Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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Here we go again...WHO contacted the police?

Constable Maitland said that Ms. McDonald first called police to report Tori missing at 6:06 p.m. ( post above #140)

Video report as noted above post #141 - Tara shakes her head YES her Mother contacted the police @ 8:37 minutes into video
Here we go again...WHO contacted the police?

Constable Maitland said that Ms. McDonald first called police to report Tori missing at 6:06 p.m. ( post above #140)

Video report as noted above post #141 - Tara shakes her head YES her Mother contacted the police @ 8:37 minutes into video

Hi FifthEssence, Maybe "Ms. McDonald and the truth are strangers".
maybe just maybe the t.m doesnt recall...for well whatever has been reported on several sites and from taras mouth lately that her mom....the grandma to tori went and reported her missing at 6:06pm...also read several places that the grandma walked....
Hi FifthEssence, Maybe "Ms. McDonald and the truth are strangers".

To Elepher, Butterfly, Siestalola, FifthEssence and anyone else who tried to straighten this out, thank you!

There is more than one way to examine an Event chart. Each way gives slightly different information. I prefer knowing who contacted LE, and in this case, I am leaning toward the G-ma because of the information I am getting from the chart when I read it this way.

I am sorry to report that no matter which way I read the Event Charts (LAST SEEN as well as 6:06 pm Missing Persons Report), both as stand-alone charts as well as in conjunction with Tori's natal chart, I see Tori as dead. The family (mother, mother's side) has inside information.

I will post charts/ more commentary over the weekend.

To Elepher, Butterfly, Siestalola, FifthEssence and anyone else who tried to straighten this out, thank you!

There is more than one way to examine an Event chart. Each way gives slightly different information. I prefer knowing who contacted LE, and in this case, I am leaning toward the G-ma because of the information I am getting from the chart when I read it this way.

I am sorry to report that no matter which way I read the Event Charts (LAST SEEN as well as 6:06 pm Missing Persons Report), both as stand-alone charts as well as in conjunction with Tori's natal chart, I see Tori as dead. The family (mother, mother's side) has inside information.

I will post charts/ more commentary over the weekend.


Gulp .... thud. Sorry, this is hitting very hard.
To Elepher, Butterfly, Siestalola, FifthEssence and anyone else who tried to straighten this out, thank you!

There is more than one way to examine an Event chart. Each way gives slightly different information. I prefer knowing who contacted LE, and in this case, I am leaning toward the G-ma because of the information I am getting from the chart when I read it this way.

I am sorry to report that no matter which way I read the Event Charts (LAST SEEN as well as 6:06 pm Missing Persons Report), both as stand-alone charts as well as in conjunction with Tori's natal chart, I see Tori as dead. The family (mother, mother's side) has inside information.

I will post charts/ more commentary over the weekend.

Geez Soulscape,
I really am hopeful that you are wrong! No disrespect of course but.....ouch makes me sick to my stomach
To Elepher, Butterfly, Siestalola, FifthEssence and anyone else who tried to straighten this out, thank you!

There is more than one way to examine an Event chart. Each way gives slightly different information. I prefer knowing who contacted LE, and in this case, I am leaning toward the G-ma because of the information I am getting from the chart when I read it this way.

I am sorry to report that no matter which way I read the Event Charts (LAST SEEN as well as 6:06 pm Missing Persons Report), both as stand-alone charts as well as in conjunction with Tori's natal chart, I see Tori as dead. The family (mother, mother's side) has inside information.

I will post charts/ more commentary over the weekend.


So very sad, lets hope justice will happen quickly and Tori will be found quickly!
FWIW, Siestalola, I hope I am wrong, too.


Soulscape, first let me say think you for your hard work on Sandra's case. A big thank you to all of you that have been involved. I am deeply appreciative.

Second, let me say that my heart wants to deny what my mind knows to be true. None of you have ever been wrong in your readings. I am working it through as I type this post. So sad and so senseless.

And lastly, do you see in the readings you have done that Tori will be found or is she hidden to such an extent that she won't be found anytime soon. TIA and much love and kindness sent to you through thoughts.
Question: Tuba mentioned "A ring" or many people involved, also there was mention of a "trip" and abduction sensing there is a possibility that this is a group that abducts children and travels them to deliver them to someone (Male) Was there any end result in the charts of a male involved in Soulscapes resulting in death? Is the location of the first destination mentioned Toronto and then more travel to another location much further?
Astro's can you please clear something up for me, I have looked at the charts of Tara's mom looked at the 3:32 chart as well as the 911 chart, and from my interpretations, which I have used based on the previous threads that I have learned so much from, to me, I see a direct connection of Tara's involvement.
Can you explain to me exactly what it is you see that points to this being someone associated with Tara and not Tara directly??? Thanks in advance!

Sorry to be quoting myself but could someone answer this for me. Thanks in advance!
Sorry to be quoting myself but could someone answer this for me. Thanks in advance!

Butterfly, I cannot answer your question briefly at present and while I cannot speak for the other Astrologers, you will see my rationale in the commentary I make on the charts over the weekend.

Please have patience.

Oldsoul2, the chart does show Toronto as the ultimate destination, using the method that butterfly brought to us.
butterfly1978, the chart I am working from is ever so slightly different because the 3:32 p.m. horoscopes had already been cast and several news sources (papers) in Canada were reporting 3:40 instead. So as not to make a repetitive wheel, I decided we could afford a look at a second possibility. If Victoria went willingly, and at first she seems to have, the actual seizure against will would have been a bit later, so both times have meaning.

The Sun of an event describes its nature, always. The Sun in the chart equates to a stealth trip. It is on the hidden side of H. 9. This trip is taking place owing to a H. 12 act. We know this because the Sun rules H. 12. That is the House of Kidnap and the Sign of Children holds the cusp at 2° Leo 13', Victoria's own Venus.

The Moon of an event chart depicts the activity involved. Here it is a Moon on the defensive, Libra, trying to protect herself and find some personal security in H. 2, based on stressful, Cancer, circumstances, H. 11 that include restraint, intercept. There is deception and the truth is hidden in H. 5 and H. 11, home to interceptions. Mercury rules the ASC and at 0° Virgo must make a decision and Mercury in H. 9 is a traveling person. Mercury is the go-between, the agent acting at the dictation of the Sun who is in charge, moving independently and disdaining hazards and the outright danger of what is done here. The Sun went on the offensive to accomplish this and Mercury was the Sun's instrument and intermediary.

With the chart cast for 3:40 p.m., we have to read the Ascendant and its First House with House 2 because the same Sign holds both cusps, equally true for H. 7 and 8. The Moon is already coming into reflex action with afflicted Mars because of their solstice points. The more this child tries to guard and protect herself, the more aggression is used against her.

The mother is shown to be involved with a new state of affairs, which may be more than the removal to a new house and she is at crisis before this kidnapping. An exigent situation explodes like gelignite. Venus at 0° Aries (critical degree) is about to square Pluto in the H. of Children. Saturn disposits Pluto and is opposed by Mars, a cruelty aspect. Scorpio is found where home and family belong instead. The New Moon today afflicts the H. 4 and H. 10 solstice points. Venus has just squared the cusp of the House of Children.

The Node of the Moon 5°47' Aquarius is disposited by Uranus and those two points are in horizon parallel, i.e., equidistant from the cusp of H. 7 and so acting together. Thus associates act in an abrupt and unexpected, disruptive manner to break the law and shock a community.
Thank you soulscape and Tuba. Just when I think I have astrology figured out I am completely wrong, I guess I need to go back to studying before I try and interpret things, I hate to say something that isn't true or points the finger in the wrong direction. Thank you again!
I hope you do not mind me asking a question. Tuba, are you saying Tori is in Toronto. If you believe so, do you think I should be getting people to be getting up posters there? I know many flyers were handed out at a Blue Jays game and it was put up on the billboard during the game. If she is in Toronto or headed there, can you pinpoint a estimate location in Toronto, as it is a very large city. I also realize that it has been said by an Astro that she is dead .. do you know what kind of place she could be in?

I apolygize for intruding, just want to be of any help in finding her.

I hope you do not mind me asking a question. Tuba, are you saying Tori is in Toronto. If you believe so, do you think I should be getting people to be getting up posters there? I know many flyers were handed out at a Blue Jays game and it was put up on the billboard during the game. If she is in Toronto or headed there, can you pinpoint a estimate location in Toronto, as it is a very large city. I also realize that it has been said by an Astro that she is dead .. do you know what kind of place she could be in?

I apolygize for intruding, just want to be of any help in finding her.


Not speaking from an astro point of view, but someone who cares. If you have that resource available to be able to get flyers out in Toronto, it could never hurt to do so!
Thanks Butterfly, I'm not in Toronto personally, but do know people who live there and will get the word out to get flyers up.
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