been fooled into thinking that LE doesn't have anything, are playing games and acting as if they do have information. These people, I feel will be in for the shock of their lives when soon LE puts the handcuffs on the ones involved in the disappearance. These are just my thoughts as how I perceive the last statement that you made about what the chart was saying. I can hardly contain my excitement that there will be justice for Kyron.
FYI: JW, who once inserted himself into the Kyron investigation via the media and the internet, has recently notified forums that he wants references about him deleted. Threats and extortion seem to involved in his contact with Websleuths.

Just some additional thoughts on Kyron's disappearance. Placing his natal planets, now definitely known, into the wheel for the moment SWNBN claims she said goodbye to him, supports the references Desiree has made to actions in the school parking lot. Kyron's natal Mars at 6:49 Virgo is right there next to the school at 7:52 Virgo, which does speak of an incident there and then. We already knew there was a problem due to Saturn's presence in House 3 of her farewell chart.

Neptune, so afflictive that day in its opposition to Mars, is also antiscion or solstice point to Kyron's natal Venus at 0:57 Scorpio & Venus rules his 12th House of grief and sorrow where a Mercury in crisis (21° Fixed) was transiting. (Directly upon the cusp) That was the degree corresponding to "heeding a voice". It is the solstice point of his natal Jupiter, victim to the false faced deluding Neptune, which was just opposite at 8:30 Aquarius when he was born, making him vulnerable to confidence games. What he was hearing were manipulative lies and false presentations.

Already discussed, his Pallas Athena natal is 13:16 Aquarius, at the same degree as his lunar nodes, meaning a tragedy or fatality and transit Pallas on June 4 was conjunct Kyron's Saturn. Which is also Kaine's Saturn. Someone considered herself to be meting out harsh justice that day. What an ugly picture of duplicity & revenge!
Tuba, it sounds like what happened to Kyron may have been a result of revenge for someone. How sad to use an innocent child that way.
Just some additional thoughts on Kyron's disappearance. Placing his natal planets, now definitely known, into the wheel for the moment SWNBN claims she said goodbye to him, supports the references Desiree has made to actions in the school parking lot. Kyron's natal Mars at 6:49 Virgo is right there next to the school at 7:52 Virgo, which does speak of an incident there and then. We already knew there was a problem due to Saturn's presence in House 3 of her farewell chart.

Neptune, so afflictive that day in its opposition to Mars, is also antiscion or solstice point to Kyron's natal Venus at 0:57 Scorpio & Venus rules his 12th House of grief and sorrow where a Mercury in crisis (21° Fixed) was transiting. (Directly upon the cusp) That was the degree corresponding to "heeding a voice". It is the solstice point of his natal Jupiter, victim to the false faced deluding Neptune, which was just opposite at 8:30 Aquarius when he was born, making him vulnerable to confidence games. What he was hearing were manipulative lies and false presentations.

Already discussed, his Pallas Athena natal is 13:16 Aquarius, at the same degree as his lunar nodes, meaning a tragedy or fatality and transit Pallas on June 4 was conjunct Kyron's Saturn. Which is also Kaine's Saturn. Someone considered herself to be meting out harsh justice that day. What an ugly picture of duplicity & revenge!

Funny how that "someone" worked that out, considering this someone's involvement with another's husband! Just like a child that's stolen her brothers candy, with no remorse - is mortified when that brother dares to steal her candy. It's off to the firing squad for him.

SWMNBN has "Megaria" 29:32 Pisces. Jupiter was tranisting it on June 4th 29:45 Pisces.

Megaira was named for one of the Furies, three Greek goddess who pursue and torment people guilty of violating fundamental taboos like murder and inhospitality. Her name means "hatred."

Astrologically, Megaira seems to indicate hatred, inciting hatred, bigotry, accusations.

This is from Mark Andrew Holmes, who has investigated many, many asteroids.

Someone's 2012 Solar Return. Pluto 9:22 Capricorn, (and that's dang close to her NN) Mars 9:37 Rx Virgo, BML, Jupiter and Venus 9:45 Taurus.

She was always going to have this Grand Trine - it's not dependent on any action she took in the past. But perhaps, because of past actions it will manifest in her life in a totally different way than if she were blameless.

Ceres 19:31 Aries, conjunct natal "Dike" 19:37 Aries. Asteroid Dike is the goddess of earthy justice.

The kicker is "Mergaira" is 10:09 Pisces. The same place the June 4th Moon was.
So interesting, isn't it. The Pisces Moon, which was SWNBN ruling her bye bye Ascendant, asteroid Terri and her lunar node, all together with Mergaira. Thank you for finding that asteroid and describing its influence, Paulette.
Funny how that "someone" worked that out, considering this someone's involvement with another's husband! Just like a child that's stolen her brothers candy, with no remorse - is mortified when that brother dares to steal her candy. It's off to the firing squad for him.

SWMNBN has "Megaria" 29:32 Pisces. Jupiter was tranisting it on June 4th 29:45 Pisces.

Megaira was named for one of the Furies, three Greek goddess who pursue and torment people guilty of violating fundamental taboos like murder and inhospitality. Her name means "hatred."

Astrologically, Megaira seems to indicate hatred, inciting hatred, bigotry, accusations.

This is from Mark Andrew Holmes, who has investigated many, many asteroids.

Someone's 2012 Solar Return. Pluto 9:22 Capricorn, (and that's dang close to her NN) Mars 9:37 Rx Virgo, BML, Jupiter and Venus 9:45 Taurus.

She was always going to have this Grand Trine - it's not dependent on any action she took in the past. But perhaps, because of past actions it will manifest in her life in a totally different way than if she were blameless.

Ceres 19:31 Aries, conjunct natal "Dike" 19:37 Aries. Asteroid Dike is the goddess of earthy justice.

The kicker is "Mergaira" is 10:09 Pisces. The same place the June 4th Moon was.

Paulette, could you go into detail a little more to help me understand the full extent of what you are saying? I would appreciate it so much. I would like to know if the motive would be the J situation? I don't know how much we are allowed to post things. Do we have to tip toe around or are we allowed to come out and say what we really think that the chart is saying.

I feel that sometimes things are withheld from the people that don't know how to read the charts. I feel that the astrologers know more of what is going on then we do and they are not saying certain things. Am I wrong? Can't the astrologers come out and say what they think that the charts are saying?

Are we allowed to use names such as Kaine, James?

I will put out fake names for now. I will give an example. I feel that the charts are saying that the SWNBNM is thinking that her son Jimmy was ousted from the home, by Harry his stepfather and sent to live with someone other then his mother. The SWNBNM planned to take action and make Harry dearly suffer for what she perceived that Harry did. The SWNBNM sets up a plan for hateful revenge. The SWNBNM had help. Mary is SWNBNM's friend who helped her works out and plants flowers and does some landscaping. The SWNBNM took Kyron to school and told Kyron lies about what they were going to do that day. SWNBNM hid in the school, got Kyron to leave school with at least the the SWNBNM and Mary and probably a baby. This harming of Kyron had more to do with revenging Harry. Kyron did not cause this to happen by something that he did. Hateful revenge was the motive that Kyron has not been seen since.

Is that what you are trying to say? Do you feel that was the motive? Could we maybe think that the SWNBNM wanted to do away and possibly have Harry murdered and when that didn't happen then she chose to go ahead with the plan on Kyron never being seen again. Knowing that this would kill Harry also, but not causing his bodily death. If this is what transpired, it was a planning in the works for a long time.

OK, tell me if I am on the same page.

Sorry for the long post.
Paulette, stated:

Megaira was named for one of the Furies, three Greek goddess who pursue and torment people guilty of violating fundamental taboos like murder and inhospitality. Her name means "hatred."
So I was thinking that the motive of this case hinged on the above statement due to the inhospitality. Is any of the astrologers in agreement with that being the motive?

I would like to know if the motive would be the J situation? I don't know how much we are allowed to post things. Do we have to tip toe around or are we allowed to come out and say what we really think that the chart is saying.

I feel that sometimes things are withheld from the people that don't know how to read the charts. I feel that the astrologers know more of what is going on then we do and they are not saying certain things. Am I wrong? Can't the astrologers come out and say what they think that the charts are saying?

Are we allowed to use names such as Kaine, James?

Each of the Astrologers who have posted do relay their observations with their interpretations as they study the charts. If any clues are evident in the Event charts and the associated charts of the 'victim' and or related persons of interest, the information has already been posted.

Although Kaine is not a participant or responsible for the disappearance of this child, we are allowed to write his name or use initials as a matter of convenience. The step-son is a minor so TOS does not allow for posting of his or any minors names unless of course, they are the victim or noted by LE as a person of interest or suspect.

We cannot read peoples minds nor can we guess what action they will take in any situation since we/they are all blessed with free will, therefore do understand that mental process which motivates them to act out at any particular moment is devised at that time. As astrologers we can gather an understanding of the nature of a person, their weaknesses and strengths by looking at their Natal chart and also see the planetary influences that surround them at the time of an event, but again it would be hard for anyone to say with absolute surety what is going on in any person's mind when they make that decision to put things in motion. Free will= it's a Go or it's a No.

Your theory has been discussed out in the main Missing Persons thread for Kyron and is one of several possibilities. Astrologically, it is obvious the female who moved out of the family home was not capable of connecting with Kyron nor was she comforting to him in any way. He was deceived and let down hard early that morning. Poor little fella.
Thank you so much Fifth. I love all of the astrologers here. Everyone is unique and awesome. I see your point very much. I haven't been reading the Kyron discussion board, but I will start and keep reading the astrology forum. This astrology forum seems to be my first home. I will have to crack down and do some studying with beginners Astrology. Once again that you and all the astrologers for taking the time to show others how the charts are read and what information that they can give up. I know that they do many charts and that they are very busy. :blowkiss:
Paulette, stated:

Megaira was named for one of the Furies, three Greek goddess who pursue and torment people guilty of violating fundamental taboos like murder and inhospitality. Her name means "hatred."
So I was thinking that the motive of this case hinged on the above statement due to the inhospitality. Is any of the astrologers in agreement with that being the motive?

Paulette: Thanks for posting these, I simply never would have even thought
to seek out these lesser known asteroids.

"Inhospitable" to Kyron seems to fit quite well..........if indeed it is as we all think it is.

: (

Sort of like the newer case of Zahra moving across the continent to a new home.
First post!

I have been watching the Horman thread for (sadly) months. Like many, I anticipate any nugget Leomoon80, Tuba, et al, have on this case.

I live in the North East (hence my handle "ANDROMEDA")

Every time I take my doggie to the back '40 and walk across the old vegetable garden's now over-grown depression, I think of Kyron.

I think November will bring us a "reveal".

I'm not an astrologer by any stretch of the imagination. But I can be intuitive. I just really feel Kyron is close, now.

Thanks Tuba, Paulette, FifthEssense and Leomoon80! You guys are truly inspirational.
Paulette, could you go into detail a little more to help me understand the full extent of what you are saying? I would appreciate it so much. I would like to know if the motive would be the J situation? I don't know how much we are allowed to post things. Do we have to tip toe around or are we allowed to come out and say what we really think that the chart is saying.

I feel that sometimes things are withheld from the people that don't know how to read the charts. I feel that the astrologers know more of what is going on then we do and they are not saying certain things. Am I wrong? Can't the astrologers come out and say what they think that the charts are saying?

Are we allowed to use names such as Kaine, James?

I will put out fake names for now. I will give an example. I feel that the charts are saying that the SWNBNM is thinking that her son Jimmy was ousted from the home, by Harry his stepfather and sent to live with someone other then his mother. The SWNBNM planned to take action and make Harry dearly suffer for what she perceived that Harry did. The SWNBNM sets up a plan for hateful revenge. The SWNBNM had help. Mary is SWNBNM's friend who helped her works out and plants flowers and does some landscaping. The SWNBNM took Kyron to school and told Kyron lies about what they were going to do that day. SWNBNM hid in the school, got Kyron to leave school with at least the the SWNBNM and Mary and probably a baby. This harming of Kyron had more to do with revenging Harry. Kyron did not cause this to happen by something that he did. Hateful revenge was the motive that Kyron has not been seen since.

Is that what you are trying to say? Do you feel that was the motive? Could we maybe think that the SWNBNM wanted to do away and possibly have Harry murdered and when that didn't happen then she chose to go ahead with the plan on Kyron never being seen again. Knowing that this would kill Harry also, but not causing his bodily death. If this is what transpired, it was a planning in the works for a long time.

OK, tell me if I am on the same page.

Sorry for the long post.

You would be wrong to feel that. We know that isn't true. Harry was out of town when this occurred. It was accomplished behind his back, thus, it was planned to occur when it did for a purpose.
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