Forensic Astrology - KYRON HORMAN disappears 6/4/10 Portland, OR #2

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Dear Astrologers,

Is another search imminent? And, if so, when?

Thanks. I'm so grateful for your work.

NOTE: I'm just starting to read here! It's fascinating going back and reading, knowing what I know now about the case.
Hi, All. I'm sorry if this is O/T, but I am lost. I read somewhere here (I went back to the beginning and started to read this whole thread) that Tuba had placed a dream about Kyron in the dream thread. I've been stumbling around, looking for it, to no avail.

I'm particularly interested in any dreams regarding the search area, but would like to read them all...

I seem to have limited use of the forum, perhaps because I am so new? I can't even look at posts by me... the response is "You are not allowed to do that", much less anyone else! So... clicking on Tuba's name doesn't work for me, to pull up all her posts that way.

So sorry for the O/T, but I'm just too exhausted to figure this out right now. Also, to prevent further bumbling publicly by me, in the forensic astrology forum, if I have a technical question, as above, where should I go?

Ugh. Many thanks..... for your patience zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
AS - I sent you a pm to help ya! Hit refresh and it should pop up.

Here is a place to ask more questions: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

and :Welcome-12-june::newbie:
Actually, those pictures were the eidetic images of remote viewing, not dreams. As such, they should be in the Parking Lot Dreams and Visions Thread but they are not together, all on different pages.
A News,
My hero! Thanks so much!
Can't wait to read about the RV... fascinating stuff, as well! :)
And now... back to forensic astrology & Kyron...
Not sure if this is where something like this should go. But so much of this article reiterates a lot of the charts Tuba has been posting for us.

Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton confident Kyron Horman investigation won't end up in the cold case files

"...Investigators suspect more than one person was involved in Kyron's disappearance and thatmore than one crime occurred: an alleged murder-for-hire scheme by the boy's stepmother against her husband before the boy went missing, Kyron's kidnapping, and who knows what else. They're still unsure what happened to the child, and have had to consider all options, including his being abducted, becoming a victim of human trafficking or being killed...A grand jury has heard from at least 40 witnesses and continues to meet intermittently. ... "I wanted to know what's going on because I lost confidence in the investigation," he said. "I felt the case was moving towards a cold case, and I was concerned. We had collected a ton of information, and nothing was being answered."

He called a special meeting of the lead investigators, who shared what they knew. His confidence was bolstered. There was an investigative plan. A slew of cell phone tower records were being sought, and computer records and thousands of e-mails were to be analyzed, but persons of interest had emerged whose alibis about where they were during the six crucial hours before Kyron was reported missing didn't stack up. The stepmother failed two polygraphs and walked out on a third, exams administered by different law enforcement agencies.

In October, the investigation, which at one time involved more than 42 law enforcement agencies and search and rescue groups, switched to a nine-member multiagency task force. The sheriff's office got an extra $209,000 to cover overtime, and an investigative technician, ....

The task force continues to sort leads, identify persons of interest and track Terri Horman's e-mails and phone calls before, after and since Kyron went missing, and it has enlisted the help of the Oregon Department of Justice to analyze cell phone tower records, and a regional lab to review computer files of potential suspects.

They must look at all potential theories: They suspect Kyron's stepmother's involvement, but did she pass the boy off to someone? Could the boy have been taken along the I-5 corridor and out of the country? They also must identify and interview child predators and sex offenders living in the area.

"They're a lot further along," Staton said. "They started out with a long laundry list. ... They've gradually been able to eliminate people who they can say are absolutely not involved. This investigation has narrowed it down significantly."

And, with "not one shred of evidence to indicate the child has died," Staton said, investigators must push forward as though Kyron is still alive. ..."
Today I have the questions. In thinking about a possible accomplice in this crime, it would be useful to know if there is a neighborhood of cottages or residences on Sauvie Is. Not isolated houses or farms but an identifiable neighborhood.

An involved individual should be placid and quiet with some wrinkling of the skin and an odd hitch in his gait. Withdrawn or other worldly eye expression. Nondescript coloring. Owns or uses a boat. He evades and equivocates and his will is weak. Even though anyone who participated in the crime has to be a frightening type, something inside him cringed after the fact at what was done. Neptune did station to turn backward that very day.

I'm so amazed that even a physical description could be provided through forensic astrology!

Tuba, can you talk a little about this, please? I won't understand the particulars, though I'm sure other astrologers would be interested in this. But could you please discuss it for the layperson?

Also, BBM, could you please discuss this please? "Neptune did station to turn backward that very day."

Thanks again.
The planet involved in the treachery of the act perpetrated upon our victim was Neptune (opposite Mars exact) and when that planet turned in motion, the traitor had second thoughts. One could say a soupcon of remorse or self-loathing. Recoiled from what had been done.
From this thread you will know how I value the time SWNBN provided for her farewell to Kyron and the charts that can be founded upon that time. As explained, they are a window into her state of mind because she named that moment "her goodbye". Eight o'clock and forty-five minutes represents her outlook and attitude and the actions she took.

In the General Thread, many times the phases of the Moon are posted and explained in detail, so the final quarter Moon is familiar. June 4 was the last quarter of the Moon. This is the time to rid oneself of ideations that are not constructive or that do not hold truth, are dishonest. Plans built on such notions are for the discard pile and the time to act is now, when the Moon is in her last quarter. This was the backdrop of the day. When the Sun and Moon are squared, conflict treads across the meanders and strolls of a country fair. Tension invades the scene. We also know that Dark Moon Lilith was 13° Pisces, with the Moon and exactly square the Sun.

What SWNBN did not say was that just one minute before she claims to bid Kyron goodbye, she is disrupted by contact from a distance. 26° Cancer is a crisis, a critical degree. Her reaction is frenzied. Her lunar node is on the Moon at this time, so an associate away in another neighborhood propels her to hurry out of the building. If SWNBN had with her a cell phone, this was the source of the outreach but if this had been a fair in 1880, a prior arrangement with this party would have acted upon her in the same manner. So, cell phone or no, it was time to go. We also know this to be true because the Moon is sesquare the 26° Ascendant. Sesquares behave in the way just described. They interrupt, they rush you to finish up, they agitate and they bring danger and misuse of energies.

You will remember and you will see that the Moon, SWNBN, was last over Neptune of the scheme, the betrayal. Moon had also seen an opportunity in Pluto just six days earlier, when those two bodies sextiled. Sextiles always create the occasion, the opportunity for what follows. There is no force that impels us to act on such an opportunity, it is a choice. Since we acquired Kyron's birth time, we know that this Pluto was riding his Descendant, opposing him. But what SWNBN's event chart tells us is that this particular Pluto was a menace and a law breaker, violating all norms, because he is found in the Sign of the Descendant, Capricorn but in the House behind the Seventh, lurking and acting out in destruction, against the public good or weal.

There is another element to color the day and we have considered it in the past. The Uranian element. 13° II is the degree of the north node of planet Uranus and the Sun held that very degree on June 4. Further, Uranus had entered a new Sign and was at zero Aries, not controllable, on auto-pilot. This Uranus, as we know, afflicted the menace Pluto. So there was a bizarre and zane-ball intrusion where anything could happen. The square of these two outer planets produces subversive violence, the mania to destroy and explosive rebellion.

We know there was a secret and hidden love interest, we know there was a contact from afar. In order to understand what SWNBN set in motion, we need to identify this person. We do not need to understand the why. Entering the distorted convolutions of the criminal mind is an unfortunate and unproductive enterprise; you cannot second guess a fiend because his or her reasoning will never match your own.
Dear Tuba & Astrologers,

The potential for an upciming public outcry was mentioned, I believe. Can you talk about how mercury retrograde will influence communication (if any) between law enforcement and the public between now and then? (I think this occurs on Friday?)


A. Star
Pluto, as we saw back in June and as reviewed above by one post at #709, lent an energy to the event of Kyron's taking. Due to Pluto's afflicted condition (square Uranus & evil location), the energy was criminal in nature. Pluto also represents concealed knowledge. Since Mercury now stations on Pluto, conjunct the planet, together those two can act to bring the facts to visible surface.

In terms, limited terms, of public vis a vis task force, there is nothing more persuasive, dynamic and dramatic than Pluto operating in harmony with Mercury, so it is all good. They will rejoin on January 17 & 18, when Mercury swings back around and is direct again.

By the way, Mercury resumes forward motion December 30, from 19° Sagittarius.
<snip, snip>... Since Mercury now stations on Pluto, conjunct the planet, together those two can act to bring the facts to visible surface.

In terms, limited terms, of public vis a vis task force, there is nothing more persuasive, dynamic and dramatic than Pluto operating in harmony with Mercury, so it is all good. They will rejoin on January 17 & 18, when Mercury swings back around and is direct again.

By the way, Mercury resumes forward motion December 30, from 19° Sagittarius.

Dear Tuba:
I'm so relieved to hear this. Thanks for enlightenment and further clarification.

A. Star
Tuba, when those bodies sextiled six days earlier, is that when a plan went into effect?

snipped from Tuba's post above:
"Moon had also seen an opportunity in Pluto just six days earlier, when those two bodies sextiled. Sextiles always create the occasion, the opportunity for what follows."
Dear Tuba:

I'm cautiously optimistic now. I feared that Mercury retrograde would be bad news for the already suffering communications between the public and LE.

I will watch and pray and send Reiki to the situation, hoping that this will the impetus for change.

If the stars our on our/Kyron's side, this is the best we can hope for, beside a miracle.

I pray that searchers will be safe and no one else will be hurt during any upcoming attempts to recover our sweet Kyron.

Anyone visiting the island, if a search is focused there, should take care to avoid private property (including the houseboat residences); and consider that it may just be hunting season, so dress appropriately. (WEAR ORANGE :)

Luck = preparation + opportunity ?

Bless you
Curious Me, what the planets and Houses tell us is that the sextile to Pluto provided the collaborator. Also the willingness to take ruthless measures formed fully then but the plan was framed up earlier in May, about the 17th. We have to ask ourselves what sort of "human" would decide to participate in this? But then what sort of woman trained to teach children has an edress "lewd conduct @....."? Through that alone, she could have attracted the slime of the earth.
Astral Star, last weekend was astrologically optimal for the search. However, the Portland weather was another factor. Tomorrow and Monday provide good planetary "illumination".
Orchids to you and a plate of white poinsettas if you can locate the time SWNBN took Kyron & his school pal to the bowling alley on Sunday, May 30.
Orchids to you and a plate of white poinsettas if you can locate the time SWNBN took Kyron & his school pal to the bowling alley on Sunday, May 30.

Tuba is this what you are looking for:


She said they volunteered together at Skyline School where her son, Curtis, is good friends with Kyron, and when Terri asked Curtis to go bowling with the family just days before Kyron disappeared, a normally protective Holm let her son go.

&#8220;I don&#8217;t let my kids go with anybody, and I let him go bowling with them the Sunday before he disappeared, because I just trusted them,&#8221; she said. &#8220;I didn&#8217;t think anything bad about them.&#8221;
Yes, that is the outing I am talking about. The whole planetary and occultation set up was remarkable that weekend but the time on Sunday, May 30 is important. In my web searches, I have nearly "got there". Obviously, since a photo was published on SWNBN's web page back in June, those who were early on reading her facebook, could have helped out but only today did I learn of the bowling trip.
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