France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #1

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PARIS — French police on Sunday released the photo of a man they say was involved in the murder spree that swept across the city Friday night, leaving 126 people dead.

A wanted alert with photo was issued for Salah Abdeslam, 26, a Brussels native. Police warned that "the individual is dangerous, do not approach yourself."
<snipped - read more - Video>

Why the Syrian refugee passport found at Paris attack scene must be treated with caution.


The new government in Poland is using the news as a reason to back out of an agreement to take in several thousand Syrians. And the front page of the British newspaper the Mail on Sunday stated definitively that the attackers “sneaked into Europe as fake Syrian refugees”.
Example of why Police have asked folks not to gather in masses just yet. I can certainly understand why Police are concerned yet I understand why the People want to be there.

Facebook explains why it activated the safety check for Paris attacks


Over four million people used the Safety Check tool to tell their friends they were OK, and over 360 million people got notifications that their friends were safe, Facebook said. Around the world, 78 million people had 183 million interactions relating to the attacks.

ETA: I am SO thankful for this feature. Luckily, all our family in Paris utilized the function and are all safe.

Israel's Army Radio said electronic surveillance of Syria and Iraq - where Islamic State insurgents have conquered swathes of territory - may have yielded intelligence on the organization of the Paris attacks.

According to Channel Two, Israel had no advance warning of the Paris attacks but within hours of the assaults gave France details on some of the Islamic State militants believed to have carried them out.

Citing an unnamed senior Israeli official, Channel Two said Israel saw a "clear operational link" between the Paris attacks, Thursday's Beirut suicide bombings and the Oct. 31 downing of a Russian airliner in the Egyptian Sinai.,7340,L-4725631,00.html

If that connection is true (it seems very likely to me). or, more likely, simply because such a rumour exists, it opens the door for Putin to claim legitimacy for implementing a huge retaliation.
Belgium launches international manhunt for Paris attack suspect: source
18 minutes ag

Sources close to the investigation say they believe that the three brothers were involved in Friday's attacks that claimed at least 129 lives.

One is on the run, one is in custody in Belgium -- though it is unclear whether he took part in the rampage -- while the third was one of the attackers who blew themselves up at the Bataclan concert hall after killing at least 89 people, the source said.


Panic was false alarm, sparked by firecrackers according to police, at the Place de la Republique, things back to normal.

Sources close to the investigation say they believe that the three brothers were involved in Friday's attacks that claimed at least 129 lives.

AS, seems like he was a logistics guy. He the bother who rented the car. His other brother was one those who blew themselves up.

DNA tests being run on the car found in France live stream paraphrased as best possible
Bernie Sanders says that terrorism and global warming are linked.

It makes me wonder, then why aren't there terrorists coming from all parts of the world - Iceland, Fiji, South America....?

Does that means that if we solve one problem, we solve the other? Which one do we solve first?
Get rid of terrorism and global warming will take care of itself? Or focus on global warming and terrorists will suddenly become warm human beings?

Someone help me out here.
Bernie Sanders just echoed a long held belief. Here is a link about Thomas Fingar (Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis and concurrently served as the Chairman of the National Intelligence Council under the Bush administration ) testifying to Congress about the link between global warming and terrorism in 2008.
(A terrifying account)

Two heavily armed ISIS gunmen pulled up in a black Mercedes-Benz and calmly slaughtered scores of *innocent diners in a Paris bistro *before driving away.

An eyewitness has told how 20 people were executed in a *calculated attack on a busy restaurant in the heart of the French capital as they ate at tables on the pavement.

A shocking description of the assassins and their barbaric assault came as the first eyewitness *accounts emerged last night.

Mahoud Admo said: &#8220;The gunman showed no emotion at all as he began spraying bullets into the *diners. He just kept reloading his machine gun and firing, without saying a thing.

&#8220;The people outside the bar were dead straight away. There were streams of blood everywhere and broken glass. It was carnage.&#8221;
Being a refugee means starting over in a new place.

Being an immigrant means starting over (unless you moved to a new country because of a job offer).

Being a refugee fleeing an active war means staying temporarily in a country that will offer you safe harbor until you can GO HOME. Showing up and then demanding better food, better living conditions NOT acceptable. If they don't like what is provided they can leave.
I think they would be safe in a rural area. You think they need to be armed too??

No one is attacking rural Florida. I thinke we need to keep things in perspective.

Let's respect and promote humanity.

There is a place near them that could be a target.
The police hunt for on-the-run Paris terror suspect Abdeslam Salah comes as the investigation into the attacks focuses on three French brothers based in Belgium.

According to Le Monde, the names of two of the brothers were on rental contracts for two cars with Belgian number plates and used during the attacks, a Volkswagen Polo and a Seat.

French broadcaster BFMTV reported that Salah is suspected of renting the black Polo, which was found near the Bataclan concert hall where 89 people died.

His brother Ibrahim Salah was named by the Washington Post as another of the terror suspects, citing a senior European intelligence official. It is thought that he may be one of the suicide bombers killed in the attacks.

A third brother, who has not been named, is believed to have been among seven people arrested on Saturday in the Molenbeek-Saint-Jean district of Brussels.

photo ID card also here:
I'm talking specifically about terrorism, not the 2nd Amendment. We've been discussing terrorism what happened in Paris. I'm not talking about the right to bear arms at all. My comment was only meant to say I think people who believe their guns will protect them from ISIS are naive.

How many lives could have been saved in the concert hall if just 10 people were carrying a weapon?
Wanted poster for third brother, arrest warrant issued


Facebook explains why it activated the safety check for Paris attacks


Over four million people used the Safety Check tool to tell their friends they were OK, and over 360 million people got notifications that their friends were safe, Facebook said. Around the world, 78 million people had 183 million interactions relating to the attacks.

ETA: I am SO thankful for this feature. Luckily, all our family in Paris utilized the function and are all safe.

This is incredible.
Not only would it happen, it has happened. The entire United States was shut down after 9/11.

Closings and cancellations following the September 11 attacks

You're right, my GF and her BF were stuck in Vegas for 2-3 extra days when the no fly order was in affect.

ETA: My cousin in France is ok, actually he lives in Rennes, France. He must have traveled to Paris in the last day, he's posted a couple of pics. So glad he's ok!:happydance:
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