Forensic Astrology - VICTORIA (Tori) STAFFORD - Canada

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Respectfully snipped TUBA
There is deception and the truth is hidden in H. 5 and H. 11, home to interceptions. Mercury rules the ASC and at 0° Virgo must make a decision and Mercury in H. 9 is a traveling person. Mercury is the go-between, the agent acting at the dictation of the Sun who is in charge, moving independently and disdaining hazards and the outright danger of what is done here. The Sun went on the offensive to accomplish this and Mercury was the Sun's instrument and intermediary.

Tuba, does this mean that there is someone ie: "this woman that took her from the school" that is the go between for someone else...could that someone else be a male who has done this before? Sorry but my hunch keeps nagging at me.
Victoria Stafford was reported missing to police on April 8, 2009 at 6:06 pm. This was approx. 2 1/2 hours after she was last seen, at 3:32 pm, on a surveillance camera near her elementary school, walking away hand in hand with an unknown female. There are conflicting reports who actually notified police, but we know it was a family member, either her grandmother or her mother.

Even without knowing for sure if G-ma or Mother filed the report, a look at the chart shows alarming testimonies that bode no good.


1. SUN at 19 Aries is posited on the dark side of the 8th House of Death. As Tuba so importantly reminded us, the SUN in an Event Chart describes the nature of the event. Here, SUN on the dark side of the 8th House describes a death which is due to an 11th House act because the SUN rules the 11th House (Leo cusp) in this chart. Notice the malefic SOUTH NODE just inside the 11th House, adding weight to the death testimony.

The 11th house is given to Aquarius on the natural wheel, ruled by URANUS. The 11th House rules (among other things) abnormality, death in the family, groups/memberships/clubs, friends, society in general, meeting others, and unforeseen circumstances. This testimony suggests death occurs because of a 'meeting' and/or unforeseen circumstance. Was the abductor a 'friend'? We know the surveillance video showed Tori walking hand in hand with the abductor, showing no sign of resistance.

2. MOON in the chart, again, as Tuba so importantly advised us, shows the activity. Here, MOON at 10 Libra is partile conjunct the Death Star Vindemiatrix often showing death in the family and partile opposed the Arabic Part of Death at 10 Aries (not shown).

Posited in Libra, MOON 'defends' herself from the SUN to which she is opposing. We already know SUN shows the nature of the event, which is death. MOON is beseiged (trapped) between two malefics --- SATURN, the classic significator of death and PLUTO of complications/ kidnap/ rape/ murder and also a significator of death.

Before MOON leaves her sign she will, at 19 degrees, inconjunct MARS (violence, rage, rape, murder) and oppose SUN (death as nature of the Event).

Adding to this testimony, MOON will also, by the time she reaches 24 Libra, become the focal point of a Yod involving Transneptunian ADMETOS (death marker) and NEPTUNE (often prominent in death charts), at 24 & 25 degrees of their respective signs. At 26 Libra, MOON will inconjunct 'the most evil Star in the heavens' ALGOL (death marker) and trine HADES (death marker). At 28 Libra, MOON will trine the Midheaven and, finally, oppose MERCURY Lord 12 the kidnapper.

3. PLUTO (complications, death, destruction, kidnapping, rape, murder) sits in the End of the Matter 4th House cohabitating with evil BLACK MOON LILITH, both death markers, both intercepted. Their dispositor SATURN sits in the radix 12th House of Kidnapping which, of course, is the turned 8th House of Death of the 5th House Child. End of the Matter Lord 4 JUPITER at 20 Aquarius is partile opposed the 2/9/09 Lunar Eclipse at 20 Leo. These are all death markers.

Additional comments:

1. If G-ma filed the report, Tori is indicated by VENUS, Lord 9 of Grandchildren, posited in her own 11th House of Unforeseen Circumstances/ actions of others beyond her control (radix 7th House). VENUS at 00 Aries is peregrine, in detriment, and Retrograde, desperately trying to escape in apparent backward motion toward Pisces, the sign of her Exaltation where she would be safe. Unfortunately, VENUS will turn stationery direct at the critical 29th degree of Pisces and once direct, return to her most unfortunate placement in Aries.

2. For those who wish to assign Tori to the 5th House of Children, we see similar dire testimonies including Lord 5 the Child in turned 8th House of Death (radix 12); 5th House cusp close conjunct Tori's natal NEPTUNE opposite natal VENUS (disappearance/ death); ruler of the turned 8th (radix 12) in the turned 4th House of the Grave (radix 8).

3. The chart offers another clue, garnered from the Sabian Symbol on the Ascendant. 29 Virgo is given to 'A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge from a Paper He is Reading.' This symbol suggests 'inside information' and/or 'secret knowledge' that likely rests with a family member since it was a family member who filed the Missing Person Report with police.

Thank, Thank you, Thank you Soulscape! I have posted my question on a man being involved in a previous post and you have confirmed my hunch. I have my own thoughts on this case since it has first been posted but I cannot back it up with astrology in this forum although I will say that it deeply saddens me and makes me fearful that I have been naive to the fact that there are people in this world that have such distorted, sick desires for children and the result it has on the innocent endured to embellish these monsters.

By any chance, do the charts show anything about the death end result being in the hands of a wealthy and/or "professionally known" male perpetrator? I strongly believe this picture is much larger than meets the eye.
Thank, Thank you, Thank you Soulscape! I have posted my question on a man being involved in a previous post and you have confirmed my hunch. I have my own thoughts on this case since it has first been posted but I cannot back it up with astrology in this forum although I will say that it deeply saddens me and makes me fearful that I have been naive to the fact that there are people in this world that have such distorted, sick desires for children and the result it has on the innocent endured to embellish these monsters.

By any chance, do the charts show anything about the death end result being in the hands of a wealthy and/or "professionally known" male perpetrator? I strongly believe this picture is much larger than meets the eye.

Hello OldSoul2,

In post #1 of this thread I examined the 3:32 pm LAST SEEN and made this comment:

Lord 1 the SUN is posited in Aries, the sign of its exaltation, at its most exalted degree (19 Aries). This cannot symbolize Tori, because it does not describe the circumstances: a young girl walking off into the sunset with an unknown person. Therefore, the ASCENDANT must symbolize the perp.

It is virtually impossible for SUN to be in a better place than 19 Aries, sign and degree of his exaltation. In her examination of the 3:40 pm chart a few posts above, Tuba pointed out:

Mercury is the go-between, the agent acting at the dictation of the Sun who is in charge, moving independently and disdaining hazards and the outright danger of what is done here. The Sun went on the offensive to accomplish this and Mercury was the Sun's instrument and intermediary.

I would say the charts do not deny the possibility you suggest.


Reporting this missing person: how could anyone, especially a close relative, be such as psi misser as to make the report when Venus is sinking under the horizon and the ASC plainly shows it is too late to save the situation!!! The ASC and House 12 bear the same Sign and must be read together. Past undoing and destructive act and extremely tardy "caretaking" as notice is NOW given to the police. Looking at Mars conjunct Part of Misfortune in the "caretaking" House makes me fall back into the wall.
Reporting this missing person: how could anyone, especially a close relative, be such as psi misser as to make the report when Venus is sinking under the horizon and the ASC plainly shows it is too late to save the situation!!! The ASC and House 12 bear the same Sign and must be read together. Past undoing and destructive act and extremely tardy "caretaking" as notice is NOW given to the police. Looking at Mars conjunct Part of Misfortune in the "caretaking" House makes me fall back into the wall.
Tuba, Thank you for all of your insight!

Bold is mine. Are you saying that (second part bolded) past activities and bad caretaking(parenting) played a part in the late report (six pm...I mean that is three hours after this little girl should have been home from school) to police and in her disappearance in general?

(first bolded part:) Are you saying that the timing of the call (ie, waiting so long) could somehow be tied into the committed crime? In the caretaking house, which is shadowed by misfortune, what does Mars signify? (thanks in advance... I am a virgin astro LOL.. am trying hard and actually have learned a ton from all the astros...)
In the caretaking House, we find Part of Misfortune (because in the Sign of Pisces) but because it is conjunct Mars, far worse. When found in H. 6, Mars is aggression and danger.

There are people that are true psi missers. If you give them three guesses, they will err on the side of wrong far more than what the odds would dictate. But when your child is missing, adrenaline and instinct should kick in and overcome such wrongheadedness, don't you think?
im sorry this is o.t, but thought maybe astros would know....has anyone seen housemouse lately??
its been a couple of weeks since ive seen her post anything, and always loved to see her insight.... anyhow, was just wondering is all. tyia
housemouse said that she is very busy right now.
I would just like to give you some information I have found. On a facebook group, someone who grew up with Tara, confirms that Tara was born in Woodstock. Also she states her mother is Linda Winters (husband Robert died a year ago), and not Sharon McDonald .. Sharon McDonald is her step-mother.

Also, the below link is an article in which states that the co-op home Tara just moved from days before Tori went missing had detectives and forensic team that removed items.

McDonald, Goris, Tori and Daryn moved two weeks ago Friday just five days before Tori vanished from a co-op housing complex on one side of the children's school to a tiny house on the other side.

Kim Clarke, board president of the co-op, said she went into the now vacant unit a few days ago to get it ready for the next tenant when police arrived shortly after. They asked her to leave, a forensic team came, and they removed some evidence, she said.
Okay, I gotta a question..... I ran charts for both Tara Mcdonald , one for London, Canada and one for Woodstock, Onterio Canada, and there really isn't a diffrence in the two. Can someone explain to me what the diffrence would be, if they are the same????
They're only 43 km apart ~26 miles maybe. Roughly a 37 minute drive. I tried searching for the latitudes of each but didn't have any luck. They're really close.
I would just like to give you some information I have found. On a facebook group, someone who grew up with Tara, confirms that Tara was born in Woodstock. Also she states her mother is Linda Winters (husband Robert died a year ago), and not Sharon McDonald .. Sharon McDonald is her step-mother.

Also, the below link is an article in which states that the co-op home Tara just moved from days before Tori went missing had detectives and forensic team that removed items.

McDonald, Goris, Tori and Daryn moved two weeks ago Friday just five days before Tori vanished from a co-op housing complex on one side of the children's school to a tiny house on the other side.

Kim Clarke, board president of the co-op, said she went into the now vacant unit a few days ago to get it ready for the next tenant when police arrived shortly after. They asked her to leave, a forensic team came, and they removed some evidence, she said.

I live in a co-op and that account alone is very odd. The co-op president does not enter units to get them ready for the next tenant. You have to give 65 days notice, of your intention to move from your co-op home under law in Ontario. The president may have inspected the unit with maintenance during those 65 days prior to your moving, but after the fact, to get it ready??? The president is an elected member who lives in the co-op. They aren't the landlord.

It would be interesting to know why they left the co-op, during a recession. Our moving out rate is nil except for the evictions and I live in a huge city with more employment opportunity than Woodstock.

PS You guys are awesome!! I love what you're doing here :blowkiss:
I live in a co-op and that account alone is very odd. The co-op president does not enter units to get them ready for the next tenant. You have to give 65 days notice, of your intention to move from your co-op home under law in Ontario. The president may have inspected the unit with maintenance during those 65 days prior to your moving, but after the fact, to get it ready??? The president is an elected member who lives in the co-op. They aren't the landlord.

It would be interesting to know why they left the co-op, during a recession. Our moving out rate is nil except for the evictions and I live in a huge city with more employment opportunity than Woodstock.

PS You guys are awesome!! I love what you're doing here :blowkiss:

Hi kaRN, What would be the situation if you were "kicked out" of the co-op - would somebody else (co-op president for example) then go in after the fact and do the inspection? I really can't think of any other reason why they would move mid month given financial considerations, and co-op rules and regulations. Me thinks they possibly could have been "kicked out" - that then begs the question of what one has to do to be "kicked out" of a co-op mid month - any ideas?
Possibly drugs they got kicked out? I don't know if it has been mentioned but her boyfriend was involved years ago in a drug raid, in which James Goris was one of 16 people arrested .. pretty big raid if you ask me. I would not think quitting drugs is an easy thing to do. He was not with Tara at this time.

Tara is really burying herself now every time she opens her mouth. So many lies. At first she said she passed the polygraph test, now questioned by press, she admits that she took the polygraph 3 days after Tori went missing and because of all the emotional stress she was under and lack of sleep, she took off in the middle of it (note that during this time she was so well composed that it looked odd). So, she says she did go back and complete the polygraph, but now would like to do it again because she is more calm now!
This is all so very sad. Tara seems to be setting it up for whomever to be paid and have Tori to be found. All what you Astros have been saying is just so unbelievable.

On Citytv tonight, Tara has a very bizarre story of how a limo came came down the street (reports on other side in plain view but didn't see the limo) and the limo driver told her that his boss wanted to meet with her. So Tara goes with him .. reporters oblivious to see the limo drive away and takes her to a hotel near an airport where she goes to the top floor and meets this very wealthy lady. The lady had a missing daughter that was murdered and she showed Tara her daughter's blonde hair. Tara noted that it looked the same colour as Tori's. No this anonymous woman says that she is willing to pay any price to the person who has Tori for Tori's return. Apparently this wealthy lady flew into Toronto.

Now, the LE are saying they are looking into this matter. Now, they are not stupid. They will be able to easily search databases to look for wealthy women who had a kidnapped daughter murdered and the child has blonde hair. Then they know she flew into Toronto. So it would not be difficult for them to know who this woman is, besides the fact she left a phone number.

To me it appears that Tara is setting this all up, as a fundraiser "Ride for Tori" (father's family have said funds are not necessary and fundraiser isn't) is this weekend. So bikers will be riding to raise money. Coincidence that this story is done right before this event? I don't think so. Tara doesn't seem to be very bright. It just shows with all the lies.

She obviously needs money. I am wondering after this, that another anonymous person will come forward asking for money from Tara directly and tell her where to put it and tell her where she can find Tori.

I am wondering if her boyfriend is possibly involved in bike gang. He was arrested in a drug raid with 16 people in a small city. There are a lot of gang wars going on. Never heard of kidnapping or killing a child, but I remember the mention of some kind of ring.

Astros, does any of my theory add up?
Or maybe this rich anonymous donor is Zanny the nanny, you know she had a rich family....:crazy::blushing: sorry I couldnt resist
Weirder, Tara said she was driven to a building near the Pearson Airport in Toronto!

On Citytv tonight, Tara has a very bizarre story of how a limo came came down the street (reports on other side in plain view but didn't see the limo) and the limo driver told her that his boss wanted to meet with her. So Tara goes with him .. reporters oblivious to see the limo drive away and takes her to a hotel near an airport where she goes to the top floor and meets this very wealthy lady. The lady had a missing daughter that was murdered and she showed Tara her daughter's blonde hair. Tara noted that it looked the same colour as Tori's. No this anonymous woman says that she is willing to pay any price to the person who has Tori for Tori's return. Apparently this wealthy lady flew into Toronto.

Now, the LE are saying they are looking into this matter. Now, they are not stupid. They will be able to easily search databases to look for wealthy women who had a kidnapped daughter murdered and the child has blonde hair. Then they know she flew into Toronto. So it would not be difficult for them to know who this woman is, besides the fact she left a phone number.


Astros, does any of my theory add up?

<Respectfully snipped>

Can anyone determine the date & time of this 'story' Tara is telling on video? (Also, the date & time this limo [allegedly] pulled up to her back door -- Friday 4/24/09, if IIRC...)

Weirder, Tara said she was driven to a building near the Pearson Airport in Toronto!

Good Afternoon, Huh?

I don't get what you're trying to say..I've looked at the link and still I don't get what your trying to say. Sorry, please clarify.

By the way Tara said she was driven to the Sheraton Hotel at the Toronto International Airport.
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