France - 5 shot, 4 dead in French Alps, may have int'l ramifications, 2012 #2

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Tuerie de Chevaline : un motard passé de témoin "qui n'a rien vu" à suspect

Chevaline massacre: a motorcyclist goes from witness "who saw nothing" to suspect

Nine years after the mysterious murder of the Al-Hilli family and cyclist Sylvain Mollier in a forest in the Alps, a man who had previously been cleared of any wrongdoing was placed in police custody yesterday, Wednesday. In 2015, he claimed to have seen and heard nothing on the day of the massacre. Justice seeks tofind out if he really told everything.

It looks like an interrogation of the last resort ... In this unusual investigation that has frustrated the investigators for nine years, the custody of a biker, already cleared in 2015, is the logical continuation of the reconstitution carried out by the new investigating judge in charge of the Chevaline case, last September 21. On that day, the magistrate cordoned off the area of the Bauges forest massif, in the hills above Lake Annecy, in an attempt to locate everyone near the scene of the massacre.

On 5 September 2012, it was 3.44 pm when an English cyclist, William Brett Martin, rode into the Martinet car parking area. The scene of the crime has something of a thriller about it: a little girl staggers and collapses. A cyclist, Sylvain Mollier, has been shot on his bike. And in the BMW estate car with UK plates, an English family of Iraqi origin, the father, the mother-in-law and the mother in the back seat were shot twice in the head. What scriptwriter would have dared to imagine this last detail: eight hours after the crime, a four-year-old girl was found huddled in her mother's legs in the back of the car, having not dared to move in terror? Unharmed, but in shock.

No witnesses. But two guards from the ONF (National Forestry Commission) will come forward. A little further up in the woods, they checked a motorcyclist with an unusual helmet, and asked him to leave the area, which is forbidden to motorised traffic. A sketch of this bearded biker was circulated everywhere. The man was the number one suspect. He was finally found in 2015, thanks to the meticulous work of the gendarmes, by cross-referencing the phones in the vicinity and the owners of a rather unusual helmet.

Very bad point for him, this biker, a company director living in the Lyon region, never spontaneously came forward. When questioned, the man said he was stunned. He was in the region that day for paragliding, and did not cross the path of either the decimated English family or a possible killer. He saw nothing, heard nothing. He is, he says, neither a gun collector nor a shooter. And nothing in his life seems to link him to the British of Iraqi origin who were shot dead in the car park, or to Sylvain Mollier, the local cyclist who went to stretch his legs during his paternity leave. At the time, the biker, a family man, was released without charge.

Since Wednesday, he is back in police custody, "for time verification", said the Annecy prosecutor. A polite judicial way of suggesting that he may have lied during his interrogations in 2015.

In theory, a thousand and one questions can be asked: in view of the timing of the re-enactment last September, did this man necessarily see or hear something, which he would have chosen to keep silent in 2015, for fear of possible reprisals? Could he be linked to the possible killer, playing a role in the massacre? Could he himself be the author of the killing, and if so, for what motive?

The lawyer of this company director, Jean-Christophe Basson-Larbi, assures that the custody is "not justified". This man "does not have, at any time, the profile of someone who could have committed in cold blood, with premeditation, such a murder", he said, referring to his fear of "the manufacture of a culprit."

In this extraordinary case, which is the biggest French criminal enigma today, the gendarmes of the research section of Chambéry have been unable to solve it for nearly ten years. A suspect, a former legionnaire, municipal policeman and arms collector, committed suicide after being taken into custody.

It is hard to imagine a more difficult investigation: no witnesses to a crime scene in the middle of the forest; no connection between the victims, English holidaymakers on one side and a local cyclist on the other; a single killer for four targets, with a handgun that is more of a collector's item than a hired killer's weapon; and above all, no known motive... It was as if, on this September 5, 2012, fate had devilishly played its part, placing a cold-blooded killer in front of circumstantial victims on this car park of Le Martinet, in the middle of the forest. Judges and gendarmes in charge of the case keep on asking these questions without any answer, and then come up against the same enigma: why did they have to be murdered?

Did the English family and the cyclist who came up behind them see or disturb anything? The question leads back to the biker in the forest. How can he, in all these scenarios, have seen and heard nothing at all?


With Brett Martin, the English cyclist, it was checked if he could have heard anything, and it turned out that shots could not be heard from the location where he was. Would someone wearing a helmet hear shots even if he was nearby?

And how come he did not see anything? If he was driving away, downhill from the parking lot, surely he must have noticed the al-Hilli car?

Daily Mail from January 13, 2013
French Alps shooting latest: Mystery biker named as prime suspect after he was seen near Alpine layby | Daily Mail Online

The 53-year-old ex RAF serviceman [Brett Martin] has told French police that he passed a motorbike driving away from the isolated lay-by where the slaughter took place on September 5th last year.

Between three and five minutes later he discovered a BMW containing the bodies of Surrey engineer Saad al-Hilli, 50, his wife Iqbal, 47, and her mother Suhaila al-Allaf, 74.

Lying next to the car was the murdered French cyclist Sylvain Mollier, 45, while the al-Hilli’s daughter, seven-year-old Zainab, was stumbling around outside having been shot in the shoulder and pistol whipped.


The description is similar to that of a motorbike seen around the time of the murders on a stretch of private road at Col de Cherel, four miles further up the mountain.


Chevaline massacre: Jean-Christophe Basson-Larbi, lawyer for the man in police custody, believes that "to go from the status of a witness to that of a suspect is an unprecedented violence."


The lawyer says on air that his client has always collaborated, and all of a sudden he is suspected of this terrible crime.
Fair, but not quite because in 2015, he went from prime suspect to unsuspected witness. What has happened IMO is that he is back at where he started. He was the prime suspect for a reason!
French Alps massacre investigators reveal man they have re-arrested is 'mystery motorcyclist' | Daily Mail Online

Investigators in the French Alps massacre case have revealed the man they have re-arrested is the 'mystery motorcyclist' who was quizzed seven years ago.

While refusing to name him, lawyers on Wednesday confirmed he was the man seen riding away from the crime scene close to Lake Annecy, and looking lost.

Prosecutors today extended his custody as they question him over the lethal attack on a British family and a cyclist in the French Alps on September 5, 2012.
This is such a bizarre case.

Things that jump out at me:

How can they not track a weapon which is described as more of a "collector's item"

The cyclist was shot 7 times at point blank range, which seems excessive. Was he the target?

Why didnt motorbike man come forward when the sketch and description were released? Impossible to believe he was unaware of them

CHEVALINE | La garde à vue du motard « accouche d’une souris »

Since Wednesday 12 January 2022, a man was placed in custody in the Chevaline massacre case. During the night of Wednesday to Thursday, his custody was extended. At 17:30 on Thursday 13 January, the custody was terminated.

Shortly before 5:30 pm on Thursday 13 January 2022, Jean Christophe Basson Larbi, a lawyer, left the National Gendarmerie in Chambéry and announced that his client's custody had been lifted.

A predictable outcome for the lawyer: "It is a normal outcome. It is not a happy outcome. Once again, it was an unjustified detention. [...] It is legitimate, given the seriousness of the facts, that if questions were to be asked of my client, they would be asked. But I note that the mountain has given birth to a mouse."

Me Basson Larbi confided his client's extreme relief: "He lived through almost 48 hours of hell. The end does not justify the means. It is not because a family has lost their lives, a cyclist has lost his life, that we can break the life of a man who has responded to all the requests, and in any case, put his life on hold. Because that is what has happened in the last 48 hours."

A procedure that the lawyer described as "unheard of violence for this man who had already submitted his truth."

At the end of the police custody, the biker was once again cleared of any wrongdoing in the Chevaline case: "We were able to see that my client told the truth. I hope that, once and for all, my client will no longer be considered as someone who could have committed these murders in the case called the Chevaline massacre.

A clearing of the case also emphasised by the Annecy prosecutor's office. Indeed, at around 5:30 pm, a press release was published in the wake of the incident confirming the termination of police custody.

And the press release is very clear: "No charges have been brought against the person in custody. The explanations given and the checks carried out have made it possible to rule out his possible involvement in the events.

The communiqué also states that investigations are continuing and will continue to find the perpetrator(s) of the crime.

Procureure Annecy

[communiqué de presse] Levée de garde à vue par le juge d’instruction #Chevaline Aucune charge n’est retenue contre la personne gardée à vue. Les investigations se poursuivent pour identifier le ou les auteurs.


Lifting of police custody by the investigating judge #Chevaline No charges have been brought against the person in police custody. Investigations are continuing to identify the perpetrator(s).


I must say, I am not that surprised. The Prosecutors wanted to check the time line, and that is what they did. Apparently, the came to the same conclusions as their predecessors in 2015.

This afternoon, while on my way to an appontment, I was thinking about the case and I realized that I passed many cars, but did not really notice them. Probably the same happened to the biker. He may have passed the al-Hilli car without noticing or giving it a second glance. Years later, what would he remember?
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«Cette piste est clôturée» : le motard relâché, le mystère de la tuerie de Chevaline reste entier

"This trail is closed": the motorcyclist released, the mystery of the Chevaline massacre remains unresolved

The company director from Lyon, who was arrested on Wednesday morning by the police, was released without further action after thirty hours in police custody. No evidence has been found to implicate him in the quadruple murder committed in 2012 in the small town of Haute-Savoie.

Will we ever know what happened on 5 September 2012 on this small dirt road in Chevaline (Haute-Savoie)? Following a new episode in this judicial enigma, one fact seems to have been established: the Lyon-based company director arrested on Wednesday morning by the gendarmes of the Chambéry research section is not the man who shot dead Saad Al-Hilli, a 50-year-old Briton of Iraqi origin, his wife and mother-in-law, as well as a local cyclist, Sylvain Mollier.

After 36 hours in police custody, the family man was released without charge. "The explanations given and the checks carried out have made it possible to rule out his potential involvement in the events", emphasised Lise Bonnet, the Annecy public prosecutor. "He is totally off the hook, this trail is closed," a judicial source said.

The fifty-something released on Thursday evening was not an unknown in this sprawling case. He had already been heard freely in 2015. Two guards of the National Forestry Office had told investigators that they had stopped a motorcyclist with an "original" helmet near the scene of the crime. It took three years to identify the famous rider, who did not know he was wanted despite the media coverage of the case. During this first hearing, he had explained to the gendarmes that he had been walking in the area after a paragliding experience with several people, who confirmed his presence. He had also explained that he had not noticed or heard anything suspicious during his motorbike ride. Nothing contradicted his account.

So why, six years later, was this man plunged back into the horror of the Chevaline massacre? According to reliable sources, a reconstruction organised last September by the Chambéry gendarmes - in his presence, as well as that of two agents of the ONF and the cyclist who had discovered the victims - would have brought to light certain strangenesses in the time-table of the fifty-something. After 1,500 hours of work on this reconstruction, the investigators had come to the conclusion that the biker must inevitably have been in the immediate vicinity of the crime scene at the time of the murders, and that he must have at least seen or heard something. These are obviously fragile indications, but they led the investigators and judges to take him into custody on the day the Minister of Justice announced the creation of the cold case unit. A "coincidence," assures Lise Bonnet.

At the end of these 36 hours, during which his wife was heard in liberty, no link was found between this inhabitant of the Lyon region and the victims. He has no particular expertise in shooting, while the Chevaline murders have always been described as the work of a "professional." According to a person close to the case, on Wednesday and Thursday, the father of a family gave the same account as in 2015 to the police and was never contradicted by the information obtained from the reconstruction. "The mountain gives birth to a mouse, this custody was not justified and abusive," his lawyer, Me Basson-Larbi denounced. "My client has always had at heart to help justice, has always been at its disposal. Going from the status of witness to that of suspect has put an unbearable burden on him, even though he never saw or heard anything on the day of the tragedy."

"For the progress of the investigations, it was imperative to close this door definitively," a source close to the case explained. It is now done, and this will perhaps allow others to be opened. According to the Annecy prosecutor, three investigators from the Chambéry investigative unit continue to work full time on the Chevaline massacre.

Any chance this company director is cover for a different job?
CHEVALINE | La garde à vue du motard « accouche d’une souris »

Since Wednesday 12 January 2022, a man was placed in custody in the Chevaline massacre case. During the night of Wednesday to Thursday, his custody was extended. At 17:30 on Thursday 13 January, the custody was terminated.

Shortly before 5:30 pm on Thursday 13 January 2022, Jean Christophe Basson Larbi, a lawyer, left the National Gendarmerie in Chambéry and announced that his client's custody had been lifted.

A predictable outcome for the lawyer: "It is a normal outcome. It is not a happy outcome. Once again, it was an unjustified detention. [...] It is legitimate, given the seriousness of the facts, that if questions were to be asked of my client, they would be asked. But I note that the mountain has given birth to a mouse."

Me Basson Larbi confided his client's extreme relief: "He lived through almost 48 hours of hell. The end does not justify the means. It is not because a family has lost their lives, a cyclist has lost his life, that we can break the life of a man who has responded to all the requests, and in any case, put his life on hold. Because that is what has happened in the last 48 hours."

A procedure that the lawyer described as "unheard of violence for this man who had already submitted his truth."

At the end of the police custody, the biker was once again cleared of any wrongdoing in the Chevaline case: "We were able to see that my client told the truth. I hope that, once and for all, my client will no longer be considered as someone who could have committed these murders in the case called the Chevaline massacre.

A clearing of the case also emphasised by the Annecy prosecutor's office. Indeed, at around 5:30 pm, a press release was published in the wake of the incident confirming the termination of police custody.

And the press release is very clear: "No charges have been brought against the person in custody. The explanations given and the checks carried out have made it possible to rule out his possible involvement in the events.

The communiqué also states that investigations are continuing and will continue to find the perpetrator(s) of the crime.

There's a lot of dramatic language in the article, I assume that's just the style French lawyers adopt when speaking to the press.

Going back to the first time he was arrested and released, the BBC reported French prosecutors saying he was "above suspicion" and "had an honourable reputation". So it's certainly no wonder this next crew of investigators wanted to take a second look at him.
Al-Hilli Alps murders: Motorcyclist suspect ruled out

I am very curious about how, this time, he had 'proof', that had not been supplied earlier. In addition to his unblemished honor, I mean.

I sincerely hope French police are open-minded about potential motives, and not starting from theories, such as that the killer was a hired hitman, who will therefore act the part of a guilty hired hitman, whatever that would look like.

So, French LE released the individual. I was reading some articles about the scene of the murders. IMO it seems like overkill, 25 bullets found inside the car. Child beaten and shot, cyclist shot seven times. So much violence. In the middle of the day, even though it was an isolated spot it wasn't like other travellers couldn't stumble upon the scene. The murderer took risk of being witnessed. Maybe the individual thought, other than this one cyclist no one else will come by, so I'm safe to committ this crime. Was the murderer a local who knew the area and what traffic was like, which spots were isolated in the vicinity. Speculation of course, but, if they weren't local then someone studied the area before doing this. Maybe the murderer didn't care about the risk. No answers yet, but maybe as in Russell Hill and Carol Clay's case in Australia LE is using a method to scare an individual/s into an awkward situation where some answers may come to light. I hope LE knows more than they are saying to the public that way there is a possiblity this can get solved otherwise who knows?
I don't know about other sleuthers following this case but I wonder if the killer was a child predator. The abuse of the child makes me suspicious of this. The cyclist was a witness so he had to be killed. Maybe the motive was to harm the child but things were foiled by the witness. So the killer couldn't finish his original objective. Where did the killer come from, the bush surrounding the crime scene. I just started following this case so I have to look. Everyday I see something more awful that happened to these victims. If any type of tracks were found at the scene, but that would be hard to provide information because they could be from a previous vehicle/s that just happened to be there before this happened maybe from the previous day so that won't tell much. But I suppose those vehicle tracks could be judged by LE to be recent or old.
The thing that boggles my mind is the family was in the car the cyclist happened to be cycling by so for thrill or whatever the killer shot them all but did not abuse any of them except the child. The killer could have easily abused the others as well, but kept the child alive so the child could be abused this is what it looks like to me. Why not shoot the child like the others multiple times and be rid of another witness to the crime? A seven year old child cannot run faster than someone who is an adult (killer.) These things make me question the motive here. If it was a hitman then why make it look like they are a child predator? Although a hitman could be a child predator as well. If it was a hitman would the hired hitman need to shoot so many times? Wouldn't the hitman want get far away as quickly as possible from the crime scene so why waste time and keep shooting? Yeah it doesn't seem like a hitman it seems more like a child predator.
The thing that boggles my mind is the family was in the car the cyclist happened to be cycling by so for thrill or whatever the killer shot them all but did not abuse any of them except the child. The killer could have easily abused the others as well, but kept the child alive so the child could be abused this is what it looks like to me. Why not shoot the child like the others multiple times and be rid of another witness to the crime? A seven year old child cannot run faster than someone who is an adult (killer.) These things make me question the motive here. If it was a hitman then why make it look like they are a child predator? Although a hitman could be a child predator as well. If it was a hitman would the hired hitman need to shoot so many times? Wouldn't the hitman want get far away as quickly as possible from the crime scene so why waste time and keep shooting? Yeah it doesn't seem like a hitman it seems more like a child predator.

FYI: The shooter RAN OUT OF BULLETS so he hit the girl instead of shooting her again. There is no indication that he planned to keep her alive. There is no indication of child abuse, nor has the shooter been considered a child predator.
The Guardian link posted above stated that earlier in the enquiry.

A passing motorcyclist from Lyon was also traced and ruled out of the inquiry.

The latest arrest is of a person living in Lyons so I am wondering if it is the motor cyclist.

Thanks Skigh - that sounds more plausible
There's a lot of dramatic language in the article, I assume that's just the style French lawyers adopt when speaking to the press.

Going back to the first time he was arrested and released, the BBC reported French prosecutors saying he was "above suspicion" and "had an honourable reputation". So it's certainly no wonder this next crew of investigators wanted to take a second look at him.
Al-Hilli Alps murders: Motorcyclist suspect ruled out

I am very curious about how, this time, he had 'proof', that had not been supplied earlier. In addition to his unblemished honor, I mean.

I sincerely hope French police are open-minded about potential motives, and not starting from theories, such as that the killer was a hired hitman, who will therefore act the part of a guilty hired hitman, whatever that would look like.


A British lawyer might say 'Much ado about nothing' and be totally unaware (or not) that he is quoting Shakespeare. :)

The French often use a lot of words without apparently saying much. To call someone an 'honourable man' is being polite towards the other, and at the same time keeping your cards hidden as to why this might be the case.

Some reasons to exclude the biker as a suspect have finally appeared in the press: he does not know how to shoot a gun - and the perp apparently did - and he had been paragliding with other people earlier that day.
No doubt there are other reasons and indications, but LE remains silent about them.

I've been scouring social media for comments about this arrest. I noticed that posters who could explain perfectly why he was a lying suspect now claim that of course he isn't because he was already gone from the parking lot before the al-Hilli's arrived. :cool:
Tuerie de Chevaline: après la remise en liberté du témoin, «pas de sentiment d’échec» pour la procureure d’Annecy

[paywall, but free to read after watching a rather sweet commercial about the region]

Chevaline massacre: after the release of the witness, "no feeling of failure" for the prosecutor of Annecy


For Line Bonnet, contacted this Friday by the Essor, "there is no feeling of failure" following this judicial and media sequence. "There was a big fuss but it was managed," says the woman who is pleased "every day" to have chosen her Twitter account as a channel of communication to avoid answering incessant calls from journalists.

She believes that "this custody should not have been made public. There have been many others in this case, which ended in the same way, but which were not publicised," even if she says she "understands" the media pressure and the interest generated by this unsolved quadruple homicide.

She will not say more, however, about the substance of the case, and about possible future hearings. However, she confirmed that three investigators from the SR continue to work full time on this case, and that the Chevaline massacre remains a priority case. "It is not a cold case," the magistrate insists.

A British lawyer might say 'Much ado about nothing' and be totally unaware (or not) that he is quoting Shakespeare. :)

The French often use a lot of words without apparently saying much. To call someone an 'honourable man' is being polite towards the other, and at the same time keeping your cards hidden as to why this might be the case.

Some reasons to exclude the biker as a suspect have finally appeared in the press: he does not know how to shoot a gun - and the perp apparently did - and he had been paragliding with other people earlier that day.
No doubt there are other reasons and indications, but LE remains silent about them.

I've been scouring social media for comments about this arrest. I noticed that posters who could explain perfectly why he was a lying suspect now claim that of course he isn't because he was already gone from the parking lot before the al-Hilli's arrived. :cool:
I would say the lawyer makes him appear to have an arrogant and dismissive attitude towards police. Even if he didn't witness the killings, he must have witnessed something, he could at least have come forward at the time and tried to recall who he encountered and when, since the issue of timing is crucial.

As well, 'someone with an arrogant, self-entitled attitude', I think is a good description of the killer in this case. Such people also feel quite comfortable lying to police.

So, even if he's innocent, I have no sympathy for this man, in spite of his lawyer's grandiose narrative.


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