Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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This is true. However, there are many organizations that have therapists and psychologists that work on a income basis. The smaller your income the less you pay. Also, the school board would have access to all of these things and there would be no charge to anyone.

I have a background in social work and in Ontario the majority of counselling resources is free. Any organization with social workers and therapists are free, as well as all psychiatrists are automatically free because they are medical doctors. The only therapists that are not free are ones who have private practices, and really the only people who go to them are one's that can afford them. So really I don't see this being an issue at all because there are so many that are free that are good.
Hi Soulscape,
I am totally green to what /how you do this astro stuff but I'm getting the impression that you like correct dates and names. I am therefore giving you the following obituary that I found on another site. It lists Tara as Tara McDonald (James). I don't know if this is important but I thought I would forward to you.

WINTERS, Robert “Rob” - “Walk slowly darling”, Robert passed away at the Woodstock General Hospital on Monday December 24, 2007 in the arms of his beloved wife and best friend, Linda Winters (nee Webb) in his 55th year. After a courageous fight with cancer, Robert has gone to join his moms Lyda (nee Temple) Winters (2001), Ruth Webb (2000) and his Dad, Herbert Winters (1959) in a heavenly place. Special Poppa to, Daryn and Victoria Stafford, and their mother Tara McDonald (James) of Woodstock. Remembered with love by Dad, Frank Webb, his children Shawn (Laurie) Winters and Trina (Steve) Stefan and their families of Tillsonburg, by his sister Ruth Anne and Mervin Derbowka.

Thank you for all of your insight

I have no clue who Robert Winters is, as they refer Tara .."their mother" and according to the Ottawa Sun. Tara's father is Jim McDonald.
Perhaps Robert was an adopted grandpa to the children?
In a local paper yesterday it referenced Tara's 'step dad' passing away within the last month. This 'Winters' obit doesn't fit that time frame. Perhaps her mother has had multiple husbands? There is suppose to be a 44 year old brother named Scott that passed away 9 months ago that the above obit fails to mention as well. What's even more confusing is in the presser Tara gave today she said she was an only child, and gave the impression that her and her mom's relationship was less than close.
Tuba has noted previously in her post above Tara McDonald's afflicted natal MOON conjunct SATURN with both square NEPTUNE.

When looking at the chart using Koch houses and a Sunrise time of birth, we see that MOON partile conjuncts the Greater Malific and of course, both square NEPTUNE, the planet of illusion/ delusion/ secrets/ drugs/ alcohol/ addictions of every variety.

Not shown, Asteroid BACCHUS 16:37 Sagittarius is partile conjunct natal NEPTUNE and thus also square the MOON-SATURN conjunction. In assessing natal promise, these are strong markers for potential addiction issues for the chart owner. MOON-SATURN connections also frequently give sadness/ depression and can indicate that the chart owner was denied affection/nurturing by the mother during childhood.

We know from the news stories/ information we have gathered on this case that Tara (by her own account) 'used to' use drugs of some sort (she downplays this past history). There is also, as you know, a rumor floating around that serious (SATURN) drug money (NEPTUNE-BACCHUS in 2nd house of money) was owed (square) and Tori possibly abducted in retaliation.

Please note this last sentence is only a RUMOR, and one Tara venomously denies. Still, it is quite amazing to see it in the natal chart!


Using traditional rulerships, the 5th House of Children is ruled by JUPITER, here in Leo, the sign of children. This would symbolize Tori in Tara's chart. Lord 5 JUPITER at 07 Leo is focal point of a T-square involving natal SUN 03 Scorpio opposite CHIRON 07 TAURUS. This gives a sense of damage/hurt (CHIRON) to self (SUN) through/by a child (JUPITER as Lord 5 of Children).

Chillingly, at 07 Taurus, CHIRON partile conjuncts the Fixed Star HAMAL 07:47 Taurus integrating it wholly into the T-square, with both CHIRON-HAMAL opposing SUN and partile squaring JUPITER Lord 5 the Child. In astrology, HAMAL is also known as The Death Wound.

Soulscape, you hurt my very linear head. Are you saying that perhaps Tara hurt/damaged herself by doing something with Tori?
This post is for the new Visitors to the Forensic Astrology Forum. Those of you who have heard me (repeatedly) make similar comments can feel free to skip over this post and go on to others.

Horary astrology in general and forensic horary astrology in particular is very different from natal astrology. It is fraught with complex rules, and is extremely black & white, fatalistic and (sometimes it seems) depressingly negative. Please do not compare apples with oranges!! These charts we discuss are analyzed through a forensic horary filter seldom if ever used in natal astrology. Do not compare the charts we discuss on this Forum with your own or loved ones' charts and keep yourselves up at night because you think you see similar aspects dooming you to unthinkable futures.

Soulscape, you hurt my very linear head. Are you saying that perhaps Tara hurt/damaged herself by doing something with Tori?

No, not at all, Elepher. I am saying that Tara's chart show natal promise (the potential for manifestation) of a situation/circumstance involving a child that may wound her. Surely abduction of one's child would fall into that category.

Sorry for any confusion. Always feel free to ask for clarification.

Thanks, do you or can you see any possibility of money being exchanged or involved? Not sure this is possible?

In Tara's Natal Chart, when you say,

There is also, as you know, a rumor floating around that serious (SATURN) drug money (NEPTUNE-BACCHUS in 2nd house of money) was owed (square) and Tori possibly abducted in retaliation.

Please note this last sentence is only a RUMOR, and one Tara venomously denies. Still, it is quite amazing to see it in the natal chart!

Are you saying there is a great possibility of this being the motive of the abduction? I understand that the rumour is out there, but is her natal chart actually proving this theory?
Okay, this is another mind boggling case of who is who. Here is a pix of Rodney Stafford with his mother-in-law Linda Winters.
Just click on the thumbnail to enlarge:

This is so very strange and agree totally mind boggling case of who is who.

Perhaps the mother in-law Linda Winter's is one of Rodney's ex-wives mother??

It is odd, that in the obituary that they leave out Rodney as the parent of his kids but include Tara. My theory .. at the time of Robert's death, this is the time he broke up with his wife??? Therefore bitter feeling with Rodney?
Certainly looks to me like Tara Mcdonald with her hair pulled back just like here.

Sorry guys after now seeing the composite, hearing Tara speak and seeing the charts. I am totally convinced she knows exactly what happened to Tori!!
Look up images of Tara there is one where she has a baseball cap on, I am telling you looks just like the composite!
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