Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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Astros all: With Hamal in the chart noted in Soulscape's chart above do you see pre-meditation in any of this abduction either by the presence of Hamal or the positioning?
Astros all: With Hamal in the chart noted in Soulscape's chart above do you see pre-meditation in any of this abduction either by the presence of Hamal or the positioning?

Hello Elepher,

HAMAL the Death Wound, so prominent in Tara's natal chart by its exact conjunction to her CHIRON opposite SUN and exact square to natal JUPITER is highlighted in the LAST SEEN chart by its close square to the NODES (06 Aquarius/Leo) and close conjunction to Tori's secondary progressed BLACK MOON LILITH at the time of the event, also at 6 Aquarius.

HAMAL prominent is a secondary death marker. It does not correlate with premeditation.

Below is a very interesting news article from today.

"There's a lot of similarities in the eyes, cheeks and face to someone a lot of people know," said Stafford. "If anybody out there notices what I noticed in the photo there are going to be a lot of phone calls coming into the (police) station (Wednesday)."

snipped by me

But while Tori's father believes he knows the woman, Tara McDonald, his separated partner and Tori's mother, told reporters Wednesday she has no clue who the woman is.

Also, worth mentioning Tara has given over a white coat and vest she owns to the police and the Oxford police have been spotted today in Toronta and the Forensic Lab.
I do not know if this is true or not, but will mention. On a facebook group for Tori, which was set up by Tori's father's family. A person named Steph, who attends the school which the video was taken, states that his/her mother works with a person who recognized the person in the sketch and his/her mother was present when he called the police. He gave the police her name and stated that she used to be friends with the mother, Tara.

This could be indeed true, as the father states he recognizes this woman from highschool. Perhaps, when Rodney states the sketch is of a face to which a lot of people know .. with Woodstock being a small town .. maybe that is what he is referring to.

If this is the person involved the abduction, why doesn't Tara recognize the picture when her ex does???

Also, with what has been reported in the papers, it does sound like Rodney grew up in Woodstock.
Hello Everyone

We truly appreciate the updates you bring us particularily items that are time stamped, date specific. Think dates, times, locations.

If you are bringing us daily news or you feel something should be brought to our attention that you observed on the Main thread, simply post a LINK and one line describing the context.

Let's get back on course within the realm of Astrology.

Thank you for understanding​

Here is the link to the TORI STAFFORD Thread out on the Main forum which covers all sorts of discussions not related to astrological aspects of this case.
Astros all: Sorry we cannot come up with dad Rodney's birthdate as yet. Tuba has brought to light the dates around the Family Day and who was around the mom at that time. The next date that I see referenced of significance is May 15th and 16th onTuba's chart. In any of your charts Astros all, do you see any significant dates between now and May 15th/16th? All of this of course is all based on the assumption (may be a bad one at that) that I have read Tuba's write up correctly.
Thanks again for all you do, and I honestly don't know how you do it and it must be extremely difficult emotionally as well - once again a big thanks.
Astro's can you please clear something up for me, I have looked at the charts of Tara's mom looked at the 3:32 chart as well as the 911 chart, and from my interpretations, which I have used based on the previous threads that I have learned so much from, to me, I see a direct connection of Tara's involvement.
Can you explain to me exactly what it is you see that points to this being someone associated with Tara and not Tara directly??? Thanks in advance!
Astro's can you please clear something up for me, I have looked at the charts of Tara's mom looked at the 3:32 chart as well as the 911 chart, and from my interpretations, which I have used based on the previous threads that I have learned so much from, to me, I see a direct connection of Tara's involvement.
Can you explain to me exactly what it is you see that points to this being someone associated with Tara and not Tara directly??? Thanks in advance!

Hi Butterfly1978, Did you use the exact time of 6:06pm as the time reported to the police? That was verified after there was a lot of talk of Tori being reported missing around 6:30pm. No doubts in my mind that you are using the correct data, just doing a double check to ensure that you had caught the verified 6:06pm time as the thread was quite busy around the time the 6:06pm was posted. Thanks for all you are doing - it is amazing.
Hi Butterfly1978, Did you use the exact time of 6:06pm as the time reported to the police? That was verified after there was a lot of talk of Tori being reported missing around 6:30pm. No doubts in my mind that you are using the correct data, just doing a double check to ensure that you had caught the verified 6:06pm time as the thread was quite busy around the time the 6:06pm was posted. Thanks for all you are doing - it is amazing.

I had actually used the time of 6:00pm I have not run one for 6:06, I'll look but I cant see where it would make that big of a diffrence.
Bringing this over from the main thread I beleive it was Diane that posted it.

For Astros .. I have date of birth for Daryn Stafford.

April 24, 1998

They state Daryn will be 11 on Friday.
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Thank you, Butterfly. Little Daryn will be having a sad birthday without his sister. The charts show much affection between them. His SUN trines her MOON, by sign if not degree. His VENUS-JUPITER conjunction trines her MARS and SUN. His MOON trines her VENUS, by sign if not degree.

On another note, can anyone confirm/refute: Tori's grandmother (Tara's mother) was the person who reported Tori missing to police at 6:06 pm on 4/08/09. If this is incorrect, who placed the call?

Thank you, Butterfly. Little Daryn will be having a sad birthday without his sister. The charts show much affection between them. His SUN trines her MOON, by sign if not degree. His VENUS-JUPITER conjunction trines her MARS and SUN. His MOON trines her VENUS, by sign if not degree.

On another note, can anyone confirm/refute: Tori's grandmother (Tara's mother) was the person who reported Tori missing to police at 6:06 pm on 4/08/09. If this is incorrect, who placed the call?


It has been reported on various news reports that it was the Grandma that reported Tori missing at 6:06. Apparently the Grandma did not call the Police but walked to the Police Station to report her missing.
My heart goes out to little Daryn, what a terrible situation that little boy is in. I pray for his sake that he is being insulated somewhat but no matter how much love and insulation surrounds Daryn right now he is a hurting little boy. He no doubt has a heartache right now that no 11 year old boy should ever, ever feel.
It has been reported on various news reports that it was the Grandma that reported Tori missing at 6:06. Apparently the Grandma did not call the Police but walked to the Police Station to report her missing.

Do you have a link?

I find the reports online vary. First I heard Tara called the police, then one article says the father called police, then I see an article that said Tara walked to the Police Station ( read that on the main forum ) and now we're hearing the grandmother may have.

will keep adding time line here:
Around 6 p.m. that night, Tori's parents reported her missing and police

Shortly after 6 p.m., Tori's mother and partner report her missing to police. Police begin their search.
"Her mother reported her missing at 6:06 p.m. that evening, and since then photographs of the blonde third-grader have been plastered all over this town of 36,000, and everyone is puzzling over the identity of the woman in the white parka." It definately says that the mother reported her missing but this may just be bad reporting although the Globe and Mail is usually accurate. We will need to find a source for the report that the g'mother reported her missing I think - it has been talked about on the boards but I am not sure there is a definitive link to reference to confirm it.
The article referenced below is now archived in the stingy Globe and Mail.

Do you have a link?

I find the reports online vary. First I heard Tara called the police, then one article says the father called police, then I see an article that said Tara walked to the Police Station ( read that on the main forum ) and now we're hearing the grandmother may have.

will keep adding time line here:
Around 6 p.m. that night, Tori's parents reported her missing and police

Shortly after 6 p.m., Tori's mother and partner report her missing to police. Police begin their search.

I will see if I can find it again. I read alot of different sites so it may be difficult. Leave it with me...will do my best.
I will see if I can find it again. I read alot of different sites so it may be difficult. Leave it with me...will do my best.

Hi Siestaloa, Thanks for helping out here - this is just another little mystery we have to solve along the way. We really need links to newsreports to validate the information if you can find any.
Thanks for all your help - it is hard slogging to go through this stuff.
Second source of the mother calling in that Tori was missing at 6:06pm:

"Constable Maitland said that Ms. McDonald first called police to report Tori missing at 6:06 p.m., when both day and evening shifts were around, with the result that officers scoured first the house itself (because young children can drop off to sleep like a stone, they are often discovered snoozing in unexpected places), then the immediate neighbourhood, retracing the little girl's steps with their canine unit."
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