Forensic Astrology - SOMER THOMPSON,7 yr old missing 10/19/09 Orange Park, FL

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Graham man whose daughter was killed in Florida concerned about report
January 14, 2010 4:52 PM
Ever since authorities found the lifeless body of his daughter in a Georgia landfill 2 1/2 months ago, Sam Thompson&#8217;s main concern has been to catch the killer and make sure the rest of his children are safe.

Day in and day out, the Graham resident has managed to keep his sanity thanks to the support of people in the community and by focusing only on the positive.

Instead of thinking or wondering about what horrible things his 7-year-old daughter, Somer, may have gone through after she was abducted on her way home from school in Jacksonville, Fla., that October afternoon, Thompson said he prefers to fill his mind with warm memories of when his baby was still around.

&#8220;The time the Lord gave us with her was precious,&#8221; he said. &#8220;I am thankful about that.&#8221;

But after reading an article in a Florida newspaper Thursday about a social worker&#8217;s concerns about Somer and her siblings walking home from school, Thompson could not help but wonder whether something could have been done to protect his little girl.

&#8220;It seems to me somebody took the eye off the prize,&#8221; 41-year-old Thompson said.

Though Sam Thompson said he is not pointing fingers at anybody, the fact that someone was concerned about his children&#8217;s well-being raises some questions. He said he was not aware that there had been an investigation involving the Department of Children and Families regarding this issue.

He said that perhaps if the allegation had been better-handled, &#8220;Somer would be here with us right now.&#8221; If in fact, he said, the children walking home from school was not a risk, as the investigation suggested, &#8220;Why is my daughter not here with us?&#8221;

&#8220;Somebody failed her in protecting her,&#8221; he added.

Thompson is currently trying to get custody of his children. He said that process has been going on for quite some time. He said this is not about him or his ex-wife but about Somer.

&#8220;She is the one who didn&#8217;t get to go to prom, have a first kiss,&#8221; he said. &#8220;She is the one who has been let down.&#8221;

He said right now he only wants to make sure the person who killed Somer is caught. He also wants to make sure the rest of his children, who live with their mother in Florida, continue getting the help they need to not let this affect them for the rest of their lives.

&#8220;It&#8217;s a process,&#8221; he said. &#8220;Over time, things are supposed to get better.&#8221;

He said he is thankful for the people who offered prayers and support for him and his ex-wife during this difficult time. He said he continues praying for healing for both his ex-wife and his children.


Local attorney donates services to Thompson family
The story of kidnapping victim Somer Thompson shocked the local community and the nation when her body was found in a landfill in Georgia after she disappeared from her Orange Park neighborhood. The last thing on Diena Thompson&#8217;s mind was hiring a lawyer to protect her and her family&#8217;s rights, but Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler recommended Jacksonville attorney Mike Freed, who is active in the effort to stop human trafficking and protecting the rights of children victimized by this act. Thompson had one less thing to worry about when Freed pledged his services free of charge.

&#8220;He has taken a lot of weight off of my shoulders,&#8221; said Diena Thompson. &#8220;After it happened I thought, &#8216;How do I protect myself and my children.&#8217; (Freed) has helped us out so much. He&#8217;s been a Godsend.&#8221;

Thompson wasn&#8217;t familiar with being part of a police investigation, answering questions from the media or handling money that was donated in honor of Somer. Besides being a liaison between Thompson and the Clay County Sheriff&#8217;s Office, Freed has established the Thompson Family Trust through Jacksonville Bank to provide the public a way to donate to the family, developed a group of advisors that review fundraising proposals to weed out possible scams and now advises Thompson on opportunities to speak to the media and the public on her experiences.

&#8220;He&#8217;s there when I do interviews,&#8221; said Thompson. &#8220;He doesn&#8217;t tell me what to say, just tells me to speak from my heart.&#8221;

Freed isn&#8217;t the only one to donate services to the Thompsons. created the Web site as a memorial to Somer and also to provide the public a way to donate online.

Website: Remembering Somer


Today Show Video: Somer Thompson case turns cold7:51
Jan. 22: Three months after her death, police in Florida struggle to solve the murder of 7-year-old Somer Thompson. Diena Thompson, Somer's mother, and her attorney, Mike Freed, speak with TODAY's Meredith Vieira about the ongoing investigation.
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]

Grant awarded so police can pay for overtime in Somer Thompson case
Story updated at 12:29 AM on Saturday, Jan. 23, 2010
The Clay County Sheriff's Office has received a $20,000 federal grant to help pay overtime expenses related to its exhaustive investigation in the October death of Somer Thompson.

The grant was awarded through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, funded by the U. S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance. The sheriff's office initially applied for the grant in November. The agency has since asked that the grant be increased to $44,754 to cover subsequent overtime expenses, according to county documents.

The grant program "is the leading source of federal justice funding to state and local jurisdictions [and] provides ... critical funding necessary to support a range of program areas including law enforcement, prosecution and court, prevention and education, corrections and community corrections, drug treatment and enforcement, planning, evaluation and technology improvement, and crime victim and witness initiatives," according to the bureau Web site.

Because of county-wide cuts imposed by the revenue-depleted County Commission, Sheriff Rick Beseler has no vacant jobs or overtime pay in his budget for the current fiscal year, 2009-10. That budget year began Oct. 1.

On Oct. 19, only weeks into the fiscal year, 7-year-old Somer Thompson disappeared while on her way home from school. Her body was found three days later in a Georgia landfill; no arrests have been made in the case.

Sharon Kraus, the sheriff's chief financial officer, said in an e-mail that even the higher grant request of $44,754, if awarded, "does not cover all overtime associated with that case." But the total figure is still being calculated because overtime is still being worked as detectives check out leads and pursue other areas of the investigation, said sheriff's spokeswoman Mary Justino.

Also, other grant applications are pending to help fund the probe, Justino said.


I have to admit the above article struck me the wrong way. I understand that times are hard, my husband was layed off from his job in October, and there is not any work out there. However I believe that if my job was as important as a police officer, investigator, and so on, that I would volunteer my time. There is a murderer out there, a CHILD murderer that needs to be caught and because of money, its not progressing as it should????? This is why I have lost faith in humanity...When money is more important than keeping our kids safe, someones priorities are not right... Sad, So Sad!
Today Show Video: Inside the hunt for Somer Thompson&#8217;s killer 2:44
Feb. 2: Federal agents working with state and local officials in Florida want the public to help in their massive effort to track down Somer Thompson's killer. NBC's Mark Potter reports.
[ame=""]Today Show Video Player[/ame]
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Search For Somer Thompson's Killer Continues
7-Year-Old Murdered On Way Home From School
POSTED: 11:59 am EST February 2, 2010
UPDATED: 12:19 pm EST February 2, 2010
The search for a Florida girl who was murdered on her way home from school continues.

More than three months after Somer Thompson's kidnapping, Clay County detectives still do not have a suspect.

Detectives fear whoever killed Somer will attack another child.

So far, officials have received more than 4,000 tips.


Team Somer Gives Look At Killer Search
15 Clay County Detectives Assigned To Finding 7-Year-Old Girl's Killer
POSTED: Monday, February 1, 2010
UPDATED: 6:26 pm EST February 1, 2010
For more than three months, 15 Clay County detectives have made it their primary focus to find Somer Thompson's killer.

On Monday, Team Somer, as the detectives are called, showed Channel 4 where they're working and what they're doing in their search.

"This is our main conference area where we are going through our leads right now. Close to 5,000 leads right now," Sgt. Dan Mahla said.

"One of the things that we do any time there is an abduction, we go back through our leads again and make sure that we didn't miss anything," Mahla said. "Part of our team is working on that. ... All our neighborhood canvass we completed. (It's) very, very time consuming knocking on everyone's door making contact with people who live in the area of the abduction.

"Up here on the wall is a blown-up map of where the Thompson family lives," Mahla added. "(It) shows a lot more of the streets of where Somer was at, walking down Gano (Avenue) from her school."

Investigators did not give any detail's in the case but said they are determined and optimistic Somer's killer will be identified and arrested.

Video: 15 Detectives Continue Search

Video: Somer's Mom: Pain Now Just As Intense

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Somer Thompson murder investigation is not a cold case, Sheriff's Office says
February 2, 2010
A 15-member &#8220;Team Somer&#8221; detective unit dedicated to catching whomever is responsible for the first-grader&#8217;s murder continues to work on nearly 500 leads in a small office at the Sheriff&#8217;s Office Orange Park substation on Blanding Boulevard.

&#8220;The Somer Thompson case remains an active investigation &#8230; not a &#8216;cold case&#8217;,&#8221; says a Sheriff&#8217;s Office statement released Monday, Feb. 1. &#8220;Our investigators remain determined and are optimistic that Somer&#8217;s killer will be identified and arrested.&#8221;

Investigators have not released any details on how the girl was killed and have not indentified any suspects in the case.

On Monday, the Sheriff&#8217;s Office also gave the media a brief glimpse inside the room where detectives are going over the 4,477 leads received so far.

Detective Dan Mahla spoke briefly to reporters as they visited the room Monday, Feb. 1, but he took no questions about the investigation.

Mahla pointed out the plastic boxes with file folders each containing 500 leads. Hundreds of &#8220;neighborhood canvas&#8221; forms &#8211;filled out by detectives who spoke to residents in Somer&#8217;s neighborhood -- sit in boxes along one wall.

Large aerial maps showing the Orange Park area where the girl went missing and where her home is located also hang on the wall at one end. At the other end is a large banner with Somer&#8217;s picture and chalk boards where pertinent information is written.

Reminders of Somer are everywhere that Team Somer works, starting with the entrance to the robbery/homicide room where there hangs a wooden plaque made by detective Eddie Howell has the girl&#8217;s picture and small purple ribbon on it.

Stickers and banners with Somer&#8217;s name or slogans urging that people not forget her case also can be seen throughout the room.

Members of Team Somer include the Sheriff&#8217;s Office, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, FBI, U.S. Marshal&#8217;s Service and Naval Criminal Investigative Services.

The Justice Coalition is offering a $48,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for Somer&#8217;s murder. First Coast Crime Stoppers also has a $16,000 reward for an arrest in the case, bringing the total for both reward funds to $64,000. To donate to the Crime Stoppers reward fund or report any information, call 866-845-TIPS.

Sgt. Dan Mahla, right, and Detective Brian Curry go over files from some off the boxes containing more than 4,700 leads in the Somer Thompson investigation.

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Clay County Looking for Overtime Funds in Somer Thompson Investigation
February 1, 2010 5:28 PM
The search for Somer Thompson's killer has become costly for the Clay County Sheriff's Office. So far, the investigation has cost the department over $100,000.

"As you can imagine, the overtime expenses are very high on a case like this," says Clay County Sheriff's Office Spokesperson Mary Justino. "Of course, Sheriff Beseler is committed to spending whatever it takes to solve this case."

But just because they're short on cash, doesn't mean the investigation has stopped or slowed down. Everyday, 15 detectives are working the case, with the combined efforts of the Clay County Sheriff's Office, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Federal Bureau of Investigations, U.S. Marshals, and Naval Criminal Investigative Services.

They've already followed up on close to 4,500 leads since the little girl was found dead in a Georgia landfill last October. The bulk of the leads came in during the first few weeks of the investigation. Justino says leads are only trickling in now - in the past three months, they've only collected about 500 new leads.

"Team Somer" now takes up the entire Homicide/Robbery Office for the Clay County Sheriff's Office because the entire unit is working the case. Posters of the little girl are plastered on every wall, along with maps of her neighborhood. They're surrounded by box after box of documented lead and information about neighborhood canvassing. Justino says investigators are in Thompson's Orange Park neighborhood on a daily basis following up on the latest information they've received.



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Investigators Optimistic Somer's Killer will be Caught
Created: 2/1/2010 6:19:11 PM
Updated: 2/1/2010 6:50:13 PM
Despite the passage of time, investigators are optimistic they will catch Somer Thompson's killer.

The room has a large photo of Thompson and below it the saying, "This is who we are working for."

Several different agencies including the FBI and the U.S. Marshals meet in the room to investigate Thompson's case. They call themselves Team Somer.

Thompson's neighbors said they hope an arrest is made soon.

"Maybe they're still around and if they're still around all these kids are in danger," said Tonya Jennings.

Video: Investigators Optimistic Somer's Killer will be Caught 2/1/10 ~ 2:14

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Somer's Mom: Pain Now Just As Intense
Search For Killer Continues More Than 3 Months After Girl Killed
POSTED: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
UPDATED: 5:49 pm EST February 2, 2010
Diena Thompson, Somer's mother, talked with Channel 4's Jennifer Waugh Tuesday about how her life has changed since that unforgettable day in October.

Thompson said her pain even now is just as intense as it was the day her daughter disappeared. "I do a lot of my crying in the afternoon. I don't want to make anyone sad," Thompson said.

She said picking her children up from school can be incredibly difficult. "It's painful because I don't know what happened," Thompson said. "I don't know exactly where she went missing, and every time I drive down that road, all I can do is think about those things. I literally feel like I'll have a panic attack just knowing that that's the last place she was."

Thompson said she talks with investigators every week, and while they have not told her a lot about the investigation, like how her daughter was killed, they have hinted about who may have done it.

"I think that they think it's not someone I know and if I know them, I know them by chance, just a chance meeting, not someone who's in my inner circle of friends," Thompson said.

Video: 1-On-1 With Diena Thompson

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Somer Thompson's Mom, Diena, Speaks to First Coast News
Created: 2/2/2010 6:16:19 PM
Updated: 2/2/2010 6:51:16 PM
Detectives found her body two days later in a Georgia landfill. So far, no arrests have been made.

As for Diena Thompson, Somer's mom, she still doesn't know exactly how her daughter died.

Investigators said they're keeping quiet because they don't want to alert the killer about what they know.

Diena said today her gut feeling is that the killer is local and had probably talked to Somer at least once to gain her trust.

The grief has been so intense she wanted to get rid of Somer's things, but she was advised not to, so she packed them away for now.

Video: Somer Thompson's Mom, Diena, Speaks to First Coast News 02/02/10 5 p.m. Report

Video: Somer Thompson's Mom, Diena, Speaks to First Coast News 02/02/10 6 p.m. Report


I have to admit the above article struck me the wrong way. I understand that times are hard, my husband was layed off from his job in October, and there is not any work out there. However I believe that if my job was as important as a police officer, investigator, and so on, that I would volunteer my time. There is a murderer out there, a CHILD murderer that needs to be caught and because of money, its not progressing as it should????? This is why I have lost faith in humanity...When money is more important than keeping our kids safe, someones priorities are not right... Sad, So Sad!

I admit, I had the same thoughts, butterfly. There are times when we just have to step forward and do something because it's the right thing to do. Others have done it. Look at all the volunteers who went out of their way in the past year to search for people they've never met! And the police investigators can't spare a few extra hours a week without bellyaching?

Something is seriously wrong.

Many times I've put in extra hours on something I was working on because I wanted it done right and never did I squawk for overtime pay, and it had nothing to do with child killers.
Inside Look At Somer Investigation
Are Investigators Any Closer To Finding 7-Year-Old Girl's Killer?
POSTED: Thursday, February 4, 2010
UPDATED: 10:39 pm EST February 4, 2010
It's been 3 ½ months since Somer Thompson was killed, and the search for her killer continues. The evidence found on Somer's body will likely provide the best clues pointing to her killer.

That evidence, including DNA evidence, is due back from a lab soon.
Why is it taking so long? Investigators said it involves peachtree dish cultures that can't be rushed.

Beseler hasn't talked to the media about the investigation. A spokesperson said that's because FBI profilers have told them the killer is watching the news, and anything anyone says could give Somer's killer a clue about what investigators are doing and what they know.

A house on Gano Avenue was the subject of an intense search in the days after Somer's body was found. Police said the 7-year-old was last seen standing on the sidewalk in front of the home, three blocks from her school. It was vacant at the time and under construction. The owner of the house had never talked to the media about the police search there until recently in an e-mail. She said, "I do not know more than any other citizen, but I do know that when police returned it to me, there was no blood or sign of any kind of struggle inside the house or in the yard, which is why I believe the crime against Somer happened somewhere else." As for the construction workers who watched children like Somer walk by the house day after day, the contractor said in a phone interview that he was the only person with a key to the house and that it was locked up the night Somer vanished.

Here's what he told us- right after he was interviewed three months ago.

"They wanted to know what had happened that day step by step," said contractor James Vinson of Vinson Design and Build. "They took a swab test from me and from my helper." Vinson said detectives have called him a couple of times with questions since then, but there has been no formal interview since Somer's body was found.

What about the Dumpster where the sheriff said Somer's body was abandoned. Where was it?

Fifteen different companies that pick up waste in Clay County, said they were contacted by detectives asking for the same two things -- the names and contact information for their drivers and the routes their trucks took on one specific day -- Tuesday -- the day after Somer disappeared.

It suggests that Somer died within hours of being taken, and her body was hauled away in the Tuesday trash pickup.

A memorial outside Somer's home still stands, albeit smaller.

Diena said Monday's are the worst days for her because it's the day of the week her daughter vanished. She said it's still too painful to visit her grave site. And the song that brought many in the community to tears, sung every night of each vigil, "You Are My Sunshine," still rings in Diena's ears.

Somer's twin brother now has a music box with the melody that he plays over and over. While the words still bring Diena to tears, she said singing them makes her feel like Somer is standing right beside her.

It hasn't gotten any less painful for Diena. She counts every day since her daughter was killed. Thursday marked day 110 since she kissed her daughter goodbye and sent her off to school. Her focus now is still the same as it was on day three: Justice for Somer.

Video: Any Closer To Finding Killer?

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Banner will fly until killer is caught
Thursday, 04 February 2010 11:42
For Verna and Robert Midgett of Macclenny, the day Somer&#8217;s killer is caught can&#8217;t come soon enough. Their son, Charles Currier, is the boyfriend of Diena Thompson, Somer&#8217;s mother. The Midgetts experienced firsthand the nightmarish anxiety after Somer&#8217;s abduction and the emotional upheaval following news of her death. &#8220;The horror of it can&#8217;t be described,&#8221; said Mrs. Midgett. &#8220;There is just no way to really describe what it was like. At one point, my husband had to take me to Fraser Hospital to be treated for stress.&#8221;

Since the tragedy, a large purple and white banner has graced the outside of their home on 3rd Street. It bears this message: Remembering Somer Thompson. Inside a heart-shaped outline is a picture of the little girl with the sweet elfin face.

&#8220;I believe he [the killer] will be found,&#8221; said Mrs. Midgett. &#8220;It might be tomorrow, it might be years from now. Until then, this banner will always be displayed outside our home.&#8221;

When Mrs. Midgett got home from work last Monday, she discovered the banner had come loose from its moorings. It had taken quite a beating in the high winds. The photo image of Somer had come loose and was missing. With the help of her husband, they recovered it and brought it inside. As they watched the evening news together, they spread the banner over their coffee table to repair some areas that were torn.

&#8220;We&#8217;ll need a new banner soon,&#8221; said Mr. Midgett, holding down loose sections while his wife applied tape. &#8220;And a new photo of Somer.&#8221; &#8220;When this banner completely wears out, we&#8217;ll get another,&#8221; added Mrs. Midgett. &#8220;I promised my son and Diena that we&#8217;d display the banner until the killer is caught. It&#8217;s important to us that the public not forget what happened to Somer because it can happen to any child.&#8221;

&#8220;The Clay County sheriff&#8217;s department has been fantastic,&#8221; declared Mrs. Midgett. &#8220;They keep the family informed about the investigation. In turn, my son keeps us informed as well.&#8221;

The Midgetts can&#8217;t say enough about Clay County Deputy Dwayne Singletary, who has worked intimately with the Thompson family since the beginning of the ordeal. &#8220;He was amazing the way he took control,&#8221; said Mrs. Midgett. &#8220;We will always be grateful for his dedication and the way he protected the family&#8217;s privacy, shielding them from the media and others trying to get information. &#8220;He was the one who had to break the news to us that Somer&#8217;s body had been found, that she wasn&#8217;t alive. He was so amazingly sensitive and tender with Diena,&#8221; said Mrs. Midgett.

Supporting their son and Diena Thompson, helping them cope, is part of how they are personally working through the tragedy. &#8220;Sometimes I go and pick up Somer&#8217;s sister Abby and bring her out here to spend the weekend with us,&#8221; said Mrs. Midgett. &#8220;Diena visits too. They were all here at Christmas and it was very hard for her.&#8221;

To the Midgett&#8217;s way of thinking, the best thing they can do for Diena is giving her the freedom to grieve and express that grief anyway she needs to. &#8220;The hurt is still so deep and sometimes she struggles hard to keep her composure,&#8221; said Mr. Midgett. Mrs. Midgett understands. &#8220;I tell her, Diena, if you need to cry, then cry. If you need to scream, then scream. Do whatever you need to. We will understand,&#8221; she said.

&#8220;It seems as if a war has been declared on our children and it must be stopped,&#8221; said Mrs. Midgett. &#8220;The person who did this to Somer could very well do it again. That&#8217;s why we display the banner. People must not forget. We are determined for justice for Somer and all abused children.&#8221;

Verna and Robert Midgett of Macclenny.


Westside Sexual Attack Suspect In Court
Created: 2/5/2010 5:29:17 PM Updated: 2/6/2010 2:31:20 PM
Matthew John Watson made his first appearance Saturday morning in court and will be held without bond. Police say he is responsible for the kidnapping and sexual attack of a 16-year-old girl on the Westside.

His next scheduled court appearance is February 18th for arraignment. Watson, 21, was arrested Friday evening at his parent's house and taken to police headquarters.

The 16-year-old victim told police on Thursday she was kidnapped by a man and forced into a wooded area in the 10,000 block of 103rd Street near Connie Jean Road around 6:45 a.m. She was walking to the bus stop.

This is a little more than 10 miles from where Somer Thompson disappeared.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement put other cases on hold and rushed the DNA in this case through CODIS, the DNA index for convicted felons in the state of Florida, and got a match to Watson.

Watson is charged with kidnapping, armed robbery, armed sexual battery of a victim 12-years or older and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

Watson has previously been arrested for the following:

&#8226;Feb. 2009 for battery
&#8226;March 2008 for burglary, driving charged, DUI, and more.
&#8226;March 2007 for grand theft auto


Detectives Follow More Leads in Somer Thompson's Death
Created: 2/8/2010 4:12:46 PM
Updated: 2/8/2010 6:36:21 PM
Detectives with the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office arrested a 21-year-old man Feb. 5 for kidnapping and sexually battering a 16-year-old girl on her way to school last Thursday morning. This is about 10 miles from where Somer Thompson disappeared.

Now, JSO has spoken with the Clay County Sheriff's Office and passed along information to those investigating Somer Thompson's death, said Assistant Chief Tom Hackney with JSO.

The Clay County Sheriff's Office released a statement on Monday which said:
"We can confirm that we were notified by JSO because their case involved a juvenile. As with many cases that occur near our border, they shared information about their case with us. We remain committed to not discussing any of the specific details of the Somer Thompson case and ask that no one make any assumptions about Somer's abduction and death based on JSO's comments."

Matthew John Watson




Video: Detectives Follow More Leads in Somer Thompson's Death 2:36


Neighbors on Alert after Attempted Abduction
Created: 2/10/2010 4:18:13 PM
Updated: 2/10/2010 4:43:01 PM
Neighbors received notices on their doors about a Child Abduction-Predator Alert.

According to the notice, an 11-year-old child was riding her bike home from Alimacani Elementary School Wednesday when she stopped to tie her shoe on Las Brisas Way in the Pable Creek neighborhood. That's when a man in his 40s told the child her bike tire was flat and if she would follow him home, he would fix it for her, according to police.

The girl told police she started riding away and the man yelled, "Come back, we can go to my house and fix your tire," while chasing her. He couldn't catch up.

At the conclusion of the notice, it said: Let's not forget that Somer Thompson's abductor and killer is still on the loose.

Police say he is in his 40s, 6'2" and 190 pounds with short dark hair. The girl said she believes she's seen this man around her school before but with a different dog.


DOB: 11/12/1986 Pensacola, Fl is his DOB info from court files. ??

nevermind i was reading wrong part sry
J.H.'s Sun conjunct the disappearance Mars and Descendant and his Saturn conjunct the Midheaven are strong ties. The fact that he moved from the house on Gano also fits that chart as does his pedophile profile. But who would not figure that the murderer, who we also know sexually assaulted Somer, is a pedophile? But it was in that first chart for what it was worth, before those facts were known. I guess it did eliminate ongoing speculation that the school mate she quarreled with was responsible, or a sibling.
Part 1:

Man Is 'Person Of Interest' In Fla. Girl's Death
Posted: 4:34 pm EST February 11, 2010
Updated: 7:55 pm EST February 11, 2010
A man arrested in Mississippi on child *advertiser censored* charges has been named as a "person of interest" in the slaying of a 7-year-old Florida girl who disappeared on her way home from school last fall. Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler said Thursday that Jarred Harrell, 24, was arrested in Meridian, Mississippi.

Officers executed a search warrant at a home on Gano Avenue. Authorities were searching that house Thursday. Harrell lived in the home near Somer Thompson's house.

Officials also said Harrell was arrested on a charges unrelated to the Somer Thompson case. He was arrested on 29 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored*.

Investigators have refused to reveal how Somer died. During the four-month investigation, authorities said they pursued thousands of leads.

Jarred Harrell

RAW VIDEO: News Conference On Somer Thompson

VIDEO REPORT: Man Arrested In Somer Thomspon Case

DOCUMENT: Suspect's Booking Sheet

CRIME SECTION: Latest News, Neighborhood Watch

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Person of interest in Somer Thompson case
Updated: Friday, 12 Feb 2010, 12:30 AM EST
Published : Thursday, 11 Feb 2010, 4:46 PM EST
Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler announced on Thursday evening that a person of interest is being questioned in the 2009 abduction and murder of an Orange Park girl. Jarred Mitchell Harrell, 24, lived in the area where Somer Thompson is believed to have been abducted on Oct. 19 as she was walking home from school.

Authorities are searching two homes in Lauderdale County, Mississippi and in Calahan, Florida, respectively. A search conducted on Thursday morning at 1152 Gano Avenue in Orange Park, where Harrell formerly resided, has already yielded evidence which led authorities to name him as a person of interest in the case. Harrell is being held on a $1 million bond.

"We have been very careful to protect the integrity of our investigation by not releasing details that could be detrimental to the successful prosecution of our case," Sheriff Beseler during a news conference on Thursday.

Thompson was last spotted in front of 1080 Gano Avenue, just a few blocks from her home ( see map in article link ). The 7-year-old Somer disappeared and her body was later discovered in a Georgia landfill 50 miles away, where trash from her neighborhood was dumped.

The Clay County Sheriff&#8217;s Office said the investigative team, known as "Team Somer," has been staying in communication with Somer's mother, Diena Thompson, and her family, keeping them up to date on the work being done. Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the U.S. Marshal Service are also continuing to help in the investigation with agents assigned to the team.

According to Harrell's arrest report, in August he was kicked out of an Orange Park apartment after a roommate thought he had stolen a cell phone.

Harrell left behind a computer, and the roommates said they searched it because they thought Harrell had been using it to look at child *advertiser censored*, the report says. The roommates said they did find *advertiser censored* involving young girls and turned the computer and discs over to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office on Aug. 10.
The materials were sent to state investigators, who confirmed the contents.

It is unknown when Harrell moved into the Orange Park house that was searched Thursday, or when he left the neighborhood.

Before the arrest was announced, the Somer's mother said she didn't want to get her hopes up that a break had been made in the case. "I'm not speculating on anything. I don't want to get my hopes up and I don't want to get my hopes down," she told The Florida Times-Union. "I'm going to put my faith in God."

After the news conference, Thompson's attorney, Michael R. Freed, released a statement that said Thompson and her family are "monitoring the latest developments in the investigation." The statement said that she was not prepared to speak publicly about the case Thursday.

*Video Included In Article!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Somer Thompson: Man named person of interest in girl's death arrested
Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler said a man who had lived in the girl's neighborhood was arrested in Mississippi Thursday on 29 charges of possession of child *advertiser censored*.
11:39 p.m. EST, February 11, 2010
Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler said Jarred Mitchell Harrell, 24, who had lived in the girl's neighborhood was arrested in Mississippi Thursday on 29 charges of possession of child *advertiser censored*. Harrell has not been charged in the death of 7-year-old Somer Thompson. The arrest warrant said he was being held on $1 million bond. Officials at the Lauderdale County Detention Facility in Mississippi said they didn't know if he has a lawyer.

Harrell, who was arrested in Meridian, Miss., had lived until recently in a home near Somer Thompson's. Authorities searched that house Thursday. Deputies and an FBI forensics team were seen searching its front yard with rakes and shovels. The sheriff's office restricted access to at least a block around the home, which is in a neighborhood filled with tidy, ranch-style houses.

Beseler, who announced the arrest during an evening news conference, said a vehicle had also been searched.

According to Harrell's arrest report, in August he was kicked out of an Orange Park apartment after a roommate thought he had stolen a cell phone. Harrell left behind a computer, and the roommates said they searched it because they thought Harrell had been using it to look at child *advertiser censored*, the report says. The roommates said they did find *advertiser censored* involving young girls and turned the computer and discs over to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office on Aug. 10. The materials were sent to state investigators, who confirmed the contents. It is unknown when Harrell moved into the Orange Park house that was searched Thursday, or when he left the neighborhood.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
UPDATED: Person Of Interest Arrested
POSTED: Thursday, February 11, 2010
UPDATED: 8:33 am EST February 12, 2010
Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler said a 24-year-old man has been arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges and named a person of interest in the Somer Thompson case. Beseler said Jarred Harrell has been charged with 29 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored* that occurred in Clay County, and he was arrested Thursday by federal agents in Meridian, Miss., and is being held on $1 million bond.

According to documents released by the Clay County Sheriff's Office, Harrell possessed child *advertiser censored* on his computer at a Wells Road apartment complex. Harrell was asked to move out of his residence in August after his roommates found out that he stole from them, according to an arrest warrant. He left the residence, leaving his computer and a box of CDs behind, according to the warrant.

While Harrell was gone, the roommates searched the computer after they had been told Harrell had been caught looking at child *advertiser censored*, according to the warrant. They opened the images and found a nude white girl between the age of 6 and 8, and the computer was turned over to the sheriff's office on Aug. 10, according to the warrant. Harrell moved into the home on Gano Avenue between that time and December, when neighbors said he moved out.

According to the arrest warrant, the computer was processed by the attorney general's office, and that's when five movies and 24 child pornographic images were found showing children as old as 10 and 13 years old.

Clay County deputies, the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement searched the home on Gano Avenue since Thursday afternoon. Investigators were seen wearing moon suits, entering the house and collecting evidence. Investigators asked JEA to turn the power on in the home to give them light as they continued their search into the night.

The family of Somer Thompson released a statement saying, "At this time, Diena Thompson (Somer's mother) and her family are monitoring the latest developments in the investigation into the abduction and murder of Somer Thompson. However, Diena is not prepared to speak publicly on the matter and asks that you please respect her and her family&#8217;s privacy as they continue to process events as they unfold. In the near future, Diena will address the media on the latest developments in the case."

Video: Home Searched In Somer Thompson Case 2:50

VIDEO: Person Of Interest Arrested In Somer Case 1:59
A 24-year-old man has been arrested on child *advertiser censored* charges and named a person of interest in the Somer Thompson case.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Man Named Person Of Interest In Somer Thompson Murder
Friday, February 12, 2010 12:33:09 AM
The Clay County Sheriff's Office is being very tightlipped on how exactly the man could be connected with the case. However, they said Jarred Harrell, 24, is a person of interest in Thompson's murder.

According to officials, Harrell recently lived near where Somer was last seen.

He was arrested Thursday in Meridian, Miss.

"Investigators at the Clay County Sheriff's Office, the FBI and the FDLE conducted a search for evidence in which a suspect has been arrested and charged with 29 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored* that occurred in Clay County recently," said Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler.

Several other homes in Florida and Mississippi were searched, including a car. Because this is an ongoing investigation, Beseler said he couldn&#8217;t comment any more on how Harrell could be connected with Thompson&#8217;s murder.

Video: Somer Thompson News Conference Thompson News Conference

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Police: Man Is Person Of Interest In Thompson Case
Former Roommate Found Child *advertiser censored* On Man's Orange Park Computer
POSTED: 3:47 pm EST February 11, 2010
UPDATED: 11:43 pm EST February 11, 2010
Police said Jarred Harrell, 24, was arrested by federal agents in Meridian, Miss., on 29 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored*. Police said he is also a person of interest in Somer's disappearance and death.

"Investigators from the Clay County Sheriff&#8217;s Office, the FBI and FDLE conducted a search for evidence in which a suspect has been arrested for 29 counts of possession of child *advertiser censored* that occurred in Clay County recently," Beseler said.

"I cannot comment further about how Harrell may be connected to the Thompson case, as that would require I comment on evidence in an ongoing investigation," Beseler said. "Throughout this entire investigation we have been very careful to protect the integrity of our investigation by not releasing details that could be detrimental to the successful outcome or prosecution of the person responsible for this crime."

Beseler did say that, until recently, Harrell lived in a home near the slain girl's. The Clay County Sheriff's Office and the FBI were searching the home along Gano Avenue in Orange Park Thursday evening.

A man who said he used to live with Harrell at an Orange Park apartment told police he had found nude pictures of children between 9 and 13 years old on Harrell's computer. "I hope he gets what he deserves," said the man, who only wanted to be identified as Matt. "That's really all I have to say about it."

He said that when he saw the files on Harrell's computer, he "was about to vomit all over, honestly." Matt described Harrell as a "sneaky" person, capable of putting up a "good front."

Other residents said they did not believe Harrell was capable of murder. "In my heart, no," said one woman. "His parents are my godparents. That's all I can say."

Neighbors said they hoped Somer's killer would be brought to justice soon. "I think it's going to come to an end very quickly," said neighbor Rodney Crawford.

Video: Police: Man Is Person Of Interest In Thompson Case 2:17

Video: New Clues Released In Somer Thompson Case 0:29
Investigators scour thousands of tips in the search for the person who killed Somer Thompson.


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Person Of Interest Arrested In Somer Thompson Case
Clay County Deputies, FBI, FDLE Search Vacant Home On Gano Avenue
POSTED: Thursday, February 11, 2010
UPDATED: 10:57 pm EST February 11, 2010
On Thursday afternoon, a search warrant was issued on a vacant house in the 1100 block of Gano Avenue near where Somer was last seen before she disappeared and was found killed in October. The 7-year-old's body was discovered three days later at a Georgia landfill. Beseler said Harrell previously lived at the home.

Beseler said other residences in Callahan and Lauderdale County, Miss., and a vehicle have also been searched in connection with the case.

According to documents released by the Clay County Sheriff's Office, Harrell possessed child *advertiser censored* on his computer at a Wells Road apartment complex. Harrell was asked to move out of his residence in August after his roommates found out that he stole from them, according to an arrest warrant. He left the residence, leaving his computer and a box of CDs behind, according to the warrant.

While Harrell was gone, the roommates got into the computer to search for child *advertiser censored* after they had been told Harrell had been caught looking at child *advertiser censored*, according to the warrant. They opened the images and found a nude white girl between the age of 6 and 8, and the computer was turned over to the sheriff's office on Aug. 10, according to the warrant. Harrell moved into the home on Gano Avenue between that time and December, when neighbors said he moved out.

According to the arrest warrant, the computer was processed by the attorney general's office, and that's when five movies and 24 child pornographic images were found showing children as old as 10 and 13 years old.

Clay County deputies, the FBI and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement searched the home on Gano Avenue since Thursday afternoon. Investigators were seen wearing moon suits, entering the house and collecting evidence. Investigators asked JEA to turn the power on in the home to give them light as they continued their search into the night.

Investigators searched a separate, vacant home about a block away in the days after Somer's body was found. They collected evidence from the home and have been waiting for lab results to return.

The FBI and Clay County Deputies search a home on Gano Avenue near where Somer Thompson was last seen before she was found killed.

Video: 24-Year-Old Arrested On Child *advertiser censored* Charges

Video: Home Searched; Neighbors React To Arrest

Video: Uncut: Sheriff Beseler Announces Arrest

Video: Search Warrant Issued On Gano Avenue Home

PDF Documents: Arrest Warrant For Jarred Harrell

PDF Documents: Booking Sheet For Jarred Harrell

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Police Arrest 'Person of Interest' in Somer Thompson Case
Created: 2/11/2010 3:33:04 PM
Updated: 2/11/2010 11:34:03 PM
In a news conference this evening, Sheriff Rick Beseler said they have arrested a person of interest in the Somer Thompson case. They say he is a former resident of the home on Gano Ave., which authorities searched this afternoon and into the evening. Jarred Harrell, 24, was arrested by federal agents today in Meridian, Mississippi on 29 counts of child *advertiser censored*. Authorities said the crimes occurred in Clay County.

Sheriff Rick Beseler said Harrell is a registered sex offender. His MySpace page identifies him as a former city of Jacksonville employee in the IT Department.

Authorities in Mississippi said he is currently working at the Queens City Recycling plant. U.S. Marshals tracked Harrell to a home on 22nd Avenue Heights in Meridian, Miss. where he was arrested without incident.

The Clay County Sheriff's Office said Harrell is a former resident of a home on Gano Ave. in Orange Park. Earlier this afternoon, Clay County investigators had that home roped off and searched the front yard with rakes and shovels.

A search warrant was served at the home, which is just one block west from where Somer Thompson was last seen. Searches also took place at locations in Callahan, Florida and Lauderdale County, Mississippi.

Authorities searched inside and outside the home at 1152 Gano Ave. A table was set up with brown paper bags to collect evidence. It's unclear if any resident is or was inside the home.

Somer's father, Sam, spoke to First Coast News this evening:

"You can never be prepared for this. We are praying for everyone involved in the investigation. God will lead them to the truth in this matter. There will be justice for Somer. The needless taking of her life has impacted us so much. We've been waiting so long and it is terrible, really. You can't really move on, but I also don't ever want to move on. It's not finished. There is nothing that can bring total closure to this."







Video: Authorities Searching Home on Gano Ave. 02/11/10 Report

Video: Person of Interest Arrested in Somer Thompson Case 02/11/10 7 p.m. Report

Video: Somer Thompson Investigation 02/11/10 11 p.m. Report

Video: Neighbors Speaks About Somer Thompson Case 02/11/10 Report

FDLE Florida Sexual Offenders and Predators!-1702573649

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