France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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Imagine the pain..... :(

The carnage of the Paris attacks was so immense that dozens, maybe hundreds, of people are still searching for missing loved ones three days after the suicide bombers died, reports Emma Graham-Harrison, who is in the French capital.

Several of the bodies have not yet been identified, despite days of desperate worry about those still missing.
“Our friend sent his family a selfie from the Bataclan just before the concert,” said one drawn-looking 30-year-old, waiting for a friend outside an information and counselling centre for victims’ families.
“His girlfriend got out, but we don’t have any news from him.”
His friend was a florist from a suburb at the end of the No 5 metro line who had come in specially for the concert. “He loved rock’n’roll, he was a serious guy, smart, always had the best grades at school,” said the man, an asset manager who asked not to be named.

Like many going into the imposing gates of the classical military school that has been pressed into service as a crisis centre, he is still hopeful they will find their friend injured but alive.
“We have been to every hospital we could think of in Paris,” he said. “We expect to find him there. Apparently there are six or seven survivors who have still not been identified.”

But as he waits for another childhood friend who has travelled across the country to join the search, he also accepts there may be bleaker news. “The Red Cross told me it was so violent that some people can’t be recognised, their bodies are so damaged. We have brought pictures of his tattoos.”
Exactly my point. But sustained and VERY LOUD international diplomatic and financial pressure would go a long way to exposing their policies and bias, IMO. They always seem to get a "pass".

They don't care about being "exposed" and why should they? Are folks going to stop buying their oil to punish them?

When it comes to immigration the Saudis do what is best for THEIR citizens and THEIR country first and foremost. Too bad other leaders don't take a page out of the same book, in all fairness most world leaders with the exception of Western leaders do look after the interests of their own people when writing immigration policies.
Nov 16 2015, 11:01 am ET

Obama on Paris Attacks: 'ISIS is the Face of Evil'

by Halimah Abdullah and Jim Miklaszewski

President Obama on Monday stressed solidarity with the French people after deadly attacks rocked that nation.

"ISIS is the face of evil," Obama said at the conclusion of the G20 summit in Antalya,Turkey. "Our goal is to destroy this barbaric organization." ...
Snyder suspends efforts to settle Syrian refugees

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says he is suspending efforts to bring Syrian refugees to Michigan in light of the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday.


I'm assuming the refugees would be sent here, Dearborn.

This article is 2 years old but.............

Personally I like Dearborn, Mi, worked there yrs ago. Except for the serial rapist they are hunting for it's a very nice city. But I agree with Gov. Snyder for once. Henry Ford = Dearborn, Mi:twocents:

French authorities identify key players

French authorities have zeroed in on two men they believe were responsible for planning and launching the terrorist attacks in Paris that left at least 129 people dead.

Citing two sources close to the investigation in Paris, NPR's Dina Temple-Raston reports that officials believe Salim Benghalem, a French national who joined ISIS several years ago, directed an ISIS deputy, a Belgian national named Abdelhamid Abaaoud, to plan and orchestrate Friday's rampage. The two men are believed to be in Syria.

Using automatic weapons and explosive devices on Friday, three well-organized teams of assailants targeted six sites across Paris, including the national stadium, a crowded concert hall and several restaurants. The Islamic State took responsibility for the attack and French President François Hollande called it an "act of war."

This morning, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said that the country has since conducted 168 raids, detaining 23 suspects and putting more than 100 under house arrest.

I'm assuming the refugees would be sent here, Dearborn.

This article is 2 years old but.............

Personally I like Dearborn, Mi, worked there yrs ago. Except for the serial rapist they are hunting for it's a very nice city. But I agree with Gov. Snyder for once. Henry Ford = Dearborn, Mi:twocents:

Oh, but no!!! My heart has always been open to refugees who suffer so much and deserve a decent, safe life. I have to draw the line here because it is just too dangerous.
President Hollande: "France will destroy IS"

He has also said he will make changes to the constitution. I don't yet have an English-language link to that statement.

Thank you for posting this video. President Hollande made a very impassioned statement and it is my hope that all citizens of Europe will not fall back into complancy and will take a hard look at their neighbors.

Has the Belgian president made any speeches? It seems like Belgium is also a safe haven for ISIS.
Shelby Twp. couple in France: ‘It was incredibly scary’

Kim Kozlowski, The Detroit News 7:47 p.m. EST November 15, 2015

Eric Patton wanted to be somewhere special when he asked his girlfriend, Lauren Dissmore, to spend the rest of her life with him. So he planned an epic trip, beginning this week in Paris.

The Shelby Township couple went on a tour of the City of Light on Thursday. Then, Patton took Dissmore to Pont des Arts, a pedestrian bridge in Paris where couples attach love padlocks then throw the key in the Seine River.

It was there he asked her to marry him; she said yes, and they went to dinner later that night in the Eiffel Tower restaurant...
Article 5 Of 1949 North Atlantic Treaty/NATO Alliance:

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.
Oh, but no!!! My heart has always been open to refugees who suffer so much and deserve a decent, safe life. I have to draw the line here because it is just too dangerous.

Maybe you missed my point. I don't want refugees here either, takes just a few of bad 1's to get in. The bridge (Ambassador) to Canada is very close. But I do agree with you.:peace:

ETA: "contained"" :pinocchio:" my (_/_)<--- butt.:moo:
Snyder OK with Syrian refugees already en route

Paul Egan, Detroit Free Press Lansing Bureau 11:56 a.m. EST November 16, 2015

EAST LANSING — About 20 Syrian refugees already in the pipeline either recently arrived in Michigan or are expected to arrive soon, and Gov. Rick Snyder said Monday he is not asking that they be stopped or vetted again under a change in Michigan’s refugee policy he announced Sunday.

"That would be a decision that would be up to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security," Snyder told reporters after a morning speech in East Lansing.

"Again, they're the ones making the review. They're the ones who have reviewed the files and records and made the decision that these individuals were safe to come to our country." ...
Armed police will be deployed at tomorrow evening's friendly match between England and France.
I'm not sure how I feel about the match being played so soon, and have read elsewhere that the French players weren't consulted about whether it should go ahead or not.

The Met revealed there are "currently 600 counter-terrorism investigations" under way in the UK.

Theresa May announced that "new funding would be made available for an extra 1,900 security and intelligence officers at MI5, MI6 and GCHQ - an increase of 15%."

As I understand it, Belgium has a monarchy, so I think they have a Prime Minister rather than a President.

The only official statement I've heard from Belgium was a brief comment by the PM - there's a link here :

Belgium does certainly appear to be problematic.

Thank you for this article too. The fact that there is a problematic area in Belgium that the Belgian government is aware of is most disturbing. Why does it appear that a blind eye is being turned? Or maybe there is action being taken that I am not aware of?

Also, in a post up thread, an article about Criticism of French Intelligence was very enlightening. Apparently, France did not have the response teams properly prepared nor did it avail itself of the Intelligence counterparts of other countries.

IIRC, in an interview with CNN, one of the people in the Restaurante Cambodge said that she thought it was 20 minutes before she heard sirens and saw police presence. If indeed that was the case, why did it take so long or am I being unrealistic?
Growing Number of States Refuse to Accept Syrian Refugees in Wake of Paris Attacks

A growing number of states are refusing to take in Syrian refugees amid heightened security concerns following Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris.

Michigan and Alabama were the first states in the country to refuse relocating Syrian refugees on Sunday, and they have now been joined by Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Indiana.
From Hollande's speech 2 hrs ago - European issues:

Hollande calls for controls on EU borders

Hollande says France demands a rapid implementation of &#8220;co-ordinated and systematic controls&#8221; of the EU&#8217;s internal and external borders.

If Europe does not control its external borders, then it&#8217;s back to national borders.
This would be the dismantling of the European Union

and thankfully, on their state of emergency powers , an extension

Hollande says he will table a bill to extend the state of emergency in France by three months, and said the French constitution must be amended for crisis situations. ( Can any of our British WSers imagine that happening here? Haven't got the courage?)

The constitution must allow dual citizens to be stripped of their French citizenship and barred from the country if they are a terrorism risk, he said.

Foreigners who present a security risk must be expelled faster, he added.
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