France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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When you think about the deaths of 132 people, you know it's a huge number. When you see pictures of them all like this... you realise just how much grief and pain has been created. There are just SO many people. So many vibrant people who were just going about their lives and now they're gone. It's not even all of them given so many have not been identified.

It's all the more shocking looking at all the people like this, it brings it home there were normal people, just like us and our loved ones. So sad. I'm glad their names and faces are out there though now.
To Paris, from Pakistan:

Some defiant humour from British comedian John Oliver on HBO programme, US, Last Week Tonight

In a monologue to the camera, Oliver says: 'First, as of now, we know this attack was carried out by gigantic *advertiser censored**ing *advertiser censored***holes.
'Unconscionable, flaming *advertiser censored***holes, possibly working with other *advertiser censored**ing *advertiser censored***holes, definitely working in service of an ideology of pure *advertiser censored***holery.
'Second, and this goes almost without saying, *advertiser censored** these *advertiser censored***holes. *advertiser censored** them, if I might say, *advertiser censored** them sideways.'

"He goes on to say 'France is going to endure' because their culture is so rich.
He says: 'If you are in a war of culture and lifestyle with France, good *advertiser censored**ing luck. Go ahead, bring your bankrupt ideology.
'They'll bring Jean-Paul Sartre, Edith Piaf, fine wine, Camus, Camembert, madeleines, macarons, and the *advertiser censored**ing croquembouche.
'You just brought a philosophy of rigorous self-abnegation to a pastry fight, my friend.
'So to the people of France, our thoughts are truly with you and I do not doubt there will be more to say on all of this as events unspool.'

Read more:
The public mood changes,
internment becomes a possibility.
The next thing you know the army is doing a home by home search,
room by room, looking in your closets and under your bed, for terrorists, hostages, and weapons.

So a government that puts restrictions on a million or more unknown foreigners trying to force their way across the borders is just a hairs width away from the Gestapo going house to house to check under beds???

Wow. Why bother having borders at all?


"Global hackers’ group Anonymous has declared a cyber war against the Islamic State, after attacks in Paris left 129 people dead and hundreds more injured on Friday.

“These attacks cannot remain unpunished,” someone in a Guy Fawkes mask says in French in video posted by the group to YouTube on Monday.

Describing members of the Islamic State as “vermin that kill poor innocents,” the Anonymous member said the hackers would track down members of the extremist group.

“We will launch the biggest operation ever against you. Expect many cyber attacks. War has been declared. Get ready,” the person said".

Yeh, a bunch of kids living in their mom's basement ought to solve this, the arrogance of the so called 'Anonymous' group knows no bounds IMO.
Just heard on CNN that 15 states are now refusing
Syrian refugees.

Doesn't this just prove that we have no way of vetting the refugees, I mean if they were sure these people were not affiliated with ISIS in any way, there would be no threat, so why were they letting people into your, and my, country that could possibly have been ISIS plants? This is very scary, and it means of course they've already probably let a fair few in.
The only problem is that states cannot refuse them. The only thing they could do is refuse to allow any resources of the state to take care of the refugees. This would include any medical, housing or food assistance.

That is what I thought. So all the governors that are refusing are not entirely telling the truth. So if refugees are brought to some of these states, what's going to happen if they refuse medical, housing or food assistance? That is really going to go over big. And how can you not give food to people? I would like to read more about this, if anyone has an article about the states bringing in refugees.
How easy to buy a fake passport in Turkey to cross later as a Syrian bona fide refugee:

A MailOnline reporter was able to buy a Syrian passport, identity card and driving licence from a fraudster in a Turkish border town in September this year.
The passport book was genuine, stolen from Syria when blank. The forger added the reporter's picture and gave him the identity of a Syrian man from Aleppo who was killed last year.
The other papers – the identity card and the driving licence – supported the false identity and gave credibility to a claim for asylum in Europe.
The documents were bought for $2,000 and were ready in just four days.

Read more:
Yeh, a bunch of kids living in their mom's basement ought to solve this, the arrogance of the so called 'Anonymous' group knows no bounds IMO.

These guys are good at hacking into sites, regardless of who they are. They were able to get names of people subscribing to a sex site and those affiliated with the KKK. If nothing else, they will make them change their communication methods.
Just heard on CNN that 15 states are now refusing
Syrian refugees.

This is something they announce to get support, play to the xenophobia of their constituents, appear to not be under the Federal government's control, and I don't know, whatever their reasons might be, but the choice isn't theirs.
These guys are good at hacking into sites, regardless of who they are. They were able to get names of people subscribing to a sex site and those affiliated with the KKK. If nothing else, they will make them change their communication methods.

They're also the ones who exposed the Steubenville rapists.
Yeh, a bunch of kids living in their mom's basement ought to solve this, the arrogance of the so called 'Anonymous' group knows no bounds IMO.

True, but maybe it takes a group of " arrogant kids " in their parent's basements, to tackle a group of " arrogant kids" from caves. imo.
Yeh, a bunch of kids living in their mom's basement ought to solve this, the arrogance of the so called 'Anonymous' group knows no bounds IMO.

Ah come on Mrs G - surely every little helps?

You can send your thoughts to that SanFrancisco based company I linked to recently and that way these little kiddies can get back to play with their other toys. :thinking:
I can supply a list of the others comms app companies.....
"It is our understanding that the state does not have the authority to prevent the federal government from funding the relocation of these Syrian refugees to Florida even without state support," Scott wrote. "Therefore, we are asking the United States Congress to take immediate and aggressive action" to prevent Obama and his administration from funding Syrian refugee relocation to the United States.
Sitting at the airport now, all the tvs still covering what happened in someone who use to never be scared to fly it's getting increasingly difficult for me to push the fear away. I am just so damn sick and tired of people wanting to hurt other people. Life is hard enough as it is, but some still think they have a right to inflict pain, horror and heartbreak on others. For what? It all seems so pointless. Can't we all just live and let live without being self righteous asshats? It makes me angry as I just am sitting here, waiting to fly home to my baby, that this fear even exists.
Doesn't this just prove that we have no way of vetting the refugees, I mean if they were sure these people were not affiliated with ISIS in any way, there would be no threat, so why were they letting people into your, and my, country that could possibly have been ISIS plants? This is very scary, and it means of course they've already probably let a fair few in.

How does it prove that?
True, but maybe it takes a group of " arrogant kids " in their parent's basements, to tackle a group of " arrogant kids" from caves. imo.

That's the best thing I've seen all day, and I think you are right. I don't have a whole lot of confidence in any elected official that I've been reading about, or any one who is running to be an elected official. No harm in letting them have a go at it.
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