France - Explosions and shooting in Paris, 13 November 2015 #2

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Duncan Robinson ‏@duncanrobinson 4 min.
Brussels Correspondent at the Financial Times.

Belgian prosecutor says Salah Abdeslam, who is wanted over #ParisAttacks, has not been arrested.


Pity .....
Gotta give the French credit for their rapid response - bombing ISIS training camp within two days, plus 150 raids. The US would probably need to have meetings and committees to decide the next steps. Go France!
Place de la Republique right now, over half an hour after a crowd sang the anthem, La Marseillaise, after the moment of silence.

One man, according the France 24's reporter, had stayed home for two days in fear of more attacks. He had come out in solidarity for the minute of silence. Families brought their kids, during the midday break.

Screenshot 2015-11-16 at 6.33.57 AM - Edited.jpg
Police Fédérale @PolFed_presse

We expressly ask you not to diffuse any live pictures of the police operation in Molenbeek and this for tactical & safety reasons. Thanks!

Why do they have to? Seriously? The family won't be punished, if they are living on subsidies they won't have their privileges taken away. They don't have to report ANYTHING.

The terrorists don't care about their own lives but they MIGHT care about the lives of their families
(and even if they don't who cares, birds of a feather and all that). I would change the laws and state anyone involved in radical activities gets booted along with their family. The Caliphate wants more people so send them whole lot of them there.

Switzerland already passed a similar law stating if immigrants are raising criminal offspring the whole family will be deported.

Course I am one of those heartless people (in fact half Swiss) that cares about protecting the country and the innocent citizens more than taking in every potentially dangerous asylum seeker with a sad story.

BIB But that's exactly why I am mentioning families( or friends/neighbours etc) and bringing up this subject - in order to encourage some sensible suggestions to incentivise or de-incentivise families to come forward to say eg.
- I fear my daughter is being radicalised and I will not be able to stop her absconding to Syria
- I suspect my brother is planning to go to Syria to commit war crimes on behalf of ISIL....
BEFORE IT HAPPENS .....and before the penalties for this becomes worse.
It's a given that the penalties ( on return of a jihadi fighter) have to be real penalties and the families are thus well aware of that

When "asking for suggestions" I am also suspecting it is pretty impossible due to the law!
Arthur Neslen has news of a suspect package in central Brussels near the Guardian offices.

Bomb disposal officers are defusing a suspect package in a car in central Brussels, about 1km from the European Commission headquarters.
Le Soir reports that police have cordoned off an area around Arts-Loi metro station, on the intersection between Rue des deux Eglises and Rue Joseph II, the street where the Guardian’s Brussels offices is based.
Eyewitness say that the suspect vehicle has a French license plate.
A robotic device has been deployed to neutralise the suspected package.
Two loud bangs, which may have been explosions, were reportedly heard before noon, although these were reportedly related to attempts to open the car door.
A third loud bang was audible further up the street at approximately 12.45 CET.

In UK news
Downing street clarified that the intelligence services have foiled seven terror attacks on the UK in the last 12 months.

His mother was preparing his funeral when her phone rang and her son told her he was alive and well, he had not even been to Paris.

Yet his name was on the list of those who died in the Bataclan and two police officers had arrived at her home in Spain to inform her that her son was dead.

Alberto Pardo from Ponferrada, Spain, is alive.

The same applies to Jorge Alonso de Celada, who was reported dead. He was not in the Bataclan either. He is alive and has spoken with his family.
Interesting that we haven't heard a peep from Saudi Arabia.

Not wanting to defend them but the saudis were the first Arab nation to condemn the attacks

2 days ago :Saudi Arabia’s highest religious body has issued a strong condemnation of the attacks in Paris.

“Terrorists are not sanctioned by Islam and these acts are contrary to values of mercy it brought to the world,” a statement by the Council of Senior Scholars said, according to the Saudi Press Agency

and then more recently
Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, who called the attacks “heinous”.

“I wanted to express our condolences to the government and people of France for the heinous terrorist attacks that took place yesterday which are in violation and contravention of all ethics, morals and religions,” Adel al-Jubeir told reporters in the Austrian capital.

“The kingdom of Saudi Arabia has long called for more intensified international efforts to combat the scourge of terrorism in all its forms and shapes.

Not heard if Kuwait or Qatar have condemned it - rich nationals from those countries are also suspected of being heavy funders to Islamicists across the Middde East.

Anyway there is a great film still on BBC I player, for those with access, Bitter Lake by Adam Curtis which gives a great overview of the rise of Saudi sponsored fundamentalism and the role of the West in supplying arms. It's not a "dry" movie, recommend it to those who are interested in the "whys" of all this.
A little light hearted moment - stray cats evade security at the G20 meeting in Turkey.


David Cameron, the UK prime minister, has said he hopes western countries will be able to agree with Russia a joint strategy to combat Islamic State in Syria.

"It is difficult. We have some profound disagreements. But I will start the conversation with Vladimir Putin by talking about the things that we agree about, which is that Isil, and this radicalised Islamist extremism, is just as much a threat to Russia – potentially more of a threat to Russia – than it is to Europe."
Alabama To Refuse Syrian Refugees Amid France Attacks

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley announced in a statement Sunday night that he will not allow any Syrian refugee to relocate to his state in the wake of the deadly terror attack in France. At least 129 people were killed and hundreds wounded Friday after shooting and suicide bombing attacks in Paris.

“After full consideration of this weekend’s attacks of terror on innocent citizens in Paris, I will oppose any attempt to relocate Syrian refugees to Alabama through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. As your Governor, I will not stand complicit to a policy that places the citizens of Alabama in harm’s way,” Bentley said, in a statement.

It's Monday morning now, and it's beyond time to have a robust national discussion about this, IMO. Thankfully, there are a few elected officials still willing to stand up for the safety of the American people. We need more governors to stand up for what's right and sensible for the AMERICAN people FIRST.

We will still be targeted with radical Islamic terror attacks, IMO, whether we import "Syrian refugees" or not, but we sure as he77 don't have to intentionally bring them here. I don't want a single one of them anywhere on American soil. It's far beyond foolish and stupid to bring them here. Build an encampment somewhere in the middle east and we can send some money to house them and provide security there. Our hard earned tax dollars will go a lot further to house them there, and it solves a huge number of problems for us, as well as the "refugees".

And by the way, let's not forget Saudi Arabia has about 2 million housing units all set up and ready for Haj pilgrims-- complete with electricity and air conditioning. How about we send a few hundred thousand of the "refugees" there? Surely they would be safe and well cared for by the custodian of the two holy mosques, right? Right?

ETA: And Saudi Arabia has even more than 2 million housing units if you count in all the apartment complexes that sit completely empty-- the ones they built with oil money to house the nomadic Bedouins (who didn't want to live in them), that also housed American and coalition military members. Like Khobar Towers in Dhahran. Saudi Arabia has more than enough room and resources for all of the "refugees".
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