Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA

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My friends, that is the very chart that is posted above your suggestions! The chart is marked 2:45 a.m. because daylight savings time was still in effect. This requires us to subtract one hour from the time on the newspaper distributor's watch or the clock she looked at. The only indicator that her statement would ever be contradicted is the Cardinal Moon, of all the possible counterweights.
Investigators believe Morgan Harrington was hitchhiking on the night she disappeared
November 13, 2009
Investigators now believe Morgan Harrington was hitchhiking in the area of Copeley Road Bridge in Charlottesville the night she disappeared.

Harrington went missing during a Metallica concert at the John Paul Jones Arena on the University of Virginia campus on October 17th.

Authorities are asking if anyone recalls seeing a young woman hitchhiking that night on or near the bridge to call or email police.

Here is the full news release:
STATE AND LOCAL POLICE STILL SEEK PUBLIC&#8217;S AID IN LOCATING MORGAN HARRINGTONRICHMOND &#8211; As the search and investigative efforts continue for missing college student Morgan Harrington, state and local investigators are now able to release additional details concerning the night of her disappearance. Miss Harrington disappeared Oct. 17, 2009, during a Metallica concert at the John Paul Jones Arena on the University of Virginia (UVA) campus in Charlottesville, Va.

During the course of the investigation, police have been able to establish a timeline of Miss Harrington&#8217;s movements once she ended up outside of the arena at approximately 8:30 p.m. After talking to her friends on her cell phone, she then walked through the parking lot of University Hall and was also seen in the Lannigan Field athlete parking lot, which is also used for RV parking. At around 9:30 p.m., she was seen walking on the Copeley Road bridge near Ivy Road.

Based on independent witness accounts, investigators are confident that Miss Harrington was hitchhiking for a ride while on the Copeley Road bridge. If anyone recalls seeing a young woman hitchhiking that night on or near the Copeley Road bridge, then they are asked to please contact police by phone or email. Anyone who might remember seeing a vehicle randomly stopped in the roadway on Copeley Road bridge that night is also asked to contact investigators. Investigators are also hoping to hear from anyone who might have loaned their cell phone to a young woman fitting Miss Harrington&#8217;s description to make a call that night.

In addition to Miss Harrington&#8217;s black T-shirt with the word &#8220;Pantera&#8221; spelled out in tan letters, black mini-skirt, black tights, and knee-high black boots, she was wearing a distinctive necklace. It is a Swarovski Crystal necklace made up of large crystal chain links. She is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs approximately 120 pounds with blond hair and blue eyes.

The search and investigation are still being actively pursued by Virginia State Police, University of Virginia Police, Charlottesville Police, Albemarle County Police and the FBI. The public has generated close to 400 leads in the case. Anyone can call the Virginia State Police Tip Line at (434) 352-3467 or email State Police at UVA Police can be reached at (434) 924-7166. Anonymous tips are welcome.

Also accepting tips is the Jefferson Area Crime Stoppers at 434-977-4000. A reward of $150,041 is available for information that leads to the location and recovery of Miss Harrington.

Morgan Harrington was wearing a distinctive necklace. It is a Swarovski Crystal necklace made up of large crystal chain links.

Missing Metallica Fan Morgan Harrington Story Featured on 'Dr. Phil'
Posted on Nov 13th 2009 10:30AM
"We don't know if she met someone in the bathroom, if she took a wrong door, if she went out to smoke," Gil told the good doctor; Morgan had quit smoking six months ago, so that would be out of character for her. "That's why we're trying to get information, because someone saw something or has a piece that will make things click into focus for us and give the investigation new force."

The Harringtons think it's strange Morgan would say she'd find an alternate way home. "I think it's very unusual for Morgan," Dan explains. "It's very confusing to me as to why she would say that she would find another ride home," as she lived 45 minutes from the venue. "None of this makes any sense, and it doesn't seem that this is behavior that Morgan would typically do."

Meanwhile, Morgan Harrington appears on this week's cover of People magazine. The magazine will retell her story, and hopefully bring more awareness to the case.

Hitchhiking: Missing Morgan Harrington sought a ride
published 11:52am Friday Nov 13, 2009
&#8220;We now can confirm that she was hitchhiking,&#8221; says Geller, noting that Harrington, who had been stuck outside the John Paul Jones Arena after she was denied reentry and had told friends by cellphone that she&#8217;d find her own way home, was allegedly seen by multiple witnesses on both sides of the bridge.

Harrington&#8217;s purse and battery-less cell phone were found Sunday morning, October 18 in the Lannigan Field overflow parking lot, also known as the RV Lot, which is used by athletes when large events are held in the Arena.

According to several sources, members of UVA&#8217;s men&#8217;s basketball team were among the last to see Harrington in the grassy, tree-shrouded parking area. Emails sent to numerous team members were forwarded to UVA spokesperson Carol Wood, who directed the inquiry to State Police, but Geller declines comment on the identity of any witnesses.


Timeline, other new details in Harrington case
November 13, 2009
During the course of the investigation, police have been able to establish a timeline of Miss Harrington&#8217;s movements once she ended up outside of the arena at approximately 8:30 p.m. After talking to her friends on her cell phone, she then walked through the parking lot of University Hall and was also seen in the Lannigan Field athlete parking lot, which is also used for RV parking. At around 9:30 p.m., she was seen walking on the Copeley Road bridge near Ivy Road.

Based on independent witness accounts, investigators are confident that Miss Harrington was hitchhiking for a ride while on the Copeley Road bridge. If anyone recalls seeing a young woman hitchhiking that night on or near the Copeley Road bridge, then they are asked to please contact police by phone or email. Anyone who might remember seeing a vehicle randomly stopped in the roadway on Copeley Road bridge that night is also asked to contact investigators. Investigators are also hoping to hear from anyone who might have loaned their cell phone to a young woman fitting Miss Harrington&#8217;s description to make a call that night.

Morgan Harrington Featured on PEOPLE Magazine Cover
Missing VT Student Featured In Profile
Updated: 9:38 AM Nov 13, 2009
Harrington was last seen in Charlottesville on the Copeley Road Bridge after leaving the John Paul Jones Arena during a Metallica concert October 17th. Her purse was found in a grassy RV parking area near JPJ the next day.

The NCMEC&#8217;s switchboard has been reignited with tips on long-dormant cases since the news of Dugard&#8217;s return was reported, with parents of the missing continuing to chase every lead long after law enforcement teams wind down their searches. They post more fliers; they set up Web sites; they hunt for overlooked clues. &#8220;It creates a kind of suspended animation for these families,&#8221; says NCMEC president Ernie Allen. &#8220;It hovers over.'

Check out the attached documents to read the article. The magazine is on sale Friday, November 13th.

The attached pictures and articles are courtesy of PEOPLE Magazine.


VIDEO: Morgan Harrington Profiled in PEOPLE Magazine

PDF PEOPLE Article on Missing Persons

PDF PEOPLE Article on Missing Persons cont.

Abducted by a Predator
November 12, 2009
Dr. Dan and Gil Harrington&#8217;s 20-year-old daughter, Morgan, a college student with a bright future at Virgina Tech, suddenly vanished during a Metallica rock concert. They join Dr. Phil to share an update on Morgan&#8217;s case. Learn how you can help find the young woman.

Video: Dr Phil~The Show: Abducted by a Predator

Learn the top five most important things you can do to protect your child.

Dr. Phil shares his thoughts on every parent's worst nightmare

Transcript: Desperate for Help
"None of this makes any sense, and it doesn&#8217;t seem that this is behavior that Morgan would typically do.&#8221;

Transcript: Internet Stalker
Ashley says someone has assumed her identity and pretends to be her online, carrying on explicit chats with her friends, family and even employers. Internet safety specialist Lori Getz has tips for Ashley &#8212; and you &#8212; for keeping your information safe on the Internet. And, Karen is a mother to twin girls and is worried sick about their safety when they go to college next year.

Transcript: Abducted on the Street
Seven-year-old Somer Thompson was abducted while walking home from school. After a massive search, her body was discovered 50 miles from her home in Florida. Her mom, Diena, says she&#8217;s fired up and on a quest to find her daughter&#8217;s killer.

Video: Self-Defense for Children
Tracie Arlington, an instructor with Play It Safe Defense, teaches children how to defend themselves from predators. One of her students shows another girl and your children how to self-protect against an attack.

Transcript: Experts Weigh In
Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Eraka Bath reveals what goes on in the mind of a predator. And, Robin Sax, a former sex crimes prosecutor with the Los Angeles District Attorney&#8217;s office and author of It Happens Every Day, shares insider stories.

Video: What You Didn't See
Dr. Phil and his experts continue the discussion with the audience. Find out the warning signs to watch for in spotting a predator.

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Pursuing the Predator: Internet Investigations

Child Predators

Internet Safety Resources

Protect Your Children from Internet Pedophiles

Monitor Your Child's Cell Phone and Internet Activity

Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe Online

How Your Online Profile Could Sabotage Your Future

FBI Cyber Division Tips for Protecting Your Child Online



In this adjusted Last Seen for Morgan connecting to a ride on Copeley Bridge, Pluto is holding a position in House 7 quincunx Mars with both those planets ruling the House of favors and service, H. 6. Mars in the first quadrant always means there is trouble coming up, as here. Transport, commuting, travel, rides, going from place to place is located at House 3, ruled by the Sun, party to a Moon Wobble. The climactic moment in Morgan being marooned at U. VA. came at 9:54 p.m. Crisis degrees isolate the person, frustrate her and thrust her into a struggle against hindering circumstances. The Outcome House, 4, is also at crisis 4° Virgo. Pluto too is critical at 0° and this greatly augments the strength of his inconjunct or quincunx to Mars. The inconjunct is an aspect of imposition and here it is the will to aggress that is being imposed. With it comes struggle and strenuous exertion; conflict and injury are a grave danger. What is threatened is coercion. The fact that Mars and Mercury are in quintile relationship only adds to the persistence in gaining submission and control.

Mercury ruling the ASC and Morgan is applying to a trine with Jupiter in House 9, indicators for seeking transportation to a distant neighborhood from a stranger. (H. 9 is strangers; H. 9 is neighborhoods or locales at a distance.)
Oh my God that letter to her dad was so sweet...she really thought a lot of her dad! I note in the letter she speaks of a "low point" in her own life and how he helped her feel better and of his love for her "mistakes and all". I am wondering if these mistakes have anything to do with why she changed schools in her senior year and what the nature of the "mistakes" was? I know we ALL make mistakes, big and small...and I do not wonder simply out of curiosity...I wonder if it is something that came back to haunt her, or if those mistakes took her down an unexpected road, perhaps where she may have encountered the wrong type of individuals? Or if those mistakes were in the more recent past and could potentially shed light on what is happening NOW...

I am so worried about Morgan. I wish the very best for her and for her family. They are obviously good people.
Due to circumstances, the way past mistakes could impinge on the events of October 17 would be through attitudes she developed in the light of her mistakes. Students and people her age commenting on this case talk about how common it is to hitchhike and are nonochalant about her being alone and isolated at night in the safe communities of this valley. What an entirely false sense of security and safety! Did she adopt it due to peer pressure? One thing we can infer from the young voices on the web is that the situation was normal for them and sounds no alarums whatsoever. That is way out and beyond naive.

In no chart on this case is there a "skeleton in the closet". It shows up in bold black headline print in a chart on D.D. in the Cornwell case but nothing at all in Morgan's background. Therefore, her mistakes are of the order we all make growing up. Whatever the accumulation of foolish or bad deeds, they left her with recklessness about her person and many her age share this lack of rudimentary caution. The learning experience that brings us from birth to adulthood is failing these kids.

You put it all into words better than I could try. I don't know how to educate the young enough, however, I do know all of the serial killers of hitchhikers (or all of them regardless of hitchhiking) should be a class given in what is now "Middle School', or junior high as I knew it, perhaps by 6th grade. In fact, any shocking (and I mean shock) knowledge would help. I just don't know. I am not an educator. (Your post before this last that I am responding to told me just what I thought. Wish I knew how to help them all.)
What an amazing young lady Morgan is.

Below is Morgan’s Christmas letter to her dad, Dan Harrington. Click link to open up the PDF Document!

Morgan's note to her Dad is so precious and now very comforting to Dr Harrington I am sure. My heart and prayers go out to her mother and father and I hope she is located very soon! Did I hear that Morgan also has a brother or am I confused.

Thank you Tuba, et al for all of your wisdom and insights.
I was wondering if it is possible that she was hit by a car and killed? If the person was drinking and driving, maybe they panicked and got rid of the body instead of reporting it.... Just throwing it out, don't know if that could be one scenario.
Harrington's Mom Questions Hitchhiking Claim
Updated: 3:08 PM Nov 14, 2009
Virginia state police say Morgan Harrington may have been hitchhiking when she was last seen on the Copeley Road bridge, after leaving a Metallica concert, but Morgan's mother says that would be extremely unusual behavior for her daughter.

In a telephone interview, Gil Harrington said she had never known of her daughter trying to catch a ride with a stranger.

Today Show Video: Parents plea for missing daughter
Nov. 14: It&#8217;s been nearly a month since Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington went missing. NBC&#8217;s Amy Robach sits down with Morgan&#8217;s parents Dan & Gil.
Harrington's Parents on the Today Show
Posted: Nov 14, 2009 6:24 PM EST
Updated: Nov 14, 2009 7:31 PM EST
Gil Harrington stated, "None of this makes sense. It doesn't make sense that our daughter is missing - snatched from her life, abducted or possibly murdered."

Police say Morgan would have been seen wearing a necklace like the one pictured here. It is an unusual and expensive Swarovski crystal necklace made up of large chain links. It was a gift from her brother.

Gil Harrington said, &#8220;There are not thousands of them out there. It's unique like my daughter. We want her to come back home."

Video Report: Harrington's Parents on Today Show 2:04

Video: Police Say Harrington seen Hitchiking 0:32 Say Harrington Seen Hitchiking&flvUri=&partnerclipid=



The learning experience that brings us from birth to adulthood is failing these kids.

Yes, indeed, Tuba. These kids walk around in their electronic cocoons, with their earbuds blocking the outside world, and the cell phone giving them a false sense of security and connectedness. All their technology APPEARS to expand their world, but actually it contracts it to the people they text and call, the people on Facebook. They have less and less real-world, face-to-face practice at reading people and situations.
Social media drive interest in missing-person cases
Published: November 15, 2009
The disappearance of Mechanicsville teenager Theresa Marie Meadows languished in relative obscurity from the time she vanished in September 2004 -- until she was located alive last week in South Carolina.

On the flip side, the case of missing 20-year-old Virginia Tech student Morgan Dana Harrington has received intense state and national attention since she disappeared Oct. 17 after a Metallica concert in Charlottesville. A three-day search last weekend involved more than 500 volunteers.

Statewide, thousands of missing young people under the age of 21 are added yearly to Virginia's Missing Children Clearinghouse, a list maintained by Virginia State Police under state law. Of the 493 people on the list last Friday, 405 were reported missing in 2009.

Information about the case of missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Dean Harrington

For a statewide list of missing children, visit Virginia&#8217;s Missing Children&#8217;s Clearinghouse

For a list of missing adults in Virginia

*NOTE: Much much more info in article!

Concerned witnesses: Before hitching, Morgan Harrington caused worry
published 5:00am Sunday Nov 15, 2009
Outside the Arena, another concertgoer says he was on the southeast side of the building waiting for late-arriving friends to meet him around 9pm when he heard a &#8220;commotion&#8221; at an entrance.

&#8220;It was some shouting,&#8221; says the 44-year-old man who&#8217;d traveled from Fredericksburg to Charlottesville and who asked not to be identified because of the high profile nature of the case. Moments after the shouting stopped, he says, a young woman with long blond hair and dressed all in black&#8212; including, he says, a black Pantera t-shirt like the one Morgan was reportedly wearing&#8212; approached him, put her arm out, bent, as though to walk arm in arm with him, and said, &#8220;Let&#8217;s go.&#8221;

Waiting for his friends and concerned that her behavior seemed &#8220;unusual,&#8221; he says, he declined and turned to walk away. The young woman responded, he says, by cursing at him and kicking him.

&#8220;She told me I should call the police and report her,&#8221; he says. &#8220;Now I wish I had.&#8221; The concertgoer says he reported the encounter to police on Monday, October 18, when he learned of the disappearance.

Minutes later, another witness says, a woman resembling Morgan was walking across the street with several companions

One possible witness has been speaking publicly, in part, she says, because she doesn&#8217;t believe investigators have fully followed her lead.

&#8220;I know what I saw,&#8221; says Norma Parson, a newspaper delivery woman who believes she saw Morgan&#8211; or an incredible lookalike&#8212; coming out of a room on UVA&#8217;s West Lawn at 3:45am October 18, six hours after the last confirmed sighting on Copeley Bridge.

Among several leads police haven&#8217;t been able to rule out at this time, says Geller, is a possible sighting of Morgan around 10am on Sunday morning, October 18, at the Sheetz gas station in Orange. An online poster using the name Karen55 on blogs dedicated to Morgan&#8217;s disappearance describes seeing a slightly disheveled young woman with long blond hair, dressed in all black, exiting the store and then standing outside the store near a trash can. Notably, she says online, the young woman&#8217;s t-shirt bore the name of the band Pantera&#8212; she noticed, she wrote, because her daughter wanted a Pantech Matrix phone and she initially looked closer to see if those were the words.

A Sheetz manager confirms police reviewed all surveillance at the store and spokesperson Geller says that police dispatched an agent the same day they got that tip. While there was no sign of Morgan on the video police reviewed, Gellar admits they can&#8217;t rule it out and are waiting for further information that would confirm that sighting or any others that seem plausible.

Almost one month since Morgan Harrington's disappearance
November 15, 2009
Since then, state police and volunteers have spent countless hours searching for her and retracing her last-known steps.

Last week, investigators said they believed Harrington was hitchhiking the night she disappeared.

Currently there's a reward fund totaling $150,000 dollars for her safe return.

Missing Metallica Fan Search Continues
November 16, 2009 - 9:23 AM
The band Metallica played another sold out show at Madison Square Garden in New York City on Sunday -- for the second of a two night tear for the hard rockers.

Fans once again lined up around the block, wearing the band's t-shirts, chanting the band's name hoping to hear their favorite song once inside. There was a reminder of a desperate search for one of their own. The brother of missing Morgan Harrington held a candlelight vigil outside the arena to let others know his sister is still gone, and there is a 150-thousand dollar reward out there to help find her and bring her home.

He was also there to thank the band members of Metallica for offering up 50-thousand dollars towards that reward that will hopefully spark someone to come forward with information in the case. Lead singer James Hetfield called Morgan's father as soon as he heard about her disappearance, and offered the band's financial help, and posted the information on it's website.

Finding Morgan through Valpak
Posted: 12:03 PM Nov 16, 2009
Morgan's father, Dan Harrington, says he didn't even know Valpak had plans to distribute the fliers, until recently.

"We were pretty floored that even in Charlottesville, there were people that didn't know this. So this is one other way to raise awareness. This is something that will be going out to thousands of people's homes," says Harrington.

Harrington also says he and his wife will be going to Charlottesville Tuesday, to pass out 5-thousand bumper stickers and fliers.

Video: Mom Questions Hitchhiking Claim 0:27

Video: Harrington Search Focuses on Calls, Ride

Police: Body found in Roanoke as missing Va. Tech student case continues
Published: November 17, 2009
Update: State police now say they don&#8217;t believe it&#8217;s the body of Harrington, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

As the case of a missing Virginia Tech student entered into its second month, authorities today are investigating the discovery of a body in Roanoke.

Authorities said a body discovered near Norfolk Southern railroad tracks shortly after daybreak in Roanoke appeared to be that of a female.

Roanoke police detectives and a medical examiner were called to the scene.

Virginia State Police, the lead agency investigating the disappearance of Morgan Dana Harrington, was aware of this morning&#8217;s discovery and was looking into the matter, agency spokeswoman Corinne Geller said. Geller said she had no other details.

Shortly after Harrington&#8217;s disappearance, a body was found along the Blue Ridge Parkway outside Asheville, N.C., and a badly burned female body was found Sunday, this time in Kings Mountain State Park in South Carolina. In each case, authorities found no indication it was Harrington.

Police: body found under Wasena ruled suicide
Published: November 17, 2009
Updated: November 17, 2009
Roanoke police say the body of a woman was found under the Wasena Bridge near the railroad tracks Tuesday morning.

According to a police spokesperson, it appears the cause of death was suicide.

It is generally not WSLS policy to report on suicides, but we chose to tell you about this story, because it was in a public place where many of you bike, run, or pass by on your way to work.

Roanoke police say they will be sending out a news release shortly.


I would like to propose a scenario, and get opinions from the board regarding my story, and how it may, (or may not) fit in the chart. Suppose that Morgan was intox, maybe under the influence of a drug. Many "witnesses" have stated that she was wobbling when she walked, crying in the bathroom, kicking at someone outside, hitchhiking, etc, all which seems very out of character. None of us can seem to make sense of what could have happened. I have been to many concerts, and never but never have I seen a lone female in the bathroom. And all the confusion about the purse? Never would I willingly leave my bag behind, I was thinking to myself that she must have done a brain swap with an idiot and then it dawned on me. AMS!!!! The medical term for altered mental status. Often when a patient comes into an ER with confusion, unsteady gait, manic outbursts/uncontrolled crying, they are given the label AMS, and CT studies of the brain are performed to evaluate the brain, checking for a CVA (cerebral vascular accident). Remember Natasha Neeson? Banged her head skiing, got up on her own power, was laughing and joking around, but died a couple of hours later. Morgan had a facial injury! Could this have started a cerebral event that was bound to kill her? It would explain alot. She ended up outside because she became disoriented and confused about where she was. Roaming around, trying to find a way home because friends (and her) are making a series of stupid choices and decisions. She loses her purse, may not even realize she does not have it! Puts her thumb up and gets a ride. Hops in the car, and it can go one of two ways from there. First, a bad guy(s) does horrible things to her and then kills her, or she gets picked up by some young person(s) that do not intend harm, are taking her back to her place, and she dies of the head injury on the way. They panic, and dump her body out of the car. The chart in my opinon, could support the second scenario as well as the first. For me, I just can't see Jupiter in the 9th as a bad guy. It would fit in with Caput in the 12th also. Please let me know what you think. If I am right, they should look closer to Morgans apartment. Real close. They may have thought she was asleep, and did not try to wake her till they got there. If I was LE, I would start at that apartment, and walk a grid from there. IMHO

The accounts volunteered from October 17 are thin, contradictory and questionable, so the public and Websleuths reserve judgment but certain concert goers claim to see Morgan take a header inside, abrupt with all the weight to her face. If that observation is true, she well could have suffered more than a chin abrasion.

One identification we have is Morgan as Mercury that night and Mercury was parallel Uranus. That is so powerful, acting just as would a conjunction and representing a jar to the mental circuitry. Some Uranian affect could have come from the excitement, crowd stimuli and amp blast of the rock bands and of course, everyone felt that. Add the shock from her fall and possible forceful jolt in Morgan's case.

Those people who parked and walked and saw Morgan describe her belligerence and I see it in her Sun transited by Mars that night. My own belief is that she was fully edged when she left her friends in their seats and that they are packaging a version for the parents and the authorities that distorts and omits much.

We also know the Moon was parallel Neptune but we do not know about her intake. Neptune may be the confusion itself rather than any drink or drug.

Once she acted on her promise or threat to find her own ride home, the planet Pluto waits in House 7 and he is a unit with Mars, both at 0°, Mars being the trouble that will arise. For me, her Mercury trine to Jupiter has always been her desire to find a ride home. The New Moon Wobble occurs before the trine can be perfected and the Sun represents her transportation and movement, House 3.

All of this to say, yes, Morgan may well have been in an altered mental state from her fall. She certainly was not herself emotionally. I think it's good that you are allowing your imagination free rein. It is the spinners who are trying to constrain that. Good to see that effort fail.
I had that one in my litany of questions too. Maybe it speaks to WHO drove Morgan's car? Why didn't Morgan drive her own car and hold her own keys? Not judging or disputing here; just trying to get an answer. We're all concerned.


I know that some groups of young people will have an appointed designated driver who's not drinking. Maybe the person who had her keys was the designated driver, and she wasn't in the condition to drive herself anywhere? The thing that puzzles me is that she was going to 'get a ride' somewhere and leave her friends and car at the venue. That's odd. I wonder where she told her friends she was 'getting a ride' to? Could she have argued with the person who had her keys because he wouldn't give them to her due to her condition?
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