France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #1

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The scary thing about the influx of refugees into Europe is that a number of people had no paperwork at all, and some of it was thrown away along the journey. So it stands to reason that terrorists would have taken advantage of the open borders to plant themselves inside countries, like Germany, where they will be enjoying the benefits that country provides whilst planning the next attack. This is not the fault of the genuine refugees, but nobody can tell the difference.

Maybe the countries are going to have to not allow people in without paperwork?
I think a bio or chemical attack is imminent. JMO.

If you want to really worry look up "EMP attack". Estimates say if the US was hit with a couple of EMPs up to 90% of the population would be dead within 1 year. The knowledge of what an EMP would do is enough to make many folks start prepping.

Many countries have the capability even if they don't have nukes. Iran, North Korea etc...
Turkish officials have said that they foiled a major terror plot on Istanbul, on the same day as the Paris attacks.

Wow...that's major...

More from the link above:

10m ago 14:07

"More details have been released from the foiled plot in Turkey:

Police on Friday detained five people in Istanbul, the source told AFP, including a suspected close associate of the notorious Isis militant known as “Jihadi John” who Washington believes was likely killed*in a recent drone strike in Syria.

[...] Aine Lesley Davis - like “Jihadi John” a British citizen who guarded foreign prisoners in Syria - was among the IS suspects detained in a swoop in Istanbul.

Davis, a London-born British Muslim who turned to Islamist militancy, has been described by British media in the past as a key figure in the network of IS in Syria.

Davis and the other four fellow jihadists had crossed into Turkey from Syria at an unspecified date.

Turkish authorities are investigating if the foiled plot had any links with the Paris attacks which killed 132 people, the Turkish official said."
And another topic that I will not discuss with family and friends. The only safe topic is the weather. I don't like being neutered, that is why coming here, discussions like this help me see different points of view, without getting into trouble with people I know. :eek:

Same here. I can't even discuss immigration with my husband. He is black/white. I am gray, most of the time. You are talking about people. Humans.
The first Syrian refugees will arrive in Britain on a charter flight this week. The Government has offered to take 20,000 people by 2020 direct from camps in Syria and neighbouring countries.
But the UK has opted out of an EU scheme to relocate tens of thousands of people who have already reached Europe.

Home Secretary Teresa May today told BBC1's Andrew Marr Show:
‘We have processes in place. There are two levels of screening that take place.

‘First of all, we are taking people directly from the camps. We are working with UNHCR - UNHCR take biometrics, they look at documents, they interview people, they do their own process of screening against issues like war crimes and serious criminality.
‘Then there is a further check that is done once people are referred to the UK. The Home Office then undertakes further checks, further biometrics are taken.’

She added: ‘We are ensuring that we are checking people who are coming in to the UK. Of course we are taking people direct from camps and that means we are taking some of the most vulnerable people.

Read more:
I'm sure even a car backfiring would cause a mass panic right now. Not saying that's what it was but tension is so high.

Indeed. Remember after 9/11, all the scares we had? (You are in the great country of Canada, I know, but ykwim...)
And another topic that I will not discuss with family and friends. The only safe topic is the weather. I don't like being neutered, that is why coming here, discussions like this help me see different points of view, without getting into trouble with people I know. :eek:

I couldn't have said it better!
Back in the 1960's, thousands of Cuban professionals worked menial jobs while they assimilated and gained U.S. accreditation in their respective professions. I think it's safe to say that the vast majority, at least among the many I know, personally, did so proudly and with gratitude. The same can be said for other ethnic groups, as well.

I have many close ties to the Cuban American community in South Florida and while it is true that many of those First Wave emigres were professionals in Cuba and were grateful to escape the communist Castro regime, very few of them were grateful for the rather prejudicial treatment they encountered in trying to become re-established in their professions. (Although I have never heard any Cuban Americans describe any types of discrimination other than this.) I DO think that the First Wave were given a much better welcome than susequent "waves", probably due to the fact they were affluent and educated.

Many had even been educated in American universities and med schools and also spoke fluent English. I imagine that most (especially those schooled in the US) could have easily passed whatever boards were required. Just my assumption, though. I wonder if part of it could have been that some Americans did not consider Cubans to be "white" (although, the early refugees were overwhelmingly white)? I only say this because this was the early 60's and Florida was still very backwards in it's views on race....just a thought.

I do agree with most of your post, only I have heard many Cuban Americans express a sort of sad resignation that their (or their parents') professional careers were ended. I think today it would be easier to continue to work in one's profession after emigrating/immigrating.

Of course, like in everything, perspectives may vary, lol! Sorry to go on so long, but I have always had a huge interest in the experience of the Castro refugees!
72 hours before Paris attacks, ISIS-linked social media account reveals 'God bless you in your mission'

Separately, Fox News has learned that four credible, ISIS-linked social media accounts began sharing messages 72 hours before the Paris attack, including images of weapons, the Eiffel tower, as well as blessings for the attackers’ mission. A military intelligence source says the social media traffic is now seen as evidence the three teams had gone operational.

The translations include “God bless you in your mission” and “Support the deployment,” as well as a reference to our “sister,” suggesting an operative, or member of the support team was a woman.

Not long ago I read an article about Muslim immigrants/refugees (can't remember which) living in Minnesota. They are given free health care, free housing and free food cards The women receiving these benefits are now demanding better food claiming what they are given does not meet their religious requirements. These women are not being asked to work. The government is simply handing over all their needs. In contrast, I have work since I was 16. I recently lost my job and health insurance. I was able to find a part time job quickly but health insurance would cost me over $500 per month. I am 59 years old and have paid taxes all these years but cannot get my government to help me. These women are being given all these benefits without even being asked to contribute to society. Few weeks ago I fell and broke my arm. It required surgery and a short stay in the hospital. I will be paying for this the rest of my life. What is wrong with this picture?

This is the same in many countries. So-called refugees or immigrants get free housing, free food and health care. It is not free of course, all this is paid for by the tax payers' money.

Here's some news from Sweden:

During the last few decades, Swedes have had to get used to the government (left and right wing parties alike) prioritizing refugees and migrants above native Swedes. The high tax level (the average worker pays 42% income tax) was been accepted in the past, because people knew that if they got sick, or when they retired or otherwise needed government aid, they would get it.

Now, Swedes see the welfare system failing them. More and more senior citizens fall into the "indigent" category; close to 800,000 of Sweden's 2.1 million retirees, despite having worked their whole lives, are forced to live on between 4,500 and 5,500 kronor ($545 - $665) a month. Meanwhile, seniors who immigrate to Sweden receive the so-called "elderly support subsidy" -- usually a higher amount -- even though they have never paid any taxes in Sweden.

Worse, in 2013 the government decided that people staying in the country illegally have a right to virtually free health and dental care. So while the destitute Swedish senior citizen must choose between paying 100,000 kronor ($12,000) to get new teeth or living toothless, a person who does not even have the right to stay in Sweden can get his teeth fixed for 50 kronor ($6).


The father of Aylan, the little boy who drowned while crossing from Turkey to Greece and whose picture went viral, wanted to go to Sweden to get his teeth fixed. The parents did not buy life jackets for their children.

There is a lot of 'asylum-shopping', based on real regulations or fantasies. They go to Sweden to get their teeth fixed. To Holland because it is easier to let your family come. To Germany because some expect to be given a Mercedes and an apartment.
Curbing benefits for immigrants reduces the influx immediately.
72 hours before Paris attacks, ISIS-linked social media account reveals 'God bless you in your mission'

Separately, Fox News has learned that four credible, ISIS-linked social media accounts began sharing messages 72 hours before the Paris attack, including images of weapons, the Eiffel tower, as well as blessings for the attackers’ mission. A military intelligence source says the social media traffic is now seen as evidence the three teams had gone operational.

The translations include “God bless you in your mission” and “Support the deployment,” as well as a reference to our “sister,” suggesting an operative, or member of the support team was a woman.


A female terrorist?!
Death toll confirmed at 129

350 injured of those 42 in critical condition

Families have mostly now found their loved ones at the various hospital and visiting

No blood donations today, Sunday, but will resume in the morning. live stream

Momoffourboys, CARIIS, Elley Mae, ZaZara and all the WSers contributing your thoughts and posting information, I can't tell you how much it means to me to be in the company of such amazing well considered, kind and wise people trying to make sense of things and your active concern. Welcome to newcomers, I hope you join and pitch in. Thank you so much for everything. As magz said, it is an honor.

Long Live France
"In a video, ISIL called on Muslims to attack France.

"As long as you keep bombing you will not live in peace. You will even fear travelling to the market," said an Arabic-speaking man, flanked by others.
Alain Gresh: Why is the war on terror not working?

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that France and other Western nations were at least partly responsible for the attacks, criticising Holland for turning a blind eye to its allies which supported anti-regime groups in Syria.

Alain Gresh, editor of the French Le Monde Diplomatique magazine, told Al Jazeera that he expected critics to start speaking out publicly about France's foreign policies after a day or two of national mourning.

"I think after one or two days, the criticism will begin," he said.

"We have been in this war against terror for years and years and [yet] we have more terror - this is a real problem."

The problem is they are at war with us but we are no longer at war with them. Pretty soon radical Islam will be the lifestyle of the world, due to our surrender.
Well maybe if the U.S had helped Assad from the beginning before the foreseeable civil war was about to take place; Then maybe Syrians wouldn't be displaced right now. Jmo

Assad is Assad. But the country was okay and somewhat stable. Now Assad didn't want to step down and people were mad that they were not getting treated fairly as certain people from certain parts of the country was.

This is all understandable. But Assad wasn't Gadalphi by any means. So the U.S could have easily helped him stabilize the rioting before it got out of hand. Russia could have helped as well. But I think Assad was storing missiles in Russia just in case. So Russia didn't mind taking the goods while waiting and seeing. Jmo. Just my rant. Lol
Quote Originally Posted by Mrs G Norris View Post
The scary thing about the influx of refugees into Europe is that a number of people had no paperwork at all, and some of it was thrown away along the journey. So it stands to reason that terrorists would have taken advantage of the open borders to plant themselves inside countries, like Germany, where they will be enjoying the benefits that country provides whilst planning the next attack. This is not the fault of the genuine refugees, but nobody can tell the difference.

Maybe the countries are going to have to not allow people in without paperwork?

leah, the tragic irony is that when ISIS conquers a town or village, they take over the government offices. This allows them to counterfeit identification papers; birth certificates, passports, drivers license, etc.. Catch 22 as to their verification by other countries..

However, six senior Iraqi officials corroborated the information in the dispatch, a copy of which was obtained by the AP, and four of these intelligence officials said they also warned France specifically of a potential attack. Two officials told the AP that France was warned beforehand of details that French authorities have yet to make public.

Among them: that the Paris attacks appear to have been planned in Raqqa, Syria — the Islamic State's de-facto capital — where the attackers were trained specifically for this operation and with the intention of sending them to France.

The officials also said a sleeper cell in France then met with the attackers after their training and helped them to execute the plan.

There were 24 people involved in the operation, they said: 19 attackers and five others in charge of logistics and planning.

"A man has described "the saddest moment" he'd experienced as part of the human race, after stepping into a waiting taxi cab following the Paris terror attacks.

A conversation with a driver in Manhattan, inspired New Yorker Alex Malloy to speak out following the horrific attacks on Friday night that left 129 people dead.

The first words the 23-year-old heard as he got into the car were "thank you", and what followed “one of the most heartbreaking moments" he'd ever experienced.

His driver, a Muslim, explained Malloy had been his first customer in more than two hours - blaming the people of New York being too scared to get into his cab."

Very poignant story it's great shame this is happening.

Thank you for all your updates and contributions it is much appreciated. I'm trying to avoid any articles or photos that show any victims deceased or injured as I think it is disrespectful and upsetting.
It's true we've been fighting this war for years and haven't fixed anything, have we? But how do we help people who are simply the victims of the mess we've made while also fighting the people who mean to do great harm and terrorize the world? Al-Assad says we're partly responsible but what exactly does he want us to do?

I don't think killing their leaders one by one is the answer. All I have are questions.

He wants us to die. I don't need to know any other motivation or what is on his mind.
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